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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun Five here at the Aadheenam and the Ganapati Kulam share news of its activities this phase. Some of the many things underway in the publications area:

* Work on Hinduism Today (as usual) Highlights:

–A full-length feature story on Tirupati Temple
–An educational section on “The Two Paths”

*A very beautiful Gurudeva Mahasamadhi publication called “Gurudeva’s Spiritual Toolbox..” a limited edition of 500 copies only goes to press in a few days. This has 32 questions that humans ask about life on Earth, and Gurudeva’s answers to them all.
*The whole team worked on Gurudeva’s digital audio and video archives for one whole day… What a treasure… that we will bring to you one day in the future.
*Book Four of the children’s Saivite Hindu Religion course will be in full color with photos (fabulous!)
*Work on resurrecting our Natchintanai satsang booklets…

Just a few of the projects in the works.

Alvin & Francoise Buchignani were our guests this morning. Alvin has been the monastery’s attorney for many, many years and knows Gurudeva, Bodhinatha and all the monks well. They were here 2 years ago and were very much amazed to see the progress on Iraivan. They also had a nice meeting with Bodhinatha. We’ll be seeing them again on Oct 16th in Sausalito when Bodhinatha has his reception event over there. You are welcome to attend. Please see guru travels page for details.

Iraivan is really taking shape…

Thanks to the hard work of these men… Silpi Chellaiya here, aloft on the West Chinna Gopuram.

This Siva wood carving was recently repainted by Leonora Orr, a Kauai artist.

It graces the entrance door to the Publications Building.

Retrospective: Bodhinatha’s Last Event of His Mauritius Mission

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s last day stay in Mauritius has been marked by a meeting with most of the islands’s devotees in Mahebourg at the residence of Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum, who lives just a few minutes drive from the SSR airport in the south.

Now Brahmachari has a new house and is impatiently waiting for Bodhinatha to inaugurate and Bless his new abode…

Saravananathaswami performs an arati in the new home shrine. Soon after Bodhinatha will move in every room and sprinkle water to bless the house. Bodhinatha tells everyone that each corner of a room should always be kept very clean to attract positive vibration….

It is an informal meeting, where Bodhinatha summarized the highlights of his visit to Mauritius and mentioned about new activities for the next visit.

The sishyas are listening carefully….

A little sad… this is the last meeting with Bodhinatha this year!

After Bodhinatha’s speech, sishyas came forward for the Guru’s Blessings. This is Parmeshswaran Ramsamy from Henrietta.

Kulapati Koothan from Chemin Grenier in the South….

Kulamata Sornambal Mardemootoo from the north…

Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum with his Kulapati and Kulamata for a souvenir photo with Bodhinatha.

Ravind Doorghiat, a long time sishya with his whole family …

Brahmachari Vel in his new kitchen, ready to serve dinner to Bodhinatha and swami…

Padmasri Ramsamy(left), her mother and Magadevi Canagasaby..

Everyone present is being served dinner at this new house blessing event….

The children are enjoying a wonderful time together.

“Au Revoir” and see you all in 2006.

The Mauritius sishyas thank Bodhinatha for this wonderful visit that uplifted everyone spiritually. Thank you, Bodhinatha! Aum…

Nature’s Wonders…

We bring you a few of Siva’s amazing creations in bloom today at Kauai Aad

The path to Iraivan Temple, lined with palms.

A series of tropical plants called anthuriums. whose leaves turn to many colors pretending to be flowers. The real flowers are on the yellow spike.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam so we bring you a few lovely photos from Iraivan…

The Siddhidata Kulam gave a thorough report of their activities this past phase. New plumbing for the pool and publications building, upgrades to the nursery at the garden, clearing of falling tree branches.

A duck has moved into Rishi Valley. We call him Sambandar. A new addition to the monastery. He arrived about 3 weeks ago and is residing in the ponds on our Path of the Tamil Saivite Saints. Where did he come from? Well, we should not inquire into the origins of a wondering mendicant. Where is he going? “Who knows” as Yogaswami would say. But you are welcome to stay Sambandar!

Speaking of creatures ….part of today’s Siddhidata Kulam report was:

The Infamous Story of the Donkey!

Yes, someone drove in the back way and told us “You know there is a donkey tied up at your gate.”

We thought to ourselves, without saying anything aloud, a sweet smile on our faces….

