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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Four in our blessed island of Kauai. The clear and warm day makes Iraivan Temple’s golden capstone shine bright in our monastery, a beacon for the devas in the inner worlds, a reminder for us of how special it is.

The special flower ornamentation around the Inner Sanctum are being finished by the silpis before expected, so the team will soon be working on other projects.

A visitor shared today, “I came here on January of this year, and it is amazing how much Iraivan Temple has changes since!” Even the monks are surprised at how steadily and how fast Lord Siva has been bringing the temple into manifestation.

The Siddhidata Kulam, always efficient, reported today. The new CAT is under training — our new Caterpillar machine is being prepared for use. Maintenance, training of the monks, testing and lots of caution are necessary. It is a powerful tool and a boon for these sacred grounds.

As usual, The Siddhidata Kulam monks are also working on maintaining our equipments, cars, buildings and gardens according to a schedule they trimmed to perfection. The organic vegetable garden is also doing exceedingly well, thanks to tireless dedication and the help of taskforcers Kamil and Rajan.

Balram Chetty, a dedicated spiritual student and a bramachari from South Africa, had darshan with Satguru Bodhinatha today. Three brahmacharinis came with him, and one more student will come tomorrow. A very bright spiritual group.

They came to Kauai just to visit the monastery and to see how Hinduism Today is published. The monks feel honored when this happens, and very thankful to Gurudeva for teaching us how to work to spread Hinduism in a way that inspires and awes people all over the world.

They are very interested in advancing their own local publication and in helping Hinduism Today’s distribution and penetration in Africa.

Standing strong for Hinduism!

As we monks work with dedication here on the physical plane, the blessings of sages who realized the Self long ago keep pouring on us. Mostly subtle, sometimes they are more tangible.

One small blessing, an example of Gurudeva’s infinite abundance, is a new camera zoom lens that arrived yesterday at the monastery. We are always grateful for the many tools we have. One of our photographers took the camera around for a test.

Water on a lotus leaf.

Just like our soul, the leaf cannot be tainted by any mud that may surround it.

The silpis keep working, not seeing our distant photographer and his powerful new zoom lens, but sensing someone watching him!

A forest of pillars, soon to be covered with roof beams.

Come back in a thousand years, and you will see this same configuration.

Child Saint Sambandar dancing at sunset.

Could there be a more perfect spot for our Aadheenam?

The colors of the camera are great. The orange of our Sannyasins shine bright, bringing light to the world.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Saravan and Bhavani Veylan are here from Edmonton on pilgrimage for a week.

Kulam news:

Today is Sun 3, the Pillayar Kulam reported. At the top of their news is that the book “What is Hinduism?” has been getting more and more rave reviews from different publications and distributors. It’s a hit! We have also put pdfs of the entire book online today, with the help of taskforcer Rajan Sankara. Click to go to the homepage and take a look.

Today’s Visitors

Anand Ramagopalrao, his wife Anilta and their two children, Amrita (8) and Ajitt (3 1/2). This is their first visit to the Kauai Hindu Temple. They are from Chennai and now reside in Seattle.

Like most Tamil families they have a sweet and humble nature and are very devout Hindus.

Asked how he enjoyed the tour, Anand stated that “the whole place feels so utterly peaceful and the Temple vibration is just like those powerful Temples in India.”

Ram Charand arrived with his son Yogesh and his wife Tracey. Both Ram and Yogesh are originally from Fiji. Ram now lives in Sacramento, California where he is very involved with the temple there.

While Yogesh and Tracey have homes in both NYC and Los Angeles due to their work with the Connection Theater Company which produced the “Mahabharata.”

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We bring you photos from several days. Here is Bodhinatha giving his comments on The Clear White Light, after yesterday’s homa. That talk is already on line!

Sun one Homa

Visitor News

Two lovely families, the Patels and the Vajarias, arrived from Illinois during the Ashtami Retreat phase. They were present for the morning puja and were then hosted on the people mover down San Marga to visit the Iraivan Temple.

Both families posed between the newly placed pillars honoring the Founder, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. just inside the main temple entrance.

Blessing the New Caterpillar

Today we had the traditional vehicle blessing for our new skid steer.

