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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today another cruise ship pulled into the port and we had a number of visitors from it, but no pictures.

The Siddhidata Kulam detailed the team’s activities today. The big news is preparations for four more containers to arrive from Bangalore, India, soon after inspection in Honolulu. These four contain expecially massive stones, such as the giant entry pillars and the Rajagopuram stones, including the largest singe-stone gateway cupola carved in India in about a century. All coming to lielt Kauai. The team is working with re-arranging of stacks of lumber removed from the pour in August, to save the resources for next year’s big plinth cement pour. The kulam also handles myriad other tasks, taking care of the grounds and buildings.

Our “videophiles” may be alerted to our main video page. In case you missed events posted on TAKA movies, you can view them all from our main video center. Precious parts of the 2006 Gurudeva Mahasamadhi observances were filmed, including Bodhinatha conducting satsang with pilgrims, and the mahasamadhi puja itself. Also, during the recent donor receptions in California we showed a summary photo slideshow of activities at Kauai Aadheenam over the last year. We have turned this slideshow into a Quicktime movie with accompanying soundtrack. This movie and the others mentioned above can be enjoyed at

San Diego Satsang

Today we bring you our final series from the photos sent to us by Surendra Prakash of events in San Diego. Today’s series is all the people who had darshan with Bodhinatha at the private satsang of devotees and students. They were sent without captions, but if you are in the photos you know who you are!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is all quiet at the Aadheenam with almost all of our pilgrims having returned home. The weather had been pre-planned…. with clear days for a week during the Maha Samadhi observances, followed now rain…

We are having some torrential rains here in Hawaii. Up on Mount Waialeale the water devas are working hard on the mountain’s reputation as the wettest spot on earth. The Wailua river just below us is an all time record high. We sent our new young monks and taskforcers down with an umbrella to be close to the powerful force of the river. We bring you once again, some of Gurudeva’s timeless quotes from “The River of Life.”

“The birth of this river high in the Himalayas we can liken to our own conception and entrance into physical consciousness. As the river flows to meet the sea, it drops off many disturbances, just as our life absorbs many of its hindrances….”

The rapids smooth out, the waterfalls become smaller, the mouth of the river broadens, and as the river flows into the ocean we can see this esoteric symbol of life ending its manifest physical form.

Think today about the personal experiences in your lifetime and clearly view just how often you cling to the banks of life’s river by attaching yourself to personalities and possessions.

Here is a short video of today’s watery world of the Wailua River.

Have you ever stopped to think that we even become attached to things that we do not like and to the things that we have done against our better judgment?

We are attached to objects, values, schedules, habits, memories, even likes and dislikes.

We become attached because we do not stop to understand that each of those experiences that conceived the attachment was just a boulder, a waterfall or an old tree trunk blocking one of the little rivulets as it tried to merge with the great stream ever merging itself into the ocean.

Yesterday’s Visitor Tour

Here are Kenny and Scarlett from Florida. Their bright smiles really told us how happy they were to be here. Kenny is a Hindu from Guyana and Scarlett is from a Catholic family but has a personal fascination about Hinduism.

This little lady was very impressed that the temple was being carved entirely by hand. “It’s just amazing” she said…

Our early 9 am tour braved the showers…

Our 11 am tour brought the day’s total for guest to about 55.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new, short 4-day phase with homa and Bodhinatha’s talk. He’s looking very bright today!

Sun One News from the kulams:

Lambodara Kulam reports that fund raising is going well. Paramacharya Ceyonswami has been busy doing astrology for several devotees.

Saravananathaswami reported on his work, much of which is advance planning for future trips and even working a year ahead on next year’s donor appreciation events in California. Bodhinatha is re-instituting an old Academy Program in California with a two-day retreat and study program next year in May in California. Years ago we held such programs every few months.

Sun one morning homa

Yogi Japendranatha conducting the homa

Yogi Jivanandanatha assisting

Bodhinatha’s morning talk was about the world. He explained how one must regard the world as “real” because the fulfillment of dharma in the world is one requirement for moksha. Sometimes, he said, people start to regard the world as “unreal” and then think they don’t have to deal with it, when, in fact, they do.

San Diego Retrospective

We step back in time today from the archives of photos sent during Bodhinatha recent mission to California. From the lens of Surendra Prakash, we bring this series from the South California Donor Appreciation Event.

