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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Our spring retreat begins today.

Yogaswami sang:

Oh my brethren and mothers, listen!
Live in the knowable truth that we’re divine.

Whoever can decipher and say what we are?
So why need we fear when all art Sivam?

Is it meet to forget the wise axiom of the Seers
That not an atom animates except by His Will?

‘Tis blessed to live in the world with the awareness
That not here nor there, but all pervading art Sivam.

It’s Sivathondu to live in peace with Sivathondar
Who realised by Eye of Grace the Light of Sivam

Ah! My lowly head adorns the Feet of Sages
Who glorify the Oneness of Truth Supreme.

Today is the Maha Samadhi day of Chellappaswami. Here Yogaswami is feeding his guru.

“He is my Lord
Who evokes the cherished love of
Father, mother and teacher in one.
He came and made me His own
The passing vanities vanished
I came into my own true being
And realised my eternal self.
Oh beauteous one, as tender as a cuckoo
Everything Thou seest is Siva’s immanence
Immeasurable is his infinity.
Keep straight in the path without faltering.
Join the paean of Thou art That.”

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun Four, the end of a short phase the Aadheenam. Today our Siddhidata and Ganapati Kulam share news on their activities for the phase.

The Siddhidata Kulam has been much engage in the work of disconnecting scaffolding from the West Chinna Gopuram, releasing the structure and preparing it for the crane to move. It is massive job. At the Aadheenam all the water has led to a more thorough investigation of all our drainage systems under the building and Kadavul Temple. And of course the work in the vegetable garden must go on.

The Ganapati Kulam is very focus on Hinduism Today work, both editorial production for the coming issue and intensive work on our new software release, the Hinduism Today Digital Edition. Stay tuned for more news. One of our beta testers says:

“Monumental leap forward into this Millennium’s media! Congratulations to all the Hindu Renaissance Team! Awesome graphics and photos. Easier to read than print edition, especially important for elders. Our Monday home evening will now consist of digital Hinduism Today on the 43-inch plasma TV.”

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

Palaniswami and Yoginathaswami visited the site to discuss issues and plans with the carvers, who greet Swami by touching his feet.

They are working today on the roofing stones, called sunshade. They fit it all on the ground, then lift it into place. The stones are ready, and this afternoon will be moved to the staging area where the crane can lift them next Sun 1. The silpis are so happy to have completed this challenging fitting task.

They are moving the stones into place by hand.

You will see in the movie we made from today that they move the larger stones with just the simplest crowbars.

But they do it in perfect unison, so all pull together at the exact same moment, moving a stone a quarter inch at a time.

These are small stones, so they can be managed by hand. Still, they weigh about 250 pounds.

In the movie you will hear the chant they use to coordinate their efforts.

Here they have placed a stone on a wooden block, which allows them to turn it 180 degrees effortlessly. Clever!

A pile of newly sharpened chisels wait their turn in a wheelbarrow.

These larger sunshade stones require great care to move without leaving marks on the sculpted parts of the granite. We have a great team on Kauai!

Saiva Siddhanta Church California Mission

Our members in California complete a successful fund raising event for Iraivan, and raised over $5,000.00 for the temple, after expenses and also raised the awareness of San Marga.

We have more pictures coming later… but here is a small preview…

Our members had filled the lobby with Iraivan information. Kulapati Deva Rajan and other mission members fill the lobby with Iraivan info

The crowded lobby during the intermission.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun 3 Today… another quiet one at the Aadheenam.

Rains of the tropical sort swept the island hard in the early hours before dawn, but before our meditation ended it had stopped and the clouds blew off the mountain, revealing 4-5 dozen waterfalls on the cliffs. Can you see them?

The river swelled again, turning from emerald green to cocoa brown.

Wailua River in spate.

We took a short video to capture the rushing waters.

Siva’s tropical dance.

While we were out we thought to walk to the GK and the PK for a chat with the monks there, and went by the Guru Peedam fireplace.

Into the Ganapati Kulam building.

