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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun One… here is Bodhinatha giving vibhuti to the monks as they depart after his talk…

Saravananathaswami performs the homa…

Final ghee offering… The lady in the back has flown all night and came to the temple early this morning…

Bodhinatha shared with us a partial draft of his talk on the Satguru that he will be giving in New Delhi before at the opening of one of the world’s largest new temples by the Swaminarayan Fellowship there.

Bodhinatha’s Mission in Mauritius

More photos arriving from our mission center in the Indian Ocean… here is Sivaratna Manick having his ears pierced by Saravananathaswami…

Next Rajen Manick brings us a short series on Bodhinatha’s education programs….

On Sunday September 18, Bodhinatha held a half day seminar for parents at the Gold Crest Hotel. It was a selected group mostly consisting of a few regular donors of the Spiritual Park and parents whose children are studying from Bodhinatha’s Saivite Hindu Religion. Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo coordinated that session and welcomed everyone…

The seminar emphasized on how parents are to teach Hindu spiritual values to their children through love and through setting the examples themselves…

The colorful slides about parenting accompanying Bodhinatha’s explanations captivated everyone’s attention.

At the end of the seminars the participants came forward for the Guru’s Blessings…

A ladies getting ready to prostrate at the Guru’s Feet.

Sishya Magadevi Canagasaby, mother of four children said she had learned a lot from Bodhinatha in that seminar.

Mr. and Mrs. Sivalingum Moorghen from Pamplemouses have supported the Spiritual Park financially. Mr. Sivalingum works at the Cardiac Centre at the SSRN Hospital. The couple is planning to enroll for the Master Course and study with Bodhinatha.

What Happened During the Retreat at the Aadheenam?

Sadhaka Tejadevanatha here with Sadhaka Dandapani behind the camera… they took our silpis on the monthly outing.

It was off to Poipu where the ocean called…

The famous “Spouting Horn” where the sea rushes into a cave on the side of the rocks and shoots up through a hole on the top with a tremendous sound and a spray…

At the beach…

Silpi helper, Kumar…

Our new team is young and lively. At home in the evenings they play soccer out in the yard behind their house and they are all very happy to go into the ocean and swim and frolic.

Arms around each other… they all get along very well. Some of the men on this team have been working on the Iraivan temple in Bangalore for well over a decade! They practically grew up carving the temple…

And from the UK we have:

“I leave you with pictures of our cat Tara viewing TAKA.

Lots of Love to all.



Niraj & Nagavathy Thaker
United Kingdom

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was tour day and we had a big crowd as usual. Some many travel magazines and guidebooks now include Kauai’s Hindu Monastery, that we no longer have an “on and off” season for visitors. They just keep coming now, week after week, all year ’round.

Meanwhile festival season has come and we bring you later down the page some fabulous rare shots from Canada, where Lord Ganesha goes for his walk outside in the streets during Ganesha Chaturthi there.

Since “Elephants Are In the Air” (well, their feet are on the ground but they heads are way up there…) we bring you this picture from India. This elephant has a special message for you:

“When Bodhinatha travels, like Gurudeva before him, he always gets a grand welcome at the temples. I like to be there when he comes. Why don’t you join him on his next trip to New Zealand and Australia and meet all the Hindus on that side of the equator? Click here to find about more about the next Innersearch I may not have time to come down to Sydney, because I have a lot of blessings to do here every day in Kanchi Puram in India. But perhaps I will see you on the next Innersearch India!”

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Navami Tithi, Sun One, Monday, September 26th.

The tour goes as usual to the temple site where the silpis put on a small carving demonstration.

Our guest give it a try. It is always a surprise to find out how hard granite can be, and then to wonder how these Indian craftsman can do what they do with such simple tools.

It the hot time of year on Kauai and our guests take a break under the cool shade of nearby rudraksha trees…

Lord Siva in many forms….

Ganesha’s Parade in Toronto

Siva Markandu sends these photos from Toronto, where Bodhinatha recently visited, saying,

“Here are photos from Vinayaagar Chaturthi at Varsiththi Vinayagaar this year. We had Caesar the elephant to do the traditional Pillaiyaar Namaskara before the event started and place the garland before Pillaiyaar went out in his ther. Caesar led Pillaiyaar in his Ther (chariot) and there were at least a few thousand who attended the festival. Surprising this year, we are beginning to see children at temple festivals again, even though it was a school day. Bodhinatha’s message ” Pray as a family ” is reaching the Hindu devotees.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha arrived home this morning at around 9 AM after long transit from Asia. Here is at the temple…

A brief shower blessed us just as Bodhinatha drove up.

Passing the Nepali Ganesha

It is a beautiful day and ever more so having our Satguru back home.

