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Bodhinatha Visits Google

Meanwhile we will continue with reports and visuals from events that just occurred during his travels to California.

San Diego Donor Event

Oct 5th, San Diego: Bodhinatha at the satsang

Enjoying his question and answer session with the devotees.

Using the iPhone to help give a clear answer

Oct 6th Newport Beach. Our Harborside Grand Ballroom beautifully decorated for our luncheon event. These centre pieces were provided by Shailesh Trivedi who owns a flower farm in southern California.

Here he is with a box full of bouquets.

Thank you Shailesh for that wonderful contribution.

Thilaka Sunder and Sarojini Rao (right) set up Gurudeva’s photo.

Usha and Diksha Katir man the reception table.

Chellappa Deva and Banu Devi came from Arizona to see Bodhinatha.

Kamala Guhan (left) and Sheela Rahavendran set up a rudraksha stand with malas and bracelets for sale.

A beautifully decorated photo of Gurudeva. Well done!

Bodhinatha watches our team get ready.

Test run of Bodhinatha’s presentation before we begin.

Decorating Ganesha at the entrance.

About 120 people attended.

Dr. Narayana Rao from Illinois is our guest speaker.

MCing for the day.

Bodhinatha honors Dr. Rao and his wife with a shawl…

Katie and A.D Williams

And, more photos from the birthday party in northern California….

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Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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