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Gurudeva’s insight into the future was always powerful. He would often sit quietly pondering the many pathways of karma and where they would lead and on retreat take time out with his monks to vision the future. As early as 1972 he had a large computer here on Kauai to manage both finances and astrological data. Later when the first Apple personal computer was released his decision to get them for all the monks was a major directional shift. In the early days he would use MCI mail to send messages to members and missions around the world and Hinduism Today was posted to the Compuserve bulletin boards in the days before the World Wide Web exploded. When the local Kauai bulletin board expanded to Honolulu and stepped up to become Hawaii’s first Internet Service Provider — Hawaii Online– with web hosting services, we were on board from the beginning. Now we have about 200,000 visitors (unique IP’s) per month coming to our seven web sites and 300 new people every month signing our guestbook… here is what they have to say about this wonderful mode of communication:

“Aum Namah Sivaya You Have A Wonderful Website. It’s Always Inspirational To Come And Enjoy A Moment With All Of You At The Ashram Every Morning. Keep Up The Great Work. Aum Namah Sivaya.” USA

“Namaste! The Website Is Beautiful Informative And Warming. The Daily Upadesha Is Enlightening And The Darshans Of All At Kauai Is Very Blissfull. Thank You For Maintaining And Updating The Site. Thank You For Your Guidance. God Bless You! I Love You And You Love Me! AUM NAMAH SIVAYA!” UK

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Bodhinatha returned home after his five day mission to Concord California. Here he is greeted at the temple door with the traditional foot washing.

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The monks paraded him up from the car to the temple. It was a short but successful mission.

Bodhinatha had been invited to be present on the occasion of the Tamil New Year festivities at the Shiva Murugan Temple in Concord.

The event at the Concord temple was not only to celebrate the New Year of Chitrabanu, but to honor Gurudeva on the occasion with an installation of a plaque in Gurudeva’s memory.

Bodhinatha also met with sishya and students every afternoon at his hotel.

It is a sign of the times that within 24 hours of Bodhinatha giving a talk our sevak, Sheela Venkatakrishnan transcribed it and e-mailed the transcript, so that today you can read what Bodhinatha said to the congregation yesterday in California. Thank you, Sheela for your initiative and responsiveness!

When the monks come home we always give them a special puja in the temple. Here Skandanathaswami takes the arati lamp after a short but successful trip.

We could feel Gurudeva’s presence very strongly in the temple when Bodhinatha arrived home.

Bodhinatha spoke briefly to the monks sharing the story of the mission saying they had successfully completed the trip and met their four goals which were primarily to be at the temple event, meet with the members and students, have some private darshan sessions and also to have some fun. Bodhinatha said: “This was my first time off island in two-and-a-half years.”

Now we will share with you over a few days a pictorial review of the time in California.

Concord MissionConcord Yatra April 2002

Bodhinatha and Skandanathswami arrived in California on April 11th and on the following day they were taken on an outing to Mount Diablo, the highest elevation in the Bay Area. At the top of the mountain there is an observatory with displays and presentations.

Here is the outing group. From atop Mount Diablo one can walk around and see in all directions. The site was sacred to the American Indians and before Global Positioning Satellites there was a tall pole at the top that surveyors in distant Bay area locations used to determine their relative locations.

It was good for Bodhinatha to have a chance to relax and enjoy nature and for the devotees to get to touch base with Gurudeva’s successor.

Bhavani Param offers her shoulder to her grand-daughter Sandya. Sandya’s mother, Deepa is from Chennai and her father, Jothi Param, was born in America and raised as a Hindu by Bhavani and Janaka Param in Gurudeva’s Saiva Siddhanta Church. This makes her a third generation American Hindu… a cross-cultural kind of lady! These are the hope of the future… a new race of people who can bring peace to the world seeing beyond the boundaries of nation or color.

Time for lunch! More tomorrow on the second day of the trip.

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transcription begins

Date: [No Audio available]>
Title: Bodhinatha Speaks On Lord Muruga at Concord Temple
Category: God and Lords of Dharma
Date Given: April 14, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

Part of the Welcome Address by The President Thiru. Sadaiappan:

A lot of devotees are visiting the Temple to worship the powerful Lord Muruga. We are happy to acknowledge and appreciate the great work rendered by the great Subramuniyaswami and his successor Veylanswami. I thank you once again, for Swamiji’s visit.

Satguru Bodhinatha:

Thank you, President. We would like to thank the Board of Trustees for inviting us to the Temple today. We are very appreciative of this opportunity to be here, when our Guru, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, is being honored for his participation in the Temple. Thank you again, for inviting us.

