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Satguru Speaks with Rajiv Malhotra

The SBNR, spiritual but not religious, movement is getting discussed more everyday—a topic Hinduism Today is passionate about. We invite you to enjoy this hour long interview from Rajiv Malhotra with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

What Is Dharma? Bodhinatha Comments on Path to Siva

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

Bodhinatha’s Latest Upadeshas – Commentaries on Path to Siva
Path to Siva, Dharma, Lesson 32 (September 29, 2017)
Dharma is religious patterns which when followed promote the wellbeing of the individual, the family and society. Patterns so that the soul matures and gets closer to God, closer to realizing the Divinity within. Dharma is: “The orderly fulfillment of an inherent nature or destiny,” working on instinctive, intellectual and intuitive natures. Destiny is fixed: Realization. Personal dharma, “your own perfect pattern in life”, is different for the sannyasin and the householder.
Path to Siva, Lesson 32.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha’s and Gurudeva’s online audio.

Sun One Upadesha – "What is Dharma?"

Karma, Fate, Destiny

Satguru Bodhinatha VeylanswamiIn this commentary on Chapter 31 of Path to Siva, Bodhinatha clarifies the meanings behind three relate and common concept: karma, fate, destiny.
“There are three kinds of karma: the karma of all deeds done in our past lives; the karmas we bring into this birth to experience; and the karmas we are making by our actions now.”
Karma is an automatic system of divine justice. Karma is self-created destiny; a consequence or fruit of action, karmaphala. By accepting not reacting, performing karma yoga, karma can be softened, mitigated. Seeking the grace of God and guru in the right spirit, the mind focused on the Deity and open to blessings, receiving the intense grace of the Deity in a powerful pilgrimage can actually eliminate karma.
Path to Siva, Lesson 31.
Tirukural, Section IV, Destiny, Commentary by Gurudeva.

The Saiva Path – Amazing Talk on Saiva Siddhanta!

Satguru Bodhinatha VeylanswamiIn this commentary on Chapter 30 of Path to Siva, Bodhinatha encapsulates the entire path of Saiva Siddhanta in one short talk. Don’t miss it!
Key concepts: Naalupadasaivam: “A Saiva doctrine that the initiate should pass successively through charya, kriya, yoga and jnana stages and thence obtain moksha.” The charya pada, the dasa marga, path of servitude. Sharing the world of God. The kriya pada, satputra marga, true son’s way. Nearness to God. The yoga pada, sakha marga, way of the friend, experiencing inner light, sharing the superconscious mind. We talk to God. The jnana pada, san marga, sayujya patavi, union with God. There is no difference between Siva and the soul. God is our dearest Beloved. The three types of temples provide training and experience leading to worship and meditation in the Atma kovil.

Sun 1 Upadesha

Satguru discusses “Path to Siva” lesson 31: What is Karma?

The Path's Four Stages

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads from Lesson 30 of our recent book “Path To Siva,” explaining the four stages of the spiritual path.

Satguru Visits Mauritius

Click here for description and more photos of Satguru giving a seminar on "How to Achieve Spiritual Progress"

Satguru Visits Mauritius: Rudra Abhishekam part 1

Click here for description and more photos of Rudra Abhishekam at our Spiritual Park.

Satguru visits Mauritius: Rudra Abhishekam part 2

Click here for more photos of concluding the abhishekam, vow taking and honoring supporters.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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