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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Continues

Bodhinatha is safe and sound in Maryland and just completed satsang this evening at the home of Nigel Siva.

At home all is quiet and peaceful, warm, still summer days.

A major addition to our web site has just been completed.
We have released all of the high-resolution images from What Is Hinduism? that we have rights to. This two-gigabyte library contains over 500 images of both art and photographs. The main objective was to supply these photos and images to teachers of What Is Hinduism? in classes. You are free to download them and use them in print publications, digital presentations, websites or however you would like. Check it out!

A Sadhu Paksha morning walk to Iraivan and San Marga.

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Bodhinatha in Arizona

Bodhinatha has been in Arizona for two days. He has been sending very short reports:

Aug 7th

Visited Maha Ganapati temple for special archana. Construction starts August 23 new building agamic style. Strong shakti

Satsang and home of Chellappadeva and Banudevi. Padapuja
Talked on “Will there be a third generation?”


Excursion day. Sedona. First stop Ekta Mandir under construction finish next year. Evening: Leaving Sedona
Beautival rock cliffs in wilderness area.

Om Bodhinatha

Sadhu Paksha continues…

What’s happening? Lotuses galore!

Boy’s Orphanage, Sri Lanka

These photos were sent to us by Babu Chandreswaran from the Tirunavukkarasu Nayanar Gurukulam boys orphanage in Thambiluvil, Sri Lanka. They recently conducted an “annadanam”, feeding.

Here are the supplies used for the big feeding that they conducted.

A wonderful rice and curry meal is coming together over an open fire.

The boys help to feed the many that came for this generous gift.

Hard at work stirring these big pots.

The food serving team…

Now it is the boys turn to have a meal.

Volunteers spend many hours in the food preparation process.

Cleaning up after the big event. Congratulations to this wonderful group of inspired young men that continue to hold strong to Gurudeva’s teachings and serve selflessly despite the civil war. Jai!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Six

Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami flew to Arizona yesterday. They visited the temple there, will be going to Sedona to see another Hindu temple and then off to Washington D. C. for the main purpose of the trip, which is to join in the August Murugan Temple festival.

Today’s Pilgrims and Visitors

Shama Kumaran hosted some visitors from Japan today. She writes:

Yumi Teraguchi who lives on Kauai brought her family and friends who are visiting from Kamakura, Japan. Kamakura is a pilgrimage site and is famous for its very sacred Shinto Temple, the giant Kamakura Buddha and numerous shrines.

Yumi (center back); her mother, sister, niece, nephew and little friends, Yurie, Yuki and Yuka Chida.

They paid respects to the Shingon Deity, Nada Budake, a healing Deity in Kadavul Temple. Nada Buddhake is being kept here in sanctuary while the Lawai Shingon temple where he came from is undergoing renovations.

Shingon is a major Japanese school of esoteric Buddhism, and the most important esoteric school outside India and Tibet. Shingon arose in Japan’s Heian period (794-1185) when the great monk Kukai went to China in 804 to study esoteric Buddhism. He developed his own synthesis of esoteric practice and doctrine, centred on the cosmic Buddha Vairocana. Many of the Shingon traditions and deities that been have passed down from ancient times are even today very close to the original Indian Hindu culture of its birth. Shingon Buddhists perform fire worship, use sanskrit mantras and mudras, send prayers to the devas through the fire and honor the dancing Siva and Ganesha among their pantheon of celestial beings.

After offering flowers and incense to Nada Budake, they met with Paramacharya Ceyonswami who answered their questions about Lord Ganesha.

Upon leaving they were fascinated by the Andara stone in front of the Kadavul Temple and posed for a final photo.

(Small world) Yumi and her family had just departed, when two of her Japanese friends arrived. They did not know that Yumi had been here. Mayuko Nakayashiki (right) from a neighboring town in Japan, and Ei Aoyama from Tokyo who had met her in Canada.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Three

Bodhinatha’s upadesha from Sun One has been uploaded today. Check the side bar.

