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Bodhinatha Returns to Kauai

Satguru's 3 week mainland/Europe mission has ended and his return home is ushered in with a short pada puja at Kadavul Temple. Bodhinatha marches off again on May 28, just a few weeks from now, to visit Malaysia.

50th Shum Anniversary

The 50th anniversary of the Shum language was celebrated in beautiful Ascona, Switzerland. Around 15 devotees joined Satguru for a class on Shum and for scenic outings.

Ascona is, of course, the perfect place for such an occasion. This was where Gurudeva first brought through the language of Shum in 1968 during an Innersearch travel-study program. A very auspicious event indeed.

"Shum has had wide acceptance and grown into a marvelous teaching tool because within the structure of the language is contained the entire Saiva Siddhnta philosophy. It has within it the perspective man had to hold to make the Advaita Siddhnta philosophy of the ancient rishis alive and vibrant today." - Gurudeva

Satguru’s travels in California and London

Here are more photos from Satguru's journey to California and London and the Satsangs held there.

Satguru and Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami also attended the 19th Saiva Conference held in London.

Stay tuned for more photos chronicling Satguru's trip.

Satguru Visits California and London

Today we have a few photos from the road. First Satguru landed in San Francisco before arriving in San Diego. Homes were visited for darshan, pada puja and arati. The monks then traveled to London where they will stay for a little over a week.

Bodhinatha: The Meaning of Sivaratri and Nirvikalpa Samadhi


Bodhinatha's Latest Upadeshas

The Meaning of Sivaratri and Nirvikalpa Samadhi

What is Sivaratri and the Nature of Nirvikalpa Samadhi

Mahasivaratri: A time of striving to realize Parasiva. In our teachings yoga is the restraint of mental activity (chitta vritti). Nivritti marga-the path of renunciation. Pravritti marga-the path of action or life in worldly society. Ashrama dharma, a mental resting place within the 4 ashramas in life. The day before the new moon, as in monthly Sivaratri, nivritti energy is strong, an excellent time for austerity and meditation. Six Shum words defined related to meditation-withdrawal: kashum, nikashum, shumnikashum, bishumnikashum, abibishumnikashum, haiiaiibishumnikashum. Drawing energy up in to the transcendental Source of energy. Imkaif: Absence of awareness aware of itself. Nonexperience.

Master Course Trilogy, Dancing with Siva, Sloka 97.

Twelve Shum Meditations-Gurudeva's Introduction to the Advaitin.

Master Course Trilogy, Merging with Siva. Lesson 1.

Click here to go to an index of all of Bodhinatha's and Gurudeva's online audio.

Bodhinatha's Latest Talks

Satguru What Is Sadhana?

"Sadhana is practiced...wherever a pure, serene atmosphere can be found." Achieve steadiness, control of emotions through abhyasa-regular consistent practice with devotion, yoga-the restraint of mental activities and vairaghya-dispassion. Like the growth of a kauri tree, it's a slow process; check it every few years, see the progress.

Path to Siva, Lesson 43

Nartana Ritau - A Season For Planning

Bodhinatha describes Nartana Ritau, one of three seasons as created by Gurudeva. Each season corresponds to a book of the Master Course Trilogy. Nartana Ritau-Dancing with Siva-philosophy, begins on the Tamil New Year and is a time for planning.

What Is Sadhana?

Nartana Ritau - A Season For Planning

Welcoming the New Season

Following the Tamil New Year, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives a short talk to welcome in the new year and the new season.

Satguru Returns From Travel

Today, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami and Sannyasin Siddhanathswami returned from their recent journey to the Mainland, USA. They had a short, but full journey, visiting Florida, Washington DC and Maryland.

Natyam Dayanatha and several of our yogis prepared a short pada puja in front of Kadavul Temple to welcome Satguru home. This was followed by an arati to Ganesha, Muruga and Lord Siva Nataraja.

"Lord Siva said: 'Service to the Satguru and his mission is fourfold: service with your own hands, service by wealth or through others, service by spiritual enthusiasm and service by happy feeling. Service done with devotion, according to one's means, has the same merit whether little or much, whether by the rich or by the poor.
With your mind dedicated to selfless service, please the Satguru. The fruit obtained is the same as from great rituals. Such service invites the grace of the Mother of the Universe.
In the service of the guru, either expressed or unexpressed by him, do not be unmindful. Be always in service of the guru, ever in his presence, giving up desire and anger, humble and devoted, lauding in spirit, upright in doing his work.
If service is accompanied by santosha, it brings with it all fulfillment. Sins dissolve away and merit grows by leaps and bounds.'"
-- Kularnava Tantra, Chapter 2

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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