Sannyasin Saravananathaswami who traveled with Bodhinatha is happy to be home…

Pada puja at the entrance to Kadavul.

Bodhinatha had a very successful mission…

… bringing more and more educational activities in to his journeys.

It is always a joyful moment with everyone is all home together.

The famous picture of Siva Yogaswami, meditating. Usually such attempts to photograph him failed. The picture would turn out blank. Not this time….

Tirumular says:

When you seek a guru
Seek one who is holy and pure
And then give him your all–
Your body, life and wealth.
Then in constancy learn clearly,
Not a moment distracting.
Surely shall you thus reach Siva’s State.
Placing His Feet on my head,
The Master blesses me. He is holy Guru.
He my Self-Realization works.
He takes the jiva to the state beyond tattvas.
He sunders my bonds. All these he performs–
He that is Truth itself.

Tirumantiram–Verse 1693 and 2049

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

On Saturday 17th September a seminar on the topic “Understanding Saivism” was organized at the Gold Crest Hotel at Quatre Bornes. Bodhinatha and swami were there early morning.

Kiran, an enrolled MC student at the registration desk checks in the names of those attending the seminar. Some 80 participants were present.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami takes his seat after a short Ganesha arati performed by Saravanathaswami at the little shrine on the left.

The Guru is greeted by a short Bharat Natyam dance by Jambalini Manick.

The national TV was there to cover this event for the evening News. Bodhinatha is giving a short interview to the reporter of the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation (MBC).

Next, all participants were called to come forward to receive their names tags from Bodhinatha. Premila is coordinating this part. It was a memorable moment especially for those coming so close to an enlightened soul for the first time.

The participants seated on the left of the Conference Room.

It was a striking seminar with the use of powerful iBooks and a video projector in a kind of new age setting. Everyone’s attention was captivated by the images filling the screen and the explanations given by Bodhinatha.

A view of the participants from the back…

Traditions of yore in modern settings….the sounds of mantras and hymns accompanying the images made the whole presentation fascinating!

The day session nears its end. Opportunities to privately talk to the Guru …..

Lunch is served at the Hotel restaurant. An atmosphere of joy and brotherhood pervades the place….

It is an opportunity to know each other better. The vegetarian lunch and dessert were delicious….

The second session resumed after lunch.

At the end of the second session, the participants offered Bodhinatha a gift to thank the Guru for the very nice teachings imparted to them on that day.

It is a Nature’s Made crystal ball …..

A look inside at a natural wonder!

One lady participant offered this painting she did herself…

Time for a souvenir photo with Bodhinatha and swami.

All the participants will be nurtured by the Spiritual Park Himalayan Academy Committee which will help them along their Trilogy readings and their Master Course.

Enrolled MC students will formally meet once a month at a HA student’s home for a special teaching satsanga coming up soon in a new format. Bodhinatha is preparing special talks for these student meetings…

If you wish that you could be with Bodhinatha at these uplifting and educational programs. Well, you can! Come with us to New Zealand and Australia for the coming innersearch!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is in transit today and will arrive on Kauai early tomorrow morning.

Here is some feedback from a participant in one of his seminars. You too can have a similar experience… join him on the coming innersearch!


Prostration to the Holy feet of Lord Ganesha and Our beloved Satguru Bodhinatha.

Jai Gurudeva !

Vanakkam Bodhinatha and Swami,

All of us had a wonderful time during the two day seminar.
The participants were a mixture of young (teenagers), adult and elderly and the subjects for theseminar, Niyamas and Yamas, 12 Beliefs of Saivism – The Creed, Karma Management and etc, fitted and interests all the age group. The power point presentation with a brief text and picture, holds the interest of all the participants.

The walk, puzzle and other activities related to Hinduism and timely breaks kept the programme smooth and interesting. The participants enjoyed the walk and the other activity as it allows some time for them to think and digest the informations gathered before lunch. Some of them were discussing the topics with their friends and the members. Such activity allows Bodhinatha and Swami to have some rest before the next session starts. The video presentation gave an insight of Gurudeva, Bodhinatha and the building of the Iraivan Temple.

The seminar was an eye opening for the non – members who attended the seminar. The participants went home with spiritually uplifted and with rich valuable information on Saivism. Most of them are looking forward for the next seminar or similar events.

All the members felt very uplifted and energized during the Pada puja and had a great time during the seminar.

I would like to thank Bodhinatha and Swami to be here with us and sharing the essentials of Saivism and for the birthday gift.

Thank you Bodhinatha.

Thank you Swami.

