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Bodhinatha in California

Here is Bodhinatha teaching today, a redwood forest behind him in the idyllic Ralston White Retreat, in Mill Valley, California.

The Shum classes are delighting everyone attending.

We also bring you a fun movie on noodle making and the Mag-Lev train in Shanghai by Yogi Jivanandanatha and a another slide show from their last day in New Delhi, India.


Shanghai Noodles and Super High Speed Transit

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was the auspicious day of Gurudeva’s Chitra Padapuja for this month.

Yogi Japendranatha and Sadhaka Dandapani conducting.

The 108 names of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami are chanted by all.

And the Mantra Pushpam chant as well.

Task forcer Kamil Bigda is helping to give out the sacraments.

Kamil is originally from Poland where he began his spiritual search as a young teenager.

He and his mother moved to Chicago several years ago and Kamil found out about the monastery in Hawaii and he got a job in Honolulu to be nearby and is here on Task Force to learn about monastic life.

At the temple site the silpis are preparing to raise up the last two pillars.

Among our guests today was Shelah Young, her husband and family. Shelah travelled with Bodhinatha on the last Innersearch trip to Australia and New Zealand and had a marvelous time. Her visit to the island this time was also to share with her family our monastery and what we do here plus to view the progress on Iraivan Temple. They enjoyed all the colorful plants that make up our garden.

Bodhinatha’s Mission to California

We pick up the story of Bodhinatha’s teaching mission to California with a retrospective series starting with their departure and sightseeing day on Friday. Sadhaka Satyanatha has the story:

Bodhinatha, Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Satyanatha leave for a retreat and Shum seminar in California completely based on Gurudeva’s language of meditation.

Before the retreat starts, Bodhinatha and the monks have time for some sightseeing in San Francisco, the magical city where Gurudeva first began to teach.

The Rahavendrans, a wonderful family from San Diego who pilgrimaged to Kauai a few months ago, join the monks. They are attending the seminar, too — spirituality is the core of these seekers’ lives.

A windy day, but Bodhinatha, who lived here with Gurudeva for years, was fully prepared with some warm clothes and perfect bihaiiishum. Nothing can touch one who is poised in the center of himself.

The unique Golden Gate bridge, engulfed in the city’s characteristic fog, is a powerful experience. The bridge itself has so much charisma it makes one wonder why. A good mind exercise was to concentrate on each aspect of it as we walked, the style, the construction, what it means for people, numberless successive thoughts but all related to the bridge. This is the essence of how Gurudeva taught us to control the mind.

One could not see the other side. A bridge to the Antarloka!

Sarvananathaswami and the monks’ wonderful host, Easvan Param, check the cables that hold the brdge.

The Rahavendran family and Saravananathaswami in front of a commemorative plaque. The bridge was built from 1928 to 1931, a marvel of engineering. It is so simple, and so elegant and flexible, that this may be the reason why it has withstood many earthquakes.

Perhaps this is a good reminder for us all in our spiritual life: a good, strong structure, based on planning, with a simple design and flexibility, is the most likely to withstand the waves of karma.

Aum Namah Sivaya!

A ship crossing underneath the bridge catches Bodhinatha’s attention.

This is a sample of the cable used in the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Yes, it is solid, composed of thousands of smaller cables inside. A cut of it looks like a honeycomb.

Interestingly, a little latter Bodhinatha remarked that our inner nerve currents of simshumbisi are also like this, many wire-like currents united in one tube-like bundle. In one of these, the uda current, Gurudeva found the source of the Shum language.

The Rahavendrans and Easvan Param took Bodhinatha to a wonderful, very San Francisco-style restaurant: the Betelnut. Asian “fusion” cuisine is its specialty. This is one of the many beautiful artworks they had on the walls. The food was even better.

One of the reasons for this sightseeing tour was to show some of legendary San Francisco to young Sadhaka Satyanatha. Some streets are so steep that one has to drive diagonally, such as this one, the famous Lombard Street. A beautiful view of the city makes it hard for one to focus on the sinuous road.

