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Yogaswami sang:


“My lord who bequeathes the wealth of bliss to his loved votaries, slumber sweetly. Thou who art the ocean of felicity to those who see thee in their inner core, slumber sweetly. Thou who showeth such benign grace at Nallur yet shuns the homes of those who give not, slumber sweetly. Oh unique one, essence of mercy who pours Ineffable grace that dispels sorrows, slumber sweetly. Thou my mother, thou my father and Guru, Thou who showeth the path of virtue, slumber sweetly.”

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Bodhinatha continued today with his series of talks on the Yamas and Niyamas. Today’s theme was on “Asteya” non-stealing… “Since we don’t have any thieves among us… we will focus on the more subtle forms of stealing relating to debt….” Watch for it in the days ahead.

We are also happy to say that after some “downtime.” Our audio department is back in gear and we have a talk for you today.

Title: Yamas and Niyamas part 4 Reference List

Category: Yamas and Niyamas

Duration: 12 minutes, 45 seconds

Date Given: May 5, 2002

Date Posted: June_11_2002

Given by: Bodhinatha

Cybertalk: Here is a reference list as to how to self reflect on the yamas and niyamas. For most of the adults we are in contact with, the nonadhereance is going to be subtle. Each yama and niyama is listed with short hints on how they things such as stealing apply to people who would never break into a store and rob them.

Cybertalk Ends”
For more information about listening to Gurudeva’s talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

And click here for an Index to All Past CyberTalks.

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every day. Visit the Master Course site!

Bodhinatha will be happy to hold “Prasnottara Satsang” — “Questions and Answers” over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

If you are experiencing any problems listening to the audio, please to go our Audio FAQ page for sound geeks and follow the directions there.

Our Sun One Homa today was bright and full of power as usual. We had an interesting array of guests today.

After the final Arati is raised high everyone prostrates.

We had some happy visitors to Kauai’s Hindu Monastery on this sunny post-solar-eclipse morning. In the photo on the left, we have the S. Dharmarajan family from San Diego, John and June Gill from Kauai, and Tiffiny Lynn from Honolulu.

Mr. Durga Prasad Yarlagadda (right) with his wife Stephanie, sons Mahesh, Vidush (left) and young Chethan (right) from Alabama
They have a large house with 3 acres of land. Both husband and wife love gardening. Little Chetan loves Ganesha and has been to India.

A lifetime subscriber, Durga Prasad has been reading Hinduism Today since 1992 and is a generous supporter of the Iraivan Temple Project. Here they visit our publication facilities with Chetan. Stephanie was a nurse before she married Durga and when Chetan came along she quit her job to be a full time mother, congratulations to Stephanie and to Durga for taking care of her so she can do this! We are told that there is another soul coming through soon and Chetan will have a little brother or sister in the months ahead. Chetan is a “cross-cultural” child, the hope of the future. Come visit us again soon…

In this photo is Justin Magnuson and Nikki Rosen from Kentucky, just married about a week ago. They were going to go to Mysore, India for their honeymoon to study yoga with Pattabhi Jois, but because of the current tension between India and Pakistan they decided to come to Hawaii instead. Justin has been given the name “Mahesh” by his yoga teacher and both he and his wife are eager to dive more into Hinduism, so Justin bought the book How to Become a Hindu. They also got Dancing with Siva, and plan to purchase Living with Siva and Merging with Siva when the get home, so they can read the Daily Lesson from the three books.

In the middle is Mrs. Maragatham (Malaysia), mother of Uma and her husband who are standing immediately behind her. Uma’s mother-in-law is standing just behind her son in the back (right) and her father-in-law is standing on the left (pink shirt), with two young ladies visiting from Malaysia: Yogeswary (left) and Vasenta (right)

It was the last day here for the visit of Paramacharya’s family. Here is sister Laura and brother Larry.

They had breakfast with our publications team staff and listened to the tales of everyones daily karma yoga.

Families of the monks are welcome to visit and spend time here at the monastery anytime.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
Sponsor a stone
Iraivan Wonders

We missed a wonderful photo tour on the last day of last phase. Here are with a few visitors coming to the temple site with Yogi Mahadevan.

Ten feet up in the air, everyone enjoys seeing the silpis at work.

Mr. and Mrs. Mirchandani on the right from Honolulu.

Everyone is amazed to see the work being done entirely by hand. It is something unique in this modern world.

Our silpis though they only speak Tamil manage to communicate somehow to the guests with Yogi Mahadevan’s help. But Shanmuga Sthapati knows a little English and he is always a great spokesman for the project.

The stupi stone that will eventually be on the very top of the sanctum tower, lies waiting for that day next year, we hope… when the sanctum will be complete.

We move now back over to Bangalore for pictures from the recent loading of three containers now bound for Kauai. Here is a view of crated stones waiting to be loaded.

The rough cut stones that do not have ornamental carving are simply lashed down to pallets.

intricate pieces like this stone which has carvings of the Guru Parampara are protected on several sides.

This big crane makes the job easy.

Three containes are being loaded.

These large square blocks are for the upper part of the sanctum.

A variety of small items, clay pots and other things will fill in the spaces.

It is always an exciting moment for the staff in Bangalore to see their years of work culminate in a departure to Hawaii!

Every movement of every stone is a critical one, as each one represents many man-hours of work and fund-raising.

Kauai, here we come! Please give generously to the temple project! Click here to give a donation today.

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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