Om Sivaya

Thamilmani Visakan

Here is an interesting carving bound for Kauai. Paramacharya Palaniswami explains for us:

“Each Hindu temple as a special stone, called the Gomugai, which brings the sanctified waters from the puja held in the inner sanctum out to the devotees, who receive blessings from sipping the water.

This stone is supported by a dwarf in traditional architecture. For Iraivan, we thought there is nothing more perfect for this than to have our own Kauaian Menehune hold up the stone, with his two hands above his head. The Menehunes are a race of stone builders who once inhabited our island, said to have been here before the current day Hawaiians. They were of tiny stature, a Lilliputian people yet stout and strong. In fact, they were the stone masons who built large tone water ponds and walls on Kauai. We felt they would be at home in a stone temple.

Just today we received these two photos from our carving site in Bangalore. The 16″ tall Menehune wearing his Hawaiian loin cloth with a traditional “haku” lei around his head, is coming with our next containers.

We thought our Cyber Cadets would all like a preview.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

We have had so many photos arriving that we save some for a quiet day like today. Stepping back now in time to Ganesha Chaturthi at Saiva Siddhanta Church in Mauritius.

“Welcome to the Spiritual Park where the main public event every year is Ganesha Chaturthi. This year thousands of devotees turned up to attend the traditional birthday of Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganapati at the Park was beautifully dressed for the occasion…

Traditional musicians were hired for the occasion… giving everyone the feeling of being carried away in India for a short while…

Our two members Nanda Thungavelloo and Parmeswaran Ramsamy leading the bhajans…

The Sivacharya made a very nice Ganesha with turmeric paste. It was placed near the kumbha in between the main granite deity and the Homa pit.

Due to the large number of devotees attending the event, only those who came early were able to have a seat inside the Mandapam.

Meanwhile outside there was a constant flow of devotees. Many local Hindus have chosen the Spiritual Park for a family pilgrimage every year on Ganesha Chaturthi.

The newly installed small granite Pancha Mukha Ganapati outside was surrounded by devotees lovingly making offerings…

The hired priest, a Sivacharya, performed a very beautiful puja and is excellent at karnatic singing too.

A very traditional homa was conducted. Hundreds of prayers were burnt on that day.

The Mandapam was extended on the outside with tarpaulin tents and sitting accommodations

The ceremony is about to end….

A final offering to Lord Ganesha by the Sivacharya and Kulapati Mardemootoo.

A table was placed in the shade and here is a happy group selling the newly released song bo
oklet containing Ganesha bhajans sung during Homa at the Spiritual Park.

Another selling point was set up near the Mini Mela. Here is Kulamata Premila Manick explaining about Gurudeva’s “Loving Ganesha” book.

Gurudeva’s Lemurian Scrolls and Loving Ganesha were all sold out on that day…Many enrolled Himalayan Academy students were happy helping at this stall.

Back to the Mandapam…Government Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hons. Madan Dulloo who took an hour off his office, came to receive the Blessings of Lord Ganapati. He is leaving for an important Mission at the United Nations.

Large tents were set up to serve as food stations. The Mardemootoo kutumba coordinated that activity.

A group enjoying some ‘bryani”….

Later in the evening, after the large crowd had left, the organizers stayed behind to help with the cleaning. This seva over, here is a group enjoying a conversation about Satguru’s Bodhinatha’s upcoming visit.

Member Navind Sagam and enrolled MC student Kevin Neerunjun were at the Spiritual Park whenever needed during the preparation of this big festival. The whole event was a success thanks to all those sishyas who helped selflessly.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

As we being our new phase, we have just received this message from Mauritius from Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo: “Bodhinatha left last night. It was again a beautiful and very fruitful visit for everyone.”

He is in transit now…and will be home early morning on Sun 3 after a long journey. We take you now back to events in Mauritius…Rajen Manick and Saravananathaswami have each sent a set of photos.

On Friday, all members of the Mardemootoo and Manick Kutumbas (extended families) residing in the north met at Kulapati Sivakumaren’s newly built house at Cap Malheureux. Bodhinatha is being welcomed at the entrance by Kulapati Sivakumaren.

Sivakumaran performs the traditional pada puja to the arriving holy man…

Next in the shrine room for an arati…

Sivakumaren assisted by Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum did the pada puja.

The Holy Feet of the Satguru…

We could not get good photos of devotees due incense burning in the room. Here is a rather good one of sishyas singing.

Bodhinatha giving a talk…

By the end of the ceremony, little Sivarathna Manick had his ears pierced by Saravanathaswami. After this Bodhinatha, Swami and all those present were invited to have dinner at Kulapati Sivakumaren and Kulamata Kavita’s lovely home.

Saravananathaswami writes:

“Most of the photos of Mauritius activities are being taken by Kulapati Rajen Manick and should be coming soon to TAKA if they have not already.

