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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Here is Bodhinatha giving an inspired talk on awareness and observation, a bhasya on sections of Merging with Siva. It was a marvelous upadesha coming to you soon.

Today being Sun Three, the Ekadanta Kulam shared news.

Saravanathaswami has been involved with the planning of the May retreat teaching and details. Bodhinatha will leave for California to conduct the program in five days.

Task forcers Tandava and Nandi who returned home two months ago are serious about monastic life and he has been communicating with them about taking their first step which is to sign their Aspirant Vows.

Sadhaka Dandapani has been busy preparing the study guide for the May retreat, hosting on tour days and the ever present stream of Innersearch coordination tasks.

Today was tour day. We had two large groups and a surprising number of Hindus coming today.

After the first tour, visitors line up to get Bodhinatha’s autograph on their books.

A number of the Hindu guests came forward, not for autographs, but for darshan and blessings from the Satguru. Bodhinatha gave them vibhuti…

Copies of What is Hinduism. If you are not familiar with it click here for more information.

Pocket book editions of the Trilogy are also a big favorite.

Guests marveling at Iraivan’s pillars

A short series from yesterday’s homa followed by another movie and slide show from our mission team, showing the final days of their stay in Mauritius.



If you have difficulty seeing the video in the frame on this page click this link to open the movie in a new window.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha — Last Day in M

It’s the last day of Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha’s visit to Mauritius. Most of the members met at the residence of Brahmachari Vel Mahalingum at Mahebourg, in the south, which is just few minutes drive to the SR International Airport. The residence of Brahmachari Vel overlooks the shore a few metres away…

Paramacharya Palaniswami is ready to leave and has a few words for the members gathered around him…

Palaniswami talked about Gurudeva he met long ago, and how Gurudeva always emphasized on consistency in spiritual efforts…

Sivathondu and Sivadhyana are the two things the sishyas are to do as their priority. Every sishya has to do an activity where he/she excels most for four hours per week as a seva to the Guru. Paramacharya Palaniswami talked about one lady MC student in Mauritius who is helping to upload Gurudeva’s teachings on Wikipedia…

The group sang a few Natchintanai in between the talks ….

Paramacharya Palaniswami talked about Shum and taught everyone the shum word ” Behaishum” meaning “Good morning!” Gurudeva used to greet everyone with Behaishum every morning. Paramacharya Palaniswami explained that this shum concept encompassed more than just a greeting. It was a state of mind expressing good feelings and contentment about oneself and for others. Sishyas were invited to learn and apply this new shum concept in their daily life..

Brahmachari Vel offered a gift to Paramacharya Palaniswami…. some chocolate that swami will later lovingly distribute to the children present.

After the talk everyone came forward for darshan…

Meanwhile in the kitchen tea and sweets are being served to the guests….

Kulamata Koothan and her sister Sarada giving a helping hand….

An opportunity for book signing …….

Our sishyas are having a nice time together….

Kulamata Selvon Mardemootoo and Kulamata Moorghen …..

Tirthadeva and his nephew…..

Kulapati and Kulamata Mougam Periatumbee……..

Now time for the airport…. Goodbye Mauritius!

Everyone greets Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi and wishes them a nice trip to Mumbai…

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