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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It was ashram sadhana day at the Aadheenam. All the monks were cleaning, repairing, renovating, sorting and generally improving the physical atmosphere in many different ways.

Below we bring you another time lapse movie over a longer period of time: the “Iraivan Roof Assembly” movie. For small device fans, this movie is also loaded in iPhone format. Try it on your iPhone. We are still learning the various ways to deliver our video.


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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A quiet day at the Aadheenam, but we have a steady stream of visitors as we head deeper into summer time.

For those who may not have had the bandwidth to view our video from yesterday, we bring you some still shots of the historic moment of the roof of Iraivan going into place.

Showers blessed the team as they worked, keeping everyone cool on what can otherwise be a blazing hot space under the sun.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Below is a marvelous timelapse movie of the roof beams being placed yesterday


Now a quick tour of the monastery.

At the temple site, carvers are working on a series of ceiling stones.

These have a lotus carved in them, and will be installed in about three months.

On the way back we sight some plants.

One is the rare and elegant White Torch Ginger, just blossoming today.

It is such a pure creature of almost unequaled refinement.

The Queen Shower, AKA Kondrai in Tamil, sacred to Lord Siva, is in full glory today.

This one is a little lighter than the common Cassia fistula, having more white overtones.

And just below it we spy the newest addition to the Arid Garden. Four Golden Barrel Cacti.

The big one is about 12 years old.

The man who shipped these to us also sold a whopping 2,008 of them to the Chinese for the Summer Olympics.

Seems they are regarded as auspicious, and the Chinese planted them to give good luck to their athletes at the Olympics.

The spines are said to gather all the good vibrations from the ether, and the sharp points give protection against negative asuras and energies. AUM NAMA SIVAYA!

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Rainy day…. the Spiritual Park is being watered these days with torrential rains. It is winter on this side of the planet. The Ganesha June Homa was another monthly inspiring religious event…..

Devotees, despite the chilly winter morning are already early seated in the Mandapam before the ceremony starts.

A big crowd outside too…

Kulamata Premila Manick and other ladies helping with the offerings brought by devotees…

Homa starts…..

Written prayers dipped in ghee are sent into the sacred fire.

Kulapati Mardemootoo giving the usual talk on our Guru’s teachings.

Devotees are listening atentively beyond the Ganesha bridge.

In the meantime helpers are conducting archanas at the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati shrine.

Down this shrine devotees are offering lighted lamps to Lord Ganapati!

Yudananda Munian and the helpers team are the last ones to leave this shrine, doing the cleaning up after the homa is over…..

View of te crowd …..

Leading the last bajan before the arati….

The Homa is over and arati is about to be performed to Lord Ganapati.

The quietness of the Park is back after the ceremony and when everyone departs.

Some last buyers at the Mini Mela….

Kulapati SK Morghen and young Caramben counting donations from the Hundi…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

This phase starts up with a highly auspicious Sun One.

Chandra Shankar came to Kauai Aadheenam on pilgrimage with her daughter-in-law, Gowrie (right). Today they have darshan with Bodhinatha.

Nitesh and Yogita Bankar from Houston area. They are trustees of a new temple project in Woodlands near Houston and wanted Bodhinatha’s guidance as they move forward with temple plans. The community has decided for the main deity to be a Sivalinga. In fact, Bodhinatha gifted a Ganesha murti to this temple project some time back.

Brahmacharini Shama has been hosting pilgrims and sends these photos from the past few days.

Longtime devotees arrived for their annual pilgrimage. Janava Dharmadeva with his wife Rattana Inthawong and their two children Michael age 15, and Daraneerat “Ruby” age 11. They are residents of the Big Island of Hawaii. Janava has known Gurudeva for many, many years and helped reconstruct some of the monastery buildings in the 1970’s.

Pradeep Massand and his wife Lakshmi with their two sons, Nikhil age 10 and Arun age 19, were also here pilgrimaging from New York, NY, for the first time. They felt that their visit here was a truly wonderful experience, and especially for their two sons to actually see a hand-carved Chola-style Hindu Temple being constructed in the ancient tradition.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

It was an historic day at the Iraivan temple site. The last major stone lift was done today. All 68 ceiling-roof slab stone were placed.

After a long drought, we had some serious rain last night and this morning. But it was not enough to stop our team.

If you step into the temple today. It is cool and shaded and a magnificent sense of ancient stones surrounds you top and bottom.

Our ground team rigging up the stones.

Larry Conklin on the crane…

It was an historic event. We estimate the total weight was no less than 115 tons lifted into place today.

