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Realize What You Know

A belated post from a talk given in mid September, 2019. Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives a talk on lesson 156 of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s Merging With Siva, titled “Japa Opens Inner Doors.” Satguru discusses the importance of personal inner experience for a true spiritual life.

Happy Jayanthi!!!

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Today we celebrate Satguru's 77th Jayanthi. Today Satguru also happens to arrive back at the Aadheenam from his recent trip. This evening Satguru will enjoy a special meal prepared by his monks. Remember to leave your birthday wishes in the comments!

"Without a Satguru all philosophy, knowledge and mantras are fruitless. Him alone the Gods praise who is the Satguru, keeping active what is handed down to him by tradition. Therefore, one should seek with all effort to obtain a preceptor of the unbroken tradition, born of Supreme Siva." Kularnava Tantra

Satguru’s Mauritius Visit Part Two

Click here for description and more photos of Satguru conducting a seminar.

Satguru’s Mauritius Visit Part Three

Click here for more photos of a homa and Satguru giving diksha

Satguru’s Mauritius Visit Part One

Click here for more photos of satsang with our formal sishya families

What Is the View of Monistic Theism?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami discusses the Hindu view of Monistic Theism, which says God is transcendent and immanent, eternal and temporal, Being and becoming, Creator and created, Absolute and relative, efficient and material cause.

How Do We Receive Guests?

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads from Lesson 52 of the Himalayan Academy publication “Path To Siva,” discussing how the Hindu home traditionally receives guests.

August 2019 News Video

Our August 2019 News Video covers events in July 2019, including the birth of our newest = Jersey Calf, Mina; the progress on Iraivan Temple's Kodimaram; and the Aadheenam's recent celebration of Guru Purnima.

A Unique Gift from Russia

Aum Namah Sivaya

We've recently received these pictures from Russia, of a delightful gift that Dinanatha and his team presented to Satguru during his stay in Russia (more photos to come). It is a set of Russian Dolls, also known as Matryoshka or Babushka dolls. For those that don't know, they are a set of wooden dolls that all stack inside one another. Traditionally each doll is hand painted, though that's not always the case today. This set has quite the mystical meaning, because within Bodhinatha resides every guru that has come before him. Aum Namah Sivaya

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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