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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha addresses a group that came today.

They are members and students from the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California.

Saravananathaswami at work in the Ekadanta Kulam. He has been actively developing the plans for the Maha Samadhi events of next week…

California Events Photos Continue…

We continue with our photos from our donor appreciation events that took place at a reception in Sausalito California on October 16th…

Jean Gibson and her daughter, Laura Marks.

The room was beautifully decorated with posters showing the progress of the Iraivan temple.

Sundari Katir and her family were among the devotees that did an amazing job in helping to organize the event.

K. Suriyakumar was our guest speaker for the event. He is a strong supporter of the aadheenam and its projects, especially Iraivan Temple, and helps in every way he can. He delivered an inspiring talk.

Mihir Meghani, right, president of Hindu American Foundation, brought some friends to meet with Bodhinatha

Sadhaka Dandapani holds up a certificate of appreciation that the aadheenam prepared for Suriyakumar.

Bodhinatha presents the certificate. It reads “Certificate of Appreciation presented to K. Suriyakumar in recognition of his outstanding
support and service through the years,
bringing Hinduism’s sacred art and imagery
into the monastery and temple,
collaborating with others to help build
Iraivan Temple in Hawaii and thus to strengthen Gurudeva’s mission around the world and offer love and support to Tamil Saivism.”

A shawl is presented as in tradition.

Dr. Narayana Rao shares a few words. He said “Out of all the magnificent things pertaining to the Kauai Aadheenam, the two things that stand out the utmost are the Iraivan Temple, which I call “The Temple for the Generations,” and the HINDUISM TODAY magazine, which I am now calling, “The Magazine for the Generations.”

To put it in perspective, let us suppose one million dollars is to be raised in support of a cause. Then, if one million people give one dollar each (less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks) just for one day of their lives, that is one million dollars. Alternatively, assuming an average life span of 70 years, if just 40 people contribute one dollar per day for their lifetimes, then simple arithmetic will tell you that it is over one million dollars, let alone the interest accumulated.

So, today I am here to begin the fulfillment of our pledge of one dollar per day for the lifetime of Vinay (my grandson), one lifetime out of 40, if not the first one out of 40, by presenting an amount of $2,016 in two checks for the auspicious amount of $1,008 each from me and my wife, as a symbol of our equal affection towards him. And later, we will make arrangements for the continuation of the contribution as pledged.

“An apple a day for my body,
for a physically healthy everyday!
A dollar a day for HINDUISM TODAY,
for a spiritually healthy everybody!”

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

A special Ganesha Homa was organized at the Spiritual Park on the first Sunday of October for students taking part in their end of academic school year and university exams. This was an auspicious time for students and their families to seek the Blessings of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami always advises families to pray Lord Ganesha on such forthcoming exams.

As usual those who came early were able to secure a seat inside the Mandapam which is always full to capacity on Homa days…

Traditional musicians were hired for the occasion ….

Several items were ready to be used for a very elaborate homa…

Church members are close by to give a helping hand…Kulapati Moorghen and Kulamata Mardemootoo helping the priest…

Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati looks splendid!

Kulamata Mardemootoo lights the Kutuvilakku helped by Brahmachari Vel.

The two priests hired for that ceremony chanted beautiful mantras in Sanskrit and sang a few Thevarums

Kulapati Manon as the most senior kulapati, was the main person to sit with the priests…

Some devotees were happy sitting by the pond and under the pine trees

Others sat on the lava rock steps leading to the Mandapam.

Here the priest is decorating the large homa pit for an elaborate homa.

A traditional design made from rice powder and turmeric paste…

The Homa starts….

Kulapati Mooghen holds the mic and kulamata Mardemootoo provides the homa ingredients for the Sivacharya…

Hundreds of notes from devotees are then sent into the fire to reach the devas in the inner worlds. Many problems would be solved for happy devotees in a few days….

The priest pouring honey and milk into the fire.