We are not sure we have the exact order of events but, you will get the picture.

Here Bodhinatha arrives at the venue and is greeted by the devotees.

Opening the event with arati to Lord Ganesha

Our members in San Diego did a marvelous job with all the logistics for the event.

Bodhinatha had several birthday parties over the course of the trip, plus one when he got home.

Bodhinatha’s Keynote digital presentations are always interesting.

This year he added educational content which was much appreciated.

Part of his presentation is a “travel log” showing where he has been this past year.

Saravananathaswami gave a presentation on the activities of Kauai Aadheenam.

Kulapati Deva Rajan is honored for all his work on Iraivan temple.

Deva explains about the unique foundation of Iraivan and the use of fly ash which has created a major change in the concrete industry.

Dining together and getting to meet our Iraivan temple supporters in person is always joy.

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Maha Samadhi Day Photos

It is very quiet at the Aadheenam, so we dip into our reservoir and bring you photos of the Maha Samadhi day puja. We had only run the video previously.

We had five priests at work that day.

Bodhinatha pours the water from the kumbha that has been energized by everyone’s chanting.

Verses from the Tirumantiram:

127. In Siva was he rooted: Sivam did he see everywhere.
In the will of Siva did he discern all things,
Transcending consciousness of past present and future,
And duality ceasing did he realize sweet serenity.

1576. He who’s beyond the visible universe, came down on earth
As a Guru to abide in the hearts of the virtuous,
And illumined them by His grace and made them His own.
The peerless Siva is the priceless NatGuru.

1581. The Guru indeed is Siva,
He is the kingly splendor too;
He is beyond the wisdom of the Vedas.
He is beyond all finite consciousness.

1584. If not for the grace of Siva who came as the Guru,
The import of the scripture,
The way leading to liberation,
The reality of Truth cannot be understood by man.

1527. Endowing me with equanimity, the power of Grace
Descended as the Guru and purged my dross,
And enlightened me from the sway of my ego.
Thus freed did I commingle with Siva.

2959. When you meditate on the form of thy Guru
Then all the bonds that bind you
To this prison house of the body
Shall give way and make you free in Siva.

2971. Siva Peruman did I invoke and adore whence,
He came down as my Guru in the form of a sage.
The majestic Lord did overpower me as my Guru,
And I pay my homage to this Lord of the universe.

1590. Sternly did my Guru chastise my ignorance;
He placed his holy hands on my head,
And his beauteous Feet lit up
The secret chambers of my heart.”

Leaving the temple after the puja… we are blessed with a rainbow.

Later in the afternoon, Paramacharya Palaniswami gives another class on meditation.

Ladies Take a Tour

Some photos have arrived from the cameras of other pilgrims… Today’s feature a few of the ladies on pilgrimage. This is Maria Alice, all the way from Brazil. She is studying the Master Course. She made good spiritual friends here and people like Priya Alahan and Shama Kumaran were kind enough to help her out with some traditional Hindu outfits during her stay.

Alice has given this gift of a carved lotus crystal to Bodhinatha.

From the lens of Ganga Sivanathan, some of the ladies gather in the temple and then go for a walk together to San Marga.

Here Mrs. Suselah Periasamy
from Singapore takes her Vegetarian Vrata in Kadavul temple.

Another happy day for the animals, birds and fish….

She signs her vrata before Lord Siva.

Now… off to San Marga.

Devi Tandavan navigates the rocks in the Wailua River.

An interesting bhuta deva carving…

The Swayambhu Lingam…

Inside of Iraivan, the central sanctum… where the maha Spatika lingam will be one day…

Alice at Iraivan

Pilgrims try their hand at stone carving.

Kulamata Savitri Palani, whose son Jivanandanatha, is now a yogi…

Tirumati Chamundi Sabanathan who has been doing service for the publication team for years. All the indexes of all our books have been honed under her dedicated precise eye.

Kulamata Chandra Sankara

Sheela Young was on the recent innersearch to New Zealand and Australia. And avid student and practitioner of meditation!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

This is Mr and Mrs. Chandrasekaran visiting from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They belong to a Murugan temple society which Bodhinatha visited this last June because Gurudeva had gifted them a Ganesha murti to start the worship. They are temporarily renting a hall for pujas and have chosen land for building a temple. Mrs. Chandrasekaran beautifully sang the famous Skanda Shashti Kavacham at the end of our festival puja this morning.