Meanwhile the following are a few photos that we took ourselves. Some beautiful birds reside outside the first bungalow we stayed in. Here is one waiting for a piece of bread…”

Bougainvillea outside our bungalow

Prithviraj Putten to Bodhinatha’s left

Mr. Bahadoor, who runs the Krishnanand Seva Ashram

Mr. and Mrs. Anil Baichoo. Mr. Baichoo has been a Minister in the Mauritius government for many years and wants to help improve our Spiritual Park property in Riviere du Rempart. He is now Minister for Environment

So many people throng the large Panchamukha Ganapati shrine at our property that there is not enough room for them all to perform simple archanas. So, we arranged for a small replica of the murti to be placed outside so everyone could perform archanas. It recently arrived from India.

A base was created, and soon a simple roof will be constructed

Government Minister Anil Baichoo came to the Spiritual Park for the official gifting ceremony of the six granite signs, which you should be seeing photos of separately.

He is also surveying the property to identify some physical improvements that his Ministry can undertake.

Paying a short visit to the main Panchamukha Ganapati mandapam

Visiting some sishyas families at the home of Kulapati Mougam and Kulamata Saranamutha Pareatumbee in the town of Flacq. Here the children are singing a song in English that praises Bodhinatha.

Back on Kauai at the Monastery

Today someone brought this amazing garland for the crystal. It has a circle at the top and strands hanging down. It must have taken a long time to make by hand…

Over our three-day retreat there was a Polihale-Kokee outing… A clear day for looking out into the Kalalau Valley. It is one of Kauai’ most famous sight-seeing locations.

The down to Polihale Beach for a night’s camp out. It is one of those amazing places… like being on the edge of the planet. The sun sets here bring a new vision to the soul.

We witness the turning of the worlds and the mind expands..

“But what is it that is aware? When awareness moves through superconsciousness, it seems to expand, for it looks out into the vastness of superconsciousness from within and identifies with that vastness. This is what is meant by an expanded state of awareness. What is awareness? Discover that. Go deep within it. Make it a great study.” — Gurudeva

“Awareness of perfection i
s attained by sitting down and arriving at the state of expanded cosmic consciousness inside yourself. It’s there only to be discovered. You can do that in nine minutes, nine hours, nine days or nine years. Take as long as you like. The fact remains that deep inside you is perfection. So, you see, you have a choice. You can remain in the valley, live in fear of the stormy ocean of life and death, or you can scale the nearby mountain and see from the top how it is from that perspective. Either way, you and everyone in the world are all right in the now. “


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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We had a busy day at the Aadheenam… 100 guests, trees falling down… (pictures toward the end). Meanwhile more pictures arriving from Bodhinatha’s mission….in Mauritius where September 16th has already passed by….

Here is the Mauritius Broadcasting Company which has come to cover the gifting of stone signs from Kauai Aadheenam to the island of Mauritius. It ran on the evening News on MBC. Bodhinatha is being interviewed by a reporter.

(more photos below)

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day full-moon retreat,
until Tritya Tithi, Sun One, Tuesday, September 20th.

At home, one of the many points of focus is the next Innersearch…Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sadhaka Dandapani are meeting regularly now to workout the details of the upcoming Innersearch. With only 111 days before the program begins the many logistics of flights, meals, transportation, events, etc need to be pinned down.

Bodhinatha will be attending the World Saiva Conference in Sydney from Jan 27 to 29th after the Innersearch. This will see him stay on in New Zealand and Australia for 10 more days after the program concludes.

Photo shows the city of Auckland in New Zealand where our program will conclude. Here we will visit a Murugan temple that Gurudeva helped get started.

Bodhinatha’s post Innersearch itinerary is looking as such:

Auckland, New Zealand from Jan 19th to 21st morning
Melbourne, Australia from Jan 21st to 24th morning
Sydney, Australia from Jan 24th to 29th

Sydney, our starting point for this upcoming 2-week spiritual adventure. For those of you who are planning on joining Bodhinatha on this Innersearch we strongly recommend you sign up soon with only a little over 3 months to go. We currently have participants from South East Asia, Europe, Caribbean and North America. Email Sadhaka Dandapani today!

Bodhinatha on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

(From the 15th…)

After a long hours flight to reach Mauritius, Bodhinatha and swami had some rest at a quiet bungalow at Grand Baie, on the northern coast of the island.

Bodhinatha and Saravananatha swami had their lunch in the open terrace overlooking the white sandy beach

Here is Mr. Dhandev Bahadoor from the Human Service Trust, a social organisation created in Mauritius by Swami Krishnanand. Mr. Bahadoor talked at length about the education and his views of Hinduism in Mauritius.