Final Fairwells for Kumar Subban

After five years of faithful dedicated service, Kumar Subban has returned to India for good. On the last day of the last phase we had him give a speech and Bodhinatha honored him at our community daily lunch.

Bodhinatha give Kumar a shawl, a certificate, two copies, one in English and one in Tamil.

Kumar has been a joy for all of us. His is an ever bright spirit, energetic and with thorough work habits He is a responsive cooperative team player. He has been a big asset and will be sorely missed.

We prepared a special photo album of picture from the duration of his stay.

Thank you Kumar!

We also have another set of photos from the event where our members honored Kumar at a gathering. Tandu and Uma Sivanathan, two devotees arrive bearing gifts and an unusually LARGE sunrise papaya from their wonderful organic garden as a contribution for the farewell party that was given for Kumar, one of our dedicated silpi helpers, who is returning to South India after five years in service to the Aadheenam.

As the sun sets Kumar arrives for the Kauai Mission event honoring him.

Kumar opens his gifts as Gowrie, one of our visiting devotees, interprets into Tamil the messages contained within each gift.

One by one each Mission member garlands Kumar and thanks him for his great contribution in service to the Aadheenam.

A large beautiful photo album was presented to hold all of Kumar’s memories of Kauai.

. . . and an appropriate T-shirt so he doesn’t forget us here on Kauai.

A group photo of Kumar, some of the silpis, and Kauai devotees.

A very happy event! We will all definitely miss Kumar’s radiant smile and joyful presence here.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is the last day of a six-day phase. A bright sunny day full of wondrous light and new things at Iraivan.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Thursday, June 12th.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Today we take a short tour of the Iraivan Temple, to see the two containers that arrived from India with floor stones in rose granite.

As we move around the temple, we draw from Gurudeva’s “Toolbox for a Spiritual Life.” With so many issues facing the world, including human survival, and all the awful possibilities that futurists are positing, we thought to explore Gurudeva’s idea that it is a perfect world and how we can deal with Worrying About the Future.

“My satguru, Yogaswami, made the
bold statement once, “There is not
even one thing in this world that
is not perfect! Some of us look around at
the world, and we find plenty of things that
are wrong with it. I never have.

I have always
thought this is a wonderful planet. I wouldn’t
have missed it for anything. It is a great time to
be alive, even though some of us don’t think so,
even though the planet is somewhat polluted,
and some people have a myriad of complaints.


We have to straighten ourselves out in the exterior world first before meditation and inner life can really be successful. Sometimes we worry
about our job, our business, our family or even
that we are not living as spiritually as we think
we should.

This is my advice: gain the perspective first
that it is a wonderful world, that there is nothing
wrong in the world at all. Then ask yourself
this question: “Am I not all right, right now,
right this instant?” And answer, “I’m all right,
right now.”

Declare that. Then a minute later
in another now ask again, “Am I all right, right

Just keep asking this one question for
the rest of your life, and you will always feel
positive, self-assured and fine.

This attitude
eliminates fear, worry and doubt. I started doing
this at the age of seven, and still today I am
convinced that I am all right, right now!

By realizing that you are all right this instant,
that light of your soul has a chance to shine
through the surrounding layers of the mind
just a little, enough to calm your future. For
your future is made in the present, in the eternal

The mystic doesn’t go into the future
and live emotionally experiences that may or
may not happen to him. The mystic remains in
the present, right now, using the catalog of the
experiences of the past and a planning book
for his future.

It is one thing to say “I am all right, right
now, and it is another thing to feel it. Can
you feel that you are all right, right now? Can
you really believe it? Can you hold that feeling,
so that this affirmation becomes permeated
through your subconscious mind?

Let this feeling
permeate so deeply through your subconscious
mind that it begins working within you,
the same way your involuntary subconscious
keeps your heart beating and the other processes
of your body going.

Every time you abide in the luxury of worry,
and the luxury of worry is one luxury you
cannot afford, say to yourself, ” I’m all right,
right now,” and forget about where you are going,
forget about where you have been and just
be where you are, where your physical body is,
in its immediate surroundings.

Be free from the
past; abide in the present.

Detach yourself from
the future; and live in the eternal now.

It is our
past that colors and conditions, actually creates,
the future.

We purge the past in the present,
and we fashion the future in the present.”


Saiva Siddhanta Church Wailua Mission Honors Silpi Helper Kumar

Here are a few photos from the Wailua mission camera from our gathering to wish Silpi helper Kumar, a fond farewell upon his departure from our community back to India the day after tomorrow.

Before the silpis arrived, Wailua Mission members look at photos from Tandu and Uma Sivanathan’s recent trip to Japan.

