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We share with you today a rather long message from T. S. Sambamurthy Sivachariar, head of the Adi Saiva priesthood of Sivachariyas and Hindu of the Year, 2001, sent as a tribute to Gurudeva:

“Mere words cannot explain my association with his holiness Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.
“Adisaiva” or the first Saiva were created by the Supreme Lord Siva – who is the “Anadi Saiva” (who does not have a beginning) to serve him and the subjects who were created by him.

‘Saiva Agamas’ are those which were blessed by Lord Siva through Mother Parvathi to the Adisaivas to practice and preach to the souls to reach oneness with Lord Siva – the Supreme aim of any Sadhaka. ‘Saiva Agamas’ explains about the three entities “Pati” – Lord Siva, “Pasu” – The Souls and “Pasa” – the bondage and it also explains the four steps to be followed by the “Pasu” to remove the “Pasa” and reach the “Pathi” – namely “Charya Pada” – teaches the method of worship, “Kriya Pada” – teaches about the rituals, “Yoga Pada” – teaches about the concentration of mind and “Gnana Pada” – leads to the knowledge of God.

To be born as a human being – “The Sivapuranam” explains that we have to take number of births and only after then we are blessed with this human form. As it also mentions “Avan Arulale Avan Taal Vanangi … ” By his grace we pray to Him and it is through the grace of Lord Siva that His Holiness Gurudeva was initiated in the Saiva Siddhantha Order by the great Yogi, Jeevan Muktha Swami Yogaswami and preached this Guru’s message that
“Siva is Love” to the entire world through his Saiva Siddhantha Church. Due to his deep knowledge about the Saiva Siddhantha by his Guru’s blessings and by his mastery in all the four padas as mentioned earlier, his services reached great heights and all the corners of the world. Like that of our great Nayanmars, Nalvars and Samayacharyas, he simplified the Siddhantha so that any person without proper knowledge about the religion could understand the great truths. It is for this great thought that he had written many books on Hindu religion. His command on Agamas was brought out in his books “Loving Ganesa”, “Dancing with Siva”. His deep knowledge about other religions and about the social changes that were taking place around the world was brought out in his book “How to Become a Hindu”.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami returns to his office after our Sun Three, Hinduism Today Publisher’s desk meeting. He always has wonderful insights for future issues of Hinduism Today. He asked us to pursue a story about the Gurukulam in Pilliyarpati in the heart of Tamil Nadu, where Sivachariyas are training priests, but, what makes it unique is they are also training priests from overseas. In times past this would have been taboo, as caste restrictions prevented initiations of those outside of India’s borders… but times are changing. You will read about it in a future issue of Hinduism Today.


Now we continue with Sambamurthi Sivachariar’s tribute to Gurudeva:

“The qualities which had made me associate with him were his deep dedication to religion and his total surrender to Lord Siva. His love for others was unbiased. His character was immaculate.

It was due to my forefather’s good deeds and my Mother Sri Kalikambal’s blessings that I had an opportunity to perform the “Pancha Sila Nyasa” pooja at Kauai on 05-April-1995 for the construction of the Iraivan Koil, along with Sri Bairavasundara Bhattar from Boston and the Great Master Architect Sri Ganapathy Sthapathy. It was a memorable day in my life.

It was my long time desire to visit Mount Kailash. My desire was fulfilled after I visited Sri Gurudeva’s Ashram at Hawaii.

So many rudraksha trees were grown by the Sathsang. At the time of the “Nyasa”, the best of the “Nyasa”, the best of the Navarathnas were sown beneath [gems placed in the earth as a ground breaking ceremony, in a pit that lies in the southeast corner under the foundation of the Iraivan Temple] and the whole atmosphere was filled up with Panchakshara.” Of all my experiences around the world for all these years by my Mother’s grace, the experience I had at this point is still fresh in my mind.

[continued below]

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On pilgrimage is Lalitha Krishnasami from North Carolina, with her sons, Srinivas and his wife from New Jersey, and Raj living in New York.