[“Ah ha!… the old “donkey at your gate” trick… everyone knows that trick……we aren’t going to fall for it…” ]

“Really, believe me.. there is a donkey at your gate!”

Sadhaka Tejadeva sent these photos from his cell phone, after verifying there was indeed a donkey at our back gate. Actually, on closer inspection it was not a donkey… it was a mule! Eventually the owners were notified and retrieved him.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

The lattice “window” of the East Chinna Gopuram of Iraivan…

If you take that bucket of water at the top and pour it in the trough…

The water will come rushing out the mouth of the crocodile…These stones will eventually go on the roof to handle the water flow during down pours.

Chains, carved from a single stone.

One of the silpis at work on the top of the West Chinna Gopuram..

The silent face of Dakshinamurthy

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha will be in California soon. For details go his travel page. His San Diego satsang is completely booked. But you can meet him in Sausalito in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Sausalito reception is on October 16th…here are the details:

Date: Sunday, 16th October 2005
Time: 4 – 6pm
The Spinnaker Banquet Room
The Spinnaker Restaurant
100 Spinnaker Dr
Sausalito, CA 94965
Tel: (415)-332-1500
For directions visit

Please RSVP to Sadhaka Dandapani at or on 808-822-3012, Ext. 239.

This is a wonderful event for all those connected to the mission work of the Kailasa Parampara, in any way. Hinduism Today subscribers, Iraivan Temple supporters, Aadheenam pilgrims, students and well-wishers.

Bodhinatha will present an update on his mission and the mission of the monastic order. Hear the progress that has taken place in the work of Kauai Aadheenam over the past 1 year, Iraivan Temple, Hinduism Today magazine and various educational and publications programs around the world…..

…and other wonderful things that you will only know about if you attend the event.

See a video presentation on Kauai’s Hindu Monastery…and then, after the formal presentation, Bodhinatha will be available to meet you and your family informally for an hour afterwards.

Light refreshments will be served…

Many of you know of our sister Rohini Shanmugam from Mauritius who moved to Canada a long time ago and has been doing much Sivathondu through the years, distributing literature and promoting Gurudeva’s work in Montreal.

She married recently.. her new husband is Jean Marie.

She brought him to Kauai Aadheenam for a week long pilgrimage…

Jean Marie is philosophically minded and studies the teachings of Sri Aurobindo.

Worshipping at the Narmada Lingam….

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today at lunch the Ekadanta Kulam detailed it’s area of service. Saravananathaswami gave a long report on the many innovations and upgrades going on at Saiva Siddhanta Church, Mauritius, where the Spiritual Park is receiving more and more visitors at each monthly homa. We get varying counts, from 400 up to 800 people coming to the monthly homa and Ganesha puja.

Sadhaka Dandapani has been working on plans for Bodhinatha’s travel to the mainland next week and calling people to invite them on the coming Innersearch.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Golden Gate

The long awaited Iraivan Fund raiser concert in San Jose was held two weeks ago after months and months of preparations by our dedicated team of sishya in California. The artist for the evening was world-renowned flute player Shashank, who offered his music freely this evening as his donation to Iraivan Temple.

Here the members are working to set up the hall in front of the auditorium … and what a fabulous job they did….

Books, free literature, Iraivan information all beautifully displayed.

Inside the auditorium Chandra Param and his team did a fantastic job on the stage set up.

Refreshment station…

Auditorium lighting…

These beautiful posters were designed by the monks at Kauai Aadheenam and printed by Surya Kumar’s company and mounted on exquisitely built wooden kiosks, made by Kanda Alahan…These are re-usable for other future functions.

The musicians getting settled on the stage. Some of them have come all the way from India for this event.

Stage master, Chandra Param…

Indivar Sivanathan setting up Kulapati Vijay Sankaran on the video camera

Kulamata’s Gayatri Rajan and Savitri Palani…

Amazing flower decorations everywhere..

Punita Ajaya

Hotranatha Ajay take a break before the crowd arrives.

The crowd before the show….

The mission did a wonderful job and Iraivan got a lot of exposure and they raised quite a bit of funds, even after all the expenses were paid… Congratulations to the Golden Gate Mission for all their Sivathondu!

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We began a new phase today… six days of meditation and service…

All is well at the Aadheenam, quiet, work going on many fronts.

