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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The first half of the team left for Australia today. Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sadhaka Dandapani… as we write, they are in transit and calling back home for all the little extras they are thinking of for the second team to take with them.

Meanwhile we have a long photo documentary series taken from our last tour day. By a visitor, Trasy Young Zimmerman. When we saw her carefully capturing the beauty of the monastery, with a camera from Star Wars, we asked her to send a few when she returned home.

Here she begins a series in the Rudraksha Forest, starting with the stone Ganesha who presides there.

The special roots of the trees spread out to support the trunk.

We also asked for a few words about her to share on TAKA.

Here he son holds a few beads from the forest floor. He is about 9.

Through the trees she captures the morning light.

Here is her husband Mr. Zimmerman who came to the Aadheenam nearly 20 years ago and gifted a lovely statue of Lord Ganesha to the monastery he had made and painted.

Her son among the sacred trees.

She has now moved to the entrance of the monastery, where she will join the official tour group for a visit to Iraivan Temple. This is a copper Aum just below Nepali Ganesha.

Up the Tiruneri path and through the tropical forest to Siva’s Feet.

Sadhaka Dandapani guides the group. There are nearly 150 people behind him!

That’s her son again. Here is more about our photographer: “I live in Blaine, Washington now, but was born and raised in Canada.”

The group has its first darshan of the temple.

Exploring the many vistas.

So the silpis demonstrate. With the same tools something quite magical happens.

A visitor tries his hand at carving. Everyone soon realizes how impossible it is!

There really is a ball inside the lion’s mouth.

Into the gardens on the return to the monastery.

Her son encounters the Oh-My-God philodendron with leaves as big as he is.

They see the swamis on the path.

A final word of thanks to you, Trasy, for being our photographer of the day.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

In fulfillment of Gurudeva’s vision… Here Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami signs the Namakarana Certificate for Uma Sivanathan, who received her Namakarana ceremony today.

We share with you the text of the pledge and certificate.

Namakarana Samskara

Hindu Name-Giving Sacrament

I, Uma Sivanathan, formerly known as Gale Mariah Martin, having declared of my own volition acceptance of the principles of the Sanatana Dharma, including a firm belief in all-pervasive Divinity and the Vedic revelations of karma, dharma and purvarjanma [reincarnation]….

Uma is sitting with her husband, Tandu Sivanathan….

“.. and having severed all previous non-Hindu religious affiliations, attachments and commitments, hereby humbly petition entrance into the Saivite sect of the Hindu religion through the traditional namakarana samskara.

I plead for recognition and acceptance of this irrevocable conversion to Saivite Hinduism by the community of devotees witnessing this sacred rite.

Signature of devotee:

Uma Sivanathan

It is Hereby Certified that this devotee was, at a namakarara samskara held at Kadavul Hindu Temple on the auspicious day of January 1, 2006, duly given a Hindu name in accordance with the traditions of Hinduism before God, Gods and devas.

“This person is thus bound eternally and immutably to the Hindu religion as a member of this most ancient faith with full rights of access to all public Hindu temples, shrines and institutions throughout the world from this day onward.”


Officiating priest:

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami

A very auspicious beginning for our phase and for 2006! Welcome to Uma Sivanathan!

Following the morning homa, Bodhinatha gave the State of the Church address which he normally gives on Gurudeva’s Jayanthi day, January 5th…

Acharya Kumarswami observing from underneath the luminous, gold-leafed Tandava statues.

Later in the morning…. It’s less than 24 hours before our first Innersearch team departs… packing literature in bundles that just fall under the airline weight limits is standard procedure…

Two of the staff: Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Jivanandanatha.

Each suitcase, carefully packed…

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

During the retreat, Larry “the crane man” came for another stone lift….

Sunshade pieces and roof beams going aloft…

The silpi team and Yoginathaswami topside on the West Gopuram

More roof beams waiting their turn…

Iraivan Stone Carving Site in Bangalore

Narayana and Sarojini Rao, staunch supporters of Iraivan and all the Aadheenam mission activities writes from India:

“Namaskaram and Happy New Year from Bangalore, where Sarojini and I are now, having travelled extensively in India, since our arrival in New Delhi on December 5.