Guru Purnima in Chennai

Guru Purnima is observed in Chennai at the home of Gunalan and Lalitha…

Brahmacharini Shama Kumaran takes some guests for a tour this morning down San Marga and sends us these photos.

On Muruga Hill the granite Vel stands majestically framed beautifully by tall bamboo trees.

P. M. Sundaram and Charumathy his wife (far right) from Chennai, India are here visiting their son Kamesh Sundaram and his wife Vidya who live in San Jose, CA.

They are on Kauai on a two day pilgrimage. This morning, after worshipping in Kadavul Temple, they had an audience with Satguru Bodhinatha, and were then taken for a tour of the property.

P. M. Sundaram and Charumathy placing Konrai flowers on the swayambhu lingam on San Marga.

In front of the sacred swayambhu lingam. This was followed by a tour of the Iraivan Temple.

Sadhu Paksha Morning Wanderings

During Sadhu Paksha, the monks, instead of joining together for puja in the temple and group meditation, observe personal solitude and merging with nature in the morning by walking around the property alone.

Someone took a few photos on their morning walk….

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Day Two

1981 Innersearch Odyssey

These are photos from the 1981 Innersearch Odyssey, at Batu Caves and and pujas in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

We want thank Indivar for her continuing work to scan these important archives for us and thus capturing a part of history.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Summer Sadhu Paksha Day 1

From our Saiva Dharma Shastras:

“Twice each year, during a two-week (one fortnight) period called sadhu paksha, “period of striving,” our monasteries are on a total retreat.”

Our Lotus Pond, early AM.

This photo, taken with Apple’s new iPhone, is remarkable for it’s quality.

On the bright Sunday morning July 29 all the loving sishyas of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami met at the Ganesha Mandapam of the Spiritual Park to celebrate Satguru Purnima.

The ceremony started with some bhajans to build up the spiritual vibration …

A silent pada puja followed performed by Brahmachari Vel and the youth of the Church…

Sishyas followed the ceremony in silence….

…. contemplating the inner form of the Guru.

“The irreversible spirit of the Guru carries through all the sishyas. It is basically the only gift the Guru can give_that sustaining spirit. ….the rare and precious gift that He can convey is the inner spirit of His religious heritage…”

Time for the arati to the Holy Tiruvadi…

The Mandapam is filled with the devoted chanting of the Guru Mantra.

“A satguru does not need a lot of words to transmit the spirit to another person: but the sishyas have to be open and be kept open…” Gurudeva.

Kulapati Manon reading a Talk sent by Bodhinatha on the subject: Why do we need a Guru? The sishyas were more inspired about their devotion and commitment to the Guru.

Prostration to the Holy Feet of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Arati and other pada puja blessed items shared to everyone….

On that auspicious day the box from India was opened… a beautiful peedam carved at Mahabalipuram greets everyone!

Sishyas joyously pulled together to remove it…

Here it is… Aum Namasivaya!

Next step is to see how the Narmada lingam fits in it. It’s OK says everyone…

Getting the right position….

Welcome to Mauritius! The Sivalingam will temporarily stay close to the Ganesha Mandapam until installed permanently close to the river edge…

This is where devotees will go down to get their water for abhishegam. Steps will be built at that place..

Kulapati Pallanee showing one upper ground area close to the Dharmasala eastern wall where the Sivalingum can be installed. It is a closer area to the sloping river edge.

A second option is to have it near the flat view point which offers more space… and a very short joyful foot pilgrimage from up the river.

A special fund raising is set up to realize his project. Generous donors are invited to lovingly support the installing of the Sivalingam at the Spiritual Park.

A wonderful day with the darshan of the Guru for the sishyas. Long live Satguru Bodhinatha!

