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It is an old message… “God Siva is Love.” Yogaswami said:

“Everything originates in me; everything finds permancy in me; in me everything revolves in dissolution.”–So must we become suffused with such pure thoughts. Further, we must frequently meditate as follows: “Nothing do I lack; everyone loves me and I too love all.”–Meditating thus, one should endeavour to live up to this ideal. If one can practice spiritual sadhana in this way, the capacity to know everything and the power to do anything will develop spontaneously.”

Gurudeva carried on this teaching with his now world renowned Magic Six Word Mantra, which he would pass on with wry delight as “esoteric knowledge” to audiences. He would announce to all that he was going to impart this secret knowledge at the end of his lecture and everyone would be on their toes in anticipation. Then he would silently voice the words “I (pointing to his heart) love (while drawing a heart in the air) you (while pointing to the audience) and you (pointing to the audience) love (while drawing a heart in the air) me (pointing to his own heart.” “I love you, you love me.” This teaching was so effective that a year later Gurudeva revisited a place in Asia and a small child came up to him, beaming with a smile and pointed to himself, saying, “I love you, you love me,” while making the hand motions. The child remembered this from the year before.

Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

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Gurudeva’s statement on September 11th

Bodhinatha too has been making loving attitudes a theme of his recent writings and discourses, giving wonderful practical advice on how to implement these attitudes in our lives and families.

Title: Mahasivaratri Talk Part 3 Realizing the Self

Category: The Ultimate Goals of Life

Duration: 10 minutes, 6 seconds

Date Given: March 11, 2002

Date Posted: March_20_2002

Given by: Bodhinatha

Cybertalk: In Part 3 of his Mahasivaratri talk for 2002, Bodhinatha quotes
from Living with Siva on “the mission of the mission.” A dynamic band of
devas in the inner worlds guides and assists our monastic order, and it has
been building up and guiding our lineage from its very beginning over 2,000
years ago. Bodhinatha goes on to talk about the importance of realizing the
Self as a daily practice for the monks, about the Saiva Swami Sangam, its
mission and way of working together, its vows, ideals, service and sadhana.
He also welcomes two new yogis. Bodhinatha ends by saying that now is the
time to realize the Self. Don’t put it off!

Cybertalk Ends”
For more information about listening to Gurudeva’s talks online and to hear them in other formats, click here.

And click here for an Index to All Past CyberTalks.

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Bodhinatha will be happy to hold “Prasnottara Satsang” — “Questions and Answers” over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

If you are experiencing any problems listening to the audio, please to go our Audio FAQ page for sound geeks and follow the directions there.

Bodhinatha met with two wonderful couples today: on the left is T. Vasudeva Rao and his wife Erika from Toronto, Canada. On the right are their friends, Dr. Chenguttai K. Dheenan, from Ashland, Ohio, with his wife, Varalakshmi, also a doctor.

This is Sannyasin Natarajnathaswami who is the Art Director on the publications team of the Ganapati Kulam. He is responsible for the patterns you see in all the books and he also coordinates the art work of A. Manivel in Chennai and I Wayan in Bali, Indonesia. Over the years the process of working with remote commissioned artists has evolved from a difficult lengthy process of sending letters and getting back art months later, to a “rapid turn around” that goes like this: An art concept will be worked out at Kauai aadheenam under the direction of the editors… Natarajnathaswami will then sketch out a basic drawing, scan this and send it by email to Chennai. A. Manivel will use the sketch as a guide, prepare a new sketch, scan it and email it back for final approval, If necessary another sketch will be emailed back to Chennai. Once a consensus is reached, Manivel will paint the final piece and scan this and send it back to us… A week or so later the original art will be shipped and arrive here for the final hi-resolution scan needed for print production.

Natarajnathaswami is also responsible for the wonderful “Mystic Mouse” illustrated lessons drawn from Merging with Siva that he prepared in meetings with Gurudeva, which are now being printed in Trinidad. He is also our resident expert in Shum chanting.

At the entrance of the monastery is the large banyan tree that Gurudeva loved so much and carefully protected. The banyan tree has an interesting mode of spreading: it drops down tendrils from branches on high, these form new mini “trunks” which develop to support the limbs above, in an ever expanding canopy. Gurudeva would personally see to it that every new root tendril that dropped down from branches on high would be given an opportunity to take root. The result is an amazing labyrinth with a path we made leading to a meditation site deep “inside” the tree. Visitors are always “awed” by this place, which radiates a great peace and sanctity.