Please convey our best wishes for the new year to Bodhinatha and all the monks. Yesterday, we visited the Iraivan Temple Carving Site and met with Jiva Rajasankara. Attached are two pictures:

1. Panchamukha Ganapathi with the two of us on either side

2. Panchakshara Steps, with the letters

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is the last day of the phase and all eyes are focused on departure for Australia and New Zealand.

The Ganapati Kulam gave their report today. Much work going on for Innersearch, Hinduism Today Digital Edition Software initiatives, articles for Hinduism Today April issue and many, many other projects…

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Sunday, January 1st, 2006

We set a record today for guest on tour day: over 150 people possibly 200, we will never know for sure!

Meanwhile our Siddhidata Kulam team is working up on the temple scaffolding, making ready the next stone movements by the giant crane.

The many guide books, including “101 One Things To Do on Kauai” (of which visiting the monastery and temple are two of the recommendations) is drawing huge crowds. Things will quiet down next week as everyone returns to work and school.

We are experiencing an unusually long series of clear dry days on Kauai island. Here is a view of the West Gopuram that is being worked on today by the Indian sculptors.

We will see you all again in 2006! A Happy New Year to you, may it be rewarding, spiritually uplifting and joyous.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The clock is ticking on the Innersearch and those here who are on the trip are working hard on final preparations. Otherwise the Aadheenam is very, very quite today as the wind has stopped and you can hear every bird ……

The Pillaiyar Kulam gave news today. Our web orders are way up… lot of people buying books every day. Hinduism Today copy sales are zooming and we sold every single copy of the last printing. Sadhaka Jothinatha is working now on advance sales… informing people of the articles so that those who want extra copies can order in advance. It’s working very well.

In that regard the next issue is another fabulously photo rich issue with pictures of all the senior swamis for the Dharma Conference in Mumbai and a feature story on the absolutely incredible Akshar Dham in Delhi. The center section is dedicated to Ganesha Puja. All in all another great issue and perfect for broad distribution and educational work. If you might like to get extra copies, place an order now! The last issue, which featured Tirupati, was sold by the the dozen and hundreds. Contact

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

More pictures from Mauritius. Rajen Manick writes:

It is now a yearly tradition to celebrate Pancha Ganapati festival at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius where is installed a huge granite murthi of Ganesha with five heads. During the festival, December 20-25, it is a happy time of gift-giving, celebration and renewal of harmony in personal relationships.

This year the festival was celebrated at the Park on December 22 and coordinated by the Himalayan Academy Committee of the Spiritual Park. Early morning a group was there to set up everything. Here is sishya Navind Sagam busy making some tornums for decorations.

Kulamata Premila Manick with a team of youth ready to help…

It was fun for the youth putting hands together to blow the balloons.

Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati looked radiant on that day.

Many youth were there to participate in the various activities organised for them. The smaller ones were accompanied by their parents.

Enrolled MC student Ananda Mootoocupen was the Master of ceremonies. He explained in creole, Gurudeva’s teachings on the Pancha Ganapati festival from Gurudeva’s book Loving Ganesha.

After a short arati by Kavinian, the first item is presented a Bharat Natyam dance by Padmashiri Ramsamy.

Then there was a group song by the little ones led by Dayananda.

The children are accompanied by Sivarathna on the mrdangam.

After a solo song by Padmashiri, Jambalini performed a dance to Lord Ganapati

Here is Jambalini….

After the cultural items, it was time for some nice games which young and old enjoyed so much. Lots of laughter! Here the participants are to fill a bowl with water using a spoon to get their first clue for the treasure hunt. Not easy! Children had to collect water from the pool and would often bump into one another and the water would fall!

The youth participants were divided into five teams representing the five shaktis of Lord Ganesha: yellow, blue, red, green, orange.

Each team had to go trough some difficult non competitive tests to get the four clues to help them find a wooden Ganesha murthi hidden on the SP property

It is real fun for the youth searching Lord Ganesha

The Green found its Ganesha…. it’s a hilarious cry in the air.