Jai Pancha Mukha Ganapati who mystically supervises all our Guru’s activities at the Park!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We are back after a marvelous three-day full-moon retreat. Here is Bodhinatha giving his Sun One upadesha today in Kadavul temple. He spoke on the four perspectives of the Shum language, shumef, moolef, simnef, defee, and ways to come to understand this mystical concept.

Yesterday our crew of silpis left for India for a one-month vacation to go home and be with their families. They came for blessings from Bodhinatha before departure.

This group of silpis has long-term visas and they are more than willing to come back for another three years.

So, we are giving them a break and will see them back again in September.

Bodhinatha give each one a gift.

Yoginathaswami has been been their supervisor and coordinator for the last year, in the absence of a full-fledged Sthapati.

Next the go to see Paramacharya Palaniswami.

Palaniswami has prepare a series of movies which have been put onto a DVD which they will take home to show all their families.

Coming up to this morning… Sun One homa….

Bodhinatha give his talk.

It was tour day and being summer vacation time we were packed. Over 100 people on the first, 9 am tour.

Everyone is fascinated by the intricate carving.

We also have a number of Hindu pilgrims with us. Sadhaka Dandapani has been totally busy with all the hosting of these very sincere souls.

Kulapati Easan Katir Teaching Mission

Kulapati Easan Katir has been in Pennsylvania, teaching at the Sri Venkateshwara Temple annual summer camp. The group is divided among three teachers who offer different presentations. On the left is “Dadaji” Dr. S.N. Subba Rao, a 78-year old Gandhian, who has conducted many youth camps worldwide. Center: Brahmachari Uddhav Chaitanya, of the Chinmaya Mission.

Bodhinatha made a gift of 150 copies of “What Is Hinduism” to for the occasion. Two campers with Bodhinatha’s gifted book. The youth really love it!

Nandini Narayanam holds a picture she drew today from art in What is Hinduism, held by her friend Divya Raghu.

Studying the new and colorful book.

Group photos of all the participants.

Birds of Kauai Aadheenam

The new finches in our aviary are so colorful!

These older Cockatiels have been with us for a long time. Some are so tame they will sit and eat out of your hand.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Happy Guru Purnima!

Today we observed the annual pada puja for our beloved Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami at the San Marga Swayambhu Sivalingam.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Wednesday, August 1st.

Preparations for the puja began the day before and very early this morning about 5:30 am.

Lighting the Tiki torches….

Bodhinatha paraded on a chariot just below Muruga Hill at the beginning of the Third World section of the Path of San Marga.

Arriving at the Swayambhu Lingam site.

Yogi Jivanandanatha and Sadhaka Dandapani perform the puja today.

“Transcending all mutations of form and attribute,
Surpassing all finite measure is the Guru,
An embodiment of the highest wisdom.”


“Satyam vada, dharmam cara
Svadhyayan ma pramadah,
Acaryaya priyam dhanam ahrtya.”

Speak the truth; Practise virtue.
Let there be no neglect of your daily reading.
Give unto the teacher what is pleasing to him.”

–Vedas, Taittireya Upanishad 1.11.1

“By the grace of my Teacher, subdued is my Ego.
By the grace of my Teacher, exhilarated is my self.
By the grace of my Teacher, intensified is my Love.
The grace of my Teacher betokens his veiling Power.”

–Yogaswami: Natchintanai. 186.

“By the grace of my Guru was overthrown my pride.
By the grace of my Guru, showers of grace were mine.
By the grace of my Guru, bliss infinite was mine.
By His grace myself and Guru commingled as One.”

–Yogaswami, Natchintanai. 243.

This year in we have taken all remaining 90 photos from this event and put them in a slide show, for you all to enjoy. The photos speak for themselves.


Bodhinatha In Toronto

On his visit to Toronto last week the main event was his visit to th new temple of the Swaminarayan Fellowship (BAPS)

On the second day at the new BAPS center in Toronto, Bodhinatha is given a tour through the Haveli and Temple. Here we enjoy the ornate woodwork in teak.

