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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Sun Two today of a six day phase. Saravananathaswami shared news today.

It is time for the annual Guru Purnima rededication process. Sishya around the world were sent the rededication form by email as a PDF, they printed it out and many are filling it up with Aum Namasivaya’s and scanning it and sending it back. He is really taking a major initiative to move toward a completely digital office.

The Ekadanta Kulam has the ongoing work of handling the student body of Himalayan Academy. This involves processing Master Course worksheets. These too are being scanned and turned into digital records.

He has also been doing sorting out the vidhis (rules and guidelines) for the guru pada puja guide that sishyas use when Bodhinatha comes to their home or mission.

Sadhaka Dandapani continues work on the innersearch, settling down all the hotels and travel arrangements and flights and ground logistics at each location. Everything is worked out in advance right down to the menu detail for each meal in each location. It is a lot of work. On top of that he has the regular hosting duties of tour days and pilgrims.

Bodhinatha Arrives in Malaysia

Continuing with our retrospective series on Bodhinatha’s recent trip to Malaysia. Today we have arrival at the airport in Kuala Lumpur…

At the hotel. Bodhinatha sets up a small altar

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Task forcer Trishul Siddharth, works in the afternoon with the Siddhidata Kulam. Since he is interested in organic gardening, he is going to do a small article for Hinduism Today on this subject. These photos are for the magazine, but are very telling about the good work of our Siddhidata Kulam.

Squash and pumpkins are a challenge to grow organically in the tropics. Most squash are stung by the fruit fly. This species of pumpkins whose seeds we got from Mauritius, we call “Mauritius Pumpkin” in remembrance of its origin and our center there. It forms a very hard shell right from its youth and remain impervious to flies. We have had them grow to over 50 pounds! Trishul can barely lift this one.

Our own cabbage heads are huge!

The planting of different species of Papayas last year along with the dry weather has resulted in a record papaya production and some of them are gigantic!

This tree happens to be growing right next to the mulch dump where local tree trimmers come and unload their truckloads of woodchips, palm tree and shrubbery trimmings. So its a very happy well fed tree.

Picking your own, pesticide-free, chemical-free is very satisfying! Of course, we avoid so many health problems that come along with a diet of poison laden vegetables.

After a dry spell that was much needed to complete the new septic systems, which would have been hard to install if we had our normal rainfall, the rains are returning. Along with them the distant and ever amazing rainbows.

Today Guests

Bishop Dean Zenei Okimura of the Koyasan Shingon Mission on Oahu arrived with thirty-five Junior and Senior High School Buddhist students and their teachers from their religious class.

Very quiet and orderly some of them are already being trained to be monks. They came today to worship Nada Budake or the “healing deva” which is being housed temporarily near Lord Ganesha’s shrine in the Kadavul Siva Temple for the Lawai Shingon temple, which is being rebuilt on the south side of Kauai.

It was tour day today… Sadhaka Dandapani focuses on the silpis above as he takes the group around Iraivan Temple.

Working on the bases of pillars in preparation for the future floor stones.

Chellaiaya leveling to the tops of pillars.

Today’s tours were a bit smaller than usual… about 40 people in the first group at 9 am and 60 for the second at 11 am.

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