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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It is a quiet day at the Aadheenam. We are in our 30th day of gentle rains. The Ekadanta Kulam shared their news today. Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Dandapani are continually working on advance preparations for Bodhinatha’s travels and the coming Innersearch.

Pancha Ganapati is almost here!

A space is still open on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch website for more info.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha at the Sun One homa to begin a new phase.

Bodhinatha’s seat in the Guru Peedam.

Saravananathaswami conducts the morning homa.

Bodhinatha gives his Sun One discourse…

….a reading on thoughtful speech.

Pancha Ganapati has been set out in Kadavul Temple in front of Ganesha, getting ready for the 5 day festival starting on Dec 21st.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sannyasin Arumugaswami arrive home tomorrow.

Our California sishya invited our two traveling swamis for dinner in Burlingame last night, hours of wonderful conversation and sharing of our conference adventures in Florida.

Ceyonswami is on top of the Iraivan Temple with some professionals from Maryland.

Michael Kramer, president of The Gilders’ Studio, along with his assistant Jill, doing tests on the gold leaf of a chinna gopuram of Iraivan Temple. They will be hired to apply more gold leaf for the temple next year.

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Enjoy this very rare footage of the sacred abhishekam of
the Siva Lingam of Kadavul at the feet of Lord Nataraja

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The Moksha Ritau begins!

Bodhinatha goes out to the flag raising for the coming season. We bring you the usual excerpts from the Saiva Darma Shastras to remind us all of Gurudeva’s vision for our sadhana during this time.

112 Introduction

Beginning with Hindu New Year in mid-April, three seasons of the year divide our activities into three great needs of humankind–the learning of scripture in the first season, Nartana Ritau; the living of culture in the second season, Jivana Ritau; and the meditating on Siva in the third season, Moksha Ritau. Thus we are constantly reminded that our life is Siva’s life and our path to Him is through study, sadhana and realization. In ritau one, we teach the philosophy; in ritau two, we teach the culture; and in ritau three, we teach meditation.

120 The Third Season: Moksha Ritau

The third period of the year, Moksha Ritau, the cool season, is from mid-December to mid-April. It is the season of dissolution. The key word is resolution. Merging with Siva: Hinduism’s Contemporary Metaphysics is the focus of study and intense investigation. The colors of this season are coral-pink, silver and all shades of blue and purple–coral for the Self within, silver and blue for illumination, and purple for enlightened wisdom. High above flies the coral flag, signaling Parashiva, Absolute Reality, beyond time, form and space. Moksha Ritau is a time of appreciation, of gratitude for all that life has given, and a time of honoring elders, those in the sannyasa stage of life. Moksha Ritau is excellent for philosophical discussions, voicing one’s understanding of the path through an enlightened intellect. In finance, it is the time for yearly accounting and reconciliation. On a mundane level it is a time of clearing attics, basements, garages, sheds, warehouses, workshops and desks, getting rid of unneeded things, of pruning trees, of streamlining life on the physical plane–of reengineering.

122 Festivals and Realms of the Third Season

The major festival of Moksha Ritau is Mahashivaratri. It is at Kauai Aadheenam, as are all other gatherings, not a public event but a private one, due to the special sacredness of this sanctuary and its Iraivan moksha koyil. Church members, Academy students and special guests by invitation are all who attend. This and all other gatherings at the Aadheenam are restricted in size in keeping with a covenant with the county of Kauai in respect to the surrounding residential area. From December 21-25, the Pancha Ganapati festival is enjoyed in Church family homes worldwide, and the resulting joy and peace is felt even by strangers. During this holiday season, in years when the need is felt, an open house is held at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery to which friends and neighbors are invited. We do this to express goodwill and appreciation for their kindnesses throughout the year. Satguru Jayanti is always celebrated at Kauai Aadheenam and wherever the guru chooses to be on that day. All shishyas gather to participate. Often, if he is outside the US, it will be conducted in his presence as a grand public event. The Aadheenam realms of this season are: 1) San Marga Iraivan Temple, a hand-carved, white-granite edifice seated upon a lava-rock plinth, golden tower shining in a rainbowed sky; 2) Tamil Nayanar Neri, the 1,300-foot-long path that winds around ponds, banyan trees, tropical plants in seven distinct botanical habitats, with seven shrines to the great Saiva saints of South India, and 3) Kauai Aadheenam central, with its offices, publications facilities, kitchen, library, workshops, monks’ quarters, aviaries and cloistered gardens.

434 The Four Steps of Atonement

The four petals of the muladhara can be described as unrestrained devotion, confession, repentance and reconciliation. When penance is given, it must be fulfilled, especially when requested. Otherwise, the life of the penitent is vulnerable to the company of asuras. Penance is given after a certain amount of remorse is shown and the urgency is felt by the individual to rid his mind of the plaguing matter. All help is given by the divine devas to those seen performing a sincere penance. These devas that oversee those in a penitent state of mind are similar to doctors and nurses gathered to help their patient become well again. The angelic helpers surround their “patient,” assisting in the relief of mental and emotional illness caused by transgression of dharma and the guilt that follows. When the penitent is undergoing penance, it is a form of tapas, described by some as psychic surgery performed by the devas working together to bring the soul from darkness into light. It truly is a happy event, but only long after it is over. The guru of every pitham receives the verbal confession of shishyas and gives out the appropriate penance, prayashchitta. He recognizes Divine absolution, knowing the penance has been fulfilled, when the inner aura is bright as a new-born child, the face happy and the testimony on the result of the penance discloses true atonement. In our Church, the period specifically dedicated to confession, repentance and reconciliation is the third season, Moksha Ritau.

Moksha Ritau Begins!

The research on palm leaf digitization continues…

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

The Year 2007 culminates with a grand Ganesha Homa at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius this month of December. Sishyas are there early to help with decorations and attending other related activities for this monthly ceremony.

Bajan starts. This month we hosted a bajan group of ladies from the far south.

The inside of the Mandapam is filled up…

To secure a seat inside the devotee has to come early to the Park…

The ceremony is about to start…

Outside the Mandapam, under the tarpaulin tent….

On the table on the Ganesga steps, devotees are handing over their offerings of fruits and flowers for the deity.

Meanwhile a massive flow of devotees has queued up at the small Ganesha Mandapam ….

This is the place where all the personal archanas are taken care of by our members and Master Course students…

Sishya Nanda Thungavelloo from Beau Bassin performing an arati for a group of devotees.

Our outside Himalayan Academy sales booth under the responsibilty of Veena, Premila, Kevina and Jambalini. Despite the scorching sun everyone happily performed their seva for that day.

On the Mandapam steps, other ladies are taking care of offerings …

The large Homa is now consuming all the written prayers brought by devotees…

A testimony from a regular devotee from Vacoas….

This devotee is a regular karma yogi at the Spiritual Park. He is explaining how the Park inspired him to seva…

Dis Chenganna from Piton expressing his appreciation for the 2007 activities at the Spiritual Park.

Kulapati Manon reading and explaining a Talk from Satguru Bodhinatha on the Karma Management.

Time for the final arati …. everyone stands up. The last Sunday Ganesha Homa for 2007….. Announcements were made about the new schedule for 2008. Homa will henceforth start at 9.30 AM to end at 11.00 AM on the first Sunday of every month in 2008.

The stewards of the Spiritual Park of Mauritius wish a Happy Pancaha Ganapati 2008 to everyone. Aum.

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch website for more info.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Inspired by one of
Bodhinatha’s upadeshas, one of our TAKA viewers, long time supporter from Maryland, Nigel Siva Subramaniam, sent this poster as a PDF.

Think Before Speak

T rue H elpful I N ecessary K ind

Pillaiyar Kulam Team to California

In the first week of December, Sannyasin Shanmuganathaswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha went to San Francisco and Long Beach, California. They met with business associates to further develop Hindu Heritage Endowment. A primary goal was to consult with our planned giving consultant, Phil Murphy (pictured with his wife Anne and Shanmuganathaswami). He is helping the monks develop a planned-giving program that will guide donors in planning their wills, bequests, life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, gift annuities and pooled income funds. Each of these ways of planned giving has specific tax and other benefits to the donor, while ultimately benefiting Hindu Heritage Endowment. In established charities, over 80% of donations come from planned, end-of-life gifts.

The two monks also met with Niraj Baxi, an insurance expert, estate planner and long time advertiser in Hinduism Today. They talked about the potential of HHE and how to share with people the benefits of HHE. In Long Beach, the monks visited Halbert Hargrove (, the firm that expertly invests over $10 million of Hindu Heritage Endowment funds. They carefully choose diverse investment managers and styles to keep HHE’s money growing, even in difficult markets. The monks talked with the president of the company, Russ Hill, and HHE’s account representative, Stan Lee (right), reviewing their stellar performance and discussing the changing economy and its affects on the endowment.

Here is Shanmuganathaswami in front of the ferry building after just getting off of the ferry.

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It was another great day at the Aadheenam with a big step forward at Iraivan.

Meanwhile from Malaysia we have this incredible slide show sent by Sivaram and Devika Easwaran. They write:

Aum Sivaya
Vanakkam, dear Bodhinatha, Paramacharyas and Swamis
Humble prostrations to Maha Vighna Vinayaka and our beloved Gurudeva.
Attached herewith are the selected few pictures taken during Devika’s “Vallae Kappu Vila” – traditional Indian Baby Shower Ceremony done in the 7th or 9th month of first pregnancy, with brief caption for your viewing and TAKA to share with the rest to know about the traditional Indian Valle Kappu Ceremony. (Click here for the slideshow)

Indeed! Gurudeva would be proud to see you upholding and these marvelous traditions. What a fortunate new young mother!

Iraivan Temple Construction Progress

At Iraivan it was another great day with seven beams hoisted aloft and 3 more put up from the ground to the foundation. Our wonderful crane owner and operator Larry Conklin was on hand as usual. We will let the pictures tell the story of the lift, including some quick fitting adjustments to the end of one beam by the silpis.

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch website for more info.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Quiet days at the Aadheenam. Paramacharya Palaniswami and Arumugaswami leave for Florida tonight…

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch websitefor more info.

During the November visit by the Bajpai family, Catalina took a series great photos which we have put into a slide show for you. Don’t forget to click on the small thumbnails to see the big images and captions.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Pancha Ganapati Celebration
Spiritual Park of Mauritius
Saturday December 22, 2007

Aum Sivaya everyone,

Prostration to the Lotus Feet of Lord Ganapati!

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami is pleased to invite you to the Pancha Ganapati celebration at the Spiritual Park of Mauritius on Saturday 22nd December from 9.30 AM to 1.30 PM.

Various activities are being organised for the day, including a special puja to Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati, cultural talent shows by youth, fun games, treasure hunt, other fun activities, lunch etc…

Anyone wishing to present a cultural item are kindly requested to contact us on 4127177 or 9148287.

Your kind presence, participation and support as usual, will be much appreciated.


Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through South India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch websitefor more info.

From our Holy Order of Sannyas:

“All that I have and all that I am I now give unto my God, my Gods and my guru. I have no family except the Divine Father Siva and Mother Sakti who dwell in Kailas and on earth the sangam of Saivite devotees. I have no home except the stillness of Being. I have no possessions except my faith and dedication. I have no desires except my desire to serve and to realize God.”

For a close look at another Siva Lingam,
watch this slide show on San Marga’s Swayambhu Siva Lingam.

Naga Abaranam Installed in Sri Shanthi lingam Temple in Sri Lanka

A Brass Naga Abaranam (five headed Cobra) was recently installed over the Sri Shanthi Lingam (which Gurudeva installed personally in 1983) in a special ceremony in the temple in Kopay, Sri Lanka.

This mystical five-headed cobra is a Saivite symbol for the primordial Kundalini Shakti that grants enlightenment. It is now installed in the Shanti Lingam shrine and is beautiful to behold.

Kulamatha Sivalosani Kanagaratnam carries the Nagabaranam to the Temple.

Sri Shanthi Lingam with the Nagabaranam

Priest doing the Puja.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The Mahavaakiam (Great Sayings) of Sage Chellappaswami:

Oru Pollappumillai–Intrinsic evil there is not.
Eppavo Mudintha Kariyam–Accomplished is His Will.
Naam Ariyom–We know not.
Muluthum Unmai–All that is, is Truth Absolute.

The Guru Vaakiam of Siva Yoga Swami.

Thanai Ari–Know Thyself
Sarvam Sivamayam–Sivam art all.
Summa Iru–Be still.
Ellaam Sivan Seyal–Siva’s Will be done.

The rain and stormy weather has finally gone!!! The silpis continue measuring the rest of the roof stones of the Iraivan Temple.

They graciously pause momentarily to pose with our guests starting with Kashyap DeSai (on left) from New Jersey; Vittal Karra with his wife, Vanikarra and sons, Srikar (age 6) and Saivibhu (age 3) from Seattle; Tungnath Prasad and his wife; and V. Venkatachalam with his wife Alagammai (originally from Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu) who now live in Woodsbury, N.Y.