At the entry the monks were working hard on archiving Gurudeva’s hundreds of videos.

Taking them from Mini DV tapes to DVD, a necesary precaution since magnetic tapes deteriorate in the humid island weather.

Gurudeva was on-screen, laying the foundation stone in August of 2001, in Denmark. The mystical lady there is Amma, founder of this new temple to the Goddess.

Gurudeva gave a potent talk afterwards, all about raising chilren with love and without ever striking or hurting them, even with words.

Then off to the PK, passing the Kadavul Temple pool.

With Saint Sambandar dancing in joy of his Siva consciousness.

To the Banyan Mandapam, near our giant banyan tree.

Inside Sadhaka Dandapani has worked hard lately to renew the exhibition displays, lots of new images to give visitors a visual history of Iraivan.

Sadhaka did the woodwork too in our carpentry shop.

A few feet away Gurudeva watches from a lifesize light box.

Below is a case holding the chisel and mallot Gurudeva used to make the first chip on the first stone in Bangalore, India. We gold-leafed the mallot.

Down at the Pillaiyar Kulam we discover the ubiquitous Lord Ganesha in his white marble form.

He is part of a shipment that Sadhaka Jivananda had brought from Hardwar, India, boxes of sacred items.

There are bells and lingams, wooden boxes,

Mother of Pearl containers for puja items and such.

The wooden boxes are inlaid with brass.

A 510 gram Tier’s Eye Ganesha, a rare find.

And beads of all colors. All items for our MiniMela visitor’s center. You can see more at:
our web store.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Two at the Aadheenam. It’s very quiet, all is well.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

Our Malaysia mission having fun and game together…

It’s a treasure hunt. Members arriving at the game venue.

Game master, Aravind Raj, explaining the game plan to his “knights in shining armour.”

Team 3 in action

Nothing comes easy in life — a love-duet penalty dance for more clues.

First team arriving back at original pitstop

Group photo of all attendees.

Rearranging clues to find solutions to the treasure location.

Participants from team B

Clue 1 – lotus flower

Heart / love shape

Clue 3 – diamond

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One begins with a dynamic talk by Bodhinatha after today’s homa.

Saravananathswami does the homa today.

Bodhinatha gave a talk today that he is preparing for his trip to Toronto in April.

The trip is to attend “A Tribute to Yogaswami events,” and Bodhinatha will be visiting several temples. One talk he will be giving which he previewed today, is “Worship in the Home.”

Over the retreat the silpis when on their monthly outing. This time to the north shore. Here we are at the Kilauea Light House look out.

This is a sanctuary for many birds and water fowl. This is a Nene, the state bird of Hawaii.

Sadhaka Nilakantha enjoys watching the giant albatrosses with six-foot wing spans, flying over head.

Our silpi team

The light house is a “relic” from the past, but is still kept in working condition. It was built in 1913. Today’s ships will use radar and GPS systems to locate themselves in relation to any land masses. But if those should ever fail, this light house can help passing vessels pass safely north of the islands on a dark stormy night.

A view of near by cliffs.

Birds are protected in the environs near the light house.

The sun is back! After homa this morning, sunrise at the temple.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Today we have photos from Mauritius. Here is the Pancha Ganapati pavillion.

Visitors always first worship Ganesha at the entrance shrine.

One of our miniature Japanese-style pools near the main offices.

A Pavilion construction project is underway for the small Pancha Ganapati murthi which had been placed near the Ganesha bridge. Kulapati Manon Mardemotoo reports: “Works on the above project is progressing satisfactorily. The concrete flooring, 4 columns and beams have already been cast. Next week the team will start working on the roof. We now need to obtain quotes for the metal works railing which will go along the sides of the rectangular pavilion”

To protect the black granite murthi from dust and cement, Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati is temporarily covered until the construction is completed.

Another project coming soon is the reconstruction of the Ganesha Bridge made of pine wood and bamboo. Kulapati Amba Valaytan is working on the project and will present a plan.