Minister Anil Baichoo, Minister of the Environment and his wife had a long conversation with Bodhinatha about temples and other Hindu issues in Mauritius.

This is nature’s wonder! A few metres from the bungalow is a one foot tall mango tree already in full bloom!

(September 16th)

On Friday morning Bodhinatha paid a short visit at the Saiva Siddhanta Church, Spiritual Park at La Pointe on His way to Flacq where His Holiness is meeting three kutumbas.

Here we are at our Mini Mela Gift Shop where all publications of Saiva Siddhanta Church are available.

Meanwhile, a few volunteers are setting up the large granite plates for display. Those plates are a gift by Saiva Siddhanta Church to the island of Mauritius. There are six such plates which the Government will display at various places of the island.

For the MBC interview, Bodhinatha explained about the activities of the Spiritual Park and how the monthly Ganesha Homa is an opportunity for devotees to come and worship at the Park.

Then Bodhinatha went to the Ganesha Mandapam where the Guru is traditionally welcomed.

Kulapati Valaytan did an arati…

Inside the Mandapam, worshipping at Gurudeva’s photo….

Mr. Anil Baichoo, Minister of the Environment was present to officially receive the granite plates from Bodhinatha . He said it was a great honor for the island to receive such plates from the hands of a Satguru. Minister Baichoo will see to it that these plates be properly displayed at strategic places on the island.

A group of sishyas were there to witness this official event.

Bodhinatha at the Muruga Pavilion

Bodhinatha having a walk on the property. On the left side of the land there is an urgent need to build a wall.

Bodhinatha stops at the Siva Dakshinamurthi.

Bodhinatha and swami ready to leave for Flacq.

One of the granite plates to be soon placed somewhere in Mauritius.

Here is another plate…Similar plates carved in Bangalore were gifted to the island of Kauai by the Church.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Wow! Last night a huge Albezia tree next to one of the ponds, fell over…right across the back entry road.

It has been growing right next to this small pond

And while nearly 80 feet tall it had no root structure on the east side, by the pond. During the past 30 years of its life it went through two hurricanes, a decade apart. Each one did the job of natural pruning… breaking off the top.. meanwhile the main trunk grew and grew and grew… over six feet in diameter…

Then last night with all the heavy rain, and with several large limbs growing way off to the west… he just decided to fall over (smile)

We called the tree trimmer and told him a tree fell down across our entry road.. when he came it was way bigger than he thought… they had to send for a 36 inch chainsaw…

Albezia is soft wood and was cut up into pieces in a few hours.

The main stump was propped back (on the left) and he will continue to live on…

Every morning the Siddhidata Kulam goes to pick fresh vegetables for lunch. Long beans from the trellis….

When we say “long beans” we mean long! some of these beans can reach nearly 24 inches in length…

It was the last day of the phase and tour day….

Silpi at work…

Despite the rainy weather over the last few days and this morning a very large group of about 100 people or so was present for our tour day (not all of them are in the photograph).

Here is Ashish and Shilpa from Los Angeles who are here on their honeymoon. They were told they had to go visit the monastery by friends and relatives.

All these couples are newly weds and are here on their honeymoon.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha in Malaysia on the last day with some members of our sishya “Core Youth Committee” meet with Bodhinatha to discuss activities, mainly the plan to have a one-day computer presentation seminar next year. More pictures from Malaysia below.

At the Aadheenam we had a wonderful Sound and Light Show from Mother Nature last night, and plenty of water falling and flowing down the river…

Ginger plants have the amazingly fragrant delicate flowers.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Acharya Kumarswami arriving back from a Kauai Vision 2020 meeting…

Silpis a work in the distance through the rain…

Our light tropical storm has brought some good winds with it..

Bodhinatha in Mauritius

Saravananathaswami sends us these photos from Mauritius… yesterday evening after arrival…

Aahh, beautiful Mauritius. We arrived in the afternoon and stopped by at the secluded Oberoi hotel on the way to our bungalow because the hotel has invited Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo to give weekly one-hour overview seminars on Hinduism to those hotel guests (mostly English) who would like to learn about Hinduism as a “integral part of Mauritian culture.” The Oberoi chain is India based. This hotel is promoted as a “holistic” hotel offering classes in yoga and other therapeutic areas. This photo is a view from the reception area.

The average room at this hotel costs US$700 a night! No kidding.

The hotel front pond design incorporate large boulders from the surrounding lands

The ideal Mauritian sunset viewed from the Oberoi

Can barely see Bodhinatha with sunset behind him.

Next morning, a exercise stroll down the beach outside our bungalow (no we did not stay overnight at the Oberoi)

We are in a very tranquil lagoon/bay area

A nice formation of lava rocks just a few meters from shore

Turning around and back to the bungalow….

