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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today is the monthly Ashram Sadhana day and all the monks have been cleaning all morning. It is also Pancha Ganapati time and Sadhaka Jivanandanatha and Sadhaka Dandapani are out give Honey Bears to all our friends and associates in Lihue and Kapaa, as we do each year.

The Pillaiyar Kulam gave their report today at lunch. There has been a major increase in web sales of our books.

In lieu of pictures from the Aadheenam we bring you more from our collection of Siva Yogaswami.

In this rare photo, he was captured in meditation. We are told that many had tried to get such a photo, but the picture usually came out blank….

Here is S. Rajam’s depiction of Yogaswami getting up to give Gurudeva a big slap on the back as he departed Yogaswami little hut in Columbuturai… “Go around the world and roar like a lion!” Were Yogaswami’s words to Gurudeva that day.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha with pilgrim Mr. Vaidya Bala from Edmonton, Canada. Mr. Bala is retired, his wife has gone on to Siva’s feet and now he devotes his time to sadhana, spiritual study and service. He teaches children at the Edmonton Maha Ganapati temple and has a marvelous gift for story telling. We had him spend a few hours recording some of his stories for future educational work.

Sadhaka Tejadevanatha with the Sun Two fruit harvest. Our trees are “dripping” with tons of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, papayas, star fruit…

The Kulam gave their report today. Saravananathaswami has been working with some of Bodhinatha’s Keynote presentations and Sadhaka Dandapani is very, very focused on Innersearch preparations… only two weeks left before departure!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Dharmaraj Tillai with Bodhinatha on the retreat. He left to return home to spend the holidays with his large family in Tennessee. We want to thank Dharmaraj for all his service and the wonderful spirit he brought to the monastery throughout his three-month stay. His mother, Rhonda, should be duely proud to have raised such a soulful, kindly and pure young man. It shows it can be done.

Sadhu Paksha is over and today we enter the Moksha Ritau. We begin this phase with the usual excerpts from the Saiva Dharma Shastras, reminding us of the sadhana and areas of focus for this part of the year.

112 Introduction
Beginning with Hindu New Year in mid-April, three seasons of the year divide our activities into three great needs of humankind the learning of scripture in the first season, Nartana Ritau; the living of culture in the second season, Jivana Ritau; and the meditating on Siva in the third season, Moksha Ritau. Thus we are constantly reminded that our life is Siva s life and our path to Him is through study, sadhana and realization. In ritau one, we teach the philosophy; in ritau two, we teach the culture; and in ritau three, we teach meditation.

120 The Third Season: Moksha Ritau
The third period of the year, Moksha Ritau, the cool season, is from mid-December to mid-April. It is the season of dissolution. The key word is resolution. Merging with Siva: Hinduism s Contemporary Metaphysics is the focus of study and intense investigation. The colors of this season are coral-pink, silver and all shades of blue and purple coral for the Self within, silver and blue for illumination, and purple for enlightened wisdom.

High above flies the coral flag, signaling Parashiva, Absolute Reality, beyond time, form and space. Moksha Ritau is a time of appreciation, of gratitude for all that life has given, and a time of honoring elders, those in the sannyasa stage of life.

Moksha Ritau is excellent for philosophical discussions, voicing one s understanding of the path through an enlightened intellect. In finance, it is the time for yearly accounting and reconciliation. On a mundane level it is a time of clearing attics, basements, garages, sheds, warehouses, workshops and desks, getting rid of unneeded things, of pruning trees, of streamlining life on the physical plane of reengineering.

122 Festivals and Realms of the Third Season
The major festival of Moksha Ritau is Mahashivaratri. It is at Kauai Aadheenam, as are all other gatherings, not a public event but a private one, due to the special sacredness of this sanctuary and its Iraivan moksha koyil. Church members, Academy students and special guests by invitation are all who attend.

This and all other gatherings at the Aadheenam are restricted in size in keeping with a covenant with the county of Kauai in respect to the surrounding residential area. From December 21-25, the Pancha Ganapati festival is enjoyed in Church family homes worldwide, and the resulting joy and peace is felt even by strangers.

The Aadheenam realms of this season are: 1) San Marga Iraivan Temple, a hand-carved, white-granite edifice seated upon a lava-rock plinth, golden tower shining in a rainbowed sky; 2) Tamil Nayanar Neri, the 1,300-foot-long path that winds around ponds, banyan trees, tropical plants in seven distinct botanical habitats, with seven shrines to the great Saiva saints of South India, and 3) Kauai Aadheenam central, with its offices, publications facilities, kitchen, library, workshops, monks  quarters, aviaries and cloistered gardens.