The red team found theirs too…

After all five Ganeshas have been found, everyone returned to the Ganesha Mandapam for a final arati and very short meditation on Lord Ganapati.

It’s time to offer a gift to all participants. Premila calls each one to come forward.

One close Friend of the Park, Jegadissa Chenganna is invited to offer a few gifts to the youth. Each youth received a nicely carved wooden Ganesha murthi than they can keep for their personal worship.

Once all gifts distributed to some hundred youth participants of the Treasure Hunt, a meal is served to all sponsored by the Chenganna family from Piton.

The young as well as older youth had a wonderful time at the Park on that day. We have a few new ideas and look forward to have more games and space management festival in 2006.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It was a beautiful day at the Aadheenam. Many Hindu guests arrived, having come to Kauai for their holidays.

The Innersearch team is really focused now on preparations for departure.. only six days left.

The Siddhidata Kulam today gave a report. Yoginathaswami detailed the logistical challenges and operations now in progress to keep all the stones organized and ready for raising up to the roof of Iraivan. In India more containers are being prepared and after they ship, we will have about 70% of the roof beams for the temple here in Hawaii.

Sadhaka Jothinatha takes a shot of the Ganapati Kulam with Bodhinatha for the next issue of Hinduism Today…

The “GK” has been busy with articles for the next issue of Hinduism Today as well as “top secret” software developments for the Hinduism Today Digital Magazine which we plan to officially launch in the spring of 2006.

And everyone has been pitching in with printing posters, cards, tags etc. as back up for the coming Innersearch.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

This is our last Ganesha Homa for year 2005 at the Spiritual Park. Lord Pancha Ganapati is becoming more and more popular at the Park and thousands of devotees from all over Mauritius make it a must to pilgrimage to this sacred place at least once a year. This month hundreds of devotees were there to attend the morning Sunday Homa.

Offerings and garlands lovingly offered by devotees to Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati!

The singers are there to lead the Ganesha bhajans. Nanda and Parmeswaran are the main singers.

Devotees sing in chorus. Kulapati Moorghen gets ready with the other kulapatis for the Homa.

The Homa is ceremoniously lighted with our four kulapatis seated on the four sides…

While the sacred mantra is being chanted by everyone present, there is a high spiritual vibration in the air…Each one is uplifted in the group.

Attending the Ganesha Homa is a wonderful experience for all…

Kulapati Koothan the most senior kulapati present acts as the Talaivar and officiates the ceremony. Later Kulapati Koothan will read the message of Satguru Bodhinatha to all those present.

One devotee Madre Ramasawmy, computer programmer gives a testimony about how Lord Ganesha has inspired his life and helped his family. This Sunday Madre is offering lunch to all Ganesha bhaktas at the Park.

Kevina is an enrolled master Course student. She works as a nurse and is sharing her experience about how Lord Ganesha helped her in her part time university studies.

Poonam is a regular devotee of the Park. She is also an enrolled MC student. Poonam had many wonderful testimonies to share about how Lord Ganesha is so close to her in her daily life. Poonam is flying for Switzerland in a few weeks for further studies.

After the final arati everyone is served food prepared and brought by the devotees themselves. Every month one or two families will come forward to sponsor the meal for the Sunday Homa. Should you wish to sponsor a meal, kindly call us on 412 7177.

At another food station….

One young man serving juice…

Devotees sit under the trees to share a meal…A great family time together in the darshan of Lord Ganesha.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The day after Pancha Ganapati… very quiet. Lots of local people dropping by since it is holidays…

Everyone here is very focused on getting ready for the innersearch… only 7 days until departure…. hence, TAKA is abbreviated today…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Mr. and Mrs. Harsh and Priti Parikh from Sugarland, Texas, near Houston. Lifetime subscribers, Harsh and Priti “read every word of Hinduism Today religiously” and have been doing so for over 12 years. Their last visit to Kauai Aadheenam was 5 years ago. They were in awe of what they see now at the Aadheenam and a looking forward to future pilgrimage to focus more on their inner lives and sadhana.