Stepping Back to Malaysia

Stepping back a few days to the last day in Malaysia, ….we meet with Muthukumaran Gunasekaran, who is interested in monastic life

Lunching with Dr. Arjunan Subramaniam and his friends at the Lotus family restaurant in Petaling Jaya. The owner of the restaurant chain sits next to Bodhinatha and a retired appeals court judge is sitting next to Saravananathaswami

Sishyas Ganesh Kanth Sivanathan and sister Nandi Devi. Ganesh Kanth stayed six months at Kauai Aadheenam back in 1995 and hopes to return soon. Nandi Devi is preparing to receive Namasivaya mantra diksha in the near future.

Sishyas Silvarajoo Muniandy with daughter Suhashini and younger son Shivakumaren

Suhashini presented Bodhinatha with some delectable homemade cake which we later shared with a youth group meeting

Santhramogan and wife Ganesammal on Bodhinatha’s right. Kailasam and wife Thanapackiam on his left.

Now it is the last day in Malaysia and we are off to the airport, but first stopping at Aravindraj Chandrasekaran’s new home to bless his new home and also conduct a simple first-feeding samskara for he and wife Renu’s 7-month-old son Jagatheeswar. He is looking bright and wondering what is about to happen.

Time for first feeding! Jagatheeswar takes to the warm food immediately.

Taking some more…

But wait….now he is trying to grab the whole spoon! A
big laugh for everyone

Next the father feeds….

And then the mother….

The happy family

Chatting with devotees at KLIA airport. And we’re off to Mauritius for a week…

Mendocino, California Ganesha Visarjana

Kulapati Janaka Param and Kulamata Bhavani live “out of town” up in the beautiful area of Mendocino, on the beautiful Northern California coast. Hindus are few and far between in the area, but Lord Ganesha’s Visarjana is sure to bring them together. Janaka writes:

Making their clay Ganeshas for the 2005, Casper Beach, Mendocino, Ganesha Visarjana.

Shivani Desai shows her pretty Ganesha

A close up of their colorful Ganeshas.

Posing with their Ganeshas are, from the left, Sandhydevi, Shivani and Meghana and Annika with their Amma, Kavita Kao

Puja on the beach…

Heading toward the ocean are Sarmista Patel, Ranjan Patel and Kavita Kao with Janaka and Bhavani in the backround.

Ganapathy Bappa Moriya!

A seal joined us for the Visarjana.

Enjoying Prashadam.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha, arriving in Mauritius where he was greeted with giant garlands….

Rajan Manick writes from that beautiful island…

Today is 14th September…. a memorable day because Bodhinatha is coming to Mauritius. It is 16.25 hours and everyone is patiently waiting to see Satguru Bodhinatha coming from the VIP lounge. The Guru is expected at any minute….

Here arrives Kulapati’s Manon’s Mercedes. The Guru alights from the car…

Everyone is filled with happiness and rush forward to meet Bodhinatha and touch His Holy feet.

A little Guru bhajan is in the air… Welcome to Mauritius Bodhinatha and Saravananatha swami! Thank you Bodhinatha for visiting Mauritius every year.

While Bodhinatha and swami left for Grand Bay, a group on leaving the airport met at Gold Crest hotel with the management to finalise seminar activities Bodhinatha is conducting there.

Back To Malaysia

Stepping back in time we bring you the last set of photos that Saravananathaswami sent from Malaysia….

Some beautiful broad-leafed, low growing bamboo at the Saujana Selangor hotel where we are staying

Morning exercise walk at the hotel

Sivaneswaran, Vennila and Niranjana family. Vennila is from Mauritius

Eight-year-old Hiranyavaha has Bodhinatha sign his personal copy of the Dancing with Siva pocketbook

Though only age eight, Hiranyavaha has already learned a lot of English at home and is an avid reader. He wanted to read a lesson out loud from Dancing with Siva. He did quite well!

The whole family–Balu, Parimala and Hiranyavaha

Kulapati Murugesu and Kulamata Valliamah family. Daughter Mohanavilashiny just got married a few days ago to Navakarasu, sitting nexy to her. Murugesu’s son, Vickneswaren is currently working in the US and came over for the wedding.

Navakarasu and Mohanavilashiny meet with Bodhinatha separately. Here they are reading their wedding vows out loud.

Navakarasu signs the vows

Bodhinatha applies vibhuti blessing

The happy couple

Shawl blessing for a long, happy life together

Nagappan family–Kulapati Sivajnani, Kulamata Amala, children Yajatadeva and Tuhina

Yajata starts to form a smile…

Sivajnani wanted another photo taken with the family camera

Now we are having lunch at the Temple of Fine Arts in Brickfields area of Kuala Lumpur. The head, Swami Shantanand, had his mahasamadhi, transition, in late July, so the group is in a natural mourning period.

