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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Three today of a quiet phase. Saravananathaswami and Sadhaka Dandapani reported on their multi-dimensional activities in the Ekadanta Kulam.

Swami has been working with the young men who were here on taskforce before, helping them with their conversion process into Hinduism. Several of them eagerly want to return to pursue monastic life. Joe Chikiar in Chicago is now Rajan Shankara.

Sadhaka Dandapani has been busy hosting guests and working on high-tech digitized Master Course materials, turning evaluation sheets into interactive PDFs that can be checked off in your computer and then returned here via e-mail.

They both are working on plans for Bodhinatha’s travels in the months ahead.

Did you ever think that Iraivan was a new temple? Perhaps, but keep in mind that the stones are millions of years old! This photo was taken at the quarry outside of Bengalulu (the new name for the city of Bangalore) where Iraivan stones are cut from the bedrock.

In our on-going experiments with media presentation models, we hope you enjoy today’s Banyan Slideshow (click to view in a new window)

Welcome back to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius… grand preparation is actually in process for the celebration of Lord Ganesha’s Divine Birthday: Ganesha Chaturthi on the coming September 16, a public holiday in the island.

A Sivachariya is being hired to perform the ceremony which is starting at 9.00 Am to end by 5.30 PM with ‘visarjana’, the ceremonious immersion of clay Ganesha murthis into the ocean. Thousands of devotees are being expected on that day.

Lord Palani inside our main building, served for meetings and classes supervises all our Guru’s works at the Park. Recently kulapaties met to plan for activities at the Sunday Ganapati Homa and Ganesha Chaturthi.

The Holy Vel inside a quarzt crystal reminds us of our origin from the Pleiades as explained by Gurudeva in the “Lemurian Scrolls”.

With the large number of devotees increasing at each Ganapati Homa, our stewards of the Spiritual Park are now thinking and planning ahead to better serve all visitors attending so that they leave the Spiritual Park for home they are happy and uplifted…

New works around the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati Shrine… Interlocking bricks will be placed all around to maintain cleanliness over the place…

Sishya Yudananda Munian has been looking for sponsors for the bricks. These will help keep the whole place neat with the thousands of devotees walking all over to offer ‘archanas’.

Kulapaties have now developed a roster system with members and students helping to attend to all activities during Sunday Homa…everyone will lovingy attend to his/her share of seva.

This year unlike the previous years, Ganesha Chaturthi will culminate with the ‘visarjana’ ceremony, that is the immersion of clay Ganeshas into the ocean. A procession will leave the Ganesha Mandapam to reach the La Pointe Waterfront…

A view of the waterfront…

The place is clean and provides enough space to cater for a large crowd on September 16…. Lord Muruga will overseer the whole ceremony from the Pavillion on the upper grounds….

Where the river meets the sea…. and where Gurudeva had a mystic vision of Lord Ganapati!

Families are invited to make small Ganesha murthis out of clay for this visarjana occasion.

A few sishyas led by Kulapati Kulagan responsible for religious and cultural activities, who is the main coordinator for the whole event have made a site visit last Sunday to look into all aspects of the festival. One area, other than the religious ceremony is the sponsorship and serving of food on Ganesha Chaturthi. Kulapati SK Moorghen is being assigned to coordinate this part working with sponsors from devotees coming regularly to the Park.

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