The holy day of Skanda Shashti arrived this morning, it has traditionally been one of the most powerful festivals at the Aadheenam. Homa is performed with the Vel of Lord Muruga receiving the power for the rites.

Shyamadeva Dandapani has his ears pierced…

While the temple pujaris decorate the Deity after the abhishekam, the monks all retire for a private vow ceremony in the Guru Peedam.

With the blessings and presence of Lord Muruga, today our monastic order welcomes a new Yogi Tapasvin, Yogi Jivanandanatha. Everyone listens to Acharya Kumarswami as he reads the ideals and challenges of being a yogi.

Bodhinatha goes deep within himself to find all the shakti of the Kailasa Parampara and bring it forth for the initiation. It is a powerful ceremony. A palpable vibration emanates from him and fills the sacred Guru Peedam, where we are all gathered.

Natyam Jivanandanatha, soon to be a Yogi, reads his vows.

Signing the vowbook before God, Gods and Guru.

Bodhinatha signs the vowbook accepting the monk’s vows of commitment.

A new Yogi arises in this last dark days of the Kali Yuga! Bodhinatha, in deep concentration, places his hands on the postulant’s head. Physical contact is used in powerful initiations in our Parampara, as when Yogaswami gave Gurudeva a powerful slap on the back, passing on his shakti.

His head covered with sandalwood, Yogi Jivanandanatha receives his Danda, yogic staff, from Bodhinatha.

Aum namah Sivaya! Vel Muruga!

Dressed in yellow, a Yogi Tapasvin is a sincere spiritual seeker, who strives to leave behind all of his former self in his intense quest for God. He allows himself to be consumed in the fire of his tapas, burning past, attachments, and ego.

Bodhinatha then gives a short talk about how the first years of being a yogi are a once-in-a-monastic-lifetime opportunity to enhance the spiritual life.

Everyone greets our new yogi…

Back in the temple the ceremonies continue, with chanting and songs while the curtain is closed.

Natarajnathaswami on the drum…

In the aftermath of the puja, Silpi Chelliah and and Mrs. Chandrasekaran sing the Skanda Shashti Kavacham and sublime spiritual force of peace, beauty and radiance fills the temple… that special power of Lord Murugan!

Lord Muruga’s shrine radiates an actinic force…like a visible star is shining on us all.

Glorious Lord Muruga, in His majestic splendor. He truly came to visit us in Kauai Aadheenam today, as his unique shakti could be felt in the soul, heart and physical bodies of us all. One of the pujaris said that this was one of the most powerful Skanda Shasti festivals we have ever experienced. Vetri Vel Muruga!

Satya and Savitri visited the Ganapati Kulam during the morning, to discuss Shum and the new monastic garden outfits that Savitri and her talented team are sewing in California. They stopped to take a photo with their son and our newest Yogi.

This will be their last visit with Yogi Jivananandanatha for two years while he observes his yoga disciplines and works to intensify his inner life and meditations, free of family, TV, news and other distractions.

They are naturally enormously proud of the son they raised, and bless him for his spiritual work in the next 24 months.

Yogi’s brothers here in the monastery are also gratified to share this auspicious day with him and to see yet another soul take up the staff of tapas and join the fellowship of yogis that have trod the planet for thousands of years. Such profound dedication is a too rare thing on this Earth, at least in this present yuga. Perhaps Yogi’s example will inspire other young men to step onto the Great Path of Enlightenment.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

This is Vijay and Umayal Eswaran visiting from Hong Kong. Today is Umayal’s birthday, so they had a special archana in Kadavul Temple. After a wonderful walk around Iraivan Temple grounds, they met with Bodhinatha and visited our Sivayogaswami shrine.

Many years ago when Vijay lived in the US, he met Gurudeva at our temple in San Francisco and was very inspired to reconnect with his Sri Lankan Saivite heritage by meeting Yogaswami’s successor. Vijay and Umayal’s parents lived very close to Yogaswami’s hut. They had a first-time tour of the press facility and then a home-made rice-and-curry lunch with Palaniswami, Deva and Gayatri Rajan in the Cedar Room.

There was another wonderful Murugan puja in the morning as we prepare for tomorrow’s crescendo of Skanda Shasthi. Our young lady pilgrim, Chudika Mahadevan is a budding artist. Today she brought us this beautiful hand-drawn mandala. Thank you, Chudaka!