“We are blessing the Cat this morning.”
“Oh? How do you bless a cat? Don’t they get scared? Which one?” …
“The Big Yellow One…” …
“Oh you mean Ehreh, yes he’s really getting fat these days, lying in the sun all day.”
“No, no.. we meant the Caterpillar?”
“Caterpillar? Why bless a Caterpillar, why not wait until it becomes a butterfly?”

This new machine is really needed at the temple site.

Tad Astu!

North Shore Mauritius Satsang News

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo sends news from satsang at the North Shore Mission.

We had our Weekly Satsanga at the home of member Soomandeeren Peruman. We have attached a picture of Sooomandeeren, wife Malini, daughters Darshni, Yashomathi and Hemavathi.

On the same evening after Homa, Students Adi Shankara and Anjeeni Devi Peruman took their Ahimsa Vrata in presence of us all.

Back Home at Iraivan

Several of our photographers have been inspired by Iraivan and take us on a tour, here and there through our incredible temple.

From the roof top…

Watching the raising up of the last two pillars from the stand of Rudraksha trees on the west side of the temple.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today was another small but historic day at the Aadheenam, because the last two pillars of the main Iraivan mandapam were put in place.

Bodhinatha presides over the event at Iraivan this morning.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dasami Tithi, Sun One, Saturday, June 9th.

We take a few pictures of Bodhinatha and Iraivan as the team sets up to raise pillars.

The silpis greet Bodhinatha as the ceremony for the “Gurudeva” pillar on the Southeast corner are about to begin. It is an important milestone for the Iraivan Temple this morning as the last two Chitra pillars honoring the Founder, Sat Siva Guru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami “Gurudeva,” are ceremoniously placed permanently on their bases just inside the temple entrance.


Installing Iraivan’s Last Two Pillars

If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

The navaratna or nine gems are put in place underneath the pillar.

There are four images of Gurudeva on the upper panels of this pillar.

Larry Conklin takes a break as the silpis work to position the pillar.

Rajan watching it all

A plumb line is dropped to make sure the pillar is perfectly vertical.

And now, the final and last pillar on the Southwest corner

Tada Astu! Iraivan’s last pillar is in!

Manikandan and Pandi perch high atop the entrance Yalli pillar and Gurudeva’s pillar carefully measuring to make sure they are in complete alignment.

The silpis continue to make minute adjustments. It is very important that every aspect of pillar placement be performed with great precision, patience, and care otherwise misalignment could cause some serious difficulties. Here are Rajendran and Vellaiasamy are shimming up the base to bring the pillar in to a perfectly vertical position.

Today’s Pilgrims and Visitors

Bal Krishnan and his wife Neelami arrived today from Edmonton, Canada. Bal Krishnan was present when H.H. Bodhinatha Veylanswami visited Edmonton about two years ago.

He was amazed at the exquisitely handcarved granite pillars detailing the worlds greatest religion, Hinduism, and immediately sponsored a Padma (lotus) Rail Stone.

Also present were Demo and Genevieve Dimartile from Irvington, NY. Demo was present when the Spatika Lingam first arrived on Kauai in 1987. “Its just wonderful to see Gurudeva’s vision manifesting like this” he said after touring the Iraivan Temple. “Its truly wonderful!” Genevieve was honored on the Opray Show last April for her work in providing pajamas for needy children around the globe.

Prior to his departure, Bal Krishnan stated that he and his wife would be back for the Maha Kumbha Abhishekam.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sanjay Tolia and Pooja Gupta were married just last week and are visiting Kauai for the first time on their honeymoon. Bodhinatha presented them with a shawl as a wedding blessing. He also gave them a gift of our new book, What is Hinduism? Pooja is the daughter of one of the trustees of the Kashi Vishwanatha temple in Flint, Michigan. She met Bodhinatha when he was there a few weeks ago.

S. Shantharam and his wife, Shelvi, from Markham, Canada pilgrimaged to the Aadheenam today. He used to live on the same road as Satguru Siva Yogaswami and was happy to fulfill his wife’s dream to come to the Aadheenam.