We have had some remarkably clear days and the morning shift from moon to sun is a daily show of wonder…

The flag raising of this season…

On the retreat, we set up our time lapse… and focused on Iraivan… here we see the moon setting in the west as the sun strike the top of Iraivan…

For those of you who have not yet seen this new resource, we have posted the songs of Saint Tayumanavar here on the web. Today we share with you the first song from this famous collection.

“What is it, which is
Uncircumscribed Effulgence,
Perfect Bliss,
Divine-Love Filled —

What is it, which willed
To contain the countless universes
In boundless space
And there flourishes as Life of life, –

What is it, which stood
Transcending thought and word,

What is it, which remained
As the ever contentious object
Of countless faiths claiming,
”This, my God,” ”This, our God”–

What is it, which exists as
and Eternal –

What is it, which knows
No limits of
Night and day –

That indeed is what is agreeable to thought,
That indeed is what fills all space in silentness.

That indeed is what we in meekness worship.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Eleven (and last day)

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Dvitiya Tithi, Sun One, Saturday, December 17th.

We wanted to run this “ad” for Gurudeva’s Toolbox, again, because we think it is such a valuable addition to anyone’s library. And a great gift to anyone.

This is a book for “every family” as you can see from the Table of Contents, it touches on some many key areas of life as Gurudeva answers key questions:

Facing burdens of the past? 1
Worried about the future? 3
Having trouble meditating? 5
Angry all the time? 7
No time for spiritual practice? 8
Experiencing uncontrollable fear? 10
Can’t connect with God and the Gods? 11
Wishing your karma was better? 12
Seeking to understand the mind? 13
Are you indecisive and insecure? 17
Suffering from psychic attacks? 19
Do you often ask, “Why me?”  21
Can’t concentrate your mind to get things done? 23
Looking for a guru to guide your life? 24
Feeling sick? Working to be healthy? 26
Alone and feeling depressed? 27
Struggling with desires for sex, money, food and clothes? 28
Having trouble with bad habit patterns? 33
Trying to work with impossible people? 35
Are you reacting to everything all the time? 37
In the final days of your life on Earth? 39
Facing an arranged or assisted marriage? 40
Don’t approve of whom your child wants to marry? 42
Not getting along with your spouse? 43
Is your wife unhappy? 44
Don’t know what to do next in life? 45
Can’t control the kids? 47
Having trouble with mother-in-law? 49
Parents divorced? Feeling neglected? 51
Suffering under money problems? 53
Is someone thinking about suicide? 54
Is someone you know dying? 56

It is Krittika Deepam day and this is a quiet celebration at the Aadheenam. We light special lamps in the temple around the Crystal Lingam…

Meanwhile in India we sent our world-class photographer, Thomas Kelly along with reporter, Chudi Sivaram, to Tiruvannamalai to cover the Festival of Lights celebrations there which are “out of this world.” Watch for an marvelous photo documentary of this in a coming issue of Hinduism Today. And we may even have some video to include in our soon to be released Digital Edition of the magazine…

Working on the top of Iraivan…

Yoginathaswami smiles for our camera while calling down measurements to his team on the ground…

Old fashioned pulley hoist for buckets of mortar mixed below for jointing above.

Many pillars and roof beams, ready to go up…

Here is Tyler, from Tennessee. In the mornings he has been going around to the different kulams, getting to work with and know everyone. And helping the Siddhidata Kulam in the afternoon. The ever important job of keeping our irrigation ditch free of debris…

Tyler’s new Hindu name is wonderful:

Dharmaraj Tillai

Tomorrow will be the last day of his 3-month task force program and he returns to Tennessee to rejoin his family early Thursday morning. He has been a wonderful soul and we look forward to having him return one day.

Innersearch Is Almost Here!

With only 20-days to go before Bodhinatha flies out for his next Innersearch we are busy pulling together all the details for the trip. Invitations are also coming in from temples in Australia requesting Bodhinatha to visit.

New Zealands’ spectacular coast line which we will get to see when we do a cruise along the Milford Sound fiords.

Here’s Gurudeva and 71 other Innersearchers in Talinn, Estonia posing for that ever-famous Innersearch group photo. What will be the backdrop for this Innersearch group photo?

