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Today was the auspicious final day of our Guru Purnima celebrations for the public. As our greeting sign says and as Gurudeva taught us, held in honor of our own guru and “In Honor of Enlightened Souls Everywhere.”

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
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Satguru Bodhinathaswami was pulled in procession down San Marga this morning at 6:00 am.

NOTICE: Today is the last day of the phase. We are entering a 3-day full moon retreat. This TAKA edition will remain up until Friday evening, Sun 1, July 26th.

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Our Kulapatis and pilgrim men pulled the chariot amidst the blowing of conches and singing of the devotees.

The Kailasa Paramapara lives on!

Upon arrival at the San Marga Lingam site, Bodhinatha takes his seat to the left of the Swayambhu Lingam with Gurudeva’s picture on the right.

All the devotees were focused on the magical ceremony: the worship of the feet of the living preceptor.

The puja, held in silence except for quiet chanting of Sri Rudram in the background, is always a powerful one.

In Saivism, the worship of the feet of the spiritual preceptor is among the highest of ceremonies. By honoring the Divine Atma within the Satguru, the great truth of the Self within is proclaimed, reclaimed, reaffirmed and awakened as a living reality.

it is also a time to honor in a very human and real way our spiritual leader and to offer our love and re-connect to the one who has renounced his life to serve us all.

The swamis sit to the side, in meditation and chanting Sri Rudram. Swami Buaji Maharaj is with us.

The sacred ash is offered. This will be collected and preserved to be sent as prasadam to devotees the world over.

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami sits, as did Gurudeva before him, in Samadhi as the puja progresses.

The arati flame is passed after each offering.

The “alankara” decorations….

And the final arati… Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamiki Jai!

Bodhinatha and Swami Bua will receive the devotees and bless them with holy ash.

Everyone comes forward to offer their garlands, gifts and to prostrate.

Here is one of our silpis receiving vibhuti.

After the morning Guru puja and breakfast the group went out to San Marga to plant the sacred African Baobab tree. This remarkable tree is the oldest living tree on earth. There are Baobab’s in Africa that are over 3,000 years old, older than any of the Redwoods, with trunks 40 feet in diameter. There is an African saying which says that “The Baobab is like isdom and human knowledge: no single man can get his arms around it.”

Sadhaka Tejadeva performs an arati to the potted tree, a gift from a local botanist. Our VIP’s, six-year old Kirsten Lien, Bhajana and Jeya Param are on duty to help.

Bodhinatha and the children do the honors, opening up the root ball and placing the tree in the ground. It is a symbol of the mission of San Marga and Iraivan, to go on for 1000s of years to benefit the generations to come. The tree will stand there as the centuries pass, witness to the temple which it is just a few hundred feet from. together, temple and tree will share, as gurudeva loved to say, “the future of futures.”

Placing the dirt around the tree.

When these children are 114 years-old like Swami Bua, they will be able to come and see this tree they planted.

Jeya Param offers his pranams to the newly planted sacred tree.

Next on the morning agenda: cultural presentations in the monastery courtyard. This is Yatrika Ajaya, 11 years old, is an outstanding Bharata Natyam dance.

She and her sister are students of the renowned Mythili Kumar who is teaching in California.

Here her sister Devika performs the Siva Panchakshara dance.

It was a powerful rendition of poses depicting Lord Siva’s dance.

Then Nisha Alahan performs. Nisha studied Bharata Natyam at Kalashetra School of Fine Art in Chennai India.

Bodhinatha, Swami Bua and the monks watch from the side.

Paramacharya Palaniswami shows the group the wonderful artwork of Derek Glaskin who has depicted Iraivan in progress in a wonderful polynesian setting.

He also asked each of the silpis to stand. Everyone claps and honors the men who are putting together the Iraivan Temple.

Swami Bua gives a short presentation full of charm, witty insights and humor.

He asks the group to consider “Ask yourself, who are you, where did you come from… do you really know? OK, if you do not know… then leave it… But more importantly, where are you going? Do you know? If you do not know where you came from or where you are going, what can you say that you know of anything?”

He has the group laughing with his subtle turn of words, which seem to be always off the subject just a bit, but in between he drops jewels of wisdom for spiritual life.

Question: “Swami, what is your recipe for longevity?”

Swami: [starts singing:] ” You’ve got to live a little, eat a little, sleep a little, love a little, drive a little, drink a little, meditate a little…”

Everyone laughs… his message of moderation, so sweetly delivered.

Next came the Veena performance by Sitara and Priya Alahan, who also studied at Kalakshetra in Chennai, India.

Meanwhile, Sadhaka Jothinatha took the opportunity to round up the team of Hinduism Today subscription renewal sevaks to discuss their on-going important karma yoga service of communication with our Hinduism Today subscribers to make sure they do not let their subscriptions lapse. In the rear is Jnanideva from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jutikadevi from Atlanta, Georgia, Lila Shakti Devi, Oakland, California and Mr. and Mrs. Shyamadeva and Peshadevi Dandapani who live in Alaska and Hawaii. They make a powerful and important team for Hinduism Today.

The morning’s event culminated in a grand feast cooked by the monastery and served by our members.

A joyful satsang was had by all and included some of our island friends and well-wishers. Happy Guru Purnima to everyone the world over!

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