Meanwhile Bodhinatha has been working very hard preparing for all his presentations using Apples’ great presentation program called “Keynote.” He has one prepared for a reception in Auckland, New Zealand, another for a 3 hour seminar in Sydney and another for the Saiva Conference in Sydney after Innersearch.

That’s our high-tech Satguru! “Have projector, will travel!”

We will be screening an early preview of his Saiva conference presentation tonight just before a gala Pancha Ganapati feast!

Such an auspicious day! Happy Pancha Ganapati to All, and it was also Gurudeva’s Chitra Pada puja day…

Gurudeva looks happy on this festive day.

We have been keeping the lamps lit at the Pancha Ganapati shrine for several days, adding a lamp each day….

Pancha Ganapati cards and gifts have been flowing in. Thanks to all for the loving gifts and goodies!

This exquisite murthi of Pancha Ganapati has been sitting in front of the Kadavul Ganesha for five days…

Lord Ganapati’s darshan changed each day as His Shakti changed from yellow, to blue, to red, to green and finally bright orange today.

The pink rose quartz Ganesha found a home with Jutikadevi Sivaraja….

Noni fruits tended by Paramacharya Ceyonswami… provide a medicinal juice for all the monks.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was the first tour day after Sadhu Paksha and the big day in the middle of holidays… and what a crowd!

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Sunday, Dec 25th.

We must have had 150 people! Visitors Everywhere!

Of course we are in the middle of Pancha Ganapati and want to thank the generous people who sent all the sweets and gifts to the monks!

We also want to share with you this lovely story from someone who took Gurudeva’s teachings to heart….

Greetings to all the monks from our blissful part of the world – Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania

Happy Pancha Ganapati! Although I have not formally communicated with you recently, I mindfully link in with the Aadheenam on a regular basis through TAKA. There have been so many changes in my life since I first picked up Gurudeva’s books 5 years ago. I continue to learn with each life lesson sent my way.

I write to you this evening to share my daughter’s 5th grade class Pancha Ganapati activities, which we want to be connected with the activities of Pancha Ganapati happening at Kauai Aadheenam. [continued below]

This is Professor John Lydgate. His family have been on the island of Kauai for several generations are true pillars of our community. John has a deep background in Asian studies, culture and history from many years of study and teaching in some of the big universities in the eastcoast USA and has been to India. He returned to Kauai a decade or so ago and is now devoting his energies to the island. He likes to bring visitors to the temple and occasionally invites the monk to speak at his classes at Kauai Community College.

Story from Pennsylvania Continues:

My children attend the Susquehanna Waldorf School in Marietta, PA. As part of the 5th grade curriculum, the children study Ancient India. My daughter Victoria’s teacher, Mrs. Elser, is a spiritually beautiful woman who is open to provide her school children with a vast array of experiences. I introduced her to Pancha Ganapati and ask her if she would be open to celebrate this festival during this year’s holiday season. I provided her with details of this festival and she agreed to celebrate Pancha Ganapati without a hesitation.
[ cont. below]

Another guest, in rapture…. One Hindu lady on pilgrimage said today: “It is like some dream come true!”

Story from Pennsylvania Continues:

We started our festival on Sunday because our last day of school before Winter break is Thursday. So we are a little ahead of you… today is day three. Sunday, we started our festival with activities among the families….. Monday’s activities was focused among the members of the class appreciation for others and forgiveness of misdeeds where emotionally expressed among the 11 students and teacher. The teacher stated there was not a dry eye in the class. It was a wonderful bonding experience for all members of the class.

Today, day three… we expanded our energies out into the local community with our teacher, students, and parents going to a local nursing home. Tomorrow, we will celebrate with much song and a dance directed by our music teacher who is trained in many International dances and songs. Thursday we will conclude our festival with a glorious feast and the sharing of handmade and some thoughtfully purchased gifts.

I ask that our whole school and community be uplifted by 5th grade’s thoughtful activities of Pancha Ganapati.


Cindi Hughes, Europe Innersearcher 2001

Only two weeks before departure for the other side of the equator. Check Bodhinatha’s travel page to see the itinerary and also other important events.

Click here for Satguru Travels page.