Kamil Bigda Puts New Books Online

Task forcer Kamil Bigda is helping in the Ganapati Kulam in the mornings this phase. He has been translating the “Self God” talk by Gurudeva into Polish and help to get some more publications resources on line. Yesterday he upgraded the PDF’s for the latest versions of the Saivite Hindu Religion Children’s courses , Books 1, 2 and 4.

Today he worked on putting Yoga’s Forgotten Foundations online as a PDF.

This book contains the ten yamas and niyamas excerpted from Living with Siva and with an introduction by Bodhinatha.

Here is one chapter on Dana — Giving

Kamil completed the job and you can download the entire book in a single PDF by clicking this link..

This is our new Caterpillar skid steer loader which will replace our old aging used Bobcat.

This is a brand new machine having only ever been on show. It is an important tool at the Aadheenam for many different kinds of jobs. Yoginathaswami is very happy.

“This Cat is a lot heavier, has more horsepower and has a 1 ton lifting capacity. We really need that.” It’s engine is very quiet and it has a slightly wide wheel base. Attachments coming will be a forklift, backhoe, plain bucket, in addition to the 4-in-1 bucket that it has now.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha’s Sun One Talk is up today… A short upadesha on the Clear White Light.

And another installment on the California retreat, as a slide show below.


Guests Today

Natubhai and Indira Patel and Bhailal and Kantuben Patel visiting the Aadheenam for the first time were taken for a tour of the Iraivan Temple.

Natubhai and Bhailal are both Pharmacists and are here on vacation. They had heard about the temple through others who had previously been here. Both families are from Gujarat and now live in New Jersey.

Before leaving, they visited the Rudraksha Forest where a little of the history of the forest and the sacred Rudraksha seeds was related to them.

Avudayar Progress in India

We have this news from our Sthapati in India regarding progress on the base for the Maha Spatika Lingam of Iraivan:

“I am happy to receive Swamy’s email letter. I am pleased to inform Rev Swamy that the casting of panchalokha avudayar is progressing well. We have made a hollow avudayar in plywood with 3/4 inches lesser than the actual sudhai model . The 3/4 inch on the plywood is being prepared and covered in wax mould. Instead of a solid wax mould, we followed this type to allow the wax mould to dry quicker .Then the molten metal will be poured in a specific way and the wood will be removed to allow the molten metal to penetrate and fill all around to form a solid base. This is under process. I have given the sthapati casting this sacred work with all detailed ornamentation to incorporate on the solid avudayar. I will send more pictures on completion of the wax mould on the wooden frame in about 2 or 3 weeks.”

Paintings from Peter

An artist named Paul Heussenstamm has visited the monastery several times and made these two amazing paintings to capture his experiences.

Something Really Hot From Kona!

Hitesvara Saravan sends this photo from the Big Island of Hawaii where Mother Pele, the Goddess of the volcano there, is very active. He is standing about as close as is humanly possible to this slow moving,hot lava flow. The Hawaiian islands continue to be created.

This opening in the Earth’s crust was underneath Kauai just 4 million years ago…

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Dr. Premchand Gada from Lubbock, Texas and his extended family visited us this morning. About 15 of them attended the 9am Siva puja then toured Iraivan Temple.

They also had a wonderful meeting with Bodhinatha asking him some very insightful questions including “What does it feel like to experience God?”.

Brahmacharini Shama also hosted them, she writes:

Premchand Gada, M.D. is a Family Practitioner in Lubbock, Texas (far right). He arrived today with a large group of relatives and immediate family members (not all shown here). All were present for a wonderful morning Puja in the Kadavul Hindu Temple. They were subsequently taken on a tour of the Iraivan Temple and gardens and finally returned for a special audience with our beloved Sat Siva Guru, Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

Saravananathaswami gave the Ekadanta Kulam report today. He has been working with a number of different individuals to help them along their path from student to Arul Sishya and also preparing for Bodhinatha’s next travel program.

Sadhaka Dandapani reports from his world that there are more and more signing up for Innersearch and if the rate keeps up we will be “sold out” of seats before too long.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

With the coming of winter the Park looks quieter and cooler these days. A few visitors keep coming during the day to worship at the Feet of Lord Ganapati!

