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We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

Powerful Thai Pusam Puja

Every year we have the abhishekam to Lord Murugan on Thai Pusam day which fell on our retreat. It is always a powerful moment. Other temples the world over are also doing the puja and many devotee perform kavadi.

Here at the Aadheenam the amazing sight of Lord Murugan cover in milk and yogurt and the very high shakti strikes an actinic chord in the hearts and minds of everyone in Kadavul

Vetri Vel, Muruganukku!

4 Responses to “Powerful Thai Pusam Puja”

  1. Shankar says:

    Shatakoti Pranamams to Kumara Kartikeya.
    Many namaskarams to blessed souls of Kauai Adheenam who continued to melt Skanda’s heart. Getting such grace from Skanda is no small thing. A feet achieved only by a few. Its assured that Kauai adheenam is going to prosper. No doubt about it. Its going to succeed for sure.
    Kumara gurave namah
    aum Sivaya namah

  2. Shankar says:

    I am sorry, I meant to say “A feat achieved only by a few great souls”.

  3. Nigel Siva says:

    Ganapati Thunai.
    It is always wonderful to see my beloved Murugan.

  4. Revati says:

    “Arumugan thanjamedi.”
    “The Six-faced One is the refuge, dear one.”

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