To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here
We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

New Purnima Portraits

"There is no mantram higher than that of his feet, no merit higher than his worship.
At the root of meditation is the form of the Satguru. At the root of puja are the feet of the Satguru. At the root of mantra is the word of the Satguru. At the root of Liberation is the grace of the Satguru. In this world all holy actions are rooted in the Satguru. Therefore, the Satguru is to be constantly served with devotion for fulfillment."
Kularnava Tantra

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Today the Aadheenam celebrates Guru Purnima!
For all those close devotees out there, here are some new photos of Satguru for youre shrine room. These images were taken just following the Guru Purnima padapuja, with Satguru standing joyfully at the end of San Marga

Simply find the image that truly speaks to you and click the "popout image" button at the bottom-right of the slideshow player to view the large version. Then just right-click and choose "save as" to download the image for printing. If you'd like an even higher resolution image for larger printing, email the aadheenam directly.

Aum Namah Sivaya

Bodhinatha's Recent Upadeshas

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadesha:

"Keys and Benefits of Meditation" (July 4th, 2015)

Meditation: Transmute the physical and emotional forces. Quiet the intellect, slow down thinking. Tune into the spiritual energy of the spine, experience intuition, answers attach to the end of each question. Parampara stories of Yogaswami and Markanduswami. Thannai Ari--Know Thyself.

Master Course, Merging with Siva, Lesson 82.

"Sadhana: Establish Daily Practice" (July 10th, 2015)

In the past forty years temples and priests have come over to the U.S. from India. The daily spiritual practice of Hinduism, has been left behind. In youth it is important to develop a strong habit of sadhana, maintained through adulthood and increased upon retirement. To produce results stress moderation and consistency in practice.

Master Course, Dancing with Siva, Lesson 87.

Master Course, Living with Siva, Lesson 88.

Click here for all recent talks

Publisher's Desk: The Art of Listening


Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the July/August/September 2015 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. "With the modern distraction of digital media, we must be more mindful than ever of person-to-person communications."

My Gurunathan!

Veylan sits with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. Veylan's parents sent us these inspired words following a recent visit from Satguru:

He entered our humble abode with his army of devas
Flash of lightning - picture taken, thunder roared - the Lord sang
The Mahadevas honored the enlightened one my Gurunathan

His Holy feet I worshiped with milk and scented water 
Adorned with vibhuti, chandanam, and kungumam
I bowed down in total surrender to my Gurunathan

His divinity permeates my soul and my very being
Ignorance scattered, self revealed, my heart melted
He consumed the asuras in my thoughts my Gurunathan

Tolerance and kindness his preferred weapons
In words, in silence, in dreams he guides me
Aum Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami - My Gurunathan

Satguru Arrives Home from Mission

After a whirlwind trip on the mainland, Satguru, Shanmuganathaswami and Natyam Mayuranatha Arrive Home. If a trip lasts longer than nine days, the Natyams perform a short pada puja.

Over 60 Hi-Res Photos of Satguru Bodhinatha Now Here

Over 60 photos of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami have been added to the website for hi-res downloading. See them all here.

Two New Upadeshas from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha in Garlands at Iraivan Two new talks have been added to our audio library. One from February is only now going on line... and Satguru's most recent talk is also available.

The Streets of Montreal and the Biodome

Siddhanathaswami writes:

Yesterday we drove up to Montreal. We took an evening walk to the
restaurant for dinner. It was a packed Indian restaurant with a
European feel. Today we took a tour of the Biodome. It's in one of the buildings at
the Olympic village in Montreal built in the 70s. It is an indoor zoo
showing different animals and climates. It's a well done exhibit with
tons of kids happily roaming the place. Then we went to a nearby
botanical gardens. This huge place had everything from bromeliads to
cactus. The tree photo looked like a variegated maple.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami Departs on Another Mission

Satguru has begun a whirlwind trip spanning both the USA and Canada. With him is Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami and Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami. The trip goes from today, May 14, to May 31. The locations are California, Sacramento, Seattle, on to Canada and back down to Portland, New Mexico, New York, Montreal and finally Chicago. Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. For more details please go Here.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Mandalapuja at Chidambaram

A mandalapuja was sponsored at Chidambaram on May 8 by a small group of devotees. The inspiration to call on Siva Nataraja to bless Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami for a long life and powerful mission came in the form of this all day event, during his nakshatra. Sheela Venkatakrishnan was able to be at the temple on May 8 to present Satguru's name in the sankalpam, which is the beginning of the puja, stating the intention and what is to follow. The following captions are Sheela's account of the special day. Enjoy!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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