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Yogaswami sang and Gurudeva taught us the very same:

The two gates of breath I closed and lo
The words of the Guru became my guide,
To cleave the bonds of birth asunder,
And in joy I beheld the gateway divine.
With bated breath, I held fast to God in thought.
In the storied house I saw the void serene.
The excellence of eternal glory was mine.
‘Tis the secret of the conquest of Kaalan (Death).
From the fire in the Muladhara at the base,
The ghee from the crown did melt–at last!
Subdued is the primacy of the invincible ego,
And fully did I apprehend the ethics of Being.
Golden is his mien, flowing are his locks,
There is no one else like him in meekness.
Oh wielder of woes! That grief may not assail,
Come Thou as Love benign and nurture me.

–Natchintanai. 236.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

We had very powerful Vaikasi Vishakam homa and Muruga puja today.

PHASE END NOTICE: Today is the last day of or short four-day phase and we will be heading into a three-day full moon retreat with the first day (tomorrow) being Iraivan day when all the monks will work on the Iraivan temple fund raising and promotion. This TAKA will remain up until Tuesday evening. Have some wonderful meditations in the light of the Vaikasi Vishakam moon, that special period of powerful inner initiations from time immemorial.

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The Alahan family were present for special blessings.

As Kulapati Deva Seyon made the announcement of the event, saying: “This is an extra special day, not only is it Vaikasi Visakam, but it is a day when one of our youth, Priya Alahan is coming forward to take her bramacharya vrata, and it is remarkable that today is also Priya’s birthday this year.”

Priya repeated her vow three times before the assembly of devotees and then receives her brahmachariya cord from Bodhinatha which she will later tie around her waist:

“I, Priya Alahan, seek the blessings of God, Gods and guru as I declare of my own volition my firm intention to live a pure and virtuous life and now take this brahmachariya vrata.

I vow to value and protect purity in thought, word and deed, and chastity in body, to sublimate and transmute the sexual energies and the instinctive impulses of anger, jealousy, greed, hatred and selfishness.

I promise to remain chaste and pure until marriage and wear this sacred brahmachariya cord around my waist to betoken this solemn oath. At such time that I marry, I promise to marry a Saivite Hindu virgin by arrangement of both families and with the blessings of my guru.”

Bodhinatha blesses the young lady with a flower shower always a joyful experience…. with Gurudeva watching from within.

The homa concludes with a powerful Purnahuti offering.

Next we went over to the Muruga shrine for a scintillating Muruga puja. Certainly there is no more awesome and uplifting site than the milk and yogurt bath of the Deity.

Our silpis are on hand for the worship. Karuppiah, on the right (third back) is a devout Muruga bhakta and when he is in India, every year he makes a 200-mile pilgrimage, on foot, to Lord Muruga’s holy hill temple at Palani Hills.

After the bathing Muruga is beautifully decorated.

Fresh fragrant puakenikeni flowers adorn his right hand which is held in the abhaya mudra, which signifies “Fear Not!”

Today was the last day of a short four-day phase bringing the usual wonderful group of souls for tour day. Two of the ladies follow the teachings of Vijay Pratap who teaches hatha yoga and meditation in the USA. His headquarters is in Kendra Dam in India, which was established there by his Guru. Before coming to Kauai to visit her brother, she saw a video of the installation of the Deities of Kadavul Hindu temple that Vijay had shown his students… this inspired her visit today.

More visitors. “Drop ins” often come in shorts so we give them a white sarong to meet our dress code.

Sannyasin Narajnathaswami, our art director, takes a breather after two months of very intense work on the color art that is going into the book “Merging with Siva.” The digital files will leave for Malaysia in a week or so. Now he is looking forward to the next stage of production for the color work for Dancing with Siva. It is a long process, but by 2004 we hope to have all three books of the Trilogy in color.

Paramacharya Ceyonswami takes a moment to view Mount Waialeale in the distance… always a breath taking vision on a sunny day when all the clouds have dispersed. The mountain is clear an Kauai’s saturated colors sparkle in the sunlight.

The Remarkable Vision
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Iraivan Wonders

d Kauai’s colors sparkle with a remarkable richness. We are so blessed.

We bring you today more images from Bangalore of the amazing Tara pillar work. Here is a close up of the column.

Now, observe carefully the rough cut stone for the top of the pillar… and imagine how long it will take to get this piece to look like the following picture.

This is what the above stone will look like after perhaps a year or more of work on this one piece alone.

This is the base of the pillar. What don’t you sponsor a part of the Iraivan temple today!

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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