Rich foliage abounds every beautiful spot of the Park

Today it is quite cold at the Park and many of our youth had a cold and could not turn up. The class is on Lesson 7: The Yamas of the SHR Book V. They are about to learn….

“The yamas are described as the “Restraints.” They focus on virtuous and moral living, which brings purity of mind, freedom from anger, jealousy and subconscious confusion which would inhibit the process of meditation.”

Our catalysts have prepared a new keynote presentation on the the Yamas ….. The youth are about to have an animated class with hi tech audio-visual supports….

Too much sunlight coming in and the image on the screen is not visible… We pulled down the shutters and everyone is happy..

The Yama on Patience is explained by Satguru Bodhinatha:

“Exercise patience, restraining intolerance with people and impatience with circumstances. This yama harnesses the tendency to loose emotional control and react with unkind words or actions when facing delays, difficulties and qualities in people that we did not anticipate.”

It is an animated presentation with background music and even Sri Rudram … Later they were shown a short video on Iraivan Temple and Paramacharya Palaniswami’s visits to Mauritius.

Time for a break in the filao shades

Another group under the breadfruit tree…..

Well ….guess what is this fruit? No….. not a pear…. but the famed Citrus maxima known also as pamplemousse im french and pomello in English, the great-great-great grandmother of the grapefruit, at the Spiritual Park!

Thirunavukkarasu Gurukulam in Sri Lanka

Some of you may remember the vast destruction of the Tsunami in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The process of rebuilding goes on. We have just a few pictures of the great progress of the Thirunavukkarasu Nayanar Gurukulam
an Orphanage in Batticaloa, east Sri Lanka. Click here for more info and see how things looked before.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a bright new phase after a powerful 3-day full moon retreat. Here is Bodhinatha giving a talk this morning on the clear white light, coming to you soon.

Our Vaikashi Vishakham full moon brought a new swami to join the Saiva Siddhanta Yoga Order. Kashi Senthilnathaswami has arrived as our newest sannyasin. It is a victory for Lord Muruga! Details are in the slideshow below.


The albezias are in bloom with canopies of white blossoms reaching the skies…

Yogi Jivananandanatha performs the Sun One Homa today.


Bodhinatha references Merging with Siva to give his upadesha today on the clear white light.

And he shares some things from the study booklet from his recent California study retreat.

Today’s Guests

Kandiaha is here visiting from the University of Malaysia and shows his amazement at this hand-carved blue black granite chain which hangs between Bhadra pillars of the Iraivan Temple.

Kandiaha was invited to a real South Indian Tamil lunch served on palm leaves by the Iraivan Temple Silpis (stone carvers). “This is the first really decent South Indian meal I’ve had outside India” he said.

Anup, Bijayani and Annopoma Bhowmik visiting the Aadheenam for the first time from Southern California, pose for a photo at the beginning of the San Marga path near the Rudraksha Forest.

Shelah Young and her daughter Fiona above the Wailua River. Shelah has been studying Gurudeva’s Master Course as well as Gurudeva’s Trilogy. She also participated in the Innersearch trip to Australia with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and many other devotees, and has spent several days this time at the Aadheenam. “What a truly wonderful place this. I love it here” she said.

Rekha Shah and Jaishree are here from Southern California and plan to make this temple their pilgrimage site once a year.

A very happy newly wed couple came to the temple today for a special blessing as they begin their life together. Nilay and Reena Amin pose in front of a large painting of Gurudeva. They are both from New Jersey.

Day Three of Bodhinatha’s California Study Program

More photos from the California retreat with Bodhinatha at the Ralston White manor house, in Mill Valley. Inspired by the cool air and the peaceful surroundings, the monks go for a short hike before sunset, which here happens at around 7:30 this time of year.

The light, coming through the trees, makes it even more special.

The vegetation here is very different from familiar, tropical Hawaii.

At the top of a hill, a view of the bay area.

And to our backs is Mount Tamalpais, where Gurudeva first trained his devotees in kamsatyemni, mountaintop consciousness.

Then, blessing us there, a beautiful hawk flew by. So beautiful, so elegant. He would barely move his wings, only make small corrections to take him to the track again. It is a good analogy for deep meditation. We asked him to come closer for a photo, but even we were surprised when he did.

