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Day 6 Alaveddy Pasupathiswarar Temple Sivapuja and Planting Trees around Ashram

Recently, Satguru led the Innersearch pilgrims to the village of Alaveddy where Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami received his introduction to Hinduism and Jaffna Saivite culture. The Ashram's Pasupathiswarar Temple has Yogaswami and Gurudeva's photo above the shrine. After puja, the pilgrims planted 63 trees including Sandalwood and Teak to beautify the landscape of the future Parampara Shrine area. Sanjai Shanmuganathan, the young contractor has started work in rebuilding the retaining wall area and later work on the Shrine.

Parade to Kopay Subramuniya Kottam and Gurudeva Pada Puja

On day four of the 2019 Innersearch, pilgrims joined students of the Kopay Kottam in an elaborate parade with music and flags. Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and the pilgrims stopped at the local temple nearby to offer our worship and continued to Subramuniya Kottam in Kopay.

Video of Bodhinatha’s Visit to Kopai

This video produced by Sivan TV and though the talks are in Tamil language, it contains the procession, some extraordinary dances, the puja for Gurudeva’s holy sandals and lively bhajans.

Yogaswami’s 55th Mahasamadhi Observances and Guru Puja

Our innersearchers had a spectacular day on Monday, March 18, 2019, for the foot pilgramage to Columbuthurai from Nallur Kandaswamy Temple. The traffic virtually stopped at each junction as pilgrims from all over Jaffna, together with the Innersearchers, took their journey to pay homage to Paramaguru Yogaswami. These photo are from two side-by-side shrines. The one with the silver Tiruvadi is where Yogaswami spent many years living and was later renovated. The other is where his Samadhi ashes are kept and a granite Tiruvadi resides.

Nallur Kandaswamy Temple and Visit to Nallai Aadheenam

The much awaited visit to Nallur Kandaswamy Temple took place in the early morning on Sunday March 17. The majestic Nallur is the epicenter of the Sri Lankan Hindu identity. No photos were allowed in the temple and watchful eyes made sure all rules were adhered to. Men do not wear upper garments, as is tradition. The temple's administration has a flawless discipline in punctuality, order and neatness together with a humble approach to the equality for worship. Whether a local pilgrim, a high-ranking official or an esteemed guru, all are treated the same here. Come on time and you can pray to Lord Muruga's Holy Vel in the inner sanctum. An Innersearch pilgrim's visit here with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami can only be experienced to be known and will be held in reverence forever. After Nallur Temple, Innersearch pilgrims walked a small distance behind the Temple to pay homage to Nallai Addheenam and Sri La Sri Somasunthara Paramachariya Swamigal.

On the Brink of the Absolute

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami discusses Lesson 329 from the Himalayan Academy publication "Merging with Siva," which draws from Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami's original lesson titled "On the Brink of the Absolute"

2019 Mahasivaratri Upadesha

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives an upadesha in Kadavul Temple on the evening on Mahasivaratri, discussing the sacredness of the Siva's Great Night and the goal of Self Realization

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra Class

Aum Namah Sivaya
Today our three youngest monastics enjoy their quarterly sutra class with Satguru. Here is a snippet from Bodhinatha's written commentary on the ever-profound Yoga Sutras, so that you too can mentally tune in to this wonderful subject. You can also see a wonderful talk from Satguru here.

Patanjali addresses the idea of what makes the attainment of samadhi come soon or “be near.” “Samadhi is near to those who are intensely committed to their practice of yoga.” (I.21) In other words, our yoga practice has to be important. It doesn't work if, for example, it is the sixth out of seven priorities in our life. First we have to do this, then this, then this, then this, and then we do our yoga. It has to be a top priority. Then he brings in Ishvara. “Or samadhi is near through devotion to Ishvara.” (I.23)
Translator Dr. Edwin Bryant comments on this verse: “Patanjali here states that the goal of yoga can be attained by the grace of God, Ishvara. In this sutra, the theistic element of the sutras is encountered for the first time. The theistic, or Ishvaravada, element in Indic thought stretches back at least to the late Vedic period.” The Encyclopedia of Hinduism defines Ishvara Pranidhana as intense devotion to God. “His grace is obtained by intense devotion, and this grace helps the seeker to attain samadhi.”
Patanjali repeates this idea in verse 45 in chapter two. “Through devotion to Ishvara samadhi is attained.” These two verses mean that effort and dedication can be supplemented by the blessings or grace we receive due to our intense devotion to God. In other words, it's not just the devotion to God, its that the devotion to God opens an individual to receiving God's blessings, God's grace. And it's the grace that transforms you. Or the blessings that transform you. It’s a two step process. The more devotion you have the more open you are to grace so the more blessings you are able to receive which in this case can help you to move toward samadhi.
Additional information on Ishvara is found chapter one verses 24 - 27. “Ishvara is a special purusha because he is unaffected by the kleshas, karma and its fruition and by stored samskaras. In Him the seed of omniscience is unsurpassed. Ishvara was also the guru of those who lived earlier by virtue of His temporal continuity. His symbol is the pranava (syllable Om). Perform japa of the pranava while contemplating on its meaning.”

The Approach of Siva’s Great Night

With Mahasivaratri approaching we thought you might like to look back at Satguru's 2017 Mahasivaratri Upadesha as a way to begin your inner preparation for this sacred evening. Aum Namah Sivaya

Attaining the Ultimate

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple. Here he discusses the path of jnana yoga, the differences between Siddhanta and Vedanta, the path of the renunciate and that of the householder, as well as temple worship.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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