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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha arrived home after lunch today, safe and sound after a whirlwind few days in California.

All is well at the Aadheenam… quiet days…

California Devotees Prepare for Events

A few photos from California… where our devotees are preparing for the big event in Palo Alto…

Sadhaka introduces our speakers

Guest Speaker, Mihir Megani makes a presentation on the Hindu American Foundation work.

At home… a few picture of the San Marga lingam

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Bodhinatha Visits Google

Meanwhile we will continue with reports and visuals from events that just occurred during his travels to California.

San Diego Donor Event

Oct 5th, San Diego: Bodhinatha at the satsang

Enjoying his question and answer session with the devotees.

Using the iPhone to help give a clear answer

Oct 6th Newport Beach. Our Harborside Grand Ballroom beautifully decorated for our luncheon event. These centre pieces were provided by Shailesh Trivedi who owns a flower farm in southern California.

Here he is with a box full of bouquets.

Thank you Shailesh for that wonderful contribution.

Thilaka Sunder and Sarojini Rao (right) set up Gurudeva’s photo.

Usha and Diksha Katir man the reception table.

Chellappa Deva and Banu Devi came from Arizona to see Bodhinatha.

Kamala Guhan (left) and Sheela Rahavendran set up a rudraksha stand with malas and bracelets for sale.

A beautifully decorated photo of Gurudeva. Well done!

Bodhinatha watches our team get ready.

Test run of Bodhinatha’s presentation before we begin.

Decorating Ganesha at the entrance.

About 120 people attended.

Dr. Narayana Rao from Illinois is our guest speaker.

MCing for the day.

Bodhinatha honors Dr. Rao and his wife with a shawl…

Katie and A.D Williams

And, more photos from the birthday party in northern California….

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Bodhinatha in California

It is another quiet day at the Aadheenam. All the action is in California. Bodhinatha has flown from San Diego to Palo Alto and here he is at a surprise birthday party given by all the sishya there.

Meanwhile we also have a wonderful slide show from Sadhunathan on events in San Diego.

And….we have a slide show today of a few events at the monastery.

Click here for a glimpse at artwork just sent from India, a conference the monks will attend soon in Dallas and shots of the visitors.

And that’s all for today. Aum Namasivaya!


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Bodhinatha in California

Bodhinatha after Pada Puja with the devotees in San Deigo.

After leaving the Aadheenam yesterday morning he arrived safe and sound in San Diego.

A joyful moment with our Satguru.

The seaside near Bodhinatha’s hotel.

Sadhaka Dandapani sends photos and captions…

Sivalingam covered in plumerias.

Bodhinatha is welcomed at Shores restaurant by devotees to celebrate his birthday a little early….

Mayuresh give Bodhinatha a snow flake he hand made….the only one in San Diego

Ravi, his father, garlands Bodhinatha

Dasan Mahadevan presents Bodhinatha with a gift on behalf of the group

Sadhunathan capturing the event on another camera. His story will come in a few days…

Sarojini Rao and her husband came all the way from Illinois to spend time with Bodhinatha here in California. Here she is having a chat with Dasan.

Bodhinatha gives an introductory class into the world of iPhone.

After breakfast we went on an excursion to the Birch aquarium.

Lo Jolla, southern California.

Janahan Balasingham, his wife Saru and daughter Amrita Bala also came to see Bodhinatha.

Ashish Chitnis flew all the way from Michigan to spend the day with Bodhinatha.

Our travel and event coordinator, Sadhaka Dandapani with one of the devotees.

A hungry shark waiting for lunch. We were happy to be on this side of the glass.

Tour Day at the Aadheenam

Our program to regulate the size of our tour day guests is working. Those here made reservations in advance. Observing the stone carving process.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new phase today. Bodhinatha (shown here in Sydney, Australia, during the 2006 Innersearch) departed for San Diego this morning after our regular morning homa. We don’t have photos from the homa, but Bodhinatha spoke on the subconscious mind, and how Gurudeva taught us to change the form of the subsconscious through vasana daha tantra and positive affirmation.