Children are distributed blessed pens and other writing materials…A little rush here with all the little ones coming to receive their gifts

Kulamatas Premila and Kavita suddenly have a busy time distributing the gifts…

One happy little girl from the crowd with her gift…

At the end of the ceremony everyone is served food at the food stations…

The SK Moorghen Kutumba coordinated the food serving for this occasion…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is a South Indian Hindu family that moved from Kentucky to Honolulu two years ago to work at the University of Hawaii. They are originally from Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu.

They said this was the nicest temple they have been to in a long time.. “very peaceful.”

Later next week we will be installing a new image of Lord Dandapani (Murugan) into the East wall niche on the outside of Kadavul temple to replace the one that is there. Priest Janahan from California will do the rites and has given instructions for advance preparation of water for the abhishekam…

it is daily boiled, and set out in the morning sun….and then brought into Kadavul during the night…

Today the Honolulu Church of Light conducted a tour of Kauai Aadheenam. They have sixty participants on a cruise around the Hawaiian islands.

Everyone is enthralled with the stone sculptures.

The tour of the islands is called “The Magic of Lemuria” conducted by trance-medium Fred Sterling.

Retrospective on Bodhinatha’s California Mission

After the event in San Diego Bodhinatha boarded a plane to San Francisco arriving there late in the evening. He was then taken to a restaurant for a surprise birthday dinner by devotees.

The next morning Bodhinatha was at Easvan Param’s home for a satsang with devotees.

Bodhinatha is welcomed with a traditional arathi.

Vijay Sankara conducts the pada puja.

Bodhinatha blessed all who came.

Yatrika Ajaya took her brahmachariya vrata. Bodhinatha ties the sacred string around her waist.

There were many present for this wonderful morning event. Dr. Narayana Rao and his wife, Sarojini, came all the way from Illinois just to see Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha receives the first of many birthday gifts for the morning.

I wonder what’s in this one?

Look, it’s an iPod Nano!

Dr. Venu Kondle sings a song for Bodhinatha.

Lunch was then served under a sweet Indian tent in the garden. It was a beautiful sunny day in San Francisco.

Chandran and Sahana Devi Param get a couple of rudraksha beads blessed by Bodhinatha.

A sumptuous meal was lovingly prepared.

Wait, don’t start yet. Here’s more.

Another birthday cake. This time only 3 candles!

That afternoon a donor appreciation event was held in Sausalito. The venue was a banquet room that was beautifully decorated by devotees overlooking the bay. Sadhaka Dandapani was the MC for the event.

About 110 people were in attendance.

Sri Ananth Sivachariar blesses the event with a beautif
ul chant. We have known him for some years now and he is a wonderful priest from Pillaiyarpati.

Sri Ananth Sivachariar presented Bodhinatha with a garland, shawl and a tray of offerings.

The following photos and captions were sent in by Dr. Narayana Rao. Thanks for your contribution.

Purnahuti for welcoming Bodhinatha in front of Easvan Param’s house

Welcome Arati for Bodhinatha

Bodhinatha during Pada Puja

Devotees during Pada Puja

Arati during Pada Puja

Iraivan Fund Raiser Photos

Young flute master Shashank playing for Iraivan in California… he married recently and his wife dances during the program. Some of the musicians on stage are the same that play for Bodhinatha that the Brihadishwarar Sivan temple in Tanjavur on the last Indian Odyssey Innersearch.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha meets with Rohini and Jean-Marie on their last day at the Aadheenam before they return home to Montreal. Jean-Marie said he got a lot of sun on the outside from Kauai and a clarifying sun on the inside from the temple…

Here are more pictures from the arrival of the 9000-pound Murugan from Mahabalipuram, India. It is a form of Shanmuga, the six-faced Lord of Yoga, Son of Siva, beloved deity of the Tamil people. This was gifted by an anonymous devotee from Sri Lanka, and took two years to carve in South India from a single giant black granite stone. This is the first Shanmuga on the property, with six heads and twelve arms, each holding a sacred implement of Lord Murugan’s powers. This magnificent sculpture which we can’t see today, because it’s in the crate. But here is a sketch from which the sculptors’ worked.

