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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Happy Guru Purnima!

Today we observed the annual pada puja for our beloved Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami at the San Marga Swayambhu Sivalingam.

Today is the last day of our phase.
This edition of TAKA will remain posted
over our coming three-day retreat,
until Dvitya Tithi, Sun One, Wednesday, August 1st.

Preparations for the puja began the day before and very early this morning about 5:30 am.

Lighting the Tiki torches….

Bodhinatha paraded on a chariot just below Muruga Hill at the beginning of the Third World section of the Path of San Marga.

Arriving at the Swayambhu Lingam site.

Yogi Jivanandanatha and Sadhaka Dandapani perform the puja today.

“Transcending all mutations of form and attribute,
Surpassing all finite measure is the Guru,
An embodiment of the highest wisdom.”


“Satyam vada, dharmam cara
Svadhyayan ma pramadah,
Acaryaya priyam dhanam ahrtya.”

Speak the truth; Practise virtue.
Let there be no neglect of your daily reading.
Give unto the teacher what is pleasing to him.”

–Vedas, Taittireya Upanishad 1.11.1

“By the grace of my Teacher, subdued is my Ego.
By the grace of my Teacher, exhilarated is my self.
By the grace of my Teacher, intensified is my Love.
The grace of my Teacher betokens his veiling Power.”

–Yogaswami: Natchintanai. 186.

“By the grace of my Guru was overthrown my pride.
By the grace of my Guru, showers of grace were mine.
By the grace of my Guru, bliss infinite was mine.
By His grace myself and Guru commingled as One.”

–Yogaswami, Natchintanai. 243.

This year in we have taken all remaining 90 photos from this event and put them in a slide show, for you all to enjoy. The photos speak for themselves.


Bodhinatha In Toronto

On his visit to Toronto last week the main event was his visit to th new temple of the Swaminarayan Fellowship (BAPS)

On the second day at the new BAPS center in Toronto, Bodhinatha is given a tour through the Haveli and Temple. Here we enjoy the ornate woodwork in teak.

Up marble-cased stairways. The outside of the temple is constructed of limestone from Turkey, chosen for its ability to withstand the frigid winters and hot summers of this area.

At the entry to the temple, Paramtattvadas Swamiji, of England, describes some of the challenges they faced in the construction of this temple, which, amazingly, was accomplished in just over 18 months. Much of the work was done by BAPS volunteers.

But it’s not quite done yet. Final touches were being made here and there even after the grand opening. Here teak craftsmen from India are cutting out some pegs for joinery.

A quick glimpse at one of the ceiling panels. No two panels are alike. Work motifs never before executed anywhere were accomplished in this precious edifice.

Bodhinatha was brought to meet the spiritual head of BAPS, Swami Sri Pramukh Maharaj, in his darshan room, with some of his swamis gathered round. They expressed deep appreciation for Hinduism Today and for Hindu Press International. Swami Shri asked about Bodhinatha’s accommodations, wanting to be sure that he was comfortable and eating well.

This is the final evening, a satsang attended by 1500 devotees. Discourses were given in Gujarat, Hindi and English. Bodhinatha, the guest of honor, spoke on Gurudeva’s meetings with Swami Shri, of the similarities between BAPS and our sangam of devotees, about the fine example they are setting in standing strong as dedicated Hindus rather than hiding their Hindu roots, and the paramount importance of teaching children tolerance and respect for those of other backgrounds, faiths and traditions, as well as the centrality of ahimsa and the beliefs that give rise to this ethic of noninjury to others in thought, word and deed.

Representatives of many faiths and places of worship were present at the opening. These two Hindu priests were very happy to see Bodhinatha there and posed with him in this photo.

A final sunset view of the temple as we depart, just catching the fabulous colors.

At night the temple is lit with a kalaidescopic array of lights, constantly changing through the color spectrum, creating a dazzling impression for drivers and their passengers on the four major highways from which the spectacular structure is visible.


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