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Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Gurudeva’s Statement on Sept. 11th

From the Holy Siva Temple of Chidambaram in South India:

Dr. Anandanataraja Deekshidar, Priest of Chidambaram

Condolences from the Dikshitars of Chidambaram

I heard the sudden demise of Sri Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami and I felt very sorry and I am worried very much. It is very great loss not only to us but to Hindu world. Hinduism was spread far and wide throughout world by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami only. The world has known the greatness of Siva only by the teaching and publication of Swami. He was very affectionate to me and my son. We are all regarding him as Siva.

I have performed special abhishegam, japam, pooja and naivedyam for swami. I arranged to light one thousands lamps in four gopuras of Chidambaram Nataraja Temple. It is believed that the light of the lamps in gopuras will lead him to peaceful salvation.

Your affectionately

Dr. Anandanataraja Deekshidar

We held over our weekly homa to this morning, Sun Two in order to have the presence of our beloved brother, Swami Pragyanand with us for the Vedic rites, of which he is one of the great propopents in India.

Title: Swami Pragyanand on Gurudeva

Category: The Guru

Duration: 11 minutes, 55 seconds

Date Given: January 16, 2002

Date Posted: January_16_2002

Given by: Swami Pragyanand

Cybertalk: Swami Pragyanada speaks on Gurudeva: Gurudeva is within us.
Gurudeva also can be seen in Bodhinatha who speaks his master’s wisdom. It
is important to open our spiritual eye so we can see Gurudeva within us.
Gurudeva’s every word is a mantra for us. His image is the best thing to
meditate on.

Cybertalk Ends”
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Bodhinatha will be happy to hold “Prasnottara Satsang” — “Questions and Answers” over the telephone with any Hindu religious societies, Hindu youth groups, Radio talk show hosts etc. All you need is a phone with a speaker and an enthusiastic audience. Arrangements may be made in advance by sending email to Sadhaka Mahadevan

If you are experiencing any problems listening to the audio, please to go our Audio FAQ page for sound geeks and follow the directions there.

Swami has held giant yagnas through the years, building hundreds and hundreds of homa fires, which are then officiated by the common devotees, during these grand programs, Swami endeavors to instill in the people the highest principles of Ahimsa, Purity, Love, Equality. He was once a Hindi professor and is an eloquent speaker.

Please visit Swami’s web site at and there you can read his discourses on vegetarianism and religion and politics. A strong spiritual leader in the heart of India’s administrative capital, New Delhi, Swami recently established unity among the 10,000 sadhus and sannyasis of the capital, forming the Sant Maha Mandal of New Delhi. The organization now offers views and speaks out on issues, advising the government. Gurudeva had always encourage the sadhus to get together and take on a stronger role in guiding society

Swami is working hard to help bring spiritual values back to government in India. He has been offered a seat in Parliament many times, but refuses and instead prefers to take an advisory position. “Politics without religion is like the body without a soul.”

Swami has known Gurudeva since he was a young man beginning his spiritual mission years ago. Through the years he always followed Gurudeva’s advice. He is often fond of saying that “Delhi is my first home, Kauai is my second home,” because he loved Gurudeva and his monks so much. We recorded his condolence message today, please enjoy the audio of our dear brother swami from India.

Swami joins the monks for lunch today. We are fortunate to have his satsang…

The Remarkable Vision
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Iraivan Wonders

In Gurudeva’s vision of Lord Siva on the San Marga land, which he had in 1975, one of Lord Siva’s “lilas” was of Him sitting on a rock at what is now the outdoor San Marga Lingam shrine site. At the North End of Iraivan temple, under the banyan tree, this vision will be physically manifest in the form of a large traditional “Dakshinamurthi” “South Facing Lord.” The statue will be over 12 feet high. It has special significance, as Dakshinamurthi is the “first teacher” who “breathed out the Vedas” in a silent teaching to the four Vedic Rishis. The Iraivan temple is unusual, as it faces South, devotees in the temple will be facing north, which is the best direction for profound meditation…. There is a mystical confluence here of Gurudeva’s vision, ancient tradition and the spiritual path of Raja Yoga in the context of Saiva Siddhanta in which worship of God and the highest spiritual realizations are not separated, one from another.”

We share with you below, the testimony of Sheela Venkatakrishnan who visited the carving site:


“We visited the sites at Mahabalipuram this morning. Dakshinamurthi is SSOO beautiful … I wonder how He will be when all ready and installed! The Tara pillar is just stunning … One is complete right now and work on the remaining are on simultaneously. What a blessing Swami, to be able to see the creation of the temple, chip by chip.

“It is the size of the murthi that strikes you first, when you see Dakshinamurthy. He is lying on left side now for the front side carving to be completed. A crane is expected in the afternoon to turn Him over for the back side carving to begin. My eyes are drawn to His face – so silent, so comforting, so gentle. The details are not yet done, except for the nose. The very shape is so eloquent. I look for the tree that He ‘usually’ sits under, it is not there! “Where is he sitting?”, I ask and look at His feet. Aaah .. where have I seen this shape of stone before? … and the Svayambhu Lingam at the Aadheenam comes to mind. There is a ‘field’ around this murthi, which makes you want to stay there forever. It is difficult to say, “Let’s go.” Easy to see the finished work installed and ‘Silently’ working on human stones!

Sheela’s observations continue below. This amazing piece of work has been generously sponored by one of Gurudeva’s devotees. and will arrive on Kauai later this year.


“Subramaniam Sthapati shows us the drawing of Thiru. Manivelu’s translation of Gurudeva’s vision. That explains many things!!! There are two silpis working on Dakshinamurthy, simultaneously. They use small chairs and little tables as the scaffolding. A couple of lengths of coconut thatch protects them from the sun and rain!! More people cannot work because of the shape and structure of the piece. The site is just at the shoulder of the highway, in front of Subramaniam’s factory shed. His main workshop is in the town itself. But, this work could not be done there because the crane would not have had access here. At the pillars site, we saw 5 people working on different parts of the pillars, which each come in 4 parts. One pillar is fully done. The key challenge was in finishing this first one. Now that they have a reference, the rest of the work can proceed faster.”

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Plans are in the works for a wonderful innersearch program located right here on the island of Kauai in the summer (July/August) of 2002. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with classes, meditations, seminars and wonderful ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Details are being worked on and we will be informing prospective participants in the new future of the exact dates. If you would like to be on the mailing list to be informed, please send your full contact information, name, address, phone and email to

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