And if you are not familiar with Pancha Ganapati, read about it here in Chapter 15 of the book “Loving Ganesha.”

You can also download a colorful PDF in which Bodhinatha explains the festival in detail.

Pictures from Sri Lanka

Dr. Shun K. Sunder, one of Gurudeva’s long time service oriented devotees, who lives in California visits Sri Lanka a couple of times a year to run free medical clinic for the people of Sri Lanka who are in need. Whenever he visits Sri Lanka he takes the opportunity to spend time with the children at the Sri Subramuniya Kottam. Here are some photos that Dr. Shun shared with us on his recent visit to the Sri Subramuniya Kottam.

Photo: Children of the Sri Subramuniya Kottam

Kottam Trustees Rishipathi Kanagaratnam and Mrs. Sivalosani Kanagaratnam

Dr. Shun K. Sunder with the Kottam Children

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Happy Pancha Ganapati from Bodhinatha and all the monks to everyone all around the world! You can read Bodhinatha’s description of this modern day festival. Download the PDF by clicking this link.

Jai Ganesha! In Dancing with Siva, Gurudeva writes:

“Pancha Ganapati, December 21 to 25, is a modern five-day festival of gift-giving, dear to children. Families invoke His five shaktis, one on each day–creating harmony in the home, concord among relatives, neighbors and friends, good business and public relations, cultural upliftment and heartfelt charity.”

In Kadavul Temple we have this beautiful image of Pancha Ganapati… sitting now in front of the main Ganesha… collecting gifts.

Each day we will share with you the guidance of the sadhana for this day.

“December 21, yellow: The family sadhana for the first day of Pancha Ganapati is to create a vibration of love and harmony among immediate family members. The day begins early, and the entire family works together to design and decorate the shrine with traditional symbols, rangoli, lamps and more. …”

“Then a grand puja is performed invoking the spirit of Pancha Ganapati in the home. The sadhana of the day now begins. The family sits together for the purpose of easing any strained relationships that have arisen during the year…”

“They make amends one with another for misdeeds performed, insults given, mental pain and injuries caused and suffered…”

“When forgiveness is offered to all by one and all, they speak of each other’s good qualities and resolve that in the days ahead they will remember the futility of trying to change others and the practicality of changing one’s self to be the silent example for all to witness…”

Gifts are then exchanged and placed unopened before Pancha Ganapati. As family harmony is important to all Hindus, this sadhana must be taken very, very seriously.

On this auspicious day we also sent the new full color edition of Lemurian Scrolls to the printer in Malaysia. It’s so exquisite with all the new art from I Wayan Marya in Bali.

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

A stone lift today… and what a beautiful day it was….

Our silpis up on the top of Iraivan. Roof beams are going up.

We have some small videos taken with a cell phone. We hope they run on your computer (you may need Quicktime…)

New storage facilities for the silpis tools have been build near the patrai…

A new addition to our farm: a 72-horse power, 8860, 4-wheel drive, Italian, Landini, for Himalayan acres work. It will be equipped with a front end loader with a grapple and a specialized mower that is offset from the wheels to allow for mowing under our trees. The nearly new tractor was purchased at a bargain price. Now *that* is a Pancha Ganapati gift!

Blog Archives

Bodhinatha Appears in Magazine

The Akshardham Magazine published by Swaminarayan Fellowship, has this giant picture of Bodhinatha and his swamis on their recent visit to New Delhi.

The Ekadanta Kulam is turning into a “staging” ground… which is the place we designate for gathering all the luggage, supplies and baggage for the next big mission… Innersearch 2006 to Australia and New Zealand.

A beautiful Hawaii deva-bhuta-Menehune carved in India for the holding the Gomugai or water spout of Iraivan Temple.

Shades of dusk over Waialeale Mountain

Saiva Siddhanta Church Golden Gate Mission Mission

Ruth Ann Delph takes the Sakahara Vrata at the homa of the Golden Gate Mission.

No news, but the twins, Bodhi and Bela, are just soooooooooo cute!

Three birthdays celebrated after Satsang: Satya & Savitri Palani, and Kartikeya Easan Katir

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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