The whole family. From left, Kulamata Vasanthy, Juvasdeva, Kulapati Selladurai, Puventhira and Thivya Uma

The shrine at the Temple of Fine Arts

A. Selvam of Sampoorna Printers, standing just to Bodhinatha’s right. They print our Master Course books in full color. His son Prakash accompanies the meeting, along with a couple friends.

Later that afternoon, we meet with Selladurai and family. In this photo, Puventhira is having his school pencils blessed by Bodhinatha because he is about to have exams.

In the evening we are called to the Sithi Vinayagar Temple in Petaling Jaya to attend a special meeting with leaders of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam and other Hindu organizations

Just received prasadam from the temple priests

Entering the temple hall for the meeting. Dato Vythilingam next to Bodhinatha.

A prayer begins the meeting

Bodhinatha first gave a brief overview of the service we perform at Kauai Aadheenam, and then the floor was opened for dialogue.

This man oversees the ATMAH project which is in the midst of a five-year action plan to reach out to more Hindus in Malaysia. He asked for help in creating a syllabus/curricula for teaching Hinduism to young children. Bodhinatha said we would be happy to help edit their material

Other questions arose about getting youth interested, etc. Bodhinatha passed on Gurudeva’s wisdom that everything we want to teach children should be put into their minds before they reach age 12 or 13. Also that we must teach young parents themselves, not just the children.

Bodhinatha kept stressing that more important than anything else, is how the parents practice Hinduism in the home. For example, if the family worships together every day in the home shrine, it will be much for natural and easy for the child to attend the temple at least once a week.

A group photo at the end of the very productive dialogue session

Young couple Saravana Kumar and Usharani Kuppusamy. Saravana is a dikshasishya and Usharani is almost finished with Level One of Master Course Correspondence Study, on her way to becoming a formal sishya

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha at the Malaysia Hindu Sangam National Tirumurai Contest (more news below)

At home at the Aadheenam, we had about 50 visitors this morning from the Vedic Astrology Symposium that was held here on Kauai over the past few days. The gathering was organized by the American College of Vedic Astrology to provide accredited classes for certification and training in Jyotish. The conference officially ended yesterday and many participants and teachers came up for a tour of the monastery this morning. After the tour, the President, Dayananda (Dr. Dennis Harness) said the College would like to sponsor the Navagraha Mandapam of Iraivan Temple.

Meanwhile the big news is from Malaysia.

Saravananathaswami sends us photos.

Our documentary continues… Here we are at the top of the hill in Kuala Lumpur, at the Gasing Sivan Temple, on the morning of the Sunday, the 11th…

Children sing thevarams for Bodhinatha

Bodhinatha gives a talk about Siva as the God of love who encompasses, for Saivites, not only destruction but also creation, preservation, veiling and revealing grace

Silvarajoo Muniandy, left, and Dr. Arjunan Subramaniam, right

View from the Gasing Hill Sivan Temple

As part of morning function, the temple asked Bodhinatha to ceremoniously open their first-ever website,

Bodhinatha is asked to open the first pages of the website

They set up a projector and screen right in the temple mandapam so everyone could see the new website

Now the process of mantra diksha is introduced, most importantly sharing that in our organization, the diksha is only given after many years of study and preparation

First to receive diksha is Tirumati Parimala

Bodhinatha signs the Panchakshara Mantra booklet that she will keep, which describes various ways of chanting Namasivaya

Now giving the diksha to Tirumati Devika

Applying vibhuti blessing

She signs the book

Parimala and Devika very happy with this deepening of their spiritual life

Next, Komaldeva Sivananda takes his brahmacharya vrata, vow to remain celibate until marriage

Bodhinatha ties the cord around his waist which is a reminder of the vow

Komaldeva sets a good example by taking this vow

Now giving vibhuti blessing to everyone present

The audience waiting to approach

Leaving the Gasing Hill Sivan Temple

In the afternoon we attended the final hours of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam’s national Thirumurai contest and prize-giving

About 18,000 youth had participated from across Malaysia, and the cream of them from each state had gathered here this weekend for the final recitals

The youth excitedly waiting to receive prizes

One of older youth sings some beautiful thevarams

Swami Guhabhaktananda on the left, Dr. S.M. Ponniah and Dato Vythilingam to his right

Bodhinatha again speaks about how Siva is the “God of Love”, Anbe Sivam, not “The God of Destruction”