Innersearch Caribbean, 2002…

There are still a few seats left so if you are planning on going we’d love to have you with us. Email Sadhaka Dandapani at or call him on 1-808-822-3012, Ext 239.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Preparations for Innersearch are “heating up” as we are now only 20 days from departure… the Ekadanta Kulam sends us this update today:

We want to take this opportunity to share with you Himalayan Academy s new itinerary for its 2006 Innersearch travel-study program. And you’re invited to join us on this inner and outer spiritual adventure which begins very soon.

Innersearch is a time to leave behind your usual life for a while and to spend precious time with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. It is an island of change apart from our day-to-day life. A chance to intensify spiritual effort and insight. Every day will be a rare opportunity to explore with an enlightened master, through meditations, discourses and informal sharing, the day-to-day practicalities of living a dynamic Hindu life in a modern world. In towns and remote forests, on boats and a cross-country train, we will share two weeks of spiritual exploration together.

Our journey will also take us through two of the most beautiful countries in the world, from the cosmopolitan city of Sydney with its famed Opera House and Harbour Bridge to the Aussie outback, where we will live in forest-protected Colonial-style log cabins for 4 nights on a 360-acre resort, before a flight to New Zealand s south island to spend 4 days in the heart of the mighty Southern Alps. Then a flight to the country s capital, Wellington, and a scenic train ride through the north island will see us end our journey in Auckland. We will also connect with the local Hindu community in Sydney and Auckland, visiting the temples, enjoying their hospitality and joining in their worship.

You can read all about this Innersearch at our website

For more information or to enroll, please contact us on 1-808-822-3012, Ext. 239 or e-mail The program is getting very close, however there is still time to enroll.

The Siddhidata Kulam gave their report today. It’s quite amazing all the things they are doing…here’s a “short list”

  • Iraivan temple stone management
  • Coordinating Silpi team work
  • Building scaffolding and other infrastructures for Iraivan construction
  • Grounds maintenance
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Managing Contractors hired for major job
  • Keep a stead flow of fresh fruits and vegetables, seeded, sprouted, planted, picked and delivered to the kitchen everyday.
  • See to the maintenance and upkeep of all kinds of things that run with motors… air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, tractors…

Yoginathaswami topside discussing current work on the roof near the Vimanam…

Meanwhile back at the patarai (blacksmith forge) the silpis are sharpening chisels today… Chinnu on the crank bellows….

Chisels on the fire….

OK, this batch… ready to go…

Rajendran works the molten points…

Set off to the side in a thin layer of water… ready for tomorrow’s work…

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Only 21 Days left before Bodhinatha departs for the other side of the equator on Innersearch….

Here are two of the Innersearch staff: Sadhaka Dandapani and Saravananathaswami, together they have been working hard on schedules for the coming trip.

There are lots of small things to be done for Innersearch. Here are the giant luggage name tags we have used through the years. It really helps to find everyones bags as we move from one port to another. Monica Sewpaul is coming with us again this time. She went on the previous India Odyssey Innersearch.

Another beautiful Innersearch Study Guide…

The Pillaiyar Kulam made it’s announcements today.

They are happy to publicly release today, the much rumored and highly touted “Gurudeva’s Toolbox for a Spiritual LIfe” publication.

With mesmerizing photo spreads of Gurudeva and excerpts from his work on key areas of life, “Gurudeva’s Toolbox” is a big hit.

At our printer, MJA Graphics, they keep a copy out as a show piece for their clients… Once someone opens it, whether they are Hindus or not, they can’t put it down!

A perfect, timeless gift for yourself and all your friends.

Here is the e-ail message we are sending out tomorrow, so you get a preview:

New Book from
Himalayan Academy Publications

Gurudeva’s Toolbox for a Spiritual Life
December, 2005

We are happy to announce a new book by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.

“Gurudeva’s Toolbox for a Spiritual Life”

Lovingly designed and printed by the monks of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery on the occasion of the fourth annual observances of Gurudeva’s mahasamadhi, October 31, 2005.

This is a limited edition of 500 copies. The book is 8″ by 10″, and when open the graphically-rich pages are a�luxurious 8″ by 20.” Price is $19.95.