We also visited the Conservatory of Flowers.


And then to Coit Tower. Built in 1933 by Lilie Coit in homage to the firemen of the city, it is a place where one can see a lot of the city.

Up in the tower.


The marina.

San Francisco lies below in all its charming glory.

Sadhaka Satyanatha, atop the chilly tower, actively practicing much-needed alikaishum, feeling the heat of your body as a divine force.

Finally, in the afternoon, the traveling monastics arrived at Ralston White Retreat, a wonderful haven at the feet of Mount Tamalpais, surrounded by an evergreen forest.

The smell of redwood fills this place. This is where the retreat is happening. The silence is utterly amazing, and the high ‘eee’ is very clear here. A perfect setting for a satsang with Bodhinatha, which is about to begin. More on TAKA soon! Aum Namah Sivaya.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is having a full day in California… we should have some photos tomorrow.

Meanwhile Paramacharya Palaniswami has four more slide shows for us. Two more from the final days in Delhi and two from Shanghai. Today’s show takes us back to New Delhi.


Today’s Guests

Three joyful families visiting from Mililani, Oahu; one has visited this temple several times in the past. The other two families (right) are Ramesh and Latha Chintada and Thanosh (3) and Heshanth (8). Also Chelliah and Subathra Jeya. Both Ramesh and Chelliah are computer engineers working for the same Corp.

All three families participated in the morning puja followed by a tour of the Iraivan Temple.

Vellaiasamy and Manikandan have been very busy preparing the concrete surface just inside the main entrance for the bases of the last two pillars honoring the Founder, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, “Gurudeva.”

These are the first two pillars that pilgrims will see as they enter the Iraivan Temple; One in sanskrit and the other in Tamil, “Aum Namasivaya.”

A final photo in front of Lord Ganesha at the main entrance to the Kadavul Siva Temple. Ramesh and Latha and their two sons, and Chelliah and Subathra.

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Bodhinatha in California

Bodhinatha, Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Satyanatha had a smooth flight on Thursday to California.

It is Sadhaka Satyanatha’s first time in mainland USA.

They report:

“Friday morning was dedicated to providing Satyanatha with some sightseeing of San Francisco and having a little fun. Our first adventure was a walk on Golden Gate bridge with Easvan Param, Ravi and Sheela Rahavendran and their two children. It was moderately foggy so you could not even see most of the two supporting columns. Weather was a brisk mid fifties . We walked out to the halfway point and then back. No shortage of fresh air! Our second stop was the Conservatory of Flowers which was impressive in the variety of plants that had in such a small space. Many of the orchids were quite stunning, a giant hibiscus impressive, but best of all was a single large lotus flower in full bloom. then was lunch at a fusion Asian cuisine restaurant on Union Street, Betel Nut, followed by going to the top of Coit tower which provides an excellent overview of the city. Then we drove to our retreat facility in Mill Valley to start preparing for the retreat which begins tomorrow.”

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha arrived home safe and sound. Today we have another movie from their trip. Final moments in Mauritius and then sights and sounds from Mumbai.


Mauritius to Mumbai

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

At home we begin a new phase… pilgrims continue to arrive, day after day.

Far right, Gowri and Anadan Navanandan from Boston, Mass. where Anadan is an Engineer. Both are originally from villages near Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Next to them are Vellaiasamy, Pandi, and Manikandan, three of our expert silpis.

On the far left are Pratap and Seetha Chandran from San Diego. They are celebrating their 6 month wedding anniversary today. Pratap is also an engineer and his wife practices Dentistry.

This photo was taken on the far side of the Narmada Lingam beside the lotus ponds.

Pratap and Seetha beside the pool outside the Kadavul Siva Temple. Both genuinely want to return to Kauai to visit the temple. “It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen” said Pratap.