Before the silpis arrived, Wailua Mission members look at photos from Tondu and Uma Sivanathan’s recent trip to Japan.

We gathered in a circle to offer our appreciation to Kumar.

Here our intrepid TAKA reporter, Br Shama Kumaran, takes a photo to share with the world.

Each of us offered a lei to Kumar, as is the custom on such occasions, like birthdays, graduations and other special events in Hawaii.

The silpis are recording this event too.

We were fortunate to have Gowri Sankara, originally from Malaysia, visiting Kauai from CA to help interpret our thoughts to Kumar in Tamil.

Kumar opening gifts from the community.

It was a joyous evening and we thank Kumar for all the service he has done in the past 5 years!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha meets with the family of Ramesh (in red shirt) and Arundati Gowda and their friends Sudheendra (on right with Ramesh) Kavita (on left in blue shirt with Arundati)

The family meets with Shanmuganathswami of the Pillaiyar Kulam to discuss the Hindu Heritage Endowment.

Ramesh and his wife Arundathi.

Hinduism Today Digital Edition July 2008 Issue Now Available!

The July-August-September edition of Hinduism Today magazine has been released in digital form and is now available for FREE on your desktop.

Enjoy the new “View Multi-Media” option, an easy way to navigate though audio, videos and slide shows from all issues of the Digital Edition. In this issue, we feature a video from sacred ceremonies at Tiruvannamalai, India, so rarely seen by anyone.

A PREVIEW OF CONTENTS: Here are highlights from this issue:

  • Our fully-illustrated 16-page Educational Insight take you on a journey into the life and teachings of one of India’s greatest masters, Sri Madhvacharya. His tale is full of philosophical growth, amazing encounters during his youth, magical happenings and deep interpretations of the ancient Dharma. If you ever wanted to understand the pure dual path, and compare it with Sankaran advaita, this is the resource for you.
  • So, Which of the Gods is greater, Siva or Vishnu? You’ve heard the arguments. You’ve endured the fables and the foibles of those who argue one side or another. Our publisher, Bodhinatha, gives an unbeatable clear answer.
  • When an Indian swami crossed the ocean to visit devotees in the West, he was deeply criticized and certain of his worship rights were curtailed. Follow the adventures of Sri Sugunendra Tirtha Swami and in the bargain explore the history of the amazing monasteries and temples in Udupi.
  • In Karnataka one of the foremost swamis of India opens a magnificent temple for Lord Siva. The Kalabhairava Temple is the work of Sri Balagangadharanathaswami, who happens to also be Hinduism Today’s “Hindu of the Year.” Find out why.
  • Henry David Thoreau, an American sage? See why we think so.
  • Follow a group of modern youth on pilgrimage, see what makes them choose a spiritual path when all of their peers are following something quite different.
  • And much more…. stories of social service with a twist, a photographer who can’t shoot enough of Lord Ganesha, warnings about inter-religious marriage, and a look at the dubious wisdom of drugging our children.
  • Instructions: If you have previously subscribed to the digital edition, you can simply launch the application Hinduism Today Digital you have on your computer and download the latest issue PDF’s. If you have not yet subscribed to the digital edition (note: this a different subscription than the print edition) go to: . Remember, it’s free.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A peaceful day in Hawaii. The big news is the arrival of more stones and on-going work on Iraivan’s roof.

Meanwhile, the Siddhidata Kulam has planted a lot of gladiolas and they have all blossomed recently.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

The containers are opened will be allowed to air out for a while before being unloaded.

Our photographer makes the climb up the ladder to the roof. With scaffolding removed we have great view of things.

Rainwater that collects on the room will be channeled out through the mouths of these crocodiles.

We’ve been through a dry spell and Kauai’s red clay earth dust brings an interesting hue to the Jalakom carvings.

Red floor stones ready to be unpacked.

Silpis a work. Just think of it…. every square millimeter of this temple was and is being carved by hand!

The first container is now nearly unloaded.

Our silpis love the American “branded” T-shirts for work.

A small papaya offering…

After a long dormant spell our lotus pond has started blooming again.

The classic metaphor for living in the world, but not being “of” the world, like water on a lotus leaf.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A lot of activity occurring here at the Aadheenam, but this little bear in Australia would probably be able to sleep here very easily.

At today’s lunch report the Pillaiyar Kulam described some new iPhone applications they developed for directly accessing important information in our database right from their iPhones.

Meanwhile at the Iraivan site, the next containers from Bangalore have started to arrive today. Pictures will be coming in the days ahead.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress – Roof Work

We visit Iraivan temple today from a new perspective.