It is destined to stand beneath the sprawling banyan tree at the entrance to the monastery, sitting on a 6-sided platform to grace all who visit in the years ahead.

San Diego Events Continued

Shakti Mahadevan got a huge black forest chocolate cake for Bodhinatha which her husband now takes over to Bodhinatha’s table.

Do I have to blow out all those candles?

This is going to be exciting…

Here we go…

1 more left to go…

All out in one breath….phew! Congratulations Bodhinatha!

Lakshmi Sukumar sings a happy birthday song in Sanskrit that was composed by her guru, Swami Tejomayananda

Bodhinatha received many gifts including this beautiful shawl.

Now it’s time for lunch.

Tushar and Alka Doshi came down from LA. They have been fundraising for the construction of the Hanuman Mandapam that will be next to Iraivan Temple and have raised $11,000 already. Thank you for your support.

The cake did not last very long.

Ron and Gayle Kilderback, readers of Hinduism Today.

Delicious vegetarian lunch for all who came.

Dr. Shan Sunder was our guest speaker for the day.

He shared with everyone about his connection with Gurudeva and the medical work that he is doing in Sri Lanka.

Bodhinatha presented him with a shawl to our appreciation for his support of Gurudeva’s work over the years.

Thank you Dr. Sunder for everything that you do.

His wife, Thilaka.

Diksha and Usha Katir were instrumental in making Bodhinatha’s visit a grand success.

Josan Feathers and Lisa Marston.

Sadhaka Dandapani takes a moment to pose for a photo with Suresh, Nelly, Hema, Sundari and Velu.
< /p>

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha about to give his morning talk on Sun One, the beginning of our phase.

It is a very auspicious day as Lord Muruga is about to arrive in person…

The Nakshatra today happens to be Krittika…

Video is taken of Bodhinatha each phase….

Our silpis have come, as they do each morning, for blessings at the temple before starting work…

The devotees brought some exquisite garlands today…

With Paramacharya Palaniswami

Rohini and her husband Jean-Marie from Montreal..

Look! a giant shipment from India has arrived… Inside that big box is Lord Murugan!

He is in the form of Shanmuganathan… the Six-Faced Lord…

He is destined to be placed under the banyan tree on the west side of Tiruneri path.

We found a small opening through the many banyan roots coming down…

Going in, under the tree…

OK… perfect…

To be revealed in the days to come…

Bodhinatha’s California Mission — Retrospective

We continue our report of Bodhinatha’s trip to California. We begin at in San Diego, where the small group of devotees is overjoyed to have a visit from our Satguru. Being off the standard travel routes, they have not had a visit for many years. They have been planning for many months for this special reception…

it was extra special for everyone as Bodhinatha was traveling during his own Jayanthi time…

Here’s Dasan Mahadevan who played a big role in helping to make the trip a great success. He and his family were always available to help with the minutest details.

Shakti Mahadevan (pictured here) and Usha Katir turned the reception venue into a beautiful room with their professional creative decorations.

Dhanya Nadesan (right) shares a fun moment with Dayavati Murugan. Thank you, Dhanya, for your excellent organization and coordination skills.

Janahan Balasingham drove down from Orange County to spend two days with us.

The devotees in San Diego bought a gift of a brass “aum” with bells for all who came in appreciation of their support of the aadheenam and its various projects.

Guests start to arrive.

Hema and Suresh. They were recently on Kauai for their daughter’s wedding and spent a couple of days at the aadheenam with their family.

The venue for the event was at Humphrey’s Half Moon Inn. It was a beautiful day in San Diego and our banquet room overlooked the bay.

Thousands of boats graced the water. Bodhinatha remarked later when he came home that he had never seen so many boats!

Mahesh Viswanathan and wife, Krithika.

Phani Peesapathi and family.

Shelah Young just began the formal Master Course correspondence course and was happy to meet Bodhinatha in person.

Josan Feathers who will be joining Bodhinatha on the next Innersearch to Australia and New Zealand shares stories of her Indian Innersearch with Lisa Marston and Janahan

Ravi Rahavendran meets with AD and Katie Williams. All three are dedicated supporters of Iraivan temple.

