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Bodhinatha in Singapore

Sadhaka Tejadeva is sorting out the photos from the intense six-day journey he had with Bodhinatha. We will share the events over time. We begin with Bodhinatha’s first day in Singapore. Here he is at the conference room for a morning satsang with members.

Breakfast is served…

Little Easan, Sivakumar’s son is enjoying himself.

Questions and answers afterward

Singapore members give Bodhinatha a small gift.

A small beautiful peacock

Our wonderful family of Singapore devotees who are always in a great spot to host Bodhinatha and the monks every time they travel to Asia and have to transit thru this remarkable city hub of the Orient.

The evening seminar and presentation at the Sri Senpaga Vinayagar temple of Singapore, where Gurudeva and the monks have been going for many years.

The event was well attended.

The temple oduvar opens the event by singing Natchintanai from our new Natchintani booklet which he just received the day before.

Bodhinatha beings his Keynote presentation on What Is Hinduism

Mr. Muthu did an excellent job translating Bodhinatha’s presentation into Tamil.

One of the presentors gives Bodhinatha a special picture

These are images of our monks in Sri Lanka, from 1982. It is Palaniswami and Muruganathswami. This temple is closely connected to the Yogaswami Guru Parampara…

The queue begins for vibhuti blessings and book signing…

What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Todays guests arrived from three different continents.
(L/R) Sonia de Mello and Pedro Vicente are from Uruguay, South America and are here visiting Lilian de Mello, Sonia’s sister, who has lived on Kauai for 19 yrs.

Chidambaram and Dhanalakshmi pilgrimaged here from Chennai, S. India on a friend’s strong recommendation. Pavithra Arunachalam (age 10 yrs) is from New Jersey. Udaya Tata from Atlanta, GA, and K. Peeta also from Chennai, S. India.

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