In 58 color, illustrated pages Gurudeva’s counsel on a wide range of very human subjects has been assembled.� These are mystical and practical insights his devotees cherished, advise on how to handle the challenges of life,� tools developed by him over his fifty-two years of ministry that began in 1949. In 28 lessons we have instant access to Gurudeva’s tools for working with anger, emotional reactions, karma, health, depression, death and dying, getting along with spouse and children, divorce, suicide and more. The 32 chapters are all titled as questions:

“Facing burdens of the past?”

“Having trouble meditating?”

“Suffering from psychic attacks?”

“Having trouble with bad habit patterns?”

“Not getting along with your spouse?”

“Suffering under money problems?”

“Wishing your karma was better?”

“Is someone you know dying?” and more

Includes 64 color and black & white photos of Gurudeva.�

Read the forward to this book by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami in the New Books section at
Available now, online at our store. Go to and click on “New Books”

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Nine:

The Ekadanta Kulam made their report today. Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Dandapani are firmly focused on advance logistics for Innersearch as well as post-Innersearch activities in both New Zealand and Australia, where Bodhinatha will be holding seminars and attending a conference on Saivism.

One TV station will be doing an interview with Bodhinatha and broadcasting this nationwide to Australia and New Zealand, inviting people to these events. Bodhinatha is encouraging us all to think, and envision, far into the future… and to plan accordingly.

It’s really working!

The remarkable colors of nature are always and ever amazing…

Clear days at the Aadheenam….

“When you go into a meditation, decide first what you are going to meditate upon and then stick with it. It is not advisable to habitually sit for meditation with no particular goal or direction, for we often end up walking in mental or subconscious circles. We have to avoid going into a meditation and then taking off into random or unintended directions, for this then can lend new vigor and strength to uncomely states of mind. You have to be very firm with yourself in meditation sessions. They are serious, not ponderous, but serious applications of life’s force. They are moments of transformation and discovery, and the same care and earnestness of a mountain climber must be observed constantly if real progress and not mere entertainment is the goal.”


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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha, Day Eight

We continue with our quiet retreat. We bring you some photos from our retreat day and last night’s sunset over Mt. Waialeale, the extinct volcano just a few miles from the monastery.

This retreat an amazing new collection of 40 species of palms arrived at the monastery. In all we have some 150 species andvarieties in the temple gardens. Here are the new additions in the back of our little garden wagon, their roots protected during their travels to Kauai by moss. These came from a collector on the Big Island, which is about 500 miles from here

This is a close up of a few of them, showing the signs. The nursery made the white tags to identify the palms, but Palaniswami redid them all in aluminum which will last for several decades out in the tropical weather.

They are quite healthy, as you can see. A few among them are the GREAT PALMS of the world, giants that will live for almost 100 years and grow to stunning sizes.

They were all put into deep pots, since palms have long roots. Here they are in the late afternoon ready to grow in our little propagation nursery.

They are placed on pallets. That way, if they need to be moved into a new area (they will like more sun as they mature, but like to start in shade), we can move them with our Bobcat, making the work much easier.

Three palms in one big, 15-gallon pot. We are grateful to those who are inspired by the monastery gardens and have helped support the collection of tropical plants from around the world.

Yoginathaswami is our local orchid expert. One of his plants is in bloom today.

And another!

Ever magical views over the mountain range to the west… certain configurations of clouds above and clear skies right over the mountains deliver incredible light shows…

Ever new, ever wondrous gifts of nature…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha, Day Five…

Yogaswami often wrote letters to devotees… here he tells Yogendra in a letter, some wonderful thing…


Letter to Self who is Yogendra full of Love.

I am with you and you are with me. You are myself and I am you. What is it you fear? Look! I am you. Then what would you do? You must feel and show love. To whom? To everyone. In fact your nature is nothing but love. It is not only yourself, but the whole universe which is overflowing with love. Yet it is not any other, because you are the only one in existence. You are all things. Study well. Be obedient. Listen to and follow the advice of your father, mother elder sisters, younger brother, as well as your uncle, aunt and elder brothers. Always set an example in obedience.

Siva does all

I am you

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Retreat, Day Four

The Siddhidata Kulam today share their weekly news report. A lot of work has been going on at the temple and on the ground and vegetable gardens.

As is traditional our Sadhu Paksha TAKA’s are very “light weight.” … we bring you some beautiful art from the life of Siva Yogaswami done by S. Rajam of Chennai, commissioned for a future book on our parampara.

Yogaswami blessing an ill person. He did many healings in his life, and often offered practical advice. There is one humorous story about him sitting the waiting room at the medical clinic of a doctor who was one of his devotees, waiting to see the doctor. He would ask each one in the room what their complaint was, give a remedy and send them on their way….

