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Here is Gurudeva upon his return from the European Innersearch last August. The tradition is to wash the feet of the Holy man upon his arrival.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Click here to read
Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Bodhinatha is here signing some vows of those Sadhaka who have renewed their vows for another two years. Meanwhile we have news from California where Bodhinatha was greeted in grand style at the Palaniswami-Sivan temple in Concord, California. The original Palaniswami Temple was founded by Gurudeva years ago. Over 600 people turned out for the 4-hour event. Skandanathaswami reported that there were a lot of young people in their early twenties running here and there taking care of things. He said in a phone report: “We can see the future in these young people and it is very encouraging.”

We hope to have some photos from the mission team when they return to Kauai tomorrow.

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Pankaj and Janaki Jain
Honeymooning on Kauai, they just got married last Sunday. Pankaj grew up in the
US. Janaki was born in Chennai, grew up in Oman and the USA. They are our
newest subscribers to Hinduism Today magazine.

Our dynamic hosting team: Yogi Mahadevan, Sadhaka Haranandinatha and Sadhaka Thondunatha speak to the guests.

Isani and Priya Alahan (left) show some of our wonderful guests the beautiful river
view. The ladies in white are Patty Cashman and Becky Nadesan of Seattle.
Then there’s Shelley Cummins (right), one of our island friends, with her parents
David and Louise Cummins of Texas.

Ramesh and Rani Thirugnanam with their two girls Vaishnavi and Vidya. They are members of the software industry in Bangalore and were posted for two years to the US and are now returning to India. They wanted to take a vacation and friends in the US told them “Hawaii is the place to go!” When they arrived they first thought “Oh, this is just like India…” But then, one of the agricultural inspectors at the airport realized they were from India and told them: “You know there is a Hindu temple here. You should go for a visit.”

Two of our publications team, on the left is our managing editor Arumugaswami. He is largely responsible for coordinating all the content you see in Hinduism Today work with a team of correspondents and people who help all around the world. Sivakatirswami on the right takes care of our websites with the help of many sevaks and posts these daily TAKA reports with the help of Sadhaka Jivanandanatha who does the photo work.

Sadhaka Thondunatha at his desk. He is a tireless worker as his name implies. Working day and early mornings on the fund raising for the Iraivan Temple, hosting guests and communicating with our family of temple builders around the world.

Sadhaka Tyaganatha our temple homa priest at his computer. Tyaganatha can be seen each week performing the homa and he also does the house blessings when called upon here on Kauai. He also manages our sewing room and has great skills in that area, being able to make an entire kurtha outfit, shirts, pants, hat and all from raw materials.

We have had some of those amazing crystal clear Kauai days recently. Mount Waialeale shines brightly in the morning sun that rolls slowly upward, dispelling the darkness below.

This 80-foot tall Orange Tulip tree is covered with bright blossoms giving us a tall, majestic orange color show

This photo arrived yesterday from Spain. We are often surprised at the far reach of Gurudeva’s work, where his teachings have touched the lives of 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s we don’t even know about. This is the message that accompanied the photo:


“The Agni-Yoga Meditation Group “Darjeeling-Roerich” celebrated the last 28 March, in the full moon, the Puja-Agni Hotra, in memory of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, in the mountains of Bedia in the Basque Country (Spain).

“Leonardo Olazabal (Instructor of Raja-Agni-Yoga) has followed � from the creation of Hinduism Today- the work and the mission of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. And with the step to Maha Samadhi of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami we want to desire that continues the philanthropic mission with harmony and beauty in Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. From the Devachan [inner worlds] may Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami bless all.”

Leonardo Olazabal


Namaskara, Namaste and Alooooha! Leonardo… if you are looking into today. Thank you for the photo and many blessing to you and all the devotees there in Spain from all of us here at Kauai Aadheenam!