More from Sambamurthi Sivachariar:

“Just as the great Saint Poosalar Nayanar performed the consecration ceremony for the Siva’s temple which was constructed by mind in his “Hridaya Kamala” [temple within himself in the lotus of his heart] for which Lord Siva came with his ‘Parivaras’. So was Gurudeva’s dream of ‘Iraivan Temple’ with the Iraivan Siva in the form of Granite Crystal is near completion at Kauai. The Great Architect Sri Vaidyanatha Sthapathi’s son Padmasri Dr. Ganapathy Sthapathy is giving a shape to Sri Gurudeva’s dream along with his sthapathis, as according to the ancient tradition in a separate village in Bangalore, India, which was specially made for this purpose. The temple is constructed by the silpis without using any modern instruments. Such how Gurudeva valued our tradition and tried to follow up even the subtlest ritual.”

[continued below:]

Here we have a top view of the Maha Spatika Lingam that resides in Kadavul temple awaiting the day when it will be installed as the Siva Lingam of the Iraivan Temple. This view shows the perfect six-sides. The Lingam measures about 18 inches or more across and is over three feet tall.


More from Sambamurthi Sivachariar:

“His support to the Adisaiva priesthood was great. It was at the time when one of the oldest civilizations was diminishing due to social and political changes, Gurudeva asked his publishing desk to write a detailed article to picture the present situation of the Adisaivas and what could be done to keep alive this tradition. This has to be mentioned because at this point of time many organisations, other Mathas (monasteries) and even government were discouraging us.

He had always raised his voice on behalf of us around the world at difficult times.

When my health was detoriated and reached a very critical situation in the year 1999, Gurudeva conducted the Mruthyunjaya Japa at his Ashram and was enquiring about my health every day through Sadhaka Thondunatha. In which birth can I reciprocate the love which he had shown me and to my tradition.

[continued below:]

A front view of the crystal which is daily decorated with flowers. It was a special day to day at Kadavul as it was Ardra Nakshatra and Lord Nataraja was bathed in milk and yogurt…always a very powerful ceremony, which is held each month.


More from Sambamurthi Sivachariar:

“When the country United States of America met with the great disaster on September 11th, Gurudeva who was in bed, asked his Sathsang to conduct “Santhi Yaga” at all the temples here in Tamil Nadu and around the world for the peace of souls who died due to terrorist activities and also for the protection of the country from the future disasters.

It was Sri Swamiji who had recommended my name for the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations in the year August 2000. He had also selected me for the Hindu Renaissance Award for the year 2001, just before he attained oneness with Lord Siva. I accept this award not for a single entity – me alone, but I consider it as a recognition to all the adisaivas for their selfless service for all these decades to the Hindu Religion. Many of the adisaivas have died due to poverty in the past. And still it is getting worse. But I am sure this would change by Lord Siva’s grace and the measures that were taken by Sri Gurudeva.”

[continued below]

Here we have a good view of the Guru peedam building which is on the left and the Kadavul Siva Temple in the distance with the red and white stripes on the wall: a traditional pattern placed on Hindu temples. Daily our monks will go for worship in the temple at 5:30 AM and then at 6 am come for meditation and chanting in the Guru Peedam until 7:15. This morning sadhana period was Gurudeva’s “ironclad” rule for spiritual life. While he was flexible in many areas, doing one’s daily sadhana was a non-negotiable point of lifestyle. In addition to this daily period other monks will meditate private in the evening and those who have temple vigils will do a three hour period of worship, study and meditation in Kadavul, where someone is on vigil 24 hours a day and has been for 30 years.


More from Sambamurthi Sivachariar:

“Sri Gurudeva has left the mortal body, but he is still with us in subtle form to guide his sathsang to complete the great work that he had started for the peace and happiness of the world community.

I am sure his successor Sri Bodhinatha Velanswami and the Sathsang [all the monks and members of Saiva Siddhanta Church worldwide] would continue the work of uniting the Hindu community around the world through their dedicated work and through their publications. On behalf of all the adisaivas I pray for the Sathsang. As the Agama mentions “Tandavam Kuruthe Yasmath Jagath Rakshana Hethave” – “He who dances for the preservation of the world” about Lord Nataraja. It was he who was dancing on His Holiness Satguru Sivaya Subramuniya Swamy to achieve great works that other men cannot even dream of.

My sincere prayers to my Mother Sri Kalikambal to bless the Sathsang with success in all their activities.

Ambal Ashirwadam!

In the service of Lord Siva,


Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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