Lots of birthday wishes for Bodhinatha today from everybody who came.

For some present it was their first meeting with Bodhinatha and it truly was a memorable day for them.

Sadhaka Dandapani begins the event with a short prayer.

Janahan does a blessing chant and beautifully explains its meaning.

Shivali Trivedi…

and her brother, Shailesh, came with their parents.

The response to the invitation was so good that we had to get a bigger room. About 95 people turned up for the event.

Corine and Ashley Baumann. Sadhaka Tejadeva’s mother and sister drove down from LA to attend the event.

Many drove more than two hours to get to the event. To all those who came, thank you for your support and it was wonderful to see you all again.

Mohan Ekambaram also came down from LA. He makes it a point to come and see Bodhinatha each time Bodhinatha visits California.

Sadhaka Dandapani with Radha Trivedi and Velu

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha receives a gift from devotees in San Diego… We have a short report from his day, prior to the evening reception…

View of one side of the bay from our hotel.

A beautiful giant bell sits outside our hotel.

Oct 15th – Happy Birthday Bodhinatha! A surprise birthday breakfast was held for Bodhinatha by devotees.

Opening the first of many presents for the day.

Another gift….

and another….

After the breakfast event Bodhinatha met with a couple of devotees and is now getting ready to go to the donor reception event. He will fly this evening to San Francisco.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Tritya Tithi, Sun One, Wednesday, June 5th.

Our end of phase tour brought 50 souls, mostly guided here by various Kauai tourist guide books… Siva brought them bright sunny day…

In the temple, Kulapati Deva Seyon re-installed the cupola that is on top of Gurudeva’s shrine that the devotees have just gold-leafed.

It is a bright shiny new addition to the temple.

A golden dome for our golden Satguru!

Our retreat is three days… we have Iraivan day and two days doing all kinds of interesting things… see you all again on Sun One.

Om Namasivaya

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha receives a gift from devotees in San Diego… We have a short report from his day, prior to the evening reception…

View of one side of the bay from our hotel.

A beautiful giant bell sits outside our hotel.

Oct 15th – Happy Birthday Bodhinatha! A surprise birthday breakfast was held for Bodhinatha by devotees.

Opening the first of many presents for the day.

Another gift….

and another….

After the breakfast event Bodhinatha met with a couple of devotees and is now getting ready to go to the donor reception event. He will fly this evening to San Francisco.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Tritya Tithi, Sun One, Wednesday, June 5th.

Our end of phase tour brought 50 souls, mostly guided here by various Kauai tourist guide books… Siva brought them bright sunny day…

In the temple, Kulapati Deva Seyon re-installed the cupola that is on top of Gurudeva’s shrine that the devotees have just gold-leafed.

It is a bright shiny new addition to the temple.

A golden dome for our golden Satguru!

Our retreat is three days… we have Iraivan day and two days doing all kinds of interesting things… see you all again on Sun One.

Om Namasivaya

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha at Satsang in San Diego…Sadhaka Dandapani sends in a report…

Greetings from San Diego! After flying for most of the day we arrived in San Diego about 11:45pm. A group of devotees were at the airport to greet us. Photo shows Shelter Island – a small island Bodhinatha is staying on during his 2 day visit to San Diego.

Photo of San Diego city taken during our morning walk.

Bodhinatha poses in front of the entrance to his hotel.

The hotel overlooks the bay on both sides – one side filled with boats the other open water with the city on the other side.

Lots of palm trees all around.

Bodhinatha spent this morning meeting with devotees. Here are Dasan, Shakti and Chudika Mahadevan. They were among the devotees that transformed Bodhinatha’s hotel room into what looked like a beautiful Hindu home. We don’t get the feeling like we are in a hotel. Birthday gifts are starting to pile up as you can see for his birthday this Oct 15th.

Don Loshonkohl and wife Barbara happy to see Bodhinatha again after a long while.

This afternoon Bodhinatha heads to one of the devotees home for a satsang.