Kulapati Easan Katir Speaks at HAF Gathering

Kulapati Easan Katirs sends this report from Sacramento:

” Dr. Bhagawandas P. Lathi organized a successful fundraising event in Sacramento for the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), and gave a profound welcoming speech. ( Dr Lathi and wife Rajani have also established a charitable remainder trust with Hindu Heritage Endowment. )

Kulapati Easan Katir was invited to pray for Ganesha’s blessings…

Aum shuklambaradharam vishnum
Shashivarnam chaturbhujam
Prasanna vadanam dhyayet
Sarva vighnopa shantaye

We begin this evening with a famous shloka to Ganesha, easiest of all the Gods to contact, from the root scripture of all denominations of Sanatana Dharma, the Vedas. It has been chanted by billions of Hindus down through the ages, revealing five attributes of Ganesha and invoking His all-powerful protection.

In English:

Aum, dressed in white and all-pervading,
O moon-colored, four-shouldered One
with smiling face so pleasing,
upon You we meditate
for removing all obstacles.

“Now what is this removing obstacles? He removes obstacles whether the supplicant understands the process or not, but i think such an intelligent group as is gathered here this evening might enjoy understanding His process. if one prays to Ganesha, will a boulder move out of the roadway? No. Obstacles are in the mind, one’s own mind, the mind of the group we are in, or the minds of others. That’s the only place obstacles are. So when one prays to Ganesha to remove a boulder in the road, perhaps He and his devas will inspire the mind of a CalTrans crew captain to come and clear the roadway. That’s how it works.

“We can look deeper into this shloka. The prayer says “white and all-pervading, moon-colored”. In one’s mediation one sees the moon-like light of Ganesha pervading the mind. This white light is comprised of a spectrum of colors. The yellow portion is Ganesha’s darshan which removes obstacles in our family, by creating harmony and happiness. The prayer says “smiling face so pleasing”. That is harmony and happiness. Immediate family is a small circle of our awareness. The blue is Ganesha’s ray of light for harmony with friends and relatives, extended family. A larger circle. Red is for removing obstacles in business. Green is the sensitivity and insight which gives rise to art, religion, science. And orange is Ganesha’s darshan of selfless giving, where one perceives all beings in the world as one family, a circle of awareness larger than the planet. All of you here have more than average success and harmony with family, friends, business, arts, with these darshans of Ganesha. How do i know? Because if you didn’t, right now you wouldn’t be here. You’d be embroiled in some family crisis, working sunday night to save a business, or enthralled by some intellectual bauble. Instead you are inspired to be here tonight attending a meeting where selfless giving is the theme.

“Ganesha and his millions of devas have the power to move obstacles in the mind and heart. Mihir and the executives of HAF know this well. They don’t waste time and resources trying to push boulders. They go right to the mind of the person or people where the obstacles exist, and with Ganesha’s grace remove the obstacles, sometimes simply through their presence, sometimes through talking, writing, or if necessary, the courts. They are devas of Ganesha in action. This prayer tells us He is all pervading, with that power of the Vedas propelling our thought, word and deed, there is no doubt He pervades our meeting this evening. Om.”

A full banquet room at Gaylord’s Restaurant, Sacramento’s Hindu community realizes the importance of HAF’s work.

Dr. Mihir Meghani, founder of Hindu American Foundation, which has accomplished much in a few years. Examples: the celebration of Divali at the White House in Washington DC, lobbying congress for human rights for Hindus, and filing amicus briefs with the Supreme Court on the separation of church and state. Mihir has been reading Hinduism Today since he was a very young teenager.

Shelvin Prasad, an ardent volunteer, gives his perspective of HAF’s important work for the American Hindu community.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is the last day of this phase. A quiet day for the monks, but with a steady stream of visitors.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanananda are on their way home and arrive back tomorrow. We have a slide show from their last day in India in New Delhi.


Pilgrims News

The Ilankovan Family with Kala’s sister, Bakialakshmi and her mother, Suseela, in front of Lord Muruga’s Vel which symbolizes the removal of ignorance and darkness from the mind. This beautiful family returns to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia tomorrow following a wonderful pilgrimage to the Kauai Aadheenam.

