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Satguru Visits Mauritius

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Satguru in Mauritius: Temple in Pailles

Click here for description and more photos of Satguru's visit to Sarveshwara Kovil

Satguru Begins a Journey Around the World!

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami recently left on a 'round-the-world journey. Satguru and Shanmuganathaswami will be traveling through Florida, Mauritius, Bengaluru and Colombo, making their way around the other side of the planet to Kauai again. Visit our "Meet Us When We Travel" page for more details:

Aum Namah Sivaya

Who Are the Devas? Bodhinatha's Upadesha

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas - Commentaries on Path to Siva
Who Are the Devas, Lesson 29 (July 24,2017)

Religion is the working together of the beings in the three worlds. The first way we actually experience something of a divine nature, the power and energy in a temple, is our sensitized feeling nature. The Saivite beings in the inner world, Deities, saints, sages, devas, guide and govern, help and protect, shower forth blessings and inspirations to the members of our religious family. All worship Siva.

Path to Siva, Lesson 29.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Satguru visits the Ganesha Temple in New York

Satguru hasn't visited the Ganesha Temple in Flushing, New York since 1982! Satguru was there in it's humble beginnings and is very happy to see this temple has grown so much and is thriving.

Satsang at the Malhotra's home

Satguru came to Chicago for two satsangs, the first was at the Malhotra's home. With flowers, beautiful decorations and a loving Pada Puja taking place, is was a sweet and special time for all.

What Is Bhakti? Bodhinatha's Latest Talk

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas - Commentaries on Path to Siva
What is Bhakti?, Lesson 28 (June 25,2017)

Gurudeva teaches that in our tradition there is always pure devotion/bhakti for God but it deepens as we progress as a calm, intelligent expression of love. Theism leads to monism. Behold the light of life through meditation. Perceive one light in everything, everyone. We are That when we reach the last stage of wisdom. Experience that God is Love and then you become that Love.

Path to Siva, Lesson 28.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Satguru's USA Trip Part 2

Satguru's final day at the Murugan Temple of North America

Satguru's USA Trip Part 1

Today was day one of Satguru's multifaceted trip to the mainland.

Our 2017 Guru Purnima

The Saiva Siddhanta Church family, filled with monks and devotees from around the world, gathered this morning to worship our Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami--the one time of year we can perform such an elaborite ritual for him. We had devotees fly in from Turkey, Malaysia, San Francisco, San Diego and Canada to offer themselves to Bodhinatha and rededicate their spiritual striving for another year.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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