Flying by us at high speed.

The view was amazing. There was a hum sound up there, and we were not sure where it came from. One theory was that it could be the sea wind, tunneling through the hills.

Impressive flowers decorated our trail.

Evergreens everywhere. Bodhinatha took a long, strong, vigorous one hour walk here.

Sunset at Ralston White.

Some of the students wrote some notes for TAKA sharing their experience:

“Touching the feet of the Guru, learning our first Shum words, the blessed company of 40 innerseachers; it all makes this weekend a enlightening joy!”– Alejandro and Rosa Jaramillo, who came all the way from Mexico.

“As awareness I had many insights on this wonderful retreat learning from Bodhinatha.”
— Iraja Sivadas

Bodhinatha taught us the shum words simrehvi and shumsimika. They explain two different states of the flow of prana between people. Just the knowledge of these states allows us to begin to identify them more clearly in daily life, and act accordingly.

To be with a Satguru in such informal and relaxed moments is a rare privilege.

Jai Bodhinatha!

Then, an important moment for Ashish Chitnis, who lives in Michigan. Ashish became an arulshishya after preparing for four years. As a formal devotee, he is now under the direct guidance of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

Kulapati Deva Rajan brings the signed vow books to Bodhinatha. Formal members of Saiva Siddhanta Church take vows of ahimsa (noninjury), vegetarianism, tithing and loyalty to the spiritual lineage.

Ashish, a deeply spiritual, very intelligent and humble person, is a great addition to our Church. Everyone is happy. Ashish certainly deserves it! Aum Namah Sivaya.

Bodhinatha signs his book.

Now connected to the Kailasa Parampara, Ashish enjoys the spiritual vibration that will guide him onto the unfoldment of his own inner divinity.

And then everyone enjoyed one more of the delectable meals we were served. The staff of the Ralston White retreat would later come forward for a round of applause and appreciation of the healthy, tasty food they provided.

What a wonderful retreat.

Flowers of the Aadheenam

It’s spring time, and tropical flowers are coming out everywhere. Here is a most unusual flower from China along the Pali path.

Hawaiian honeycomb flowers along San Marga.

A very beautiful Torch Ginger bud opening into full bloom.

The heliconia is also now in full bloom along both sides of the San Marga path.

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Himalayan Academy Study Program in California

Bodhinatha, Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Satyanatha arrived home early this afternoon.

More photos today from Shum retreat at Ralston White manor house in California, a intense dive into Gurudeva’s language of meditation.

Participants arriving for the program: “Prostration issues forth definite energies when done before the guru or the temple Deity. The ego is naturally subdued, humility strengthened, and the soul of guru and disciple enjoy deep rapport in that moment.” — Gurudeva

We also bring you the last slide show from Paramacharya Palaniswami. Light hearted transit news from Shanghai and then a visit with the Harilela family in Hong Kong.


Congratulations to the Church members who so carefully prepared in advance for the program. One of these was on each pillow, hiding a chocolate – a treat for the body, an aphorism for the mind, and a whole weekend dedicated to the Soul. The card reads:

“You become everything when you merge in Siva. But you are no longer you.”

— Gurudeva

Lord Ganesha, smiling and beautifully decorated, was welcoming all at the door. He guided as all here. He always has guided us; even before we new His name, Lord Ganesha was preparing our path.

A giant heart at the front of the house – it was built as a wedding gift in 1915. It brought to mind Gurudeva teaching us the powerful mantra “I love you, you love me.” As with almost all mantras, it works better when said mentally.

In these beautiful, silent surroundings, with high-minded souls grouped together around a Satguru striving to realize more of their own divinity, the mantra “I love you, you love me” echoes silently in every kind act.

Among the majestic redwoods, a little sapling. Made of the same essence of the giants around it, this small being is neither better nor worse than any other tree, it just is at a different stage. It is, already, right now, a redwood. As we all walk our path to Siva, we also are God, right now.

A few photos of the inside of the house. Comfortable bedrooms awaited everyone.

From the windows, the peace and silence of a Redwood forest, urging us to find the silence inside ourselves.