Pradeep and Malit Mahdavarapy, who are celebrating their first wedding anniversary today, are originally from Andra Pradesh and now live in Washington State.

After participating in the morning puja, they were off to visit the grounds and the Iraivan Temple. . .

. . . In front of the Umbrella Ganesha along the Pali Path.

The Chitra Pillars are a library in stone, circumferencing the entire temple, depicting all aspects of the Hindu religion and dharma, and so much more.

Enjoying the cool shade near the Bali Hai Waterfalls.

A distant tranquil view of the Iraivan Temple.

Pradeep stated that he could not think of a more wonderful way to celebrate their wedding anniversary than to be at such a beautiful and sacred place.

Orchids in full bloom along the Pali Path.

Pradeep and Malit outside the “Press Shop” beside the very beautiful and sacred handcarved image of Siva Nataraja.

Visit from Associated Press

Arumugaswami meets with Associated Press reporter and photographer from Honolulu who will be writing are article on the monastery and temple. Associated Press stories are syndicated to an estimate 1.2 billion readers worldwide.

Wikipedia Sevak, Dora Kovacs

Among the many sevaks helping with so many projects one among them is Master Course student Dora Kovacs, she is helping with the very big task of bringing authentic Hindu teachings to Wikipedia. It is a challenging area as at any moment what you write there may be changed, edited or questioned by 100’s of others around the world and everyone has a different view of things.

Sadhaka Satyanatha is guiding her work. Today we reviewed various options for additions to Wikipedia and how we might find ways to meet Wikipedia standards.

For those who may have missed it yesterday, today we are announcing again the Cafe Press Iraivan Fund Raising initiative. And who is the historic first person to place an order?

Jeyakumar N.Rajaratnam of Singapore got a mug, a Tote bag, and a magnet.

Announcing Iraivan Imprinted Products:

The monks have created some special Iraivan Temple products at Find such items as mugs and mousepads, tote bags and stickers, buttons and magnets and posters, all with Iraivan Temple art printed on them. The items are custom printed by Cafepress, one at a time, as you order them. The prices are reasonable, the products are shipped directly to you without any work by the monks, and all proceeds automatically go to the Iraivan Temple building fund. So, if you’ve always wanted a poster of Iraivan Temple art, an Iraivan Temple mug, or an Iraivan Temple tote bag, or an Iraivan temple refrigerator magnet, or if you want to buy some of these items to sell to benefit Iraivan Temple, now is your chance! Visit Iraivan’s Cafepress site.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It’s Sun Five at the Aadheenam today. The Ganapati Kulam shared their news. Kumarswami has been working on a major upgrade to the monthly San Marga newsletter. Arumugaswami has been working on presentations to the government on Hindu input on the new R1 religious worker’s visa rules which affect both our silpis and future monks from other countries.
Sivakatirswami has been working on the July digital Edition of Hinduism Today and some small upgrades to the web site as well as some major upgrades to the Hinduism Today Digital Edition software. Sadhaka Satyanatha and Yogi Japendranatha are working on their Hinduism Today article assignments for the next issue and also on another innovation: Cafe Press.

Our mission team, Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha check in from Shanghai via Skype about an hour a go from China, just before lift off to Hong Kong. Meanwhile Palaniswami sends us more slide shows. Today’s is from their stay in Mumbai.


Yogi Japendranatha has been hard at work on the “Cafe Press Initiative.” He says:

The monks have created some special Iraivan Temple products at Find such items as mugs and mousepads, tote bags and stickers, buttons and magnets and posters, all with Iraivan Temple art printed on them. The items are custom printed by Cafepress, one at a time, as you order them. The prices are reasonable, the products are shipped directly to you without any work by the monks, and all proceeds automatically go to the Iraivan Temple building fund. So, if you’ve always wanted a poster of Iraivan Temple art, an Iraivan Temple mug, or an Iraivan Temple tote bag, or an Iraivan temple refrigerator magnet, or if you want to buy some of these items to sell to benefit Iraivan Temple, now is your chance! Visit Iraivan’s Cafepress site.