At home this morning some of the devotees are gold leafing the cupola that goes on the very top of Gurudeva’s shrine in Kadavul…

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Rohini with her husband Jean-Marie from Montreal…

A beautiful job…well done

Tyler at work today with the Siddhidata Kulam doing maintenance on the top of some of our buildings.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha left the Aadheenam this morning for his next mission: a short trip to California.. first San Diego and then Sausalito, back to back, October 15 and 16.. and then home again.

For details see the Guru Travel Page

The San Diego event is “sold out” but there is plenty of room at the Sausalito reception. Please do come and join him….

All the monks gather to send off their Satguru…

Here he comes…

Final check: “Tickets? ID… no passport needed… I have my driver’s license…”

Sadhaka Dandapani will accompany Bodhinatha on this trip.. he has been working very hard the past few days create a new Aadheenam Update video to show everyone…

“OK, everyone in? Let’s go.. .we will see you in a few days… “

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha giving his talk today… Sun One, after the homa….

We step back to yesterday… which was Ayudhya puja day.. our silpis at the patra (black smith forge) .. boiling the rice prasadam…

Bodhinatha blesses the forge…

On this day we thank God for our tools, the instruments through which we are able to do our work and thus sustain our lives.

“Tyler-natha” on Task Force for 3 months. He is really fitting in wonderfully and enjoying himself…

Two years ago, when he was just 18, his spiritual inclinations let him to look up the word “superconscious” in Google… and he found Merging with Siva… He read that book in one week, became a vegetarian and completely changed his life…

The main puja…

Then the stone cutting, where everyone takes a turn…

Sthapati worships the sadhus with arati…

Bodhinatha gives dakshina to the silpis, a cash donation and a new veshti…

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Iraivan looks more and more wonderful…

Now for stroll down toward the river….

The we are up to today… morning homa…

Bodhinatha gives his talk…

Vibhuti blessings
for all

Our Siddhidata Kulam also observed Ayudhya puja by decorating and blessing their “maintenance bay” where they work on vehicles, do welding etc.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Another reminder about Bodhinatha’s reception in California. Don’t miss it… you are invited:

Here are the details:

Date: Sunday, 16th October 2005
Time: 4 – 6pm
The Spinnaker Banquet Room

The Spinnaker Restaurant
100 Spinnaker Dr
Sausalito, CA 94965
Tel: (415)-332-1500
For directions visit

Please RSVP to Sadhaka Dandapani at or on 808-822-3012, Ext. 239.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvadasi Tithi, Sun One, Wednesday, October 12th.

Our weekly tour… it was bright and clear when everyone arrived and Kauai gave them a taste of its three-minute downpour… catching everyone by surprise with the blessings from above…followed by bright sun again… always great fun…

The team at work on a roof beam..

Great care must go into getting everything just right before the big lift… Once the giant stones are place aloft it is difficult to make adjustments.

The thick pranic field of tropical climates makes for easy living just about anywhere… a small fern spore blew into a crevice and happily started growing…

Grand Master of Lanka: Siva Yogaswami

Yogaswami said:

“Greater than life itself is good conduct. Those who conduct themselves with rectitude possess everything that is worthwhile. Non-killing, non-stealing, non-vituperation, non-covetness, truthfulness and humility–these are useful assets for virtuous living.

“In whatever pursuits you are engaged, you should train yourself to work with zeal, keenness and delight. Such a discipline will lead you to acquire steadfastness of the mind. It is then that the mind develops the power of one pointedness, which in turn will lead you to enjoy an abundance of anma-sakti. Thenceforth everything will be bright, and you will not be disturbed by the agitations caused by seeing the difference in objects, as friends and foes, light and darkness.

“Everything originates in me; everything finds permanency in me; in me everything revolves in dissolution.”–So must we become suffused with such pure thoughts. Further, we must frequently meditate as follows: “Nothing do I lack; everyone loves me and I too love all.”–Meditating thus, one should endeavor to live up to this ideal. If one can practice spiritual sadhana in this way, the capacity to know everything and the power to do anything will develop spontaneously.

–Natchintanai. 369

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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