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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha departs this evening for a four-day Fourth Dimension “4D” conference with Shanmuganathaswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha.

No, that’s not on conference on the 4th dimension of the mind (smile) “4D” is the primary software used by Saiva Siddhanta Church for all its information management that is not on the web. Their goal will be to learn about some amazing new changes and upgrades, web integration and to keep in touch with the developer community. Bodhinatha will also be visiting a near-by Hindu temple.

Sabharathanam Sivachariya’s stay at the Aadheenam is drawing to a close. For one month he has been working on translations and meeting with the monks, sharing his vast knowledge of the Saiva Agamas.

He feels very strongly that “Lord Siva has come to earth through Gurudeva to re-awaken and re-inspire and carry forward the tradition of the Saiva Agamas. I firmly believe this. Every single page of his books is a perfect reflection of the ancient scriptures in a modern form.”

In many questions and answer discussions with the monks he share much of his knowledge on the esoterics of various levels of existence, “tattvas” and temple worship. One of his teachers was a Dikshitar from Chidambaram and Sabharathnam is reservoir of knowledge on the worship of Lord Nataraja.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Sannyasin Arumugaswami completed their mission in Dallas and are now in Sacramento.

Palaniswamisent us this slide show today with an overview of the Dallas conference.


Last night’s aadheenam sunset over Mount Waialeale.

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