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Supplicant Pledge Renewal

Aum Namah Sivaya

Several days ago Satguru returned from his recent trip to California with Sannyasins Shanmuganathaswami and Siddhanathaswami. With Satguru back, today we held the pledge renewal for Sivanadaiyar Shankara. He had to renew his 6-month supplicancy pledge since he has two more month before eligibility to take his formal vows as a Postulant Sadhaka. Aum.

11 Responses to “Supplicant Pledge Renewal”

  1. Manick Rajen says:

    Congratulations Sivanadaiyar Shankara! It’s a great step forward. Aum Namasivaya!

  2. Terrie says:

    Best of luck on your spiritual journey, Sivanadaiyar Shankara! Happy home coming to the Satguru and Swamis!

  3. Easan says:

    Kauai’s embrace, a verdant isle serene,
    Shankara kneels, his spirit evergreen.
    Mantras on his lips, a whispered vow,
    To dharma’s path, he humbly re-allows.

    Sunlight paints the temple, colors bright,
    A tapestry of faith, a sacred sight.
    Ocean’s rhythm beats a steady drum,
    As incense smoke ascends, prayers overcome.

    With each vow spoken, resolve takes hold,
    To conquer self, a story to be told.
    In Kauai’s heart, his spirit finds its rest,
    Shankara renewed, forever blessed.

    Om Namah Sivaya! Jai Paramparai, Shankara Ji !

  4. Steven says:

    Aum Namasivaya

  5. Savitri Amma says:

    Congratulations Sankara

  6. Pethuraja says:


  7. Nuckiren P says:

    Congratulations, Sivanadiyar Shankara. Gurudeva must be rejoicing in the inner worlds. Jai Kailasa Parampara!

  8. Hitesvara Saravan says:

    Aum Namah Sivaya Sivanadiyar, you are on a path so few in today’s world undertake. What an awesome journey you have ahead and you are in the best hands possible on this planet with Gurudeva, the Nandinatha Sampradaya and Bodhinathaji and the monks to sustain your path. On my two recent visits to Kauai Aadheenam I observed your dedication and selfless seva and how you just worked so hard every moment. Your future is yours to create. My hope is to follow in your footsteps in another life. Aum!

  9. Madan ganesh Velayudham says:

    Gurudeva says:

    Proceed with confidence; failure is an impossibility.

    Congratulations Sivanadiyar. It was wonderful to have met you at our Aadheenam.

    Jai Gurudeva. Jai Bodhinatha.

    Aum Namah Sivaya 🙏🏻💐💐

  10. deva seyon says:

    Of many thousands who come . . . one will stay.
    A ratio marked by the Gods with Satguru’s blessing today.
    Why so few? Many might say . . .
    The diamonds of Kauai Aadheenam . . . rare & precious in Siva’s way.

  11. shakti mahadevan says:

    Congratulations!!! YAY!

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