Up marble-cased stairways. The outside of the temple is constructed of limestone from Turkey, chosen for its ability to withstand the frigid winters and hot summers of this area.

At the entry to the temple, Paramtattvadas Swamiji, of England, describes some of the challenges they faced in the construction of this temple, which, amazingly, was accomplished in just over 18 months. Much of the work was done by BAPS volunteers.

But it’s not quite done yet. Final touches were being made here and there even after the grand opening. Here teak craftsmen from India are cutting out some pegs for joinery.

A quick glimpse at one of the ceiling panels. No two panels are alike. Work motifs never before executed anywhere were accomplished in this precious edifice.

Bodhinatha was brought to meet the spiritual head of BAPS, Swami Sri Pramukh Maharaj, in his darshan room, with some of his swamis gathered round. They expressed deep appreciation for Hinduism Today and for Hindu Press International. Swami Shri asked about Bodhinatha’s accommodations, wanting to be sure that he was comfortable and eating well.

This is the final evening, a satsang attended by 1500 devotees. Discourses were given in Gujarat, Hindi and English. Bodhinatha, the guest of honor, spoke on Gurudeva’s meetings with Swami Shri, of the similarities between BAPS and our sangam of devotees, about the fine example they are setting in standing strong as dedicated Hindus rather than hiding their Hindu roots, and the paramount importance of teaching children tolerance and respect for those of other backgrounds, faiths and traditions, as well as the centrality of ahimsa and the beliefs that give rise to this ethic of noninjury to others in thought, word and deed.

Representatives of many faiths and places of worship were present at the opening. These two Hindu priests were very happy to see Bodhinatha there and posed with him in this photo.

A final sunset view of the temple as we depart, just catching the fabulous colors.

At night the temple is lit with a kalaidescopic array of lights, constantly changing through the color spectrum, creating a dazzling impression for drivers and their passengers on the four major highways from which the spectacular structure is visible.


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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Yogaswami sang:

“Transcending all mutations of form and attribute,
Surpassing all finite measure is the GURU,
An embodiment of the highest wisdom.”

It is the day we work on decorations for tomorrow’s festival. Tandu Sivanathan brings us to new bonsai plants to replace the one in front of Kadavul.

Tirumular writes in Tirumantiram:

“He who is beyond the worlds, He dwells
In the hearts of the saints in benign grace
So that all may attain liberation.
He is the speechless Guru, the immaculate Sivam.”

“The Beauteous boon of ‘Siddhi and Mukti,’
The upright way of Grace and Truth,
The wealth of Wisdom and Bliss divine,
Can be attained by Grace of God with Form.”

Tayumanavar writes of his “Mouna Guru” (Silent Guru)

“To those who have been duly initiated
into the icon, temple and holy waters,
(of the Ishta devata) the real Guru who
utters the unique Word (mantram) will also appear.”

“One Word, a wondrous Word, there is
which in itself contains
All other words; by it is cleansed
The soul of all its stains.
It is the Word the Guru gave,
One Word, unmoving goal.”

“Fixed as a mountain top is firm,
Towards which moves the soul.
All other words beside it are
As vain devoid of aim,
As are the pawns at random moved,
moved in aimless game.”

“Thou camest as the Silent Teacher mine,
Ready to grant all boons however rare,
And with a mother’s love Thou didst unfold
Decking my head with those Blessed Feet of Thine,
The Eternal Law of wisdom’s ecstasy.
Bereft of thought or holy word revolved
The superconscious Vision beyond all thought
Of Freedom’s final state as one or two,
As Light or Void or Form or Primal Sound.
Such is Beatitude. So hast Thou taught.
Grant me thy Grace, O Lord, to live that life
Wherein are steeped time honoured lovers thine.
O Thou Siddhanta’s Goal and Prime Essence!
O Dhakshinamurthi that dost shine aloft
On Trichi’s hill, O master of Wisdom’s Bliss!”


