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Bodhinatha in Mauritius

Mauritius events for Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanwami continue with a visit to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius which was created by Gurudeva in 1986. The latest development at the Park is the recent installation of a “Narmada Lingum” at one of the view points near the river.

Satguru Bodhinatha conducting an arati at the Sivalingum murthi which symbolises the formless form of Supreme God Siva.

The small Pancha Mukha Ganapati Shrine is Blessed too with the Guru’s presence.

Some lucky visitors who happen to be there on that day…

A walk down the Park in the direction of the Muruga Mandapam.

Inside the Muruga Mandapam at the far end of the Park where the sea breeze is strongly felt….

Bodhinatha walking round the huge black granite murthi of Lord Muruga.

The Kulapatis are present at the Park explaining to Bodhinatha future plans regarding a car park close to this Mandapam…

The walk continues… so many things to see there.

Satguru Bodhinatha near the Ganesha Bridge…

Others visitors… the parents are so happy to have Bodhinatha Bless their child…

Members Soondiren Arnasalon and his wife were there to greet Bodhinatha.

A short visit into the Mini Mela..

The next activity was a meeting with the Mauritius Kulapaties in the Dharmasala building. Bodhinatha talked about current projects and maintenance of the property and the next visit of Satguru to Maurirtius in 2009.

A souvenir photo with all the kulapaties who are taking good care of the Spiritual Park.

On leaving the Spiritual Park to go to Flacq, Bodhinatha stopped at the Canagasaby family residence for some refreshments.. It was Tamil New Year day and a very Divine visitor blessed their home..

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

Our days in Kovalam are very relaxed.

With lots of time for classes, time to go within and time to spend with new and old friends.

Gathering for breakfast at the poolside restaurant.

So many bright happy faces eagerly waiting for class to begin.

Deva Rajan gifts Amma Sivayogam with a book on Kauai.

Today’s photos focus on the friendships that are made on Innersearch. A great opportunity to meet fellow seekers on the path and to make lifetime friendships with some who might love a ride on your shoulders.

Others a massage…

and some to discuss and share the depths of the journey with.

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Bodhinatha in Mauritius

Some more photos of Satguru Bodhinatha’s Seminar at the Swami Vivekananda International Convention Centre at Pailles, Mauritius…..

Participants asked several questions that were nicely answered by Satguru Bodhinatha… This was an interesting session. There were however, so many questions and the time was short ……

The end of the second seminar session for lunch….

Some of our Himalayan Academy publications on sale…..

A model of the Convention centre displayed in the lobby for visitors.

Bodhinatha and Sadhaka with all the participants for lunch.

Serving was not difficult. Everything was well planned in advance..

A nice time to make new friends…

Mr. Anand Mulllo (right) a leading figure of the Marathi community and author of various publications.

New Master Course students…. they are all cousins and have been helping selflessly all through the seminar.

A happy way of living Hinduism together as a family….

At the end of the seminar participants came forward to receive Blessings from Satguru Bodhinatha. Flowers and small gifts of all kinds were placed at the Guru’s Feet.

Everyone with a flower to offer to Bodhinatha…

No rush, no pushing… everyone waits patiently and lovingly for this long awaited encounter with a Divine Soul.

“The seminar ended up so quickly”, said one participant. “It was so interesting that we were not aware that time was running out”.

The last group is about to meet Bodhinatha.

Blessings to you!

After the departure of Bodhinatha and all the participants, the last crew to leave after having verified and packed everything… Kulamata Premila Manick and her two children Sivarathna and Jambalini.

Ananda Motoocurpen and his family left after having settled a few payments at the SVICC….tired but happy to have done so much Guru seva for this event.

The car park at the SVICC is quiet again after a full busy day with hundreds of participants occupying that whole place for a spiritual seminar with a living Satguru.

Plans are in motion already to have another similar event in April 2009. You can contact us for more information on Himalayan Academy activities in Mauritius at:

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

We continue with photos from our Asian Odyssey and return to our beautiful hotel in Kovalam where our classes with Bodhinatha and Palaniswami take us now on a journey within.

