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Gurudeva seated in the temple where he gave many wonderful talks. This same corner will be built into a shrine for him in the coming months.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Today is Sun One and also the beginning of Guru Purnima and Innersearch. The last few days have been packed with activities. Here Bodhinatha gave his morning talk to the whole group of Innersearch and pilgrims. It was a powerful rendition of his wonderful “Karma Management” seminar.

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We start today with a retrospective from Star One of our retreat which was Chitra Nakshatra when we held our monthly puja for Gurudeva. As always it was a powerful ceremony.

Each offering to the sandals is followed by an Arati.

Sadhaka Tyaganahta performs the puja with Yogi Mahadevan assisting.

As each of the substances is poured over the sandals and folowed by the arati, all in silence except for the bell, a powerful inner channel is opened and Gurudeva’s presence pours through.

Jai Gurudeva!

The chanting of the Gurudeva Ashtottara is a special feature of this puja: 108 names of Gurudeva as composed by the wonderful Pundit Mylvaganam of Jaffna who has since gone to Siva’s feet and is with Gurudeva on the inner planes.

The final offering of flowers.

After the arati, each of the monks and all those attending come forward to touch the granite sandals that are vibrating with Gurudeva’s darshan and blessings.

Taking the sacred prasadam after the puja. As ever, Gurudeva’s mind and being filled us all.

As everyone came forward we sang some bhajans…

“Gurudeva, Saranam Deva,
Saiva Prabhu Saranam Deva….!”

and Kartikkeya Katir accompanies the group on the drum.


Today early in the morning devotees arrived and prostrated before Bodhinatha… here little Bhajana and his brother Jaya prostrate.

Then our honored Guest, Swami Buaji Maharaj arrived. He is 114 years old and this is his third Guru Purnima. He loved and respected Gurudeva very much. Despite his age he still conducts Hatha Yoga classes twice daily, seven days a week from his New York Ashram! He is a wonderful pure and advanced soul. And full of joyful humor.

At the temple door Swamiji received the traditional foot washing for the arriving saint.

The temple was packed. As Bodhinatha remarked later. It was perhaps the largest crowd we have ever put into our small temple mandapam. Swami Bua participates with making offerings to the homa fire.

It was a joyful homa, with so many dedicated souls all here with the perfect intention to lift their consciousness, and honor the Satguru.

Later in the morning the ever tireless team behind the scenes: our Kauai Mission members, who are blessed to live every day of the live in proximity of the temple, take time to serve the pilgrims. Here Tandu Sivanathan and Kulapati Deva Seyon decorate the pillars of Kadavul with a spectacular collection of flowers form our monastey property.

Meanwhile the flow of visitors continues unabated, especially as this is the summer time of year and young people are out of school and able to travel with their parents. This is Mr. and Mrs. Venkatram and Kalpana Kowsik from Fremont, California and their two daughter. The Koushik family have been attending our temples for over 20 years, having started coming to the Palaniswami Sivan temple in San Francisco when the girls were just babies. Mrs. Kowsik is a wondeful devotional singer and sang many times in our temple on the mainland. She wants to come to live on Kauai one day and sing to Lord Siva.

Himalayan Academy Travel Study Programs

Innerseach Kauai 2002
[In Progress]

Yesterday evening the Kauai Innersearch 2002 opened with an orientation gathering and welcome dinner at the Radisson Hotel where all the participants are booked. Everyone first received the traditional Hawaii greeting for visitors: a fragrant lei of Plumeria Blossoms.

One of the participants is our local young lady, Sitara Alahan, has fun getting a garland from her friend, Yatrika Ajaya, who is also participating in the Innersearch with her parents and sisters.

Paramacharya Palaniswami, the Innersearch coordinator, gave an orientation speech, introducing the programs for the coming five days and showing the Study Guide that the monks prepared.

Each one comes forward to receive the study guide from Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha welcomes the group.

The first of many meals together, where the monks have carefully pre-arranged the seating to “mix everyone up,” so that everyone gets to meet everyone else. This group is sitting with Paramcharya Ceyonswami. In the back right, is our wonderful long-time sisya from Mauritius, Moogam Pereatumbee, representing a whole nation! Moogam has been a devotee, student and sisya for many years, married another member of Saiva Siddhanta Church and eventually worked his way up in Five Star hotel business to become a leading chef in the industry and now has his own successful culinary arts institute.

One of the things about Innersearch that participants always love is the aspect of satsang, being with like-minded people, who are working to tranform their hearts and minds and continue forward dynamically in their soul evolution.

Stay tuned for more on the events here on Kauai in the days ahead.

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our current Innersearch Travel-Study program is right now being held here on the island of Kauai. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we enjoying daily classes with the swamis.

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