Yogaswami in his Natchintani sings about his Guru Chellappaswami who lived at the Murugan temple in Nallur, Jaffna:


I arise from the stagnant pool of self-centredness and as the lotus bud unfolds its petals to the rising sun, so too the sight of my Guru at Nallur thrills me with divine consciousness, and life manifests its hidden beauty, power, light and joy.

He is my Guru who is the destroyer of my darkness, who turns my gaze from the world of carnal desires and transience, and leads me to behold the Light of wisdom He fixed me firmly in the path of liberation by declaring that He is mySelf–(Tamil Script)

The exalted Guru called by many as the madman of Nallur, did I gaze intently, as he sat at the flight of the chariot steps. He regulated my conduct in life, having reduced my frenzied wants and woes with the sweep of his God Consciousness. Endowed with clarity of vision, he placed me in the midst of the devout servitors, and I saw his true glory at Nallur.

He is the cherished treasure of my soul..He is the Guru who consumed my delusions and egoity. He is the consort of Sakti who rained his grace on me at Nallur, girt with Nagalinga blooms.

In the Supreme Will is a look of grace at me. It manifests in my gracious Guru who came down to save me from life’s bewilderment. I saw him at Nallur, ‘neath the chariot step.

The Lord Siva with flaming Eye, who danceth in the dense jungle with Kali, manifested in this land as the Jnana-Guru and rescued me. His fragrant tender Feet, I beheld at the foot of the chariot dome at Nallur.

The divinity that eluded the search of the Creator and Protector–Brahma and Vishnu, came down as the gracious Teacher, and liberated me from all inimical forces within and without at illustrious Nallur, at the foot of the chariot spires.

He came of his own will to enlighten the aspirants who relentlessly examine their inner self. The light of Truth did manifest at hallowed Nallur out of boundless grace, and I saw him at the foot of the chariot step from where he conferred on me, the least worthy one, the regal honours.

‘There is none other than mySelf’– was his mystic dictum. He unravelled its subtle meaning with the gentle tenderness surpassing that of a mother’s love. I greeted him at luxuriant Nallur, ‘neath the cariot pinnacle.

“The Lord came as my Guru to wipe out my oppressive gloom of duality, and chasten my consciousness to behold the One in the many. I propitiate the refuge of his roseate Feet, which he crowned on my head at the refreshing sanctum of Nallur. “

— Yogaswami

Today’s Pilgrims and Visitors

Shantini and her mother just prior to their departure for Toronto. They both thoroughly enjoyed their pilgrimage here. Shantini is already enthusiastically planning to bring the rest of her family with her on her next visit here.

Pandit Srinivasan with his wife Lakshmi are here visiting for the day. He first met Gurudeva when Gurudeva visited the Siva/Vishnu Temple in Livermore, California in the 1990’s where Srinivasin serves as a priest.

In 2000 Pandit Srinivasin met Bodhinatha here on Kauai when the Iraivan Temple was just beginning to be built. Today he was amazed at the progress and stated that “this is a very holy place; you can feel the spiritual power here!”

Pandit Srinivasin and Lakshmi were taken over to the sacred swayambhu lingam where Gurudeva had his three-fold vision of God Siva. This is also the site where we always celebrate Guru Purnima.

Deva Seyon and Tandu Sivanathan were very busy happily decorating this sacred site with an abundance of native Hawaiian flowers for tomorrow’s puja.

Sishya on Pilgrimage in India

More photos of the yatra by Rishipati Mylavaganam and Rishimata Sivalosani Kanagaratnam and Thondunathan.

These were taken in Tiruvannamalai, where we had another wonderful darshan.

Here were are at the Tiruvannamalai temple.

The view of the holy Arunachala hill in Tiruvannamalai.

This is a picture of a lingam at the famed Siva temple of Sri Kalahasti, Andra Pradesh.