The hotel overlooks the ocean.

The study guide that was prepared by the monks for each of the Innersearchers.

Lots of notes are taken during the classes….pricesless gems to be captured forever.

The first 18 colours of the Shum alphabet.

In Praise of Kauai Aadheenam

It is quiet and serene at the Aadheenam. One of our pilgrims sends this small vignette of praise for this holy center

In Utmost Appreciation of
the Kailasam in Kauai
Known as the Kauai Aadheenam

In India, there are 12 Jyothirlinga Kshetras:

Saurashtre Somanaatham cha Sree Saile Mallikarjunam
Ujjayinyaam Mahaakaalam Omkaare Mamaleswaram
Himalaye to Kedaram Daakinyaam Bhimashankaram
Vaaranaasyaam cha Viswesam Trayambakam Gowtameethate Paralyaam Vaidyanaatham cha Naagesam Daarukaavane Setubandhe Ramesham Grushnesam cha Shivaalaye

In America, there is Kauai Aadheenam
with its Maha Sphatika Lingam.

And each time we go to Kauai,
it is like going to not just the Maha Sphatika Linga Kshetra, but also to one of the Dwadasa Jyothirlinga Kshetras.

Thank you, Gurudeva and Bodhinatha

We shall be there many more times!

Aum Namasivaya
Nannapaneni Narayana Rao
and Sarojini Rao

When in India you go to Omkareshwar, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Rameswaram, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Somnath, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Sreesailam, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Tryambakeshwar, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Vaidyanath, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Varanasi, when in America you go to Kauai.

When in India you go to Bhimashankar, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Grishneshwar, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Kedarnath, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Mahakaleshwar, when in America you go to Kauai
When in India you go to Nageshwar, when in America you go to Kauai

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Bodhinatha on Mission in Mauritius

Mauritius activities continue with a major event at the Swami Vivekananda International Conference Centre where the Himalayan Academy has organised a spiritual seminar. Hundreds of participants have signed up to hear the teachings of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

The huge metal structure of the Conference Centre is captivating at first sight. This modern and sophisticated conference center was used by the Secretary General of the United Nations for a regional meeting recently and last year the famous Bollywood Filmfare awards were held there…

Lord Ganesha welcomes all visitors inside.

On the eve Himalayan Academy students have been there to hang traditional tombais and set up the Conference amphitheater for Bodhinatha’s seminar.

The Himalayan Academy major task in Mauritius is to focus on teachings through organising classes, seminars and reaching the general Hindu public though selling and distributing our HA publications.

It is 9.30 AM… participants are filling up the amphitheater.

The seminar starts at 10.00 AM, Satguru Bodhinatha addresses with a wonderful keynote presentation.

Everyone is attentive…

A view of the inside…

Sadhaka Haranandinatha on the right….

Participants in the front rows…

At a certain point the main MBC TV reporters are there for recording… The event will be one of the items on evening TV news.

The teachings of Bodhinatha kept everyone attentive….

Satguru talked about the Hindu denominations and their central beliefs and practices.

Another topic was on the Nine Keys to parenting.

The whole amphitheater is quiet and focussed on what Satguru Bodhinatha is saying.

A view of the stage… A Ganesha shrine is on the left.

All participants have been given a Himalayan Academy folder containing writing materials and some of our Church literature.

Many participants are having their first contact with Bodhinatha’s teachings through this seminar.

Time for a coffee break…

Participants queue up…

They have their break in the large lobby area….and estimated 350 people came to the event.

More photos of the seminar follow in next TAKA till then….

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha ended with Tamil New Year on the 13th and today begins the Nartana Ritau. We bring you the usual excerpts from the Saiva Dharma Shastras to remind us of the focus of our work and worship during this season.

112 Introduction

Beginning with Hindu New Year in mid-April, three seasons of the year divide our activities into three great needs of humankind–the learning of scripture in the first season, Nartana Ritau; the living of culture in the second season, Jivana Ritau; and the meditating on Siva in the third season, Moksha Ritau. Thus we are constantly reminded that our life is Siva’s life and our path to Him is through study, sadhana and realization. In ritau one, we teach the philosophy; in ritau two, we teach the culture; and in ritau three, we teach meditation.

Kulapati Deva Seyon with his mother here to observe.

114 The First Season: Nartana Ritau

Nartana Ritau, the season of Dancing with Siva, begins on Hindu New Year. This is the period of creation, the warm season, from mid-April through mid-August. The teaching is Dancing with Siva: Hinduism’s Contemporary Catechism, Sivena Saha Nartanam. This foundational text is featured in all mission satsangas. The key word of this season is planning. The colors are orange, yellow-gold and all shades of green–orange for renunciation, yellow-gold for action, and green for regeneration.

“High above, the main Hindu flag flies the color orange, heralding the Nartana Ritau throughout this season, symbolizing sadhana and self-control. The other colors adorn smaller flags. This is the season of giving special attention to those in the grihastha ashrama. It is a time of awakening, renewal, review. The emphasis is on seeing ahead, planning for future years. It is a time of planning retreats and other activities for youths and adults for the entire year. During this time of looking forward, the Church’s six-year plan is updated by the Guru Mahasannidhanam and stewards and another year added. The Saiva Dharma Shastras are studied; and any needed additions in supplementary manuals, representing new growth, are made.

The practical focus is completion of unfinished projects. Secular holidays to observe among the families include Mother’s Day in May, Father’s Day in June and Grandparent’s Day in August. In the monastery the monks begin their annual 31-day ayurvedic herbal cleansing. Intensive cleaning of monastery buildings and grounds takes place. The special dietary adjustments for the season come into effect and new menus are established. New clothing is issued and old garments mended. This season of harvest and new growth is also the time to review and reestablish picking and planting routines for the gardens. It is a time for ordering seeds and plants for the year, of planting trees, fragrant vines and the annual crop. Review is made for scheduling the care of all nine realms of the Aadheenam’s 51 acres. Kadavul temple and the Guru Temple are cleaned and renewed during this season, and the adjacent grounds receive special, abundant attention. Karma yogis are invited to help in this and other areas with planting and weeding, digging, fertilizing, fence repair and more.

The daily sadhana is the Sivachaitanya Panchatantra: experiencing nada, jyoti, prana, shakti and darshana. In Sanskrit, it is a time of learning new shlokas and mantras. In the family community, prashnottara satsanga is held for one and all to attend. Families plan for their annual pilgrimage. Shrine rooms are renewed and redecorated for the year, and the clothing of all is renewed in the Hindu style of the current fashion. It is a time of doing things for others, religious outreach. In the missions, Nartana Ritau is the time of bringing in new students and Church members. It is a time of hatha yoga and philosophical teaching.

The main festival of Nartana Ritau, and of the entire year, is Guru Purnima. The mathavasis hold special conclave on Vaikasi Vishakham, the full moon day of May. The three Aadheenam realms of the season are: 1) Rishi Valley–with its secluded Guru Hut and parampara shrines on the banks of Rishi Valley’s Saravanabhava Lake; 2) Wailua Farm, with its pastures, orchards and gardens; and 3) Kadavul Koyil, with its Guru Temple, entry gardens, Banyan Pavilion, Tiruneri path, sacred tank and its Puakenikeni and Mango Mandapams.

Nartana Satsanga is held from mid-April through mid-August. Whenever a satsanga gathers, a chakravala is created. Nartana Ritau is the time of year when those in the grihastha ashrama are honored, and we can optionally bring garlands to express our love and support of kulapatis and kulamatas in this ashrama of life. All pay close attention to their testimony on raising children, dealing with family problems, keeping harmony in the home and fulfilling the duties of grihastha dharma. Informal meetings and discussion groups are encouraged to find ways to strengthen the many families in the community and to plan the schooling of children in the 64 kalas and the first seven books of The Master Course for the coming year.

Paramcharya Palaniswami gives gifts to the silpis on the New Year day.

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Bodhinatha in Mauritius

Bodhinatha’s visit continues with the visit of Satguru to a temple up a hill in Port Louis. The temple, in the background is still under construction. It is said that once Gurudeva visited this hill and showed the place where Muruga’s Vel was to be placed…

Bodhinatha walking down as the sun is setting.

Down the hill they have constructed a small temple shrine where pujas are conducted regularly by a young local priest. This is where devotees met to welcome Satguru Bodhinatha

Bodhinatha is welcomed inside with an arati.

A bhajan group is there already….

Devotees are seated in a tent outside…

The shrine has a few deities including a Siva Nataraja. Today is the first day special prayer to Lord Muruga in view of Sittirai Cavadee.

The representative of the temple welcoming Satguru Bodhinatha in a short speech.

Bodhinatha is invited to give a talk. The topic is about the concept of a Supreme God in Hinduism.

The devotees listening…

Kulapati Parmesh Pallanee who is very close to this temple translates Bodhinatha’s Talk.

Bodhinatha is elaborating the Smarta’s view of God Siva, too often depicted as destroyer…. Anbe Sivam. God Siva is Love.

God Siva is a Supreme God…

There is a short parade round the temple before the last part of the ceremony dedicated to Lord Muruga.

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

Innersearch wakes up to a new day in Kerala. Our first day in Kovalam begins with a 6:30am hatha yoga class conducted by Saravananathaswami.

The grounds of the hotel are beautiful and spacious. And it is simply lovely in the morning out in nature.

Ok, stretch everyone!

Time to go within.

The backwaters in front of the hotel at the foot hill.

The hotel is located right next to the beach and after our yoga session we take a stroll down to the shore to watch the fisherman bring in their catch.

It’s a lot of hard work and it is amazing to see these men haul in these huge nets.

One of the many beautiful flowers on the hotel grounds.

Breakfast is at the poolside restaurant and after a morning yoga workout everyone is present for a nice breakfast.

The first class today is conducted by Palaniswami and we all gather in the Coconut hall for this.

We introduce Amma Sivayogam who is joining us in Kovalam as a very special guest. Amma is from Jaffna, Sri Lanka.

And she is the daughter-in-law of Kandiah Chettiar, the man who cared for Gurudeva when he first went to Sri Lanka as a youth. Kandiah Chettiar also was the one that took Gurudeva to meet Yogaswami for the first time.

Palaniswami begins his class on Shum meditations.

Deva Rajan and his children, Shivani and Kailas.

Rathy Nadanachandran from Australia takes the opportunity to speak with Palaniswami during the break.

Back to the class.

For lunch we head off to our neighboring hotel, the Uday Samudra for a grand feast that the Master Chef specially prepared for Bodhinatha and our group.

We greeted in the traditional way.

Hiranya and Saraswati Gowda take this opportunity to care and feed Eshan Mallampalli. One of the lovely things about Innersearch is the spirit of everyone looking out for one another.

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Bodhinatha in Mauritius

We are sending a few photos of today’s events for Satguru Bodhinatha in Mauritius. First day visit… Friday morning started quietly with the chirping of birds in the filao trees. Bodhinatha and Sadhaka had some rest after their long flight.

Summer is about to near its end and the cool breeze of winter could be felt over the beach. Here is Bodhinatha at the bungalow on sea shore of Cal Malheureux.

The sun is radiant and Gunner’s Coin island in the background offers a spectacular view from the beach.

It’s a quiet day with not many holiday makers on the sandy beach.

The Manick family from Goodlands just arrived bringing the lunch for Satguru and Sadhaka.

Later that evening Bodhinatha met with all the Church members living in the north of the island for a satsang at the residence of the Mardemootoo. Fine weather for this spiritual event….

On arrival, a simple pada puja by Kulapati Manon.

…While the sishyas are singing devotional songs.

Kulapati and Kulamata Selvon….

Time for sishyas to come forward and meet the Guru…

Sishya Somandiren Peruman…

Bodhinatha gave a talk in the light of sutra number 2 on the purpose of life…

“My followers must remember that the purpose of life is to wholeheartedly serve God, Gods and Guru and fulfill the four traditional goals of duty, wealth, love and Liberation. Yea, they are servants of the divine. Aum.” Sutra 2

Bodhinatha elaborated and clarified the key concepts of this sutra.

After Bodhinatha’s talk, sishyas sang a few Natchintanai and the group then broke off allowing each Church family to meet Satguru Bodhinatha privately.

It was a nice spiritual event allowing sishyas to be further inspired in their daily spiritual life.

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha monks’ sadhana in the morning is to wander the land, seeing Lord Shiva in nature.

North Side Kadavul Garden

“A picture speaks a thousand words” as the saying goes…today we have few pictures showing the transformation that took place in our little Muruga Garden right next to our Kadavul Temple.

The Siddhidata Kulam is doing the initial clearing of the site that was neglected over the years. We have to clear some bamboo in other part of the Aadheenam and we decided to use them as our cloistered area privacy fence.

Not pictured here, we had several monastics help the Siddhidata Kulam to remove a lot of concrete rubbles and rock. Most of the concrete were recycled.

The area is landscaped with pots and logs.

The hard work is done. The fun begins next…planting plants.

Our Siddhidata Kulam team is very happy with what they have accomplished in one afternoon.

We moved a lot of orchids that were suffering in one of our propagation nurseries. We hope they
will be happy plants here in their new home.

The final outcome — a finished garden with ground cover and other plants.

Stay tuned for the fully grown Muruga Garden’s picture some time in the new future.

Pictures speak a thousand words,but they will never replace your personal experience at Kauai Aadhenam 🙂

Come visit us and see it for yourself!

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

We continue with the Innersearch documentary today. Here the group has lunch on the roof top of the hotel after a full morning of activities at Kanya Kumari.

Shivani and her brother, Kailas enjoying the view of the ocean from the hotel room.

Everyone is in high spirits and looking forward to the 4 days in Kovalam.

Palaniswami shares a few stories before we get on our buses to head off to our next destination.

Lindsay Boyer and Devi Marks

Greeted by friendly staff.

The drive up to Kovalam is beautiful and we pass many waterways and endless coconut groves.

Everybody is enjoying the comforts of this exotic hotel after many days of pilgrimaging through many small towns in south India.

The famous backwaters of Kerala.

We finally arrive at our beautiful hotel in Kovalam, the Taj Green Cove.

And make our way up to the lobby situated on a small hill.

4 nights here and 3 full days of classes with Bodhinatha and Palaniswami, which begins tomorrow. Lots to look forward to.

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Bodhinatha Arrives in Mauritius

Today Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami arrived at the island of Mauritius. The plane landed at 3.40 PM and Satguru Bodhinatha and Sadhaka Haranandinatha came into the VIP lounge for a short rest and some refreshments.

Satguru Bodhinatha and Sadhaka are greeted by Kulapati Manon and Kulapati Rajen.

A group of sishyas are waiting outside the aiport to welcome Satguru. Everyone comes forward with flowers and garlands.

The place is suddenly filled with the singing of devotional songs to the Guru…

Bodhinatha is staying in Mauritis for a week before taking off for South Africa to attend a religious function there.

The weather is just fine for this meeting with the sishyas.

Bodhinatha decked with garlands…

Most of those present have had a chance to personally greet the Guru…

It is now time to leave the airport compound.

Aum Guru Natha!
Jaya Guru Natha!

Time to drive off. Good bye to sishyas and Bodhinatha leaves for a quiet beach bungalow in the north.

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

January 30th: We head to the Kumari Amman temple at 4:45am for the morning puja at 5am. The temple is a short walk from the hotel. The event was unphotographed as no cameras were allowed in this temple. We enjoyed a wonderful puja and a deep meditation just outside the sanctum.

Crowds gather on the shoreline by the hundreds.

Next on the itinerary was to watch the sunrise. And what a beautiful one it was too.