Chitra Nakshatra fell today, so Pada Puja for Gurudeva pre-empted the usual Sun One Homa…

Meditating during the puja…

The pictures tell the story, so we will take the opportunity to share come of Siva Yogaswami’s incomparable wisdom:

” We are the servitors of Siva.
No harm will befall us, if without forgetting we meditate on
the holy mantram that we have neither beginning nor end,
neither birth or death, neither day nor night, neither happiness nor sorrow.”

“What you contemplate, that you become. Persistent spiritual effort is necessary. Do not become discouraged. Those who fail to toil will not reap any reward. No pains, no gains is a familiar saying in the world. Persevere until you succeed.”

“Why do you constantly ponder on unworthy pursuits? Banish these futile intents and worship God with a full heart. Accept joyfully and carry out whatever is dispensed to you. In the end everything will lead you to success.”

“Perform cheerfully whatever work and duties are assigned to you, and be convinced that everything that happens is for the best. It is so. You may even ignore these things altogether. Both courses are acceptable.”

“Your liberation does not depend on action or inaction. Do not desire to be free of action. Do not become attached to action. Devote yourself to that which naturally befalls you, whether it involves action or inaction.”

” Greater than life itself is good conduct. Those who conduct themselves with rectitude possess everything that is worthwhile. Non-killing, non-stealing, non-vituperation, non-covetessness, truthfulness and humility–these are useful assets for virtuous living.”

“In whatever pursuits you are engaged, you should train yourself to work with zeal, keenness and delight. Such a discipline will lead you to acquire steadfastness of the mind. It is then that the mind develops the power of one pointedness, which in turn will lead you to enjoy an abundance of anma-sakti. Thenceforth everything will be bright, and you will not be disturbed by the agitations caused by seeing the difference in objects, as friends and foes, light and darkness.”

Paramacharya performs the daily Siva puja in the morning during the phase…. at the end.. the traditional offerings at the balipeedam…

Popular Music aficionados may know about the famed Crosby, Stills and Nash band… much beloved for their high-minded music and “mission” oriented initiatives to support positive causes through the years. Well, what has that got to do with TAKA? Graham Nash lives on Kauai and he and his wife decided to build a home they found in Bali.. that’s right. A complete Balinese house, created in Bali and dismantled and stored away was brought to Kauai. Graham had a team of Balinese craftsmen come to Kauai to assemble the home. Here they are meeting with Paramacharya Palaniswami after the morning puja in the temple.

Graham’s wife Susan Nash brought them all to the temple today as they have completed their work and will be returning soon to Bali…

The Sacramento Hindu Svayamsevak Sangh invited Kulapati Easan Katir to talk to the Youth Group at a weekend picnic.

Kulapati Easan Katir Teaching

Early in September, the Sacramento Hindu Svayamsevak Sangh invited Kulapati Easan Katir to talk to the Youth Group at a weekend picnic.

Easan distributes a copy of the educational pamphlet from Bodhinatha “Raising Good Hindu Children” to each family.

Questions and Answers

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha with our guests today in the Guru Peedam.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvitiya Tithi, Sun One, Tuesday, Oct 4th.

This is Kanagasundaram from the UK. He is originally from Jaffna and met Yogaswami when he was a teenager.

Kanagasundaram with his wife.

This couple is from Anaheim, California… it is their first visit…

This is retired Sergeant Major Chaturbhuj Gidwani, a long time reader and supporter of Hinduism Today. He has just finished a 5-year post at the US military base in Okinawa, Japan, where he was hired back on as a civilian because of his expertise in mechanical engineering.

He has been an advocate for providing Hindu religious services in the armed forces. His goal is to have a official Hindu Chaplain as part of the Chaplain Corps. In 1973 he joined the chapel services for Christian soldiers, the only religious service available, but sat meditating in the back during the sermon. His determination over several decades brought awareness of the existence of Hindus in the armed forces. In Okinawa, he was offered the option to serve as a lay minister, leading chapel services for Hindu, and ministering to their needs. He’s advocating that a young Hindu with the right training join the armed services as a chaplain, an officer post. There are more than one thousand Hindus in the US armed services, mostly doctors and engineers.

Natarajnathaswami assists Bodhinatha by preparing print outs of shum meditations…

Here he is presenting some recent work to Bodhinatha for review. These meditation maps are used by the monks and initiated sishya in their daily meditations.