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
Sponsor a stone
Iraivan Wonders

Work is proceeding well at our temple site. Note that our carvers are wearing protective eye-wear. This was a special innovation on Gurudeva’s part, whereas previously carvers worked without glasses and the result was regular eye injuries from flying stone chips. You see here the work on the forward part of the sanctum on the left side of the door frame. The very special carving on the inside of the door frames is protected with a wooden shield. This is course number 9 in progress.

This stone required a major “revision” along one edge.

Please give generously. You can sponsor an entire course of stone in the central sanctum for US$7,500.00. Please go to our donation site for more information on how you can participate.

Study Gurudeva’s teachings.
Visit the Master Course site!

transcription begins

Date: April_02_2002
Title: Malaysia Youth Seminar
Category: Hinduism and Tradition
Duration: 5 min., 40 seconds
Date Given: March 18, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

Our first, one-day, Youth Master Course seminar was just completed in Klang yesterday. It was the inspiration of two young men, Sivaneswaran and Arvindraj, who were here on Task Force, who we all know. They thought about it when they were here and worked with a number of the monks on preparing material, took it back and did it. A lot of the younger members there helped and really enjoyed it. They reached out to some new people who afterwards signed up to study the ‘Master Course’. So it worked. Introduction to the ‘Master Course’ actually produced ‘Master Course’ students.

Part of the seminar was, they were supposed to call me. I had a little talk and we ran into technical difficulties. A couple of hours after they were supposed to talk, they still hadn’t called. I had to do something else, so I wrote down the talk and Shanmuganathaswami gave it. It is just a very simple, five-minute or so inspirational message.

First part was ‘Valuable’. Why is the study of Hinduism valuable? In terms of how a young person would look at it, what is the importance of studying Hinduism? The idea is, knowing about Hinduism allows us to contact Lord Siva, Lord Muruga, Lord Ganesha, receive their blessings in a powerful way and have them influence and uplift our life. Knowledge of Hinduism also teaches us to contact our inner self, the peaceful, intuitive, spiritual soul nature and have that influence our life as well. So, we are receiving blessings and inspiration in two directions, from inside and from the outside. We are surrounded by it, so to speak, when it works right.

What does all this do? Well, it gives us a happier life, more peaceful life, more balanced life, a more successful life, a more refined life than we would otherwise have. This is valuable. Hinduism is valuable in that way. It gives us all these improvements in our life.

Second message was ‘Practical’. Understanding Hindu principles, karma, dharma and reincarnation isn’t enough. We have to also learn how to apply them to our lives so that we bring these teachings into our daily life in an effective way. That is of course, a lot of the emphasis of the ‘Master Course’ trilogy. One of Gurudeva’s siddhis, shall we say, is to bring it all down to earth. Make the most abstract principle, something practical, something we can do in our daily life.

Then, we ended with a little story on karma and how karma, often thought of as unchangeable, can actually be changed. Our famous, September 11th story. One of the planes crashed into the Pentagon and the original count of the number of the people dead was one high because one person was double-counted. The plane hit his office in the Pentagon, as well as he was on the plane. So they counted him twice. It shows that somehow he was not able to break out of that karma. Even though he wasn’t in his office, he was in the plane. Amazing!

The second story is, of course, the Patel family that came here. It was a large group and one in the group was a family, the husband of which works in the World Trade Center. Other members of his family, finally talked him into coming on a pilgrimage to Siva’s Feet. So he decided to come and of course, the plane ploughed into the World Trade Center right where his office was, where he normally is everyday at nine o’clock. So because of his decision to be open to the Grace of Lord Siva and come on pilgrimage, he wasn’t where he is always. It showed that religious inspiration and religious influence can change the timing of events in our life and change our karma in that way.

Those were the three little ideas to give some inspiration to that seminar. We are very happy that it took place. They are starting small, I believe. They only had twenty. They have restricted it to a group of twenty, until they have more experience. Then, they plan to expand it and of course, repeat it often. So, that will be on Satellite News whenever we get a full write-up, with pictures probably coming in.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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