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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha read from the introduction of Merging with Siva on Nine Ways to Merge with Siva and then gave a spontaneous talk on the subject. The audio and transcript coming to you very soon!

Sun One begins a new phase with Yogi Jivanandanatha performing the rites today.

Shama Kumara hosted some guests over our retreat.

This is Kathirgamanathan and his wife, Sarathadevi are from Newfoundland, Canada where they and another couple are the only Saivite Hindus residing there.

They came on a pilgrimage to Kauai on the urging of Sarathadevi’s sister. Following the abhishekam in the Kadavul Siva Temple, they began their pilgrimage down San Marga – the Straight Path to God. First to Lord Ganesha’s Shrine.

. . . on to Muruga Hill where Muruga’s Vel of Grace stands symbolizing the removal of ignorance and darkness from the mind . . .

. . . and on down San Marga to . . .

to Lord Ganesha . . .

. . . and Kartikeya who guard the entrance to the sacred Swayambhu Lingam where Gurudeva had a threefold vision of God Siva.

Dakshinamurthy the South-facing aspect of God Siva, and also the Silent Guru. Kathirgamanathan and Sarathadevi place Bilva leaves on the raised foot of the deity.

In front of the Tara pillars and sanctum of the Iraivan Temple.

Later, down to the sacred Wailua river to bathe the feet and sprinkle the sacred water on the head.

Over the the lotus ponds to bathe the Narmada Lingam with fresh mountain rain water and milk.

. . . and finally to the sacred Rudraksha forest where it is perfectly appropriate to hug a tree.

A lovely sunny Sunday morning which began with a
Sun One 6 a.m. homam followed by a 7:30 puja to Lord Muruga and a 9 a.m. abhishekam to Lord Siva.

This was followