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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sadhu Paksha Continues

Bodhinatha is back. Today Shanmuganathaswami shared news of their trip. He felt one of the most significant things was meeting so many wonderful people in the satsangs that were held in different homes. Getting to know and be with the Hindu community, face-to-face has so many benefits for all.

At home today the monks spent their morning cleaning as this was the monthly Ashram Sadhana day.

Yoginathaswami at the air port, departing with Senthilnathaswami for a satsang-with-devotees sojourn in Malaysia and then on to India for some key meetings for the work on Iraivan Temple, and finally, to come home on September 3rd or so, with all our silpi crew.

They left early this morning at 5 AM… and they are in transit Honolulu, Tokyo, Taipei arriving in Kuala Lumpur late tomorrow evening.

We want to thank those who have emailed or called us expressing their concern for our welfare in the face of a possible hurricane.

The good news is that Flossie has dissipated considerably and is now classed as a Tropical Storm. She is still far south of the islands and will pass beneath Kauai tonight.

There is little chance that we will be at all affected. In fact the anticipated heavy winds and much needed rain have not manifested. Perhaps we will get some tonight. But we are, and expect to remain, all safe and sound.

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