Click here for a large version for your computer screen

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Gurudeva’s Mahasamadhi day was humbly observed by sishyas in Mauritius. They all gathered at the Spiritual Park in the morning of Sunday October 22 to celebrate the event.

Gurudeva’s teachings reached Mauritian shores in the 80’s. Many are those who have been inspired by Gurudeva’s lofty teachings since then…

Gurudeva said: ” It is up to you to and you alone to penetrate the veil of illusion and realize the self, the Absolute, beyond desire, beyond all experiences of mind…”

Gurudeva said: ” Saiva Siddhanta Hinduism, man’s spiritual , philosophical, and devotional laws and guidelines, leads him through practice to the Ultimate within himself…”.

After the chanting of the 108 names of Gurudeva, everyone chanted the Guru Chant during the arati.

Gurudeva said: “There is but one mind. It functions in various phases, namely: instinctive, intellectual and superconscious. These phases are manifested consciously as well as subconsciously.

The Tiruvadi is adorned with flowers lovingly brought by sishyas.

Gurudeva said: ” For Spiritual unfoldment, we must perform sadhana. Sadhana is a repetition; time and time and time and time and time again of the same spiritual practice. The spiritual practice should be reasonable, should not take up too much time, and should be done at the same time everyday…”

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo gave a talk drawing from one of Siva Yogaswami’s Natchintanai. Kulapati elaborated on the concept of Gurudeva being lion hearted and how He roared like a lion to spread Saivism around the world following Yogaswami’s instructions…

Sishya Yudananda Munian gave a nice testimony to share his experience about how Gurudeva’s teachings helped him out of a real hard time he had recently.

Gurudeva said: ” Do you often ask; Why should this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? The experience was created and born of your own strength. Any lesser experience would have meant little better than nothing to you because no lesson would have been derived from it…”

Devotees prostrating at Gurudeva’s Holy feet…

The Kartigeyan Manick family from the south. They are long time sishyas of the Church.

Back to the Spiritual Park projects underway…The old wooden Ganesha Bridge has now been removed and a new one is being reconstructed.

The Ganesha Bridge is one of the main esthetical attractions of the Spiritual Park with aquatic plants and koi fish underneath…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Things are quieting down at the Aadheenam so today we pick up the final sequence from Bodhinatha’s recent mission to California, October 14-15 in the Bay Area.

Now we are up north in the San Francisco Bay Area at the home of Janaka and Bhavani Param for a satsang with sishyas and students

Bodhinatha sits down for the pada puja.

Pada puja performed

Final arati

Vibhuti blessings.

Giving a carnatic recital during the satsanga

Bodhinatha meditates while listening

A garland of bills as birthday gift

And a really BIG birthday card. It says “This birthday card had to be this BIG…”

…”To hold all the love there is for YOU!”

Bodhinatha shares a letter from Lord Ganesha afterwards

And a birthday cake is presented

Preparing for the 2nd reception at Spinnaker Restaurant in Sausalito on Oct 15 afternoon

Jeya and Bhajana have fun getting ready

Chandran and Sahanadevi Param family engineered this beautiful decoration to mimic the look of an Indian tent. It really vitalized the room

Kartikeya Katir shares his experience serving at Kauai Aadheenam for a month, and about his efforts in the California school textbook controversy

A beautiful display table at the reception

Deva Rajan gives his fly ash presentation as he did for the San Diego group.

Guests listen carefully

Bodhinatha gives his Keynote presentation

Presenting the big birthday cake at the end

Himalayan Acres Farm Seva

On Sunday, October 22, Arumugaswami collected volunteers to help with the five-acre noni field. As you can see, when they arrived, it was definitely in need of weeding and mowing. Instructions were to start at the end of one row of noni, which is placed in a long strip of mulch, and then proceed to weed down 1,000 feet to the other end. Then back…

Tandu Sivanathan arrived with his riding law mower to see if it would tame our tall guinea grass. It did work, but a bit slowly in our wet and overgrown conditions.

About three hours later in the day, Durvasa Alahan had mowed down the field with our Landini tractor, while Tandu had followed behind on several rows. The field is five acres and contains a thousand trees. Each tree needed to be fertilized and have any fruit on it plucked off so it would grow more branches.