Being the last day of the phase… we had our usual tour guests… we will end here and let the pictures tell their own story…

Aum Namasivaya

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Rudy and Dora Tanzi came back today to have darshan with Bodhinatha. They asked may insightful questions and engage Bodhinatha for a full hour.

Upon departure. Rudy said: “I don’t think I have ever met anyone who answer my questions with such clarity.”

As mentioned in a previous TAKA, Rudy and Dora are professors of neurology at Harvard Medical School

He and his wife are vegetarians and specialize in Alzheimer’s research and other brain diseases. The staff of Hinduism Today has been talking with them about a possible article on the relationship between mad-cow disease, meat-eating and Senile Dementia, which has many forms, only one of which is Alzheimers.

Alzheimer’s is different than Mad-cow disease, but cases of the latter in humans may be mis-diagnosed as Alzheimers. Rudi says there are many complicating factors.

It is hard to pin down a definitive causal chain. But best not to take chances… don’t eat meat!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A quiet day at the Aadheenam. Everyone focused on their Sivathondu and Sivadhyanam… We take this opportunity to bring you a second set of photo from Sri Lanka…

The Tsunami affected on the coast line. It’s business as usual for those establishments away from the ocean.

Here is Siva Markandu from Toronto, his wife Vasanti, father-in-law Ganesh lingam and two sons, Vignesh and Kumaran at Nallur temple in Jaffna.

Despite the difficult times, the magnificent temple of Lord Murugan is in great condition.

and beautifully maintained.

Here we are in Alaveddy, at Gurudeva’s first mission: Alaveddy Ashram…

Bullet holes in the walls…

The stage in the back of the Ashram…

Yogaswami’s picture is kept here….

And a shrine for Gurudeva is still maintained by devotees.

We are all praying for peace so that we can resume activities one day here..

Next we go to Kopay to the Subramuniya Kottam.

It is run by Mylvaganam and Sivalosani Kanagaratnam

This shrine was recently renovated.

The Kottom class room where children are taught.

An old picture of Gurudeva from the 70’s still hangs there…

A sad reminder of the state of affairs is just behind the Kottam: a danger sign… the ground is filled with land mines.

Slowly the mines are being detected and removed.

Here are some mines that have been picked out of the ground…

The library in Jaffna has been completely rebuilt…the original building was burned down at the beginning of the war in 1983.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam, so we take this opportunity to reflect on our roots and Parampara.

We have two sets of Photos from Siva Markandu in Toronto who recently went to Sri Lanka. We will show one set today and another tomorrow.

Yogaswami sang:

The One and the Many art Thou Lord, whose abode is the
Himalayas. Thou who vanquished Dakkan and art the
consort of the alluring Sakti–Oh Lanka’s divine Teacher
recovered by Yoganathan! Thy Refuge we seek.

Sternly did Thou destroy the pride of doubting ascetics.
The eternal Feminine constitutes part of Thy Form. Thy
fiery Eye did burn the deluding Cupid. Oh Lord Siva who
reigns over Lanka, Thine are we in Refuge meek.

Day and night I toil to ease my worldly wants. Will Thou
not pity my weakness so abject? What shall I do? My Guru!
To whom shall I turn? Resplendent Light of the bejewelled
Isle of Lanka, Thine in Refuge are we.”

A Trip to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

Siva Markandu tells us:

“These are Red Cross workers, who have been very helpful to all the refugees…”

They have given a lot of supplies to these boys of our Thirunavukkarasu Orphanage. One of the older boys is now doing volunteer work with the Red Cross.

Red Cross Family Hygiene kits. In times of disaster, basic needs like toothpaste and soap are important.

Cooking and water pots are essential…

Here I am (on the right) giving a check to the orphanage for CAN$4,001.00 which was raised by the Sri Lankan Tamils living in London, Ontario area, Canada.

Handing out small gifts of candy to the boys that we brought.

At home in Canada we have this Canada South Blues Society. The musicians raised money and gave these tee-shirts for the boys.

The founder of the Guru Kulam, Swaminathar Thambaiyar Adigal

The devastation of the area where the orphanage originally existed.