Another project happening in the “deep background” here at the Aadheenam is a new Natchintanai Song book. Several Sivathondar are working hard and we have a new scheme for transliterations and publication. We won’t say more for now as there are months of work yet to be done, but share with you a sample of the famous first song called “Our Gurunaathan”

In the song book the Tamil script will also appear, but we have removed this for TAKA. Note, the transliteration scheme and word breaks may change in the final version…

A devotee has a vision of Yogaswami… something many experienced, as Yogaswami had the power to manifest on both inner and outer planes in multiple places at will.

Engal Gurunaathan
Our Gurunathan

ennaiyenak karivitthaan engal gurunaathan
He made me to know myself, our gurunathan
inaiyadiyen thalaivaitthaan engal gurunaathan
On my head both feet he placed, our gurunathan
annaipithaa guruvaanaan engal gurunaathan
Father, mother, guru — he, our gurunathan
avaniyellaam aalavaitthaan engal gurunaathan
All the world he made me rule, our gurunathan
munnaivinai neekkividdaan engal gurunaathan
Previous karma he removed, our gurunathan
moovarukkum ariyavonnaan engal gurunaathan
Even ‘the three’ can’t comprehend our gurunathan
nanmaitheemai ariyaathaan engal gurunaathan
He sees neither good nor bad, our gurunathan
naanthaanaai vilangkugindraan engal gurunaathan
As ‘I am He’ he manifests, our gurunathan

thaygamnee allavendraan engal gurunaathan
You are not the body–said our gurunathan
sitthatthit thikalugindraan engal gurunaathan
Radiant in the heart is he, our gurunathan
mohkatthai muniyendraan engal gurunaathan
Let delusion be abhorred–said our gurunathan
mutthikku vitthathendraan engal gurunaathan
That is liberation’s seed–said our gurunathan
vaygatthai kedutthaandaan engal gurunaathan
He stilled unrest and made me his, our gurunathan
vinnum mannum aaginindraan engal gurunaathan
Earth and heaven he became, our gurunathan
thakatthai aakkividdaan engal gurunaathan
Inner thirst he roused in me, our gurunathan
satthiyatthai kaanavaitthaan engal gurunaathan
And the truth made me to know, our gurunathan

Yogaswami would frequently arrive at devotees homes, unannounced, walk in and offer solutions to current household issue that the family had never even discussed with him. While many think of Yogaswami as a meditative recluse, he was in fact actively involved in the karmic affairs of his close devotees, just like Gurudeva always was….

vaasiyohgam thayrendraan engal gurunaathan
Master vasiyoga–said our gurunathan
vagaaranilai ariyendraan engal gurunaathan
Thus you’ll find the state of Grace–said our gurunathan
kaasithaysam pohvendraan engal gurunaathan
To the land of Kasi go–said our gurunathan
kangulpagal illaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
There is neither day nor night–said our gurunathan
naasinuni nohkkendraan engal gurunaathan
On the nose-end concentrate–said our gurunathan
nadanam theriyumendraan engal gurunaathan
You will then behold the dance–said our gurunathan
maasilohsai kaydkumendraan engal gurunaathan
And the flawless sound you’ll hear–said our gurunathan
mattuppattai neekkendraan engal gurunaathan
Attachment to aught else renounce–said our gurunathan

iruvaliyai adaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
Both the channels must be closed–said our gurunathan
ellaam vilangkumendraan engal gurunaathan
Then all knowledge will be yours–said our gurunathan
karuvaliyaik kadavendraan engal gurunaathan
Go beyond the path of birth–said our gurunathan
kadduppadum manamendraan engal gurunaathan
In control will be the mind–said our gurunathan
oruvarum ariyarendraan engal gurunaathan
There is nobody who knows–said our gurunathan,
ongkaara valiyendraan engal gurunaathan
Omkara’s secret path–said our gurunathan
nirumalanai iruvendraan engal gurunaathan
From impurity be free–said our gurunathan
neeyaynaa nendrusonnaan engal gurunaathan
You are I–he has declared, our gurunathan

thikkutthi kaanthamellaam engal gurunaathan
This world and all space beyond, our gurunathan
sitthatthul nirkavaitthaan engal gurunaathan
In the mind he made to be, our gurunathan
pakkuvamai paynendraan engal gurunaathan
Preserve and cherish carefully–said our gurunathan
parppathellaam neeyendraan engal gurunaathan
Everything you see is you–said our gurunathan
akkumani aniyendraan engal gurunaathan
Wear rudraksha beads–said he, our gurunathan,
anjelutthai ohthendraan engal gurunaathan
And repeat Panchakshara–said our gurunathan
nekkunek kurukendraan engal gurunaathan
Let your heart grow soft and melt–said our gurunathan
nitthiyannee endrusonnaan engal gurunaathan
You exist eternally–said our gurunathan

