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Our Beloved and Revered Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami
Attained Maha Samadhi on November 12th, 2001
Click to read for Details.

Gurudeva’s Statement on Sept. 11th

Retreat Days Tomorrow and Monday, so today’s TAKA will up until Tuesday the 15th. Have a wonderful retreat!


Gurudeva Tributes and Testimonies


From Wise Earth Monastery
Brahamacharini Maya Ma Tiwari

” Dearest Friends,

At this auspicious time of Rama’s Light, and Gurudeva’s travel to the highest ether, may I send my silence, love, light. I have felt the Great One presence in my life, guiding and encouraging me ….now, more than ever, I feel His Eminent Presence strongly and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that His Light will forever guide my silence. Here at Wise Earth monastery, the last leaf takes its leave from its mother tree, never to see her again, but to be reborn into another life, more vibrant with understanding. As I sit in my middle years in contemplation of Gurudeva’s splendour on this glorious day my heart aches. I shall miss Him. Like nature herself bringing tears to ancient eyes. Here, Blue Ridge mountains, Himalayas speak His simple, pure meaning. Sadhaka Supreme. In whom word and meaning, love and heart had no separation. The Great One has followed the stream to its source, and sitting there, watch for the moment.

Love & Blessings,
Maya Ma

We finally got a close up of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. Devotees in Mauritius, Malaysia and Singapore are looking forward to hosting him on his coming trip this year to Asia.

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In the temple today, Sun Five of this phase, Bodhinatha talks to the devotees. Nathan Sendan is here from the mainland with his wife and baby boy, the family having officially entered Saiva Siddhanta Church on Jayanti day.

It was a breathtaking few minutes at sunset here at the Aadheenam last night, as the sky turned a brilliant pink during a light show over the mountains. All the monks dropped their chores and ran to the front of the Aadheenam to witness the magnificent display. We are so blessed to live on this island of Kauai, thanks to Gurudeva and Yogaswami and Chellappaswami and all who preceeded them.

The Remarkable Vision
Join this historic undertaking. Please contribute generously. Sponsor a stone today!

Monthly Report
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Iraivan Wonders

On the left is Michael Borden, a student of Ganapati Sthapati who is on Kauai to begin work on a “vaastu inspired house”, visiting the Iraivan Temple site along with friends from San Diego and Utah. The silpis always enjoy meeting new people from around the world. Just think of it… not that many people on planet earth get to build a stone temple and not that many people get to see one being built. Such a rare event! Please donate generously and become a part of this great good karma.

We continue with our photo series from Bangalore called

The Turning Over of the Lion Pillar

Actually we are picturing two pillars here, one being moved and the other being carved. This one is ready to “fall over on his side.”

Aaaand, Down!

Final adjustments to the position.

Lever action to lift the end and get some blocking to bring the stone up off the floor….

Here is another pillar, marked by the Sthapati for the next bit of carving. Things are really “cooking” in India. We now have a 89 on our staff in Bangalore, 9 working in Maha Balipuram on the Tara pillars and the giant Dakshinamurthy statue and 7 on Kauai, for a total of 105 silpis!

San Diego Devotees Jayanthi

Jayanthi in San Diego
with Gurudeva’s Sishya and
Himalayan Academy Students

In 1993, Gurudeva visited San Diego and sat in this chair. Pada puja was performed as shown in the large photograph. This photograph is sitting in the very same chair where Gurudeva sat, in the same place, with the same tiruvadi, and the same cloth. No one has sat in the chair since 1993 when Gurudeva sat in it until January 6, 2002, when Gurudeva sat in it again represented by his photograph on the auspicious chitra nakshatra, at our mahasamadhi, jayanthi puja honoring him. Note the large picture of Ganesha on the wall behind Gurudeva to the right. That is still there too. Somehow as we sat before him, we could see that then and now were one – that as Gurudeva sat there in 1993, he was being with us now, seeing us here with him in 2002, and perhaps many future pada pujas, all at the same time. He knew, and somehow this knowing was communicated to us. The eternal now, he called it.

The living room at the Nadesan home, with Pundit Janahan on the left, and
his wife (as assistant) on the right. The tiruvadi are being bathed with
milk. Eighteen devotees from southern California were in
attendance. Pundit is the one who came to Kauai to perform the final rites
for Gurudeva when his ashes were interred, and he told some marvelous stories.

Toshadeva Guhan and his wife Carol came from Santa Catalina island, a few
hours north, to visit for a couple days, and to help with
preparations. Here Toshadeva offers milk abeshekam. All the shishya came
forward to participate. The Guhan family are arulshishyas striving
diligently and humbly to become members of Saiva Siddhanta church, and we
felt very blessed by their presence. They brought with them numerous
devas, who we hope remained behind, smile!

Pundit ji offers ghee. While he chanted the 108 names of Gurudeva, we
chanted Aum Namah Sivaya, Sivaya Namah Aum in the background per his
instructions. Pundit Janahan gave a marvelous explanation of the ancient
practice of composing the 108 names of a great Rishi. We recorded his
discourse on video tape.

The tiruvadi of our beloved Gurudeva. We are blessed in California to have
flowers all winter, and the devotees brought them in abundance to offer
Gurudeva. Pundit ji explained that tradition says a Sat Guru need only
touch or wear the tiruvadi once, and his psychic protection remains with
that home. He said further that the priests are required to be extremely
precise and strict in their performance of puja and recitation of Sanskrit,
but the devotees are enabled to perform atmartha puja because due to the
protection of their Guru, all mistakes are forgiven.

Punditji said we could use the tirtham (holy water) from the puja for additional abishekam, or drink it, or pour it on the plants in the garden on ground where no one would walk. Some of it went to the garden, and after a few days, we noticed a lone rose had bloomed. We normally do not have any roses in our garden until spring time.

Innersearch 2002 in Hawaii!

Plans are in the works for a wonderful innersearch program located right here on the island of Kauai in the summer (July/August) of 2002. Be prepared for a wonderful spiritual experience in paradise with classes, meditations, seminars and wonderful ceremonies at the Siva temple of Kauai’s Hindu Monastery. Details are being worked on and we will be informing prospective participants in the new future of the exact dates. If you would like to be on the mailing list to be informed, please send your full contact information, name, address, phone and email to

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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