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Please see our Innersearch websitefor more info.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Its the end of a six day phase and the monks spent all morning out with chainsaws and rakes clearing fallen trees and debris from the storm we had a few days ago… meanwhile Kadavul Temple continues to host a steady stream of visitors and pilgrims…

Paramacharya Ceyonswami who conducts the daily 9am Siva puja is now contributing to TAKA with his iPhone.

“Sangye Sherpa, a Buddhist monk from a monastery in Sikkim (next to Nepal) visited Kadavul Temple this morning. He will be living nearby on Kauai for the next year. He is of the Vajrayana lineage and speaks English well (knows 5 languages).”

Newly weds Darma and Shivali both in padmasana in Kadavul Temple. It is their last day of pilgrimage here. And they came up early to meditate in front of Ganesha before catching their flight.

Here yesterday for their wedding anniversary from Boise, Idaho, Jothikrishna and Radrish. They are originally from Coimbatore, India.

Isani Alahan hosted aa group from Finland led by Anja (Pronounced Anya) Kulovesi ( in the blue tie-dyed top). She helped organize a wonderful event in Finland during the 2001 Innersearch.

They attended the 9am puja then visited Iraivan Temple.

A space just opened up on our 2008 Asian Odyssey for 1 person (a male to share a double occupancy room with another male). Here’s your chance to join Bodhinatha on this exotic adventure. A journey through ancient temples in Cambodia, mystical classes on meditation in Langkawi and Kerala, a devotionally drenched Thaipusam festival that is out of this world and a journey through south India to some of the most sacred temples in the world, joining in some of their grand sacred pujas.

If you are ready to go, please email Sadhaka Dandapani ( or call him on 808-822-3012, Ext 239. It’s on a first come first serve basis so don’t hesitate.

Check out the grand journey at the Innersearch Site

Blog Archives

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Only 40 Days until Innersearch.. Bodhinatha and the editing team have been working on the new Innersearch Study Guide which is ready for production.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sannyasin Arumugaswami leave for a conference in Florida in a few days. The past few mornings the publications team has been reviewing the Keynote presentations that Arumugaswami has prepared.

One of the island charity projects we have done recently for a local group called “TeenC.A.R.E.” which helps disadvantaged youth on our island, especially those caught in the web of drugs and other addictions. Their leader, John Sotello, designed these very local bumper stickers with Palaniswami looking over his shoulder. Kumar Hunter in California lovingly donated the labor to make them. Thank you, Kumar!

Rishi Thondunathan meets with Sivakatirswami. He has been working closely with swami on the Natchintanai project.

After two years of work, seventy-two of the most popular Natchintanai will have been entered in Tamil, transliterated with literal translations and music on the internet… soon to be released…

Today’s Pilgrims and Visitors

“Thulasi,” on his first visit to the Iraivan Temple, holds the handcarved granite chain which hangs from a beam above.

In the background one can see the hand rails which border the steps leading into the sanctum and, on the left, the Badra pillars stand imposingly each side of the sanctum entrance. Each step is handcarved with one syllable (in Tamil) of the sacred mantram – “Na, Ma, Si, Va, Ya,” and handcarved above the sanctum doorway (also in Tamil) is “SIVA SIVA.”

The silpis are busy finishing and preparing the rest of the roof stones for their installation in a few days. Here Manikandan, Karupaiah and Chellaiya measure the stones for finishing touches..

Thulasidass Kalidas with Vani Rao here on pilgrimage from Cypress, Texas. Vani was encouraged by her parents to visit the Aadheenam. Vani and Thulasi attend the Houston Temple.

On the left is Pandit Sharma with his wife Saroja from Pittsburg, Calif. Pandit Sharma is well known for his work in Vedic astrology. He was here several years ago.

They pose with Vani and Thulasi and silpis Manikandan, Karupaiah, and Chellaiya.

Our four visitors stand north of the east-facing gopuram.

Here, in a peaceful meadow, is the sacred outdoor Narmada Lingam where pilgrims are welcome to perform abhishekam beside the lotus ponds.

Sadhaka Dandapani’s mother, father and young brother returned to Australia, but his older brother, Darmaguhan and newly wed wife, Shivali, have stayed on for a few days….

Shivali doing karma yoga in the temple, making Vibhuti packets.

A visit to Narmada Lingam

We wish Darma and Shivali a long and happy union!

Remnants the wind storm… a fallen trellis…

Albezia tree in the river valley below the monastery, a victim of yesterday’s powerful winds!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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