This is the same lingam that Kanappan Nayannar had worshipped. It is also one of the five elemental lingams. The lingam in the Kalahasti temple is dedicated to vayu.

In this pilgrimage we were able to cover all the 5 elemental Siva temples, namely Chidambaram-akasha lingam, Ekambareswarar in Kanchipuram, the earth lingam, Tiruvanaikaval in Trichy, the water lingam, Tiruvannamalai the fire lingam and Sri Kalahasti the air lingam.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We were very honored today to have a visit from one of Hinduism’s great leaders, Swami Dayananda Saraswati. Here he is with Bodhinatha.

Swami was greeted in the traditional manner at the temple.

We then took him on a tour to Iraivan.

The silpis offer swami a flower.

Later he returned to the monastery and met with Bodhinatha who gives him a shawl.

Swami is doing very important work in India. One of his objectives is to put the temple administrative back into the hands of the people (Hindu temples in India are, unlike institutions of other religions, in the control of the Indian Government).

He also has plans to restore the oduvar tradition of singing in temples throughout Tamil Nadu.

Earlier Bodhinatha meets with Ranga and Santha Rao from Urbana, Illinois.

Here’s Bodhinatha blessing a print out of the land they and other community members recently purchased to build a temple in Urbana, Illinois

They meet meet with Palaniswami who records on video some of their thoughts about their visit here.

Amma and her daughter Shantini met with Bodhinatha to say farewell as they flew off to Toronto, Canada.

Bodhinatha at the Swaminarayan Temple in Toronto, Canada

A few pictures from Siva Markandu in Canada, from Bodhinatha’s trip there. Here we are at the Swaminarayan temple.

Siva Markandu and sons.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Welcome to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius, the Hindu sanctuary of the Indian Ocean, where amidst lush green vegetation, the peace seeker finds solace and happiness.

We bring you a few photos of recent events and developments at the Park…

It’s Sunday Hosting… One of the Guru’s sishya is there to host visits. Here is Kulapati Amba Valaytan introducing the Park to a group of new comers.

Hatha Yoga is taught to enrolled Master Course students to come for their monthly seminar run by the Himalayan Academy.

Its is always fun to do all the asanas….

Now the physical body relaxed, it’s time for a guided meditation….

Surprise! It’s the long awaited granite carved peedam from South India with a narmada naturally carved lingam that will soon be installed at the Spiritual Park. Devotees will be able, just as at Kauai Aadheenam, to perform personal worship and abhishegam without being attended by a priest.

The Mootoosamy family from Reunion island, a French territory a few miles from Mauritius. The three youth have had a chance to attend our three hour Bodhinatha’s MC Gathering at the Park. Very inspired… They look forward for the Himalayan Academy to organise something of that kind in Reunion Island. Lucie (middle) has completed her University degree in France and wants to study with Bodhinatha.

Time for a break in the shade for our SHR class youth. Today their main lesson was on the Home Shrine taught with a colorful Keynote. An excerpt…

“Our home is a sanctuary. The home is a very good shelter. This is the place where we feel protected. We are not only protected from the rain and cold but also from outside negative influences. We all love our home and strive to keep it sweet to live in.

The Home Shrine is the centre of our home. It is the most beautiful room.

Hindus have this private temple right in the home, and invites God to abide there, close to the family. Mystically, it keeps open the channels to the superconscious, divine areas of the inner words, bringing peace, health, prosperity, happiness to family members.”

This is Ganapati …

Our new stock of books shipped to the Mini Mela. Some funny problems with termites …

…. damaging the boxes and we have to intervene quickly…

Mr. Sundar Raj from Chennai, India is the manager of the Alpha -PCI, a pest control unit in Mauritius. He came with his crew and took good care of our buildings. He was happy to be at such a peaceful place for the first time. Kulapati Amba Valaytan showed him around…

Looking for the termites hiding places behind the wall wooden railings…

… and applying non-toxic environmental-friendly solutions…..

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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