A time to worship Surya!

The silhouette of the Vivekananda Memorial.

Thomas captured capturing this magical moment.

And explaining to Tatiana how he gets these wonderful photos.

After breakfast we head off to the jetty where we catch a boat to the memorials.

All aboard!

A reflection of the Tiruvalluvar statue is captured in Bodhinatha’s sunglasses.

Tickets are purchased, and we make our way up to this beautifully kept memorial to Swami Vivekananda.

Some of the Innersearchers gather for a group photo.

After our visit here we take a boat to the Tiruvalluvar memorial. A brief but necessary stop at the coffee house first.

And up we go!

Tiruvalluvar’s feet.

Palaniswami poses in front of the giant feet.

The view of the tip of India. The red and white striped wall is the wall of the Kanyakumari Amman temple.

Back to the mainland.

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Bodhinatha in Transit to Mauritius

Bodhinatha makes use of his time waiting for flight to Mauritius at Singapore airport answering all of your emails. He and Haranandi have been in transit for over 24 hours. Bodhinatha writes:

“Arrived safely in Singapore about midnight (6 AM Kauai time) The flights create a 24 hour long day but do get you there otherwise comfortably. After six hours in the transit hotel in Terminal One we are checking in for Mauritius at the moment (7:30 AM the 9th)”

Citizens Visit

Kauai’s Hindu Monastery is a destination for local senior citizens groups. A whole bus load arrived, hosted by Isani Alahan.

Even for long time Kauai resident’s they are still awestruck but what they see here.

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

30 Jan 2008: The grand abhishegam at Tiruchendur goes on and everyone is immersed in Lord Muruga’s darshan.

Vinoth Subban (far left), one of the priests at the temple, was instrumental in setting up this amazing experience we all had.

After the puja we head back to the hall for lunch.

With a brief stop to visit the young temple elephant.

It’s been a long morning and nothing like a south Indian lunch to settle the hunger pangs.

It’s time to check out of our hotel in Tiruchendur and make our way to Kanyakumari. The group gathers outside the hotel. Quite a sight! 98 people and over a 100 pieces of luggage.

We head off to our busses.

And begin the 3-hour coastal journey to Kanyakumari.

India’s wonderful attempt at green energy.

Wind turbines fill the horizon.

We arrive at our hotel Maadhini and begin the process of checking everyone in.

Which room would you like?

The view from the hotel lobby is quite beautiful…

…looking over a fishing village and the Tiruvalluvar and Vivekananda memorial islands.

In the evening we head down to the beach to watch the sunset that Kanyakumari is so famous for. Here’s Suselah and her sister, Sakuntalai. And Puvaneswary on the far right.

Misha from South Africa (left) enjoying the sunset with Prema and Ramani Iyer from south Australia.

Joel Knepp from Ohio.

Aran and Tara Veylan from Edmonton, Canada.

Aran and Valli Sendan from Kauai with their grandson, Chidambaram.

Shailesh Trivedi from California and Thomas Kelly from Nepal.

Harish and Kirti Thakrar from London, UK.

Giles, Amartya and Oisin Thompson from Kansas.

Thomas shows some of the young ones how to take a photo.

Look at my camera, Thomas! I can take a photo too.

No, this is not Mayuresh’s photo. It’s another one of Thomas’s extraordinary shots.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha departed very early today for Mauritius and South Africa.

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Some photos from the recent homa in Mauritius….

Learning Natchintanai and Bhajans with Adi Shankar in Mauritius

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

January 30th: We bring the last few photos of the homa ceremony in Tiruchendur during the 2008 Asian Odyssey.

Bodhinatha makes an offering.

Now an offering of honey.

Concluding arathi.

After the homa Bodhinatha sprinkles blessed water on all of the kumbhas.

The priests and Bodhinatha chant together in preparation of carrying the kumbhas to the temple for the abhishegam to Lord Muruga.

Bodhinatha is handed the main kumbha.

Off to the temple we go!

Each Innersearcher has a kumbha in their hands, to be carried to Muruga’s feet.