The latest official recruit to our monastic order: Sadhaka Satyanatha is now firmly established in his monastic life at Kauai Aadheenam and serving in the Ganapati Kulam on our main publications projects. He also now has the privilege of a daily vigil in the temple doing puja daily to Lord Ganesha at 3 AM.

Today’s Pilgrims

Following the 9 a.m. puja, the Ilankovan Family and another couple from Chennai, Mahadevan and Radha Hariharan from Texas, visited the lotus ponds where everyone performed abhishekam to the Narmada Lingam – with Suseela being the first.

. . . and Radha Hariharan.

. . . then Sharmini.

Her father, Kolandavelu Ilankovan, is a Consulate General in Malaysia and, due to his position over the years, his family have lived in Nigeria Africa, New York, and Hong Kong. They now reside in Malaysia where he continues as the Consulate General.

Kala’s sister, Baklalakshmi performs abhishekam.


White and pink lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond.

Mahadevan Hariharan, originally from Chennai, and now living in Sugarland, Texas. He and Radha attend the Temple in Houston.

Kala then performs abhishekam to Nandi.

Ilankovan family in front of Dakshinamurthy.

Kolandavelu Ilankovan, Sharmini, Ashok and Kala posing with a rainbow eucalyptus tree.

A Ginger flower at the Bali Hai waterfalls.

Kala with her daughter Sharmini.

Gurudeva in the Ganapati Kulam sends you all his blessings “from this and inner worlds,” was his oft-penned signature.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is Sun Four Today and also Ashram Sadhana Day for this month. The monks have been cleaning all morning.

The Siddhidata Kulam shared news at lunch. Yoginathaswami says that the last pillar of Iraivan will be raised up in about 10 days. Preparations for setting the base have begun.

As we write TAKA today, Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha are in Shanghai talking with ShiWen about translations of Gurudeva’s trilogy into Chinese. We bring you a slide show from their stay in Mumbai.


Pilgrims from Malaysia

A lovely Tamil family from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (r/l) Sharmini who just graduated from the University in NY; her father Kalandavelu Ilankovan and mother, Kala; their son Ashok who is attending college in Boston; Kala’s sister, Bakialakshmi and mother, Suseela.

All enjoyed a beautiful morning puja, a tour of the Iraivan Temple where they discussed various aspects of temple building with the Silpis, and a special audience with Bodhinatha. Happiness shining in her eyes, Kala stated “Oh what a wonderful morning it has been for us all! We are so very grateful.”

Also on tour was a biochemistry teacher from Holland, Laetitia Noordhuizen, who is very interested in Saivism, the Vedas and the Tamil culture. Many of her students are Tamil. Laetitia felt a “great appreciation for the interconnectedness of it all. . . So many questions were answered for me today” she said. “I feel very blessed.”

Jodo Buddhist Mission Visit

The Statewide 20th Convention of eleven of the Jodo Mission Temples was held on the Island of Kauai this year hosted by the Koloa and Kapaa Jodo Missions. Today eight Buddhist Priests arrived with forty women Fujinkai Buddhist devotees from the other Hawaiian Islands to visit the Iraivan Temple.

The eight priests pose near the temple entrance; Gensho Hara (Lahaina), Koji Ezaki (Haleiwa), Yubun Narashiba (Honolulu), Wajra Wanson (Kirtis Town), Junshin Miyazaki (Hawaii), Hiroki Maeda (Honolulu) Kosen Ishikawa (Koloa) and Kobun Yachi (Hilo).

All were amazed at the beautiful handcarved white granite temple and watched the silpis at work with great interest.

Following the tour everyone visited the Kadavul Siva Temple where many had questions regarding the deities, Lord Ganesha, God Siva, the Tandava poses, Vedic astrology, the homa, temple worship, Nandi and the Kodimaram. All appeared to feel quite at home in the temple with some discovering with delight Nada Budake, the Buddhist Deva, beside Lord Ganesha’s shrine.

