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Gurudeva in the Kadavul Temple blessing the monks as they come forward after a homa. In this very location in the temple, which is the east corner, we are going to build a shrine to Gurudeva where everyone can offer their worship and connect with him. There will be a backlit photo, a golden murthi and the tiruvadi or sacred sandals.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Bodhinatha calls for the daily news during our group lunch. We all heard wonderful things today from the Ekadanta Kulam. Especially inspiring is the energy that island people are putting into the vision that Gurudeva seeded, which is the Kauai Aloha Endowment. One lady even came forward to offer to do the mailing work. We only had to provide the materials and labels and she took them home and did the mailing all on her own… Now that is support.

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The Viswanathan family: Venkatesan, holding Kamya, and Sandhya, holding Manasa, from San Jose, California. They are very excited about their first pilgrimage here, as they visit TAKA everyday and are studying Gurudeva’s teachings, as well as passing them on to their children.

Siva Yogaswami in the small shrine in our Guru temple. “Nothing is lost, nothing is gained. How can we talk of gain or loss? The Atma is one; it is all and everywhere. So how can there be loss and gain, coming and going, past and future?”

The Shum language of meditation, Gurudeva’s great gift to the monks, describes the intricacies of the inner mind. Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami has prepared various Shum chants which he has printed out on these murals that hang in our meditation room, we call the Guru temple. This one holds portraits that indicate the sahasrara chakra at the top of the head and the river of actinic energy that flows from the inner worlds down into the spine and finally, if you can concentrate well, can be released to flood the heart and expand consciousness into Satchidananda… all pervasive peace. This was one of Gurudeva’s favorite meditations which he expected all the monks to master.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

Here are our wonderful silpis… we asked them to pose in the morning sunlight as it floods through the tent over the temple.

Today we have a small “lesson” on the actual work they do on a daily basis. Here you see the first stone that is immediately adjacent the doorway facing front on the 10th course of the sanctum. Then, the corner stone which stretches back down the side. The open space between the stones is the joint and the task of putting up the temple stones is also referred to as “joining.”

In order for the stone on the left to fit precisely above the stone underneath, the silpis will need to carve down the adjacent surface of both of them. This is a lot of work. The massive stones must be moved temporarily in place to determine the fit and then moved away again for the carving.

Here you can see where Stapathi has made his mark for the amount of granite to be removed. Some will be taken from both sides.

We wanted to give you a good idea of the temple progress in terms of height. From the surface of the foundation to the very top of the course now being placed is 11 feet. As you can see, Sthapati is standing by the structure and the work area is nearly twice his height. Please give generously today to push the project through. This time of year is always a challenge for fund raising because it is just after “tax month”, and donations tend to be fewer. In order to keep the silpis employed on Kauai, along with covering the costs of the on-going work in Bangalore a minimum of $35,000.00 a month is required. This does not include cost of shipping the containers from India to Kauai. Right now we are behind in this month’s goal so, please give generously. Thank you!

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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