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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Today Bodhinatha gave the State of the Church Address which he will be giving each year at the New Year time based on the Hindu calendar. This sound file and transcript will be coming to you shortly.

Morning homa was performed. This is the first fire ceremony in the newly built altar. On the top you can see the shiney new copper insert.

Bodhinatha gives his talk and also an introduction to the new Shum Mamsani booklet.

Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha Depart on Mission

The other big news is the beginning of a month-long mission by Paramacharya Palaniswami and Yogi Jivanandanatha. The centerpiece of the journey is a ten-day stay in Mauritius. This is the first time Paramacharya has ever been to Mauritius. He very much looks forward to stepping foot on our beautiful center there.

Their first stop on the journey in New Delhi, where they will spend a few days, then on to Bangalore, then Chennai, next Mauritius, then back to Mumbai and Delhi, on to Shanghai and Hong Kong and back home around May 26th or so! More news as the journey unfolds. They will be “wired all the way” with high-speed internet connections

For now the first leg is the rugged, long haul of travel across the globe with a stop over in Taipei, arriving in the wee hours of the morning in New Delhi on the 21st.

Our two TAKA photographers have some fun…

Becky Jesse of Reno, mother of Chandran, is on Kauai for a few days to visit with Chandran and see the marvelous monastery that he has been telling her about during his stay as a resident guest on Task Force.

We are happy to say that the work on the new septic system in front of the Pillaiyar Kulam information office came to completion today. What a great job this team did!

This is Pradeep Chand, owner of Hawaii Pacific Trenchless . Originally from Fiji, he has been living on Kauai for several decades. We recommend his small company wholeheartedly.

Pradeep is hands-on, works shoulder-to-shoulder with his men and treats his customers well. We deeply appreciate his attention to the landscape. He left the work site in immaculate condition. Here he is spreading new lawn grass seed as an added touch. He also does earth works.

Juni, one of Pradeep’s right hand men.

Kulapati Vel Alahan from Colorado is here with his wife Valli for a spiritual retreat.

Mauritius North Shore Mission

A quick shot from our Mauritius North Shore Mission

Tiru Vishwanaden Moorooven, Tirumati Lomavadee Moorooven and their little girl Vennila. Moorooven and Lomavadee have been sishyas with our Paramapara from the time they were teenagers, before the got married, over twenty years or so.

We especially thank Moorooven for the thousands of hours of selfless service and work he has put into our center in Mauritius!

Roving Aadheenam Camera

The following are the shots from the wondering eye of the new Nikon…

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