We had a special outing today to the west side of Kauai to visit a farm which grows plants for seed. Our goal was to pick up little tidbits of information from experts that might help us with similar operations on our “Himalayan Acres” land across the Wailua river from the temple. They were harvesting soybeans and we were fortunate to get a “up close and personal” look at the process. Sannyasin Arumugaswami watches as plants are being “manually” threshed here and the seed carefully packaged to be returned to “breeding” nurseries on the mainland. Hawaii provides a venue for agricultural operations that can continue while the mainland goes through its winter.

One key piece of information which sounds obvious after you think about it: to harvest pod plants (i.e. all legumes, dals, soybeans etc.) they must be 100 dry! The thresher here only delivered seed from any dry pod and any pods that were still green were being “tossed” out with the chaff — an inevitable loss in Hawaii’s high moisture climate, where, even on the west, “dry side” of the island, moisture levels can be very high compared to Southern States on the mainland.

Today was tour day and we had a very large crowd. Eveyrone poses before stones for the higher courses of the sanctum that lie waiting on the ground.

The Remarkable Vision
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Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

Visitors love to watch the temple carving in progress.

The tour group walks around the central sanctum. Note that the silpis keep a small altar of Gurudeva right at the work site, wanting always to have Gurudeva’s darshan to oversee this sacred project…. Please give generously. Click here to learn e how you can participate.

As the temple rises,the lower courses “disappear” in the sand retaining walls and the sand that fills the inner chamber. Here you see the two sides of the main doorway to the inner sanctum. These are in black granite and intricately carved. They have been covered for protection from possible damage from the construction process… which is also on of the main reason for surrounding the sanctum in sand as it goes up.

Study Gurudeva’s teachings.
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transcription begins

Date: March_16_2002
Title: Communicating with a Departed Guru
Category: The Guru
Duration: 3 min., 32 seconds
Date Given: February 25, 2002
Given by: Bodhinatha

It is very interesting, the ‘Lesson of the Day’. You think you know what is in the Master Course Trilogy, then you find something you didn’t remember was there or you find something and it looks totally different! That is what happened to me this morning. Messages to loved ones. This is burning prayers, kind of messages.

“You may be wondering if you can send written prayers in tyief to loved ones who have passed on to the inner world. The answer is, “Yes, you can.” Your guardian devas will hand the prayer to the loved ones, relatives or close friends. They can be communicated with through such prayers.

Souls who have attained mukti, freedom from rebirth but who are not yet ready to enter into higher planes where they will no longer be involved with or communicate with those in earth consciousness because they have not yet finished helping their devotees to attain their highest potential in this lifetime, will also receive friendly messages from their loved ones on earth. Many chelas communicate with their departed Gurus in this way.”

I didn’t remember that was there. Many chelas communicate with their departed Gurus in this way, amazing. It took on new meaning for me this morning.

It is very interesting in a number of ways. One is, it explains how it looks from the Guru’s point of view. “Because they have not yet finished helping their devotees to attain their highest potential in this lifetime.” So it shows the obligation there. It is like a parent to a child. The child is eighteen years old or something and the parent is looking at it that he is training the child until age twenty one. So he hasn’t finished, there is a certain obligation there to finish. Whether you are in physical form or not, you maintain that obligation as a Guru to your devotees to finish what you started, to help them spiritually unfold.

The next point that stood out is, “highest potential in this lifetime”. That is a very interesting phrase, the highest potential in this lifetime. It shows how the Guru looks at you, what he is trying to do. He is trying to help you manifest your highest potential in this lifetime, in terms of spiritual unfoldment, of course. Not just do better or something but to manifest your highest spiritual potential. That is quite a statement. He is looking for maximum attainment, trying to help you do that. I thought that was useful too.
transcription ends

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Our next Innersearch Travel-Study program will be held right here on the island of Kauai in the summer of 2002. It’s the first such program on the Garden Island since 1974! From July 17 to July 22 we will enjoy daily classes with the swamis, join in the annual Guru Purnima festival, be inspired by local culture, explore the lush tropical island in exciting and non-touristy ways, and more. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with meditations, seminars and sacred ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Many have applied already, and there is a limit of 50 participants, so we recommend everyone apply as soon as possible. Interested? Please request an application from

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