The Bridge is now closed to visitors until repairs are completed.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha’s travel page has been updated. See the side bar link on the right.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Friday, March 24th.

It’s 8:30am and the Ganapati Kulam is having its morning meeting about Gurudeva’s and Bodhinatha’s many publications projects, and Tara Katir arrives with an armful of books.

Tara is our book review editor, and she had just finished the reviews for the next issue of Hinduism Today. She told us many stories and said her “pick of the litter” of books this time is “Little Yoga,” a charming kid’s book for 3-5 year olds. It introduces them to the postures. We all thought that was Shaila Pushpa Sendan on the cover.

At the end of each phase Palaniswami and Yoginathaswami visit the temple site to formally go over the silpis’ work of the week. Here is Yoginathaswami getting ready for the meeting.

He is working with many projects and uses both his Mac and his hand-held computer to coordinate his team.

Lots of phone calls to be sure contractors are performing, supplies are enroute, projects are on time.

When they reached the site, half the carvers were here on the ground,

and the others were on the roof.

Here is Karruppiah, our senior silpi, working on the roof beams.

And this is Rajendra on the North side under a shade tarp.

These are the first ceiling stones that have been set in place. They are just in front of the sanctum. On the underside they will be visible and form the roof of the main pillared hall.

We also reviewed the gold-leaf work that Deva Rajan did yesterday. Many thanks, Deva!

A close up of the gold leaf, shining in the sun.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

This is a belated Thaipusam report from ardent Malaysian student Ravichandran Ceyon from Johor area. It somehow got “stuck” in the pipeline of email but finally today has made it to TAKA today.

Ravi sends captions with his photos:

Sri Murugan Temple At Jalan Batu Pahat, Kluang, Johor. Its located on a Hill. Lord Muruga’s Perfect choice!!!

Mr. Kamaraj and friend Frm Kluang; had offered His support on book sales Activity during the Thaipusam Celebration. He is currently Helping to promote HT Magazine actively in the district Of Kluang.

Children’s Books, posters Iraivan stone `chips’, Panchangam CD, old HT Issues were displayed for Sales and promotion.

These are Iraivan stone chips Collected during my 2001 Kauai Innersearch. An idea to raise fund On a modest scale!!!

This is Dr Vasu – found himself number of books choices And interested further to know About Satguru’s teachings. His wife bought Loving Ganesha While he bought Lemurian Scroll.. And some HT magazines..

We have to thank temple chairman Mr. Soma who gave us to Place our books/publicity corner At the temple entrance. Believe me..the booth were `hit’ For the crowds!!

Front entrance of the temple

Myself, taking care at the booth.

It was wonderful to do this `thondu’

..temple goers showing interest..
in our books /temple

Even, temple’s Nathaswaram &
Tavil players also shown keen interest
In HT and happenings at Kauai –

Dr Vasuvan, a vetinary doctor,
Noted positively on HT, Iraivan
Temple and Gurudeva’s teachings/books

Kids frequently asked..
What stone are these..?
..Explanation goes…`Granite
Stones from build
Iraivan temple in an island…far..
Far ..away from its native land..”” of the devotees fulfilling his vow
..breaking 101 coconuts…

Saivite Hindu Religion Book 1 and posters
Of `Siva’s Saints are some of those
Sought after….

Temple priest..(on the right) had meet
Gurudeva Many years ago in Klang….he
Talks so fondly of that encounter….

Mr. Kamaraj explaining to one the `amma’s
About Iraivan, Satguru …..he stayed the
Whole day with me…great help indeed!!!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Five of our six-day phase. Today the Ganapati Kulam gave their weekly report. Much work going on in the publication world. Here is a short list:

  • Intense focus on completion of Version 1 of Hinduism Digital Edition Software for delivery of interactive PDF’s to users. We set our selves an April 1st deadline. This initiative represent a big leap forward in the sophistication of our internet publications delivery.
  • Work on the various article and sections of the coming issue of Hinduism Today.
  • Ongoing digitization of videos of Gurudeva. We have a “long running Gurudeva show” happening at the DVD recording station.
  • Children’s course Book 4 and 5 work.
  • Discussions with a Russian publisher for translating and printing Merging with Siva and Loving Ganesha in Cyrillic.