The noni plants are growing rapidly. These were just planted July 29th, and are already up to two feet high. They are set in plastic mulch with a drip line for irrigation. The field is being managed according to the rules for organic farming.

Our crew poses with a happy noni tree. From left to right are Ashish Chitnis, Vijay
Shankara, Deva Rajan, Satya Palani, Jnanideva Cevvel, Sivanadiyar Satya, Vel Alahan. Kneeling is Dasan Mahadeva, and Durvasa Alahan is on the tractor.

Tandu joins for a more artistically posed shot…

To everyone who came and helped out. Thank you!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha at the recent quarterly Hindu Heritage Endowment meeting during our last retreat. Paramacharya Palaniswami brings us the photos and story.

But, before you start please enjoy this video of Bodhinatha’s last seminar to the pilgrims on the subject of “Awareness.”

Also, if you go back one day on TAKA we have issued an improved version of the Guru Puja, which has been color corrected to bring the images out of the shadows.

Once every three months, the stewards of Hindu Heritage Endowment meet to review the quarter, share progress and projects, give grants and plan for the future.

Gurudeva started the meetings in 1994 when he founded HHE to provide Hindu institutions of all lineages financial support. He designated a North Shore resort as our HHE meeting place and for 12 years we have met there, at the same tables.

This time Bodhinatha invited Easan Katir, Isani Alahan and Jutikadevi Sivaraja to join us. Rajkumar Manikkam is the fourth member of the team, but he was in Malaysia today.

All four of them are part of a new volunteer team which will help contact people for HHE. Here is Easan studying the booklet prepared by the Pillaiyar Kulam.

Isani dives bravely into all the numbers. There are 66 funds in HHE, and about $8 million in assets.

Jutikadevi was inspired by all the ways HHE is helping orphanages, schools for the mentally handicapped, elderly people’s homes, ashrams, temples and more.

Bodhinatha has developed a presentation format for the meetings, and each of the monks takes one section of the endowment’s complex workings and presents it to those who are visiting.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha makes his presentation. He shared that HHE gave $61,000 in grants in the last three months.

It takes a full three hours to get through the agenda, without a break. Shanmuganathaswami spoke at length about our new consultant, Phil Murphy, who is an expert in planned giving and has worked for decades with the Catholic Church.

A few feet from our table, Bodhinatha stands with Hanalei Bay behind him.

He is happy that much of the work that he has been responsible for the past 12 years is being taken on by Shanmuganathaswami and his team.

Easan explained the subtle distinction between a Charitable Remainder Trust and a Charitable Lead Trust, which was new to some of us.

Isani has been helping in dozens of ways, small and large.

Jutikadevi is working on a new project with the Centers for Disease Control, and found the day’s look into the inner workings of Hindu Heritage Endowments helpful to her newest business initiatives.

Mahalo (Thank you) to these three, and to others who are helping HHE to grow in service to others.

We share here Gurudeva’s introduction to HHE and its spiritual purpose:

“Hindu thought and culture thread through almost every civilization on the planet, weaving a subtle tapestry of lofty philosophy and earthy, pragmatic wisdom. Whose life has not been touched? Some have been raised in India and enjoy memories of warm extended families and cool temples resounding with ancient mantras. Others find peace of mind in Hindu yoga practices. Many find solace in the concepts of karma, dharma and reincarnation, which express their own inner findings and beliefs.

“If you are one who has been touched by Hindu thought and culture, you may wish to further enrich your life by giving back to Sanatana Dharma in countries around the globe and helping preserve its rich heritage for future generations. Hindu Heritage Endowment (HHE) provides such an opportunity. A public charitable trust recognized by the United States government, HHE was created to maintain permanent endowments for Hindu projects and institutions worldwide. Its endowments benefit orphanages, children’s schools, ashrams and temples. They support priests and publish books; and they are designed to continue giving that financial support year after year, decade after decade, century after century.

“The staff at HHE is one-pointed in their dedication to seeing that qualified donations will be used effectively for the purposes intended. Each beneficiary must give a detailed yearly report on its income from HHE and a schedule of how the next year s funds will be spent before funds are issued. We take it as a sadhana to see that your gifts meet their purpose.

