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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is having a full day in California… we should have some photos tomorrow.

Meanwhile Paramacharya Palaniswami has four more slide shows for us. Two more from the final days in Delhi and two from Shanghai. Today’s show takes us back to New Delhi.


Today’s Guests

Three joyful families visiting from Mililani, Oahu; one has visited this temple several times in the past. The other two families (right) are Ramesh and Latha Chintada and Thanosh (3) and Heshanth (8). Also Chelliah and Subathra Jeya. Both Ramesh and Chelliah are computer engineers working for the same Corp.

All three families participated in the morning puja followed by a tour of the Iraivan Temple.

Vellaiasamy and Manikandan have been very busy preparing the concrete surface just inside the main entrance for the bases of the last two pillars honoring the Founder, Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, “Gurudeva.”

These are the first two pillars that pilgrims will see as they enter the Iraivan Temple; One in sanskrit and the other in Tamil, “Aum Namasivaya.”

A final photo in front of Lord Ganesha at the main entrance to the Kadavul Siva Temple. Ramesh and Latha and their two sons, and Chelliah and Subathra.

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