All is quiet at home, so we take this opportunity to bring some news and fun from the mainland….

Our members in California have organized a big Autumn Bazaar to fund raise for Iraivan which will be held in Davis California on October 27th. Don’t miss it if you can! Below is Sundari Katir with the Mayor of Davis, Susan Greenwald, at Sundari’s home, giveng the Mayor a practice trial run of lighting the ceremonial lamp which the Mayor will do to open the event.

Another big attraction at the event will be the clowns from Canada. The Burke Family have been students of Gurudeva’s teachings for 30 years and Jennifer Burke and her son Aubrey will be coming down from Vancouver as a “gift” to Iraivan to grace the Autumn Bazaar with joy and happiness.

Here is Jennifer “Flossing the Mind” (smile)

And “Namaste”

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Ansu Singh from Wellington, New Zealand, met Bodhinatha the first time in Auckland last year during Bodhinatha’s Innersearch trip. It has been her dream to visit here. Today she meets Bodhinatha who presents her a gift of “What Is Hinduism?”

Bodhinatha also blesses her Sivalingam and Ganesha which she carries around with her everywhere.

GK Kulam News — Gurudeva Archives Unveiled!

It is the last day of a short phase and the Ganapati Kulam gave their news. Palaniswami and Arumugaswami are preparing for their trip to the Human Empowerment Conference in Dallas next week, by making Keynote presentations. The editing team has been working for several months now on the chapters of Gurudeva’s life which appear at the end of the biography of all the Satgurus of our lineage. Much research has been undertaken and amazing little discoveries are being made almost daily. One marvelous initiative is getting out all of Gurudeva’s old letters from the archives. Below is a picture of Gurudeva right after his return from Sri Lanka, where he had, on his first trip, stayed as it turns out, nearly three years. We did not realize it was that long and it only became clear upon a close examination of his 1947 passport which we still have from those days.

His letters to friends and associates back home from those times are full of joyful love, dynamic optimism, grand vision for making contributions for a better future world and a fiery committment to the practice of Raja Yoga. And a bit of fun poetry. There are many precious jewels among them. Yesterday one such surfaced. It is a letter-poem that Gurudeva typed during his time at Jalani Caves in southern Sri Lanka, the place of his illumination. He is 22 years old at this moment and writing back to friends in America, and sharing some insights and thoughts, all in a most free-flowing and playful way. We know you will all find it fascinating to read and have this rare glimpse of Gurudeva as a young man on the spiritual path.

“To give is to live.
So he gives of Himself, a World to Create,
an Order to Bring forth, that will Banish all Hate.”

Jan. 9, 1949

Off in the Jungle so dear to my heart.
I Darn’t rest for a Moment, since we’ve given the start,
To New Age Movements held long
By one who is strong.
He had others to help
All turned Tail with a Yelp.

I must develope more Will, and give these Movements a Push
Sitting so still, Eyes turned in and up.
I command forth Will enough, to fill, and make the Universe
Quake and Shake, then Remain very still.

Alone on a hill developing will, So as to fill and thrill
Leaders to be in Lands O’er sea.
With Power so Great, Love so Grand.
That they’ll spread these Movements throughout their Land.

Their Founder is strong. The Complete Master of Life.
He knows how to Live. To give is to live.
So he gives of Himself, a World to Create, an Order to
Bring forth, that will Banish all Hate.


Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

On Bodhinatha’s right is Chellaiah, an engineer from the same area of India as our silpi Kumar. He happens to be working on Kauai for two years. On Bodhinatha’s left is Pravin Khatiwala, accompanied by a friend, enjoyed darshan with Bodhinatha this morning. He is head of the Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and wanted to get Bodhinatha’s blessings while on a cruise through Hawaii, and invited him to give lecture at the temple when in the area.

Parents and children of the Hanalei Learning Centre are here on a field trip. The children are home school and are here to learn about Hinduism and India.

Come meet Bodhinatha in California this October! Two informal gatherings will be held to share the progress that has been made on our hand-carved Iraivan Temple and the various other areas that the monastery has been active in. At the end of each event there will be an opportunity for you to meet with Bodhinatha and share your questions, thoughts and inspirations with him.

