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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

It’s Sun Four today and the Aadheenam is humming like a bee hive. No big news events on today’s horizon. It is the “lull” between travels and various publications that are in the pipeline.

Here are a few photos taken earlier by our Siddhidata Kulam.

Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam Sivachariyar with the silpis during his one month stay here.

The Aadheenam’s durian tree is fruiting for the second year. We have about 20 fruits as of yesterday.

It is the king of all fruits in South East Asia. Once you get use to its sweet fragrance 😉 it is almost impossible to stop eating the fruit.

Every year, the Spiritual Park of Mauritius conducts an elaborate puja for those students who are sitting for their end of year primary, secondary and university exams.

The aim of the ceremony is to seek the Divine Blessings of Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati and pray for success in those exams…

The stewards of the Park had thousands of special exercise-books printed for distribution to all students on that day. The exercise-books have been placed at the Feet of Lord Ganapati.

This special ceremony project has been coordinated by Kulapati SK Moorghen with the help of several sponsors.

Today the Ganesha Mandapam is filled up with only youth of all ages.

The boys are seated on the right whereas the girls are on the left of Lord Ganapati… A large homa pit for an elaborate Homa has been set up….

So many youth turned up that they had to even sit on the lava rock steps…

Everyone followed with attention the Sivacharya chanting the mantras.

In the meantime outside, devotees keep coming with offerings….

Sishyas Nanda and Parmeswaran are leading the bajans…

Other members are taking care of offerings brought by devotees down the Mandapam steps.

The atmosphere is filled with uplifting traditional vedic chanting…..

Everyone is inspired…

The homa is about to end… As usual hundreds of written prayers were sent into the sacred fire.

Pouring ghee the traditional way into the fire…

The peak moment…the final arati. Kulapati SK Moorghen ringing the hanging bells at the entrance…

Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo reading the monthly message of Satguru Bodhinatha.

A wonderful ceremony for all …..

The religious ceremony over, devotees walked around the Park to have lunch, have some sight-seeing, meet friends and purchase our Himalayan Academy publications at our HA Booth and Mini Mela.

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