For those of you, who don’t know, we will give some history. The Murugan murthi here traveled. He used to live across the Bay, in San Francisco, in our temple there. I believe it was 25 years ago, He first became established in San Francisco Temple. So, this Deity has been worshipped now for some 25 years in the Bay Area. At first, He was just part of our monastery there in San Francisco. Then at the behest of several devout Hindu families in the Bay Area, we opened up the Temple, so that they can come and participate in the worship as well. So, that was the humble beginnings of what is now this wonderful Temple here in the Concord area.

Many of us were the priests in the Temple. In fact, I myself served as the priest at the San Francisco, I think approximately 1980-82, something like that. Many of us have enjoyed worshipping the Murugan murthi that is here in this Temple now. This is a very strong murthi and how do we know? Because, it brings visions. Many visions occurred when it was in our San Francisco Monastery. Gurudeva had visions of Lord Muruga. Even many of the monks who were living there had visions. This is such a wonderful, powerful murthi that we have with us.

You probably noticed when being introduced, Bodhinatha Veylanswami and Skandanathaswami. These are Swamis bearing the name of Lord Muruga. How unusual! Why is this? How many Swamis are there who bear the name of Lord Murugan proudly? Not that many. Well, it shows that the worship of Lord Muruga is very very important in our tradition. The type of Saivism that we practice focuses not only on Lord Siva, but worship of Lord Ganesha and particularly Lord Muruga, as well. We worship all three on a daily basis and we find that very, very potent in our particular practice of South Indian – Sri Lankan Saivism.

Many of us have had the opportunity to visit wonderful temples of Lord Murugan in South India, the Arupadai Veedu. Wonderful, traditional homes. Before the civil strife in Sri Lanka broke out, we had the opportunity to worship there at the Nallur Temple in Jaffna. A very strong Murugan Temple, which is central to our particular Guru Parampara. Also, in the south at Katirgamam. We have visited there and worshipped as well. So, all these traditional abodes of Lord Muruga in South India and Sri Lanka are very important to us. We had that in mind, in our worship of Lord Muruga when we first started out in our San Francisco Temple, many many years ago.

In our tradition, we particularly value the worship of Lord Muruga, in regards to meditation. We look at Muruga as the Deity which governs meditation. To be successful in meditation, we believe that you need blessings, the abundant blessings of Lord Muruga. That is what Gurudeva taught us. Consequently, particularly when we were younger monks and we were practicing our yoga very intensely, we focussed a lot on Lord Murugan. If we were lucky, we would get sent off to India to the traditional Arupadai Veedu. We love to worship Muruga in that way.

To say a few words about Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, since it is he that is actually being honored today for his participation in the Temple. To those who are not familiar with him, he is affectionately known as Gurudeva. He was instrumental in starting so many temples in the United States. In this area, the Livermore Temple for example. Before it began, he gifted the Ganesha murthi to Muthuraman Iyer. That began the Livermore Temple. Gurudeva’s approach to building a temple was, “You build a temple through worship.” So, often groups came and registered in building temples, discussing this and discussing that and Gurudeva said, “No, no. You need to start worshipping. Even if it someone’s garage, start worshipping.” So, he would give them a Ganesha murthi. Quite a big Ganesha murthi, usually, that tall and say, “Now, you go and worship this.”

So, worship of Ganesha murthis, in so many temples around the US, including large temples like the Chicago Temple all started because Gurudeva gave them a Ganesha murthi and gave them the authority to start worship. Temples are coming up. In fact, even recently, small groups in Utah and Arizona, who are worshipping a newly gifted Ganesha. In Alaska, Gurudeva has a temple group there, by gifting a Ganesha, to empower them to build temples in the local areas. It is so important to have the temple, near where you live. Temples at a distance are good, but it is nice to have one near as well. Hindus being spread out in the United States, it is important that we have temples nearby all the major cities. He was instrumental in starting a number of temples in North America. Even in Europe, he started a number of temples.

We are happy to see that this Temple is prospering, and continuing to grow in the number of devotees. It makes us very proud the trustees have carried on this tradition. Again , we are very, very pleased to be here. Thank you very much.

Aum Namah Sivaya!

The plaque reads:

Om Namah Sivaya

In memory of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, 1927 – 2001.

This plaque is installed in the memory of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Founder of the Saiva Siddhanta Church and Himalayan Academy. Swami also founded the Palaniswami Temple and transferred the operations to the current organization. The Temple Steering Committee and Board of Directors appreciate Swami’s spiritual guidance and his influence on Hinduism and Saivism all over the world.

Board of Directors
Shiva Murugan Temple
Concord, CA
transcription ends

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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