The first event will be taking place on Saturday, Oct 6th in Newport Beach (Los Angeles area) and the second one on Sunday, Oct 7th in Palo Alto (San Francisco bay area). If you are interested in attending please click here to email Sadhaka Dandapani for more details. Seats are limited and are based on first come, first serve.

The Tandavas of Kadavul.

Being used as background image for a new guestbook kiosk computer to sit in the back of Kadavul.

A spectacular lily

News from Sri Lanka

Gurudeva’s Vision Manifest in Jaffna. A new Elderly Home.

Before Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s Mahasamadhi he had envisioned community centers for the Tamil elderly. Such a vision is now a reality in Jaffna under the leadership of renown Jaffna Hindu scholar, Sri Aru Thirumurugan. (pictured left)

Founded by the Siva Poomi Trust headed by Aru Thirumurugan, the new elderly home houses 22 elders and has a maximum capacity for 40 people.

The complex has a small temple, dinning and cultural halls among others.

The facility also employs a nurse to provide special medical care for those in need.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam Bodhinatha is preparing for his next trip to California Donor Appreciation events. Palaniswami and Arumugaswami are preparing for their trip to the Human Empowerment Conference in Dallas, October 12th, 13, 14th.

We bring you the last installment of photos from our center in Mauritius, where 10,000 people came for Ganesha Chaturthi celebrations.

Visarjana, is the last phase of the Ganesha Chaturthi ceremony at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius. At the Holy Feet of Lord Pncha Mukha Ganapati have been placed several hand-made clay murthis brought by devotees.

Time for the parade… devotees come forward to get their murthis that they will carry to the sea.

Our young sishyas, (from left) Poshan Munian, Sivarathna..

These Ganesha murthis have been worshipped in the home of devotees for several days…

One young man from Quatre Bornes…

Our smallest pilgrim with his tiny clay Ganesha..

The parade leaves the Ganesha mandapam. Our youth carry colorful flags in front.

They are about to leave the main gate.

On the road leading to the shore, ladies performed the kollattum dance.

It is a long procession of happy devotees leaving the Spiritual Park.

After a short parade round the village of la Pointe, the devotees reach the sea. One could feel the fresh sea breeze blowing.

The singing and dancing reach its climax the nearer the procession reaches the shore.

Everyone sings and dances with joy, prasing the Holy name of Lord Ganapati!

Even the shy devotee could not contain himself. The shakti of Lord Ganesha filling the whole place is too strong.

The area around the Muruga Mandapam on the upper grounds are filled up with devotees….

It is now time to get the Ganesha murthis into the boats….

The water in this area, where the river meets the sea, is quite deep. Boats wil bring a few few devotees to a shallow sand bank spot.

Devotees helping to get all clay Ganeshas safely on board…

Here they go… The immersion will be done a few meters further off the shore.

Everyone have their eyes on the boats moving ….

The ceremony is now over. Devotees are moving out feeling really blessed, fulfilled and happy to have spent a whole day with their dear Lord Ganapati. Next year it will be another big event at the Spirtual Park. Till then…. for Ganesha Chaturthi 2008!

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

After a lively three-day retreat we begin another short 4-day phase with homa and an Upadesha from Bodhinatha as usual. Last weeks’ talk has been posted and this week’s talk will be coming in a few days.

Senthilnathaswami performs the homa today.

Sabaratnam Sivacharya joins us for today’s homa.

He has been meeting everyday with Ceyonswami and sharing much of his deep knowledge of Saivism and the Agamas. He is very inspired to be at the Aadheenam and says that “Only Gurudeva had a grasp of the importance of this tradition and the commission to preserve our great culture. Kauai Aadheenam is the place that will bring all these great teachings and traditions to life.”