A lively parade…

…filled with traditional music.

The grand abhishegam to Soorasamkara Moorthi, a form of Lord Muruga begins. Here milk is offered to Muruga.

You will see towards the middle of the photo a collection of 6 different types of flowers that will be offered during the puja.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Raghu and Terry Srinivasan from Kentucky. It’s their first visit to the aadheenam. The children chanted beautifully for Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha will be leaving for Mauritius and Africa very early on Sun 1 morning. Meanwhile

If you are interested to study with Bodhinatha at a weekend retreat near San Francisco in late May, please download this invitation for more information.

And don’t miss Bodhinatha’s recently uploaded upadesha on tattvas on the right side bar.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming two-day retreat,
until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Monday, April 7th.

Nanda Ambore from Midland, Texas is here on pilgrimage and has been attending the 9am Siva puja daily. Here she has Bodhinatha sign her copy of the Master Course trilogy.

Tai and Raji from Seattle. Their children also sang some wonderful songs for Bodhinatha. Certainly a very devotional group of pilgrims at our door step this week.

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

We continue with the series from the amazing homa that was prepared for the innersearchers at Tiruchendur.

Here the Innersearchers make offerings of flowers to the kumbhas.

The first part of the ceremony has concluded.

3 musicians entertain during a short break with some really unique drumming instruments that are native to this area.

The homa pit is ready for Agni.

Some take this time to go within.

And for others a cup of coffee is most helpful after an early start to the day.

Back to the hall for the homa.

Young Mayuresh rests his eyes just for a minute.

An amazing amount of homa offerings have been prepared by the priests.

Shailesh and Ravi are having their ear piercing ceremony done.

One ear ring is in, now the other.

Ravi receives a vibhuthi blessing from Bodhinatha after the ceremony. Congratulations!

Sivani and Eshan Mallampalli doing the first writing ceremony.

Everyone circumambulates the homa fire and make their offering.

Janava Dharmadeva receives his namakarana samskara.

This was certainly one of the main highlights of our journey. The vibration during the homa was very powerful.

Bodhinatha blesses the Mallampallis.

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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

The Srinivasan family came today (no pictures) they have four children and their little son and daughters all chanted Sanskrit for Bodhinatha.

It’s quiet at the Aadheenam… Bodhinatha is preparing to leave again shortly for Mauritius and South Africa.

We bring you today the start of photos from the famous temple of Lord Murugan in the deep south, Tiruchendur.

Innersearch Asian Odyssey 2008 Retrospective

Late evening on January 29th we arrive in Tiruchendur. Here’s the group gathered outside our hotel, the Sivamurugan Lodge.

After a quick shower we head off to the temple to participate in the parade of Muruga in the golden chariot.

Innersearchers have the blessed opportunity to pull Muruga’s chariot.

The chariot circles the temple and makes its way back to the entrance led by the temple’s baby elephant.

This part of the temple path is slanting uphill and it requires everyone to pull harder.

Vetri Vel Muruga!

The group poses with Muruga for a memorable photo.

Temple priests.

Taking a break and a short meditation as we wait for Bodhinatha to arrive.

Bodhinatha arrives and is greeted by the traditional tavil and nadaswaram.

The entire group is now led to the sanctum within the temple. No photographs allowed there so we are not able to share with you the amazing puja that took place for Lord Muruga.

Later in the night we gather outside the hotel to coordinate the next days events. Innersearchers read the daily itinerary that were prepared by the monks detailing the events of the following day.

Last minute changes are noted and added to the itinerary.

30 January, Tiruchendur – Well before dawn we gather outside our hotel and are led by tavil and nadaswaram playes to a hall adjacent to the temple.

Bodhinatha is greeted there with a kumbha by temple priests.

We gather inside the hall for one of the most amazing homas we have ever seen.

100 small kumbhas have been set up. One for each Innersearcher.

Bodhinatha sprinkles blessed water on everyone.

We’ll continue tomorrow with more photos from this ceremony.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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