Work is being done at the roof level, so you can now stand on the roof next to the vimanam tower.

Nearby the 12-foot grid of pillars and beams is evolving.

In the weeks ahead the giant roofing slabs will be placed.

They span these large squares.

From the roof you see Dakshinamurthi under the banyan tree and the Lotus Pond to the right behind the palms.

Here we look past the flag to the monastery in the background.

Last month this side of the roofline was completed.

It includes the crocodiles through which the rain water will be guided off the roof.

Water will flow from the open mouth and into giant granite pots.

There are six of the crocs. Quite imposing up close! AUM NAMA SIVAYA!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Two today, Ardra Abhishekam for Siva Nataraja.

Here is Bodhinatha at yesterday’s homa, reading from the Master Course and giving a spontaneous talk on The Clear White Light.

Time lapse of our homa pujari waving incense.

then arati.

It was tour day today… Our guests got a bit of a shower during their walk to Iraivan.

California Saivite Retreat

The Third Annual Memorial Day Saivite Retreat was held in Corona, California this past Memorial Day weekend. Twenty-seven participants of all ages attended this year’s Retreat which was conducted by Rishi Thondunathan. Events included classes for children, philosophical discussions for adults, Hatha Yoga, group meditation and field trips.

This year children were introduced to the lessons from Gurudeva’s “Mystic Mouse” book. They seemed to appreciate the simple yet profound teachings, and they enjoyed coloring the pages from the Mystic Mouse book, too.

Hatha Yoga class ends in the lotus position and the children are deep in meditation.

For the field trip, the group visited the Vedic Temple of Montclair which was founded by Swami Nithyananda. Satguru Bodhinatha was there for the opening of the temple last year.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One starts a new phase. Here is Bodhinatha arriving home yesterday afternoon after his long trip from California, to Chicago and Urbana, Illinois and then on to Toronto.

Saravanathaswami send more photos of the Toronto temple events.

Bodhinatha at Sri Nagapooshani Temple, Toronto

Continuing with events in Toronto, we started Sunday morning by attending a Mahamrtyunjaya mantra chanting session at the Sri Nagapooshani cultural hall.

Sri Bharani Sivacharya first invoked Lord Ganesha, then Varuna, then Siva in the kumbha. After the initial puja everyone chanted the Mahamrtyunjaya mantra 108 times together.

At the end participants came up for vibhuti darshan

A senior priest gives fruit prasadam to devotees

Then we were off to the Varasithi Vinayagar Temple where Bodhinatha was to present around 200 copies of our book “What is Hinduism” to young children studying at the temple’s Hindu school. The chief priest is in the middle left of photo.

The lively children squirm about as they wait for Bodhinatha to say a few words of wisdom and present the books. The books were donated by the Siva Markandu family to assist the children in learning Hinduism.

On stage they erected big pictures of Satguru Yogaswami and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

In the afternoon we made a short stop at the Vishnu Mandir to see the progress of their Hinduism/India museum which hosts many school classes. Here is a section about Jainism.

A “Wall of Peace” in the museum where luminous promoters of peace are honored

An ancient Tanjore-style painting which uses gemstones and gold foil

Dr. Budhendra Doobay, originally from Guyana, heads the Vishnu Mandir. In this discussion he was curious to know more about how we acquire new monks. He would also like to start some kind of monastic program someday at the Vishnu Mandir.

The final stop of the day was to attend Satguru Yogaswami’s Jayanti gathering at the cultural hall of the Richmond Hill temple. First things first though–helping to ceremoniously plant a tree outside the temple.

We think it is a type of maple tree.

Shovelfuls of dirt placed

As part of the Yogaswami event, youth sang many Natchintanai songs in a lively manner

Bodhinatha spoke about distinguishing Saivism from the other three main sects of Hinduism

Saiva Siddhanta Church Wailua Mission

Wailua Mission held their monthly “Rudraksha Satsang” this past Sunday. Our guest, Andre, from Brazil, filling racks prior to the power washing process for the rudraksha beads.

Deva Seyon filling a rack which holds approximately 230 rudraksha beads.

Rajadeva Alahan has been a primary force over the years in keeping the rudraksha bead project on track.

Aran Sendan joins in to help fill racks.

There are five heavy duty racks designed by the mathavasis. After the initial harvesting in the forest, almost every month 1155 beads are processed by the Wailua Mission members.

Wailua Mission ladies string various styles of malas, add jewelry, prepare sets of seeds in boxes

A view of baskets holding materials used for making the rudraksha items. The sale of the finished malas is a significant source of income for Iraivan Temple.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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