The preparations were done with lots of love. Flowers inspire us with their colors, that we will later visualize in the Shum meditations.

The meals, delightful and healthy, will remind many of the joys of Innersearch evenings.

Flowers in hand, devotees wait for Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha gives each of the students attending a booklet on Shum.

As the classes start in our cozy, inspiring room, everyone listens attentively.

Students of our mini-Innersearch delighted with focusing awareness on the study of… awareness.

When we, as Awareness, focus on the movements and the dance of awareness itself, we become less and less externalized.

Questions about Shum.

A Satguru teaching everyone, in beautiful surroundings, taking us to the utmost achievement, the Divinity of ourselves. How fortunate we all are.

Joy and laughs all around, as Gurudeva taught us. Serious as anything, but far from somber.

Bodhinatha is very sharp. “No matter what one says about the Self, it is not the whole of it. It cannot be described. Shum, however, gets around this… by not having a word for it!” And then laughs all around! The intellectual mind was surprised to know that the most important goal actually has no name – the mind is all about concepts, names and forms.

The instruction booklet to guide us through meditation in Shum. It could be called “Mind – Advanced User’s guide.”

It is a mystical, powerful experience to just look at these words.

Saravananathaswami gave the students a good exercise to practice concentration, one of the steps to meditation. Keep track of your thoughts and keep them focused and see how many thoughts you can think about the same thing before being distracted.

Bee, honey, insect, wings, honeycomb, what is for dinner? –oops.

Bee, honey, yellow stripes, black stripes, flight, my leg hurts –oops.

Bee, flower, honey, queen bee…

The marvelous descriptions Gurudeva gave us.

This is a key concept – kaif.

Later on, we had dinner, great conversations and the convergence of great souls with common interest.

Mexican night, to our surprise. It might have been the subtle influence of Alejandro and Rosa Jaramillo, two very intelligent, kind and eager students.

More Sun One on TAKA!

Aum namah Sivaya.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Tour day today… guest fascinated with ornamental carving on the wall of Iraivan’s sanctum.

In case you felt left out by not being present at the California retreat.. there is only one cure for that. Join Bodhinatha on the next Innersearch!

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Bodhinatha in California

Bodhinatha sends this short report from yesterday’s events at the Himalayan Academy Study Program being held in California.

“Today (27th) was a full day of activities from 6:30 AM to dinner ending at 9 PM. Lots of opportunities for wandering the grounds much of which is covered in forest. Bodhinatha’s two satsangs where on one mamsani each and went well with good attentiveness and questions. Late afternoon was an optional trip to Stinson Beach giving everyone a chance to fly two of Nathan Sendan’s kites. “

Sadhaka Satyanatha sends these photos under the heading….

“Holding Consciousness High!”

Nathan Sendan is a kite enthusiast and brought some one of his beauties to the beach…

We have yet another video below by Palaniswami this time from the Shanghai segment of their journey.


What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Venkat and Veena Raman and their 3 yr old daughter, Priya, arrived for the 9:00 a.m. Abhishekam in Kadavul Siva Temple. “What a wonderful puja and what a peaceful and sacred temple this is” said Veena as she departed the Kadavul Siva Temple for a tour of the grounds.

The Raman family is originally from Bangalore and Madurai and now reside in Monrovia, California.


Siddhidata Kulam Report
Yoginathaswami has been working at the temple, all is set for the raising up of the last pillar of the main mandapam of Iraivan in a few days.

Sadhaka Adinatha says that with the great help of task forcers, Rajan and Kamil, our vegetable garden is in top production, bringing us all most all our vegetables and salad greens.

Venkat, Veena and Priya enjoying the peace and beauty of the Lotus ponds. Off in the distance is the Narmada Lingam and Nandi.

The entrance to the Iraivan Temple is guarded by Yallis, half lion and half elephant.

Venkat sincerely felt that this was the most spiritual place he has ever visited. “Its beautiful” he said.

A Parade of Flowers

A lovely Venezuelan Rose. These beautiful flowers are now in season and grace the Pali Path.

As the weather warms up here (90 degrees in the shade today at noon…) the flower world is in full swing. The Siddhidata Kulam brings us this series today

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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