Bodhinatha’s talk today started from the lesson of the day, about not getting bogged down in the conscious mind. He spirited spoke about gaining control over the conscious mind, needing to experience inner states and not just think about them. He said it was the natural of the intellect to either be a barrier to the soul or a tool of the soul. He spoke on desire from Gurudeva’s very first book, Cognizantibility, also called Raja Yoga, which can be found in “Merging with Siva” where Gurudeva explained desire as a “false concept in relationship to corresponding objects.” Bodhinatha said desire and the fulfillment of desire were based on the concept that we would be changing as a result, but in fact, “you are already that which you seek.” Fulfilling desire doesn’t bring you any closer because the essence of the soul always is as it is.

From the last outing to Kokee, monks sitting around the fire place in the evening, “brainstorming” and writing down inspirations on monastic life.

A Hawaiian canoe etching captured on that outing.

A lotus named “Betsy” which flowered this week for the first time after three seasons

Three of the new Begonias that Muruganathaswami has brought to the monastery.

39 different varieties to add to our Begonia collection.

First photos are from the team in India who are carving the four Siva directional forms for the vimanam tower. They are about 30 inches tall.

The carvers write:

“Swami, we attach herewith pictures on the progress of koshta Siva bimbangal for Acharya Swamis’ kind perusal. This may also be shown to our Sthapati.”

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Selvanathan Sthapati completed his stay here and had a final darshan meeting with Bodhinatha who presented him with a peacock as a gift.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Tritiya Tithi, Sun One, Friday, September 28th.

Come meet Bodhinatha in California this October! Two informal gatherings will be held to share the progress that has been made on our hand-carved Iraivan Temple and the various other areas that the monastery has been active in. At the end of each event there will be an opportunity for you to meet with Bodhinatha and share your questions, thoughts and inspirations with him.

The first event will be taking place on Saturday, Oct 6th in Newport Beach (Los Angeles area) and the second one on Sunday, Oct 7th in Palo Alto (San Francisco bay area). If you are interested in attending please
click here to email Sadhaka Dandapani
for more details. Seats are limited and are based on first come, first serve.

Today was Selvanathan Sthapati’s last day at the Aadheenam. Here he is with the silpis. They have all been working very hard these past two weeks.

And we want to thank Sthapati for his dedicated work on Iraivan.

Click here to see the slide show about his stay here. And then watch a short movie below of a roof beam being placed on Iraivan.


If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Another great soul is here at the Aadheenam. Sabaratnam Sivacharya.

He’s working in our Cedar room on translations

“Ajitamahatantra” is one the Agamas in our library.

He does his work by hand. It is a painstacking and contemplative process to take these ancient scriptures and bring them into English.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Back to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius! Our series of photos for Ganesha Chaturthi celebration continues…. An elaborate powerful Ganesha Homa was performed for the occasion by the sivachariya.

Various offerings are ceremoniously sent into the sacred fire….

Hand-made clay Ganeshas to be later immersed into the ocean, have been placed at the altar for Blessings.

Traditional nadeswaram musicians made everyone feel being in the great temples of South India….

The final offerings into the Homa fire….

Thousands of written prayers were sent into the sacred homa on this auspicious occasion.

As the paper burns, the astral double appears in the Devaloka. The prayer is then read by the devas or angel beings, who proceed to carry our the devotee’s requests.

These temple devas are fully dedicated to assist all who come through the temple doors with their emotional, mental and physical problems.

Kulapati Manon delivered a Talk sent by Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami….

The five shaktis of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati flow to everyone present…..

Kumbas used during the ceremony…

The final arati…. The atmosphere around is suddenly charged and the darshan of the Lord is subtly felt…

After the arati and passing of the flame to the devotees, there is a little break for lunch. One of the food serving stations….

Another station attending to the long queues…

Devotees lined up outside …..

Devotees moving in and out of the food station tents …

Religious items on sale by the youth at one of the tables near the Mini Mela…

Later all devotees get back to the Mandapam for prayers and bajans. A parade is to leave for the ocean at 3.00 PM. The next phase of the day’s religious event is Ganesha Visarjana, the immersion of clay Ganeshas into the ocean…Watch TAKA for our next ocean episode coming soon…. Aum.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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