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Gurudeva stands devoutly while Sadhaka Tyaganatha performs a small arati at the site of the future Iraivan Temple. This spot is now 15 feet below the level the silpis are working at.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
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We bring you 38 photos today. So, hold your modem steady… it could take a few minutes to load all these… Yesterday Bodhinatha and the whole team arrived home and we also have a wonderful retrospective of photos that came back with the team which they saved on their computers while they were traveling. Here is Bodhinatha seated at the grand reception held for the launching of Living with Siva in Malaysia.

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Bodhinatha arrived yesterday and was greeted by our new Task Forcer, Shailesh Trivedi from San Diego, California. If Shailesh’s mother and father are looking in on TAKA, we send them a loving hug from their son… he’s arrived fine, is in great spirits and health and we’ll bring you more pictures tomorrow.

The monks come forward to offer Bodhinatha a flower on his return.

Our members were also on hand to greet him. Of course with our small numbers it may not have been as grand an entrance as he received in Mauritius, Malaysia and Singapore, but it is always wonderful to come home to the profound peace and beauty of Kauai Aadheenam.

Parading up to the temple.

Kulapati Deva Seyon offers flowers onto the path in front of our Satguru.

Sadhaka Jivanandanatha performs the arati at the temple door.

Today, the stream of guests continues… this lovely family is Anand with his wife Madhu (blue sari) and their small daughter Gauri With the elder Baskar (Anand’s father) on the left , and his mother Nirmala in front in the green sari and Auntie Mallika (Nirmala’s sister, in back, in light blue) from Tennesee, Mallika has been coming to Kauai from time to time through the years since 1974, and this time brought the rest of the family.

Alvin Kyono has been kind enough to guide our monks, Paramacharya Palaniswami, Yogi Japendranatha and Sadhaka Jivanandanatha on a special “Find the Sandalwood Trees” misson to Kokee. Alvin is a forester and is responding to our call to get seeds. 200 years ago the Hawaii islands were covered with sandalwood trees. The forests were pillaged by the Hawaiians themselves when demand by the Europeans and Chinese led to massive harvesting of the trees for wood. The elder Hawaiian ladies of the community were against the trade as their men neglected the traditional farming of food for the community and they went through the countryside pulling out young saplings in an attempt to end the scourge of human resources caused by this commercializaton. As a result very few sandal trees now exist where once they covered the landscape.

These few trees along the sides of the roads up on the high areas of Kokee are inside the boundaries of a national park and even the collection of seeds from trees requires a special license, which Alvin is helping us with.

These young trees are in the middle of their bloom and early fruit setting. We will need to return in a few months to collect mature seeds.

Native Hawaiian sandalwood is slower growing than its Indian cousins, but, we are told , just as fragrant. Up here in the Kokee areas these trees are only about 4-5 in diameter at the trunk after many decades. But at this altitude on the west side of Kauai, they only get 1 inch of rain a year. So, we are hopeful in the wet foothills of Waialeale of East Kauai, where we live, they will thrive more vigorously. We also plan to grow some of the Indian variety as well.

Generations from now, devotees of the Iraivan Temple will grind their own chandanam (sandal paste) to offer to Lord Siva, and the monastery will have helped to re-establish on the island one of the precious indigenous resources that has all but disappeared.

Malaysia Mission

Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission

We bring you now photos from the dynamic events of the stop over in Malaysia. Here Bodhinatha arrives at the Kala Mandapam of Kandasamy temple in Bricksfields, Kuala Lumpur.

Satguru Bodhinatha is received with honors, musician and with ‘Kolattam’ performance group and a pathway of flower petals on arrival at Kalamandapam Hall, Scott Road Murugan Temple, Kuala Lumpur.

Bodhinatha is enjoying the beautiful entrance kolam which was designed with logos by sister Barathy, also has captured many eyes and hearts on that day.

A reception desk greets everyone who arrived.

Natchintanai singing by the youth preceeds the official book launching.

Bodhinatha gives his talk on Nalu Pada Saivam… a talk on Chariya, Kriya, Yoga, Jnana.

Everyone did a really magnicent job preparing the stage which eagerly received the arrival of the great soul. The decoration team the maximum creativity and ability to create a majestic looking stage. The peacock feathers was brought by Brother Gunalan and Sister Lalitha from Batu Caves, gave a great touch to the stage.

Senior Kulapati Appasamy Kuppusamy speaks to the whole group to open the book launching.

Bodhinatha stands to officially launch “Living with Siva” by pushing a button which then…..

Opens a lotus flower and a poster of the book is revealed.

Poster announcing the event.

Bodhinatha signs books that are purchased by those who come forward after the speeches.

Our members are on hand to man the bookshelf tables.

The queue ….

Here are our beautiful members and young people manning the Iraivan Fund-Raising booth. These are all the precious flowers of Gurudeva’s life and mission!

Another Iraivan Fund raising booth. Exhibitions on four segments took place at the ground floor of Kalamandapam during the launch day of Living With Siva. Kailasa Paramparai, Trilogy, Saiva Siddhanta Church Activities in Malaysia and Hindu Heritage Endowment. Fund raising with Rudraksha and Calendar sales and sponsorship of Iraivan Temple’s floor stones also took place

Himalayan Academy books display.

Highlighting the Trilogy…

A collage of photos of all previous event of Saiva Siddhanta Church in Malaysia.

Hinduism Today booth manned by ever tireless and dedicated Brahmacharinis Chudikadevi and Gowri and their helpers.

Bodhinatha meets with the president of the Kandasamy Temple Society, Thiru Perambalam

Our Saiva Siddhanta Church members along side the dynamic youth wing of the Kandasamy Temple who collaborated to make this event such a success. We want to thank the temple society and all the youth for their wonderful Sivathondu. Thank you!

Bodhinatha meets with Thiru Vythilingam, president of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam.

The following day. Bodhinatha meets with the youth group and key organizers who have been holding youth seminars to present Gurudeva’s teachings in Malaysia. All these were responsible for the vision of all the booths, organizing the stage and decorations. Wow! What a great job you did!

It was a wonderful event… Bodhinatha… looking up and in… Jai Kailasa Parampara! And jai to all members of Saiva Siddhanta Church Malaysia Mission for their strength, support and dedicated work to see Gurudeva’s mission come to ever greater fulfillment in the community there. What an inspiration to us all!

Innersearch 2003-4 in India!

We just completed the July 17-23 Kauai Innersearch, 2002. Bodhinatha will lead the next Innersearch to India, between Dec 2003 and Jan 2004. We will visit Bangalore and the Iraivan Carving Village, and settle in the South in Tamil Nadu, Click on the above for details on what will be an inspiring journey to our holy land of Bharat!

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