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Satguru Returns From Travels

Yesterday Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami returned from a 3-week, round-the-world journey to the US mainland, Mauritius, India and Sri Lanka. Both he and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami arrived at the Aadheenam midday and were greeted by all the monastics as well as mission members, local devotees and a variety of guests who were here for the tour-day. Satguru made his way up the path to Kadavul, at which a short arati was performed by the Natyam. The two travelers then made their way inside where Paramacharya Sivanathaswami performed arati for Ganesha, Muruga and Lord Siva. It's always nice to have the guru's uplifting vibration return to the aadheenam. Aum Namah Sivaya.

From the Kularnava Tantra:
When the entire universe is looked on as pervaded by the Sivaguru, what mantra can fail to achieve its purpose for the sishya?
When the Satguru is present, no tapas is necessary, neither by fasting nor observances, neither pilgrimage nor purificatory bath. What he speaks is as scripture.
Feel one with your guru and not separate from him, and do good to all as your own. Whatever is beneficial to yourself, term that beneficial to him.
Whether moving or standing, sleeping or waking, performing japa or making offerings, carry out only the injunctions of your guru with your inner being dwelling in him.
As in the vicinity of fire, butter gets melted, so in the proximity of the holy Sivaguru all bad karmas dissolve. As lighted fire burns up all fuel, dry and moist, so the glance of the Sivaguru burns up in a moment the karmas of the sishya. As the heap of cotton blown up by a great storm scatters in all the ten directions, so the heap of negative karmas is blown away by the compassion of the Sivaguru. As darkness is destroyed at the very sight of the lamp, so is ignorance destroyed at the sight of the holy Sivaguru.
I tell you now that there can be no Liberation without diksha, initiation. Nor can there be initiation without a preceptor. Hence the dharma, the sakti and the tradition come down the line of masters, called parampara.
Without a Satguru all philosophy, knowledge and mantras are fruitless. Him alone the Gods praise who is the Satguru, keeping active what is handed down to him by tradition. Therefore, one should seek with all effort to obtain a preceptor of the unbroken tradition, born of Supreme Siva.

Satguru Visits Chandni in Bengaluru

A few days back, Kulapati Jiva Rajasankara hosted Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami in his hometown of Bengaluru. Kulapati took Satguru and Swami to the Chandni handicrafts shop in the city. It's an impressive place where high quality murtis and other sacred objects are sold. They work with skilled craftsmen who are willing to produce at a high standard.

Satguru Visits Jayendrapuriswami

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami recently were in Bangalore, and met with Sri Jayendrapuriswami. Swamiji is the head of Kailash Ashram in Rajarajeswarinagar and a dear friend to the Aadheenam.

Satguru Visits Mauritius

Last week, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami arrived in Mauritius for several days. While there they visited the Kaala Bhairava Temple, held events at the Spiritual Park, held an Aloha Dinner and more. Satguru also gave diksha to, and accepted vows taken by, four of our Saiva Siddhanta Church members and advanced students. SCC members can click the below links to see more information and photos from our other SCC members in Mauritius:

- Satguru's Arrival
- Aloha Dinner
- Vows
- Temple Visit

Satguru's Travels

Satguru made a quick stop in Chicago to visit the Malhotra family & their 3-month old daughter Divyana. Stay tuned to for posts of his around-the-world tour.

Bodhinatha's Recent Upadesha

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas:"Accept the World, Take Responsibility" (June 28,2016)

What is happening in the world is supposed to be happening, not because God wants it to happen but because man created it. There is no advantage, as a normal citizen, to get disturbed by violence in the world. Impact your own sphere of influence by being a peaceful person, radiating compassion and concern for others. Take responsibility, realizing karma is the source, our creation, attracting the people we encounter, the experiences we go through.

Master Course Trilogy, Merging with Siva, Lesson 106.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

The Creation and Blessing of Satguru's Holy Chariot

We present a complete slideshow of the Siddhidata Kulam's creation of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's new procession chariot which was first used on this past Satguru Purnima. The ensuing weeks before the big day involved *a lot* of work on the part of the Siddhidata Kulam to ensure it would be completed in time. For them, we are thankful.

Bodhinatha Darshan Photos —Latest Sun One Upadesha

Our video told the story of Satguru Purnima, but in the past many have requested copies of the very special darshans that come on this most auspicious day. This slide show includes a large version for each photo. If you click the full screen icon, you will be loading the large image. Note this may take a lot of time on some machines. Once loaded, right click to "Save Image As" or "Save Link As" if you want the photo to be saved on your computer. Hit Escape to return to regular view.

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadesha: "Awareness, Meditation, Work" (June 21,2016)

The mind doesn't move; awareness moves. We have control. Sitting still, restraining the mind, nirodha of the vrittis, is what's changing subconscious from the inside out. Being spurred on by the guru, strive for improvement, seeing progress. Look inside, find happiness and then share it. When not in meditation work to refine every attribute of your nature. Be in the world and be fearless. Face what you need to do and do it well.

Master Course Trilogy, Living with Siva, Lesson 99.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Sadhaka Dayanatha Becomes a Natyam

On the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami invited Sadhaka Dayanatha to take the next step in his monastic life by becoming a Natyam. Sadhakas who have completed two years in the monastery, four years of brahmacharya and who otherwise qualify may apply to be a natyam, and be recognized as a candidate to potentially become a yogi tapasvin, which would be then be the training period to eventually qualify to receive sannyas diksha from his Satguru.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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