We also offered assistance to the Ramakrishna Mission Boys’ Home… This boat allows the boys to move back and forth over the lagoon. Transport is an issue in these devastated areas. Unlike places in the US where a hurricane like Katrina strikes, where they have resources to rebuild, here in Sri Lanka, these people have very little.

A long term sustained relief effort is needed… it is easy to forget…

Sri Lanka, fabled for its beauty has been sadly hit by war and natural disaster. We all need to help.

Whatever may come to pass, this is our sacred spiritual homeland.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

More pictures today from Mauritius… here is Bodhinatha diving deep within during a temple ceremony…

Rudy and Dora Tanzi who visited here in March are back to see us again. Both are professors of neurology at Harvard Medical School and on their last visit to Kauai they learnt about Gurudeva.

After visiting the monastery they started to read Gurudeva’s Master Course and now enjoy it very much. They both will be joining Bodhinatha on the Innersearch to Australia and New Zealand in January. Why don’t you come and join them?

Incidentally they arrived in March on the day our calf Anu was born so today they brought a bag of bananas for the whole family.

And Anu and family were more than happy to see them….and the bananas!

Tyler Comer is here from Jefferson City, Tennessee on a three month task force program… This phase he is spending the morning with the publications team. Today he’s helping Acharya Kumarswami with some research on the next insight section.

Tyler wants to send a big “Aloooha!” out to his mother, Rhonda.

Tyler just turned 20 years old this month, and is working to earn money for college.

This is a big smile for our Amma Rhonda!

Tyler has been studying the teachings for several years and has expressed interest in monastic life.

More Picture of Bodhinatha in Mauritius

We carry on with our retrospective series from the beautiful island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean.

On September 19, Sat Guru Bodhinatha was invited to give a Talk at the Arul Tharum Kali Parasakti Thava Sidhar kali Kovil at Chebel, Beau Bassin. The subject of the Inspired Talk was Worship: Home Shrine and Pilgrimage.

The chilly cold and windy evening did not discourage a large crowd to attend that special temple event. Here Bodhinatha alights from the car at the Temple entrance.

The temple priests are ready to traditionally welcome Bodhinatha with a Kumbam.

Bodhinatha is garlanded and everyone comes forward to greet the Satguru with all due respects

After parading around the Temple with traditional musicians leading the procession, Bodhinatha arrives at the Lord Ganesha’s shrine where an arati is conducted…

Lord Ganesha adorned with sandalwood paste…. According to Kulapati SK Moorghen the priest spent several hours on that day to make all the murthis of the temple look special for this Guru event!

Another arati at the Lord Muruga shrine…

A longer puja is done in the main Shakti sanctum and Bodhinatha and swami were invited to come inside the sanctum. After this prayer to the Goddess, the main priest led Bodhinatha out to the peedam…

Bodhinatha gets ready for His Upadesha. Before Bodhinatha addresses those present, various socio-Hindu religious leaders welcomed Bodhinatha in each of the Indian languages spoken in Mauritius: Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Marathi. A welcome message was also read in sanskrit.

Many of our Church members turned up for this occasion too…

Bodhinatha’s Talk first emphasized on the home shrine: Bodhinatha said, “The family that prays together stays together. For Hindus , ideally this includes two practices. daily early morning worship in the home shrine as a family. Weekly worship at the local temple as a family.”

Kulapati SK Moorghen whose kutumba coordinated that Chebel temple event translated Bodhinatha’s Talk into creole, the island’s spoken dialect.

” … A point I like to stress that Hinduism is the only religion in which everyone can own their own temple and become the temple’s priest- the temple, of course is their home shrine which you can spiritualize or make feel like a temple through conducting daily puja in the home shrine.”

Devotees sat and listened carefully to the practical teachings of the Guru…

The Temple mandapam’s was full of devotees coming from various parts of the island…

Priest Umapathi is an ardent devotee of the Goddess who claimed having had visions of Her guiding him to build this new Temple in Mauritius. This priest also counsels in matters of vastu principles.

Bodhinatha is offered a small plaque by the Temple priests …

The name of Bodhinatha is inscribed on this temple plaque….A souvenir from Mauritius….

The Speaker of Mauritius Parliament was present at the event too…

The event ended with Bodhinatha blessing devotees coming forward and Bodhinatha offering them a printed copy of His Talk. On the whole is was a wonderful Temple public event and the Temple management really gave Bodhinatha a grand welcome.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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