Later in the afternoon we said our farewells to these delightful guests as they departed for other destinations.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Srinivasa Raghavan and family, from Naperville, Illinois, came on pilgrimage today. The met with Bodhinatha after a full morning of puja and touring the property.

Sun One Upadesha Posted We just posted Bodhinatha’s Sun One talk and transcript today. It is a truly marvelous, spontanous inspired talk. Don’t miss it!

News From Mission Team

Paramacharya Palaniswami have completed their time in India and flew to Bangkok today in transit to Shanghai where they will meet with ShiWen, a scholar who has been reading the trilogy and wants to translate Gurudeva’s books into Chinese.

Meanwhile we bring you another slideshow and movie they sent of their last days in Mauritius.


Our Monks Meeting with Devotees in Mauritius

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Back to the Aadheenam

Srinivasa Raghavan and family they chose a very auspicious day to come. They attended our grand and sacred Ardra abhishegam and puja for Nataraja then toured the grounds to worship at the various shrines. Also with them was Lakshmi and Shyamsunder from Silver Spring, Maryland.

All beautifully dressed in traditional Hindu attire…

…they were wonderful to observe in their devotion to Siva

Following a beautiful and powerful Ardra Abhishekam in the Kadavul Siva Temple, Sureshchandra and Parvatiben Patel visited the Iraivan Temple where they met Yoginathaswami who told them about the history and construction of the Temple.

Sureshchandra is a devotee of Lord Siva and felt that it was purely devonic that he and Parvati just happened to hear about the temple. “We feel very blessed to be here” he said.

In front of Dakshinamurthy and the four Sages.

From Gurudeva’s Shum Archives

The Ganapati Kulam opened up the carefully preserved archives of Shum notes that Gurudeva has kept for decades. Bodhinatha requested this so that he could begin going through the material and bring it forward.

Most precious are these hand written descriptions of areas of consciousness, written by Gurudeva himself in 1971. The commentary reads:

“The entrance into the Self through realizing combustibility of matter through space as a solid. Attained long are imkaef (Self-Realization.)”

A strong determination. In this area one accomplishes what they resolve to do against all opposition. The ability to take the strength out of opposition and use it for a positive accomplishment.”

“Making the practice of shumnam (meditation) a part of one’s life so that the inner vibrations of shumnam carry into the astral, emotional body and into the physical body; and one shumnam carries its vibration over to another. This is the name of the practice and the result, sishya and monastic must hold this vibration.”

“Being filled with lawf (superconscious state of being) . Feeling the actinodic body vibration taking over the physical body in meditation. This portrait names this feeling and happening, which only take place in meditation.”

“Talking with the inner mind: inner communication. Sapphire light communication. Hearing and simultaneously seeing. Gaining knowledge from within the superconscious itself and then developing a superconscious intellect.”

Influence of the presence of physical things in one’s life. Substantial things bring out these qualities.

if you had a boat, you would be influenced to use it.”

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha giving an inspired talk on awareness and observation, a bhasya on sections of Merging with Siva. It was a marvelous upadesha coming to you soon.

Today being Sun Three, the Ekadanta Kulam shared news.

Saravanathaswami has been involved with the planning of the May retreat teaching and details. Bodhinatha will leave for California to conduct the program in five days.

Task forcers Tandava and Nandi who returned home two months ago are serious about monastic life and he has been communicating with them about taking their first step which is to sign their Aspirant Vows.

Sadhaka Dandapani has been busy preparing the study guide for the May retreat, hosting on tour days and the ever present stream of Innersearch coordination tasks.

Today was tour day. We had two large groups and a surprising number of Hindus coming today.

After the first tour, visitors line up to get Bodhinatha’s autograph on their books.

A number of the Hindu guests came forward, not for autographs, but for darshan and blessings from the Satguru. Bodhinatha gave them vibhuti…

Copies of What is Hinduism. If you are not familiar with it click here for more information.

Pocket book editions of the Trilogy are also a big favorite.