“Please place Hindu Heritage Endowment in your will, your year-end giving and/or your monthly budget. Whether you are inspired to give a few dollars to support orphanages or bequest millions in your will, write, give us a call or look us up on the Internet. Find out how to enrich your life by helping to preserve the treasures of a profound heritage for generations now living or as yet unborn.”

Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
HHE Founder
January 5, 1927-November 12, 2001

Tirunavukkarasu Orphanage

As many of you know, the Tsunami in Indonesia destroyed much of the coastal developments along the eastern seaboard of Sri Lanka. One of these was the Tirunavukkarasu Orphanage. The subsequent fund raising efforts we made were successful. We bring you picture of celebrations of Bodhinatha’s Jayanthi there.

Here work is progressing on the second story walls.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun One we begin a new phase having completed the official four days of Maha Samadhi observances. Today after our homa, Bodhinatha gives his weekly discourse.

But before we start with today’s photos we bring you excerpts from the very powerful final Guru puja held on the actual Maha Samadhi day,Chitra Nakshatra morning. It is performed by Janahan whose training is in the Kriya tradition, from his father-in-law, Sri Haran. He likes to bring in the participation of the devotees who will be called upon to repeat mantras during the ceremonies. He also does a wonderful thing by reading the English meanings of Gurudeva’s 108 names… This video is 15 minutes long, so be prepared to stay tuned as it is quite a deep experience, from the early morning Kadavul Temple guha (cave.)

And tomorrow we will bring you another video of Bodhinatha’s last seminar with the sishya.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha performs the homa today.

Two ceremonies were performed today, starting with the Vishesha Diksha initiation of Jutikadeva Saravan. She reads her vows before the sacred fire.

Her booklet of membership is signed and witnessed documenting the initiation.

The passing of the shakti from Guru to Sishya is done by placing hands on head…

Next, Ganga Sivanathan, takes her vegetarian vrata. She is already a vegetarian, but is now taking a formal vow.

All the birds, animals and fish are so happy now to hear about this compassionate human!

Bodhinatha’s talk today is on the four stages of Saiva Siddhanta, Charya, Kriya, Yoga and Jnana.

He stresses the importance of the foundations of bhakti and good conduct as a strong platform for meditation.

The crystal Sivalingam looks so bright with many flower decorations from all the devotees.

And, from one of the cameras of our devotees, the Swayambhu Lingam of San Marga, close up, looking deep and profound, like the temples of India, like the Ganesha of Pillaiyarpatti, Tamil Nadu.

Tour Day at Iraivan

It was tour day today… visitors try their hand at carving.

Despite the language barrier our silpis put on a good show. Rajendran here….


The nine am tour, over 50 people.

Eleven am tour… about 40 here making a total of over 90 souls visiting today.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sri Atmananda is here from Tiruvannamalai, India, visiting with devotees. He meets with Bodhinatha for a brief darshan.

A spiritual teacher, his core message is based on the Bhagavad Gita, interpreted to reflect the process of inner spiritual evolution. His home base is in India, but he has a center in the US, in Silver City, Nevada and one in California. For more information on his teachings, visit this web site:

Sri Atmanandaji has been a long time reader and advertiser in Hinduism Today magazine and has looked forward to visiting here for many years.

Later we take a tour of San Marga and the Iraivan temple site.

Early in the morning the Maha Samadhi observances continued with the daily puja to Gurudeva.

Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami leads the shum chanting.

Kulapati and Kulamata Vel and Valli Alahan from Colorado.

Kulapati Aran Sendan

Each day Bodhinatha has a class first in the morning at 8:30 for those who have received Vishesha Diksha initiation. Then another seminar later in the morning for everyone.

Today he continued with his discourses on “Merging with Siva….” the Nine Ways to do that based on Gurudeva’s teachings.

We have received many positive comments on our video offerings here on TAKA. Today we decided to “get brave” and put up a 69 megabyte video.

We did have the issue of the download being automatically started. So, we are now using a “poster” frame for the video. And it will not start downloading until you press play. Those who may not have sufficient band width can skip the video.

Jnanideva Cevvel from Edmonton, Canada.

Tandu Sivanathan has brought more Bonsai to grace the Aadheenam.

One of these is over 300 years old!

Another spectacularly clear day in paradise.

Yogi Japendranatha and Satya will be traveling for a seminar and training to Seattle for a few days in November. Here they are do a fashion show of the warm weather gear we got for them.

Satya says hello to his mother and friends in Brazil…

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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