Yogaswami walks the streets of Jaffna…

thaydaamal thaydendraan engal gurunaathan
Without searching you must search–said our gurunathan
seevan sivanendraan engal gurunaathan
Jiva is Siva–he declared, our gurunathan
naadaamal naadendraan engal gurunaathan
Without inquiring you inquire–said our gurunathan
nallavali thohndrumendraan engal gurunaathan
The right path will appear–affirmed our gurunathan
paadaamat paadendraan engal gurunaathan
Without singing you must sing–said our gurunathan
pattharinam sayrendraan engal gurunaathan
Join the band of devotees–said our gurunathan
vaadaamal valipadendraan engal gurunaathan
Worship without wearying–said our gurunathan
vaiyagatthil vaalendraan engal gurunaathan
In the world remain and live–said our gurunathan

thitthikkum orumoliyaal engal gurunaathan
With one sweet word he made me know, our gurunathan
sinmayatthai kaanavaitthan engal gurunaathan
The all-pervading consciousness, our gurunathan
etthikku maaginindraan engal gurunaathan
The whole of space became his form, our gurunathan
ellaamnee yendruraitthan engal gurunaathan
You are everything–said he, our gurunathan
vitthindri naarusayvaan engal gurunaathan
without seeds he’ll raise, our gurunathan
vinnavaru mariyavonnan engal gurunaathan
Even, the gods can never know our gurunathan
thatthuvaa theethanaanaan engal gurunaathan
Far beyond the tattvas–he, our gurunathan
sagalasam patthunthanthaan engal gurunaathan
Every kind of wealth he gave, our gurunathan

aathiyantham illaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
No beginning and no end–said our gurunathan
athuvaynee yendruraitthaan engal gurunaathan
You are That–he has proclaimed, our gurunathan
sohthimayam endrusonnaan engal gurunaathan
It is all effulgent light–said our gurunathan
suddiranthu nillendraan engal gurunaathan
Stand bereft of attributes–said our gurunathan
saathi samayamillaan engal gurunaathan
He has neither caste nor creed, our gurunathan
thaanai vilangkukindraan engal gurunaathan
As himself he ever shines, our gurunathan
vaathiyarung kaanavonnaan engal gurunaathan
Unknown to any school of thought, our gurunathan
vaakkirantha inpanthanthaan engal gurunaathan
He granted bliss beyond all words, our gurunathan

muchanthik kuppaiyilay engal gurunaathan
In rubbish where the three roads meet, our gurunathan,
mudakkik kidanthidendraan engal gurunaathan
Curl up and lie down–he said, our gurunathan
achamodu kohbamillan engal gurunaathan
Fear and anger–he has none, our gurunathan
aanavatthai neekkividdan engal gurunaathan
All anava he has removed, our gurunathan
pachaip puraviyilay engal gurunaathan
On the fresh and lively horse–said our gurunathan
paangaaga ayrendraan engal gurunaathan
Mount and ride majestically–said our gurunathan
thachankaddaa veeddilay engal gurunaathan
In the house no builder made–said our gurunathan
thaavupari kaddendraan engal gurunaathan
Keep in check the restive steed–said our gurunathan

naamayna mendruraitthaan engal gurunaathan
We are what we are–proclaimed our gurunathan
namakkukkurai villaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
Nothing do we lack–said he, our gurunathan
pohmaypohm vinaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
All past karma will depart–said our gurunathan
pohkkuvara illaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
No coming and no going forth! — said our gurunathan
thaamaythaa mendruraitthan engal gurunaathan
He affirmed that he is he, our gurunathan
sangkatpam illaiyendraan engal gurunaathan
No resolves or plans!–declared our gurunathan
omendru uruthithanthan engal gurunaathan
Om–said he and set his seal, our gurunathan
oomaiyelut ariyendraan engal gurunaathan
Know the silent syllable–said our gurunathan

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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