Guests marveling at Iraivan’s pillars

A short series from yesterday’s homa followed by another movie and slide show from our mission team, showing the final days of their stay in Mauritius.



If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha — Last Day in M

It’s the last day of Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha’s visit to Mauritius. Most of the members met at the residence of Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum at Mahebourg, in the south, which is just few minutes drive to the SR International Airport. The residence of Brahmachari Vel overlooks the shore a few metres away…

Paramacharya Palaniswami is ready to leave and has a few words for the members gathered around him…

Palaniswami talked about Gurudeva he met long ago, and how Gurudeva always emphasized on consistency in spiritual efforts…

Sivathondu and Sivadhyana are the two things the sishyas are to do as their priority. Every sishya has to do an activity where he/she excels most for four hours per week as a seva to the Guru. Paramacharya Palaniswami talked about one lady MC student in Mauritius who is helping to upload Gurudeva’s teachings on Wikipedia…

The group sang a few Natchintanai in between the talks ….

Paramacharya Palaniswami talked about Shum and taught everyone the shum word ” Behaishum” meaning “Good morning!” Gurudeva used to greet everyone with Behaishum every morning. Paramacharya Palaniswami explained that this shum concept encompassed more than just a greeting. It was a state of mind expressing good feelings and contentment about oneself and for others. Sishyas were invited to learn and apply this new shum concept in their daily life..

Brahmachari Vel offered a gift to Paramacharya Palaniswami…. some chocolate that swami will later lovingly distribute to the children present.

After the talk everyone came forward for darshan…

Meanwhile in the kitchen tea and sweets are being served to the guests….

Kulamata Koothan and her sister Sarada giving a helping hand….

An opportunity for book signing …….

Our sishyas are having a nice time together….

Kulamata Selvon Mardemootoo and Kulamata Moorghen …..

Tirthadeva and his nephew…..

Kulapati and Kulamata Mougam Periatumbee……..

Now time for the airport…. Goodbye Mauritius!

Everyone greets Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi and wishes them a nice trip to Mumbai…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We began another Sun One with homa today. Bodhinatha gave another spontaneous inspired talk on Shum, drawing on Merging with Siva. It will be posted later this phase.

Meanwhile, Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha have flown to from Mauritius and had meetings in Mumbai and are now in New Delhi once again.

We have a number of movies and slideshows to share with you from their trip. We will catch up with them over time. Today we continue with news and events from the Mauritius portion of their journey.


Trip To Mauritius, Part II, Movie

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.


A group photo in the Rudraksha Forest of today’s visitors. (center back) are Mahendrabhai and Hansaben from London, UK and Suresh and Sumi Patel from Surrey, UK. They are related to Jayantibhai and Viraben, Vinod and Kapula Patel, and Rames Upadhayay who are all from New Jersey.

All were present for the morning puja in the Kadavul Siva Temple which was followed by an enjoyable tour of the Iraivan Temple on this very beautiful day.

We continue with a few photos of Paramachariya Palaniswami’s visit to the island f Mauritius. A few contributors of the Spiritual Park who could make it, attended a meeting on Saturday with Paramachariya. Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo is here introducing Paramachariya and Yogi to the guests present …

Paramachariya Palaniswami introduced everyone to kauai Aadheenam through the Kauai’s visitors booklet, a similar copy of which is being planned for Spiritual Park of Mauritius in the near future.

Paramachariya Palaniswami talked about plans for the upgrading of the Spiritual Park for the future, waterways down the property which would not only retain the moisture of the soil but would enhance the lush green vegetation, a stone wall around the property and a few pavilions for teachings, for selling the Church publications, for food serving, a large shelter close to the Ganesha Mandapam to provide shade and protect devotees from the rain, and the large Narmada Sivalingum from India that may be close to the Ganesha Mandapam ……

It was a nice meeting with a few of the guests asking some questions. Then everyone stood up for a souvenir photos. The Spiritual Park is being maintained at present thanks to all these contributors who voluntarily donate to the Park through love offering or supporting specific projects.