The large audience listens attentively

The happy children receiving prizes

Bodhinatha presents prizes to the top “Gold Medal” winners

More prizes

Honoring the teachers of the youth

At the very end, Bodhinatha was asked to perform arati to Nataraja as the audience sang some closing prayers

The Thirumurai contest was held at Batu Caves, so afterwards we went next door to the Divine Life Society to chat with Swami Guhabhaktananda for a while.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha receives a gift of a small Ganesha from devotees in Malaysia…

At home today we started the day with our usual Sun One Homa and then we had our monthly Ashram Sadhana day, cleaning up all the mess from the termite heat treatment, making the Aadheenam all bright and shiny again…

Saravananathaswami is sending up lots of great photos which we will show over the days to come… let us go now to first and second day in Malaysia.

Sishyas and students welcome Bodhinatha at the Kuala Lumpur international airport.

Young couple Sivanathan and Puvana meeting Bodhinatha the hotel. They are expecting their first child early next year. Puvana is a Saiva Siddhanta Church sishya and Sivanathan is preparing to become one.

Bodhinatha looks at Sivaram and Devika’s wedding contract which they finally had the opportunity to read before Bodhinatha and invite him to sign.

Bodhinatha signs their wedding contract.

Sivaram and Devika read their contract in front of Bodhinatha.

The happy couple…

Sivaram’s mother and two aunts on the left…

Arrival at the Sri Selva Vinayagar Temple in the evening for our usual satsang gathering of all the members and students of Saiva Siddhanta Church, this time being held in a temple hall instead of a family home, so that all the participants can be accommodated…

In the adjacent temple hall, ready to begin the satsang…

Saiva Siddhanta Church sishyas Rohini, Hema and Thivya sing Natchintanai at the beginning…

Display of our publications at the entrance.

Young Premila entertains the audience

Bodhinatha prepares to give a talk about building a relationship with Lord Ganesha

Chanting Gurudeva’s ashtottara (108 names) and then Bodhinatha’s new ashtottara

The temple had just celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi in the preceding days, so festive lights were everywhere for the occasion

Bodhinatha giving his talk

The audience

Giving vibhuti darshan at the end

Each family comes up

The queue waiting to get darshan from Bodhinatha

SSC sishyas serve dinner to the audience at the end

Sivaram and Nanthakumaran on the right

Bodhinatha officially signs the Sri Selva Vinayagar Temple guestbook

A photo op with the temple priest and management

The next morning, Sunday, we are up on a hill at the Gasing Sivan Temple

Flower petals are offered in front of Bodhinatha as he walks up the steps

Everyone crowds around…

Taking arati at the powerful Sivalingam sanctum

The main purpose for coming to this temple was to have a homa and then give Namasivaya mantra diksha to two SSC sishyas. The homa is now beginning…

Bodhinatha going within during the homa, to prepare for giving mantra diksha

Our enthusiastic publications display team

Making special offerings at the peak of homa

Another offering of a leaf garland

A homa sacrament made by mixing burnt grass with ghee

Taking the arati at the end of the homa… more tomorrow on the important dikshas that were given at the temple.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is the team that did the heat treatment, on the left is Bob Madamba with his team from Honolulu.

Fil Am Termite Services can do the job for you without poison!

This morning we had a good long meeting with Michael Linford, Ph.D. who pioneered the implementation of heat in the pest eradication industry. Over 15 years ago some scientists discovered that termites could not withstand more than 120 degrees, Michael took this knowledge and brought it to the industry. Michael is the Chief Operating Officer of ThermaPureHeat Company ( which licenses other companies to use the process. Bob Madamba’s, Fil Am is his first licensee in Hawaii.

He can over to Kauai to watch of the operation because this was the first such very large job on Kauai and he wanted to make sure everything went well. Sadhaka Adinatha on the left was our lead man on taking the initiative to get the problem under control. It was an important step in preserving our monastery for the future.

On the left is Danial Hickinbotham of Precision Environmental, Inc. in California. Michael brought him over as he has experience and was here to help train the Fil Am team. If you live in California, Arizona or Nevada, and you want a a non-toxic solution to termites, mold or fungus in your home, contact

We want to really thank this team for the hard work they did. Setting up all the tents, working late into the evening in intense heat and going inside the buildings to take temperature reading from the beams until they were very certain they had reach the necessary temperatures. What a tough job!

A look at the Aadheenam two days ago when were heating up the second story space…

Here is Michael again, with his wife… (sorry about the sun shadows …. it was mid-day). They are Mormons and Mrs. Linford does not work outside the home. They have five wonderful girls and have been together for 34 years.

Gurudeva always appreciated Mormons for their strong commitment to many of the same values that Hindus stand for.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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