Weeks of tropical rain clouds and rains have vanished this morning, leaving the clearest sky imaginable. That’s our Mount Waialeale above the temple gardens.

Ganesha is enjoying the morning sunshine, but He is being a bit circumspect about the rain, continuing to hold His umbrella aloft just in case.

The plants are drying out and rejoicing too.

Siva is making it all happen in perfect rhythm.

The grounds are happy.

The flowers are happy.

The Song of India is happy.

The desert plants are really happy.

We visited the temple.

Shining against an amazingly blue sky.

Wait! That’s Deva Rajan up on the scaffolding.

Deva is unpacking the gold leaf materials. He is working on the Chinna Gopuram today, leafing areas that were left undone during the assembly. Now he can add the finishing touches.

Pillars waiting patiently in the sunlight.

The sun explodes off the gold of this tower, which faces directly East.

The luminaries, fire, sun and moon, receive their luminosity by the grace of divine inner Light. The Light that gives light to those is a mighty effulgence. That Light, dispelling my darkness, stood within me, suffused in oneness.

Tirumantiram 2683

On our return from Iraivan we see that even the fallen flowers are happy.

The Narmada Stream is gurgling happily. We realize the morning is a Celebration of Light.

The day has become a celebration of light. Light at the end of the tunnel.

Light dancing on the trees.

Even the rock-inhabiting lichens like the light.

Vines climb into the light.

Leaves reach toward the light.

Rocks are bathed in the light.

Leaves colorize the light.

Mottled gingers vie for the light.

Alocasias open to the light.

Everywhere the light. Reminding us of Gurudeva’s Clear White Light.

From Merging with Siva:

The highly trained classical yoga adept intensifies, through techniques imparted to him from his guru, the clear white light to the brink of God Realization, the void. His entire body is faded into a sea of blue-white light, the akasha, where now, past and future are recorded in the linear depths or layers, sometimes seeing himself seated or standing on a lotus flower of shimmering light in an actinodic clear, transparent, neon, plastic-like-body outline as his consciousness touches, in tune with a heart’s beat, into the Self, God Realization.

Keeping this continuity alive and not allowing the external consciousness to reign, the young aspirant lives daily in the clear white light, having occasionally more intense experiences as just described, while meeting daily chores here and now, until he attains the maturity of the nerve fiber essential to burst his consciousness beyond itself into the pure nonconscious state, nirvikalpa samadhi, the Self. Only known and identified by him as an experience experienced, only recognized by others as he maintains his point of reference: that mind is only illusion, ever changing and perpetuating itself by mingling concepts of past and future into the present; that the only reality is the timeless, formless, causeless, spaceless Self beyond the mind. He knows that the mind, which is made from a consciousness of time, creates, maintains and defabricates form, and exists in a relative concept of space. The Self is the only reality and is an intensity far greater than that of any phase of the mind.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Surya who is moving from Honolulu to Salt Lake City decided to get Bodhinatha’s blessings before his big move. He loves reading Hinduism Today and expressed to Bodhinatha that he would like to help promote Gurudeva’s work in the US and was very grateful for the opportunity to spend some private time with Bodhinatha.

This morning (and last Sunday morning as well) Bodhinatha was the interviewee on a weekly radio show program in the New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania area.

With occasional clear weather between the rains the mountain displays are marvelous.

Saiva Siddhanta Church Sri Lanka Mission

A small news item from Sri Lanka:

Gurudeva’s Youngest Priest

Meruja Sharma is six years old and this year he joined grade one in our Sri Subramuniya Kottam. Now he is the priest for the Gurudeva’s Thiruvadi Temple at the Sri Subramuniya kottam. He was trained in doing simple pujas. Everyday the Kottam classes start with Meruja doing the puja to Gurudeva. Meruja Sharma’s father is serving as a Sivachariya priest in a temple in England. Meruja Sharma is living in Kopay with his mother and family. Devotees who attend Meruja Sharma’s pujas admire his devotion and talent.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha arriving at the airport in Malaysia, being showered with flower by the devotees..