Mrs. Nivedita Nathoo runs a modern Ayur Vedic massage clinic in the North and she also chairs an important Women’s organisation in the island. She has been very supportive of the Park. She attended the Seminar on “What is Hinduism?” conducted by Paramachariya Palaniswami at Quatre Bornes.

Mrs. Nalini Chenganna, Jegadissa Chenganna and Mr Sivalingum are familiar faces to the Spiritual Park.

Mrs. Thancanamotoo and Mrs. Narainen …….

A few more donors …..

Mr and Mrs. Narainen talking to Palaniswami and Yogi….

Premila and Niveditha …….

Paramachariya Palaniswami and Yogi with the Thancanamootoo and Sivalingum couples….

Soundiren and Vijayam Arnasalon of the Mardemotoo’s kutumba are very dedicated to the Park. They are the sishyas who live closest to the Spiritual Park.

Like a garden tea party ……. The guests enjoyed a sweet happy moment on that cool shady spot of the Park…..


Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was another quiet day at the Aadheenam. Work goes on as usual. Many small projects are moving forward in all areas.

Today we posted the audio and transcript of Bodhinatha’s fabulous Sun One talk
on the Story of Awareness. Those interested in meditation and Shum will be
very interested in this one. Don’t miss it!

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvitiya Tithi, Sun One, Thursday, May 17th.

Guests Today

(R/L) Ram and Gita Ganeshan from Sugarland, Texas; Leo and Paru McGuire from Ohio, and Babul and Meena Bhagawandas, also from Texas, all thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Aadheenam. Ram and Gita said they definitely plan to make a longer pilgrimage here next time. As Gita explained “Its such a peaceful and spiritual place, it’s hard to leave here.”

A pause in front of Lord Ganesha on this beautiful spring day as everyone returned to the Kadavul Siva Temple

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

On Saturday Paramacharya Palaniswami scheduled a meeting for the youth of Mauritius who are from the membership and Saivite Hindu Religion class students. Many older youth were are able to make it due to taking private tuitions on that day. The meeting was mostly attended by the younger ones following Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s ‘Saivite Hindu Religion’ Saturday classes at the Spiritual Park.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi taught about how to sit with the spine erect and about feeling being an ordinary being compared to being a special being….. Paramacharya also talked about affirmation and how everyone was to develop positive affirmations… Other practical explanations were given to help the youth develop further their spiritual life. Then swami talked about the brahmacharya vrata that four boys were going to take on that day…

Yogi Jivanandanatha performing an arati to Lord Ganesha before the brahmacharya cord ceremony….

The four High school boys, Sanjeeva Apavoo, Poshan Munian, Lunadosha Valaytan and Sivarathna Manick read their vows aloud:
” I seek the blessings of God, Gods and guru as I declare of my own volition my firm intention to live a pure and virtuous life and now take this brahmacharya vrata. Then Paramacharya Palaniswami chanted a powerful mantra and passed the sacred flame on each of the boy’s head…

Paramacharya Palaniswami tying the sacred cord Lunadosha…..
“I vow to value and protect purity in thought, word and deed, and chastity in body, to sublimate and transmute the sexual energies and the instinctive impulses of anger, jealousy, greed, hatred and selfishness.”

Then to Poshan …….
“I promise to remain chaste and pure until marriage and wear this sacred brahmacharya cord around my waist to betoken this solemn oath. At such time that I marry, I promise to marry a Saivite Hindu virgin by arrangement of both families and with the blessings of my guru.”

……. and to Sivarathna ……

All the youth gathered for a photo with Paramacharya Palaniswami…..

The four boys who took the brahmacharya vows with Paramacharya Palaniswami.

Pizza and ice cream was served to all…

Everyone is happy to have been with Paramacharya Palaniswami

These youth are growing up as a wonderful homogeneous Saivite peer group around the Spiritual Park with the teachings of Satguru Bodhinatha….

Paramacharya Palaniswami is signing Sivarathna’s book “Saivite Virtue” that he will be daily reading for his brahmacharya sadhana.

A Movie of These Events in Mauritius

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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