At the Aadheenam today, the monks have been out cleaning all day. The rains stopped finally, and we had a lovely moon, stars and a bit of sun today. Much work going on to clean up from the storm and flooding and of course each monk working on his area. We don’t have servants here, so each one does his chores, cleaning the bathrooms, taking care of laundry, fixing and repairing, and washing away the mud.

Paramacharya Palaniswami put together this striking retrospective series on Gurudeva’s visit to New York to be present at the United Nations millennium gather of religious leaders. We are leaving some of these photos in wide format today.

Today we received two portraits of Gurudeva never seen by anyone, including us. They were taken by a photographer who was at the United Nations in August of 2000 when Gurudeva was invited to represent Hinduism. The photographer was capturing the spiritual leaders for a book on peacemakers. Of course, he was enamored by Gurudeva’s remarkable presence. He sent the photos as a gift to the monastery.

Gurudeva joined the unique event, called the United Nations Millennium Peace Summit, along with religious leaders from all the world’s major faiths. For the first time in history religious leaders spoke in the Security Council chambers. This photo has dozens of swamis in orange robes in it. Gurudeva is on the right, toward the front.

Here he is with Dr. Sharma, a leader of the temple council in London.

Gurudeva was invited to speak to the 1,200 religious leaders, and gave a wonderful talk on “For World Peace: Stop the War in the Home.”

He was given the UThant Peace Award for 2000, and he is holding it here in front of the UN building.

A reception was held for him in New Jersey and many came to congratulate Gurudeva on his award.

He also gave a book presentation at Borders.

He loved to present his books to people, to introduce them to the mystical path, to the divinity within them. Introducing them to themselves, he would say. He did it again in Memphis on his way home.

There was a pada puja in Lancaster, California, at the Sunder family home.

All the Sri Lankan community came to congratulate him.

Gurudeva told everyone about the UN Summit. And about Siva.

So, we thank our photographer for these two portraits, something we will treasure forever.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was the auspicious day of Chitra and our monthly Pada Puja for Gurudeva.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha and Sadhaka Dandapani perform the rites.

Jai Gurudeva!

Here is the image we linked to yesterday…
— a mountaintop-consciousness view of our island. That’s Kauai as seen from 35 miles high, looking West with the smaller island of Niihau above it. Kauai is 35 miles wide and 27 miles long, and the central mountain is one mile high. The small yellow checkmark shows the location of Kauai’s HIndu Monastery.

It has been raining for days on Kauai, so we thought to go to the South Shore during the retreat where the sun almost always shines. So, off we go…

Palaniswami took the young monks who were free that day. Here they are at Poipu Beach, and that is one of the six signs Gurudeva gifted to the mayor of the island. The signs were carved in Bangalore in rose colored granite.

But we were surprised that it is almost as wet there. Here Sadhaka Nilakanta stands in the Poipu Park parking lot!

Satya is basking in the beautiful feeling he had two minutes before, walking bare-footed into the Pacific Ocean for the first time in this life.

At the Hyatt nearby they all sat for a few hours, enjoyed a cappuccino and listened to Gurudeva stories. At the end they brainstormed together the design of this year’s Mahasamadhi souvenir.

Back home the deluge continues! Wailua River runs high.

The falls, usually eight feet high, almost disappear.

Then, suddenly yesterday, a small cliff collapsed!

Soil about the size of a small house swept down the valley, tearing up ferns and banana trees and creating a small gully.

It looked like a mudslide in South America, but smaller of course.

Amazing, the power of water to change the earth.

Here you can see that the mud traveled about 400 feet from the cliff.

That is the publications building in the upper right, about 400 feet away.

More closeups…

Not to worry though, the Aadheenam is quite safe. This was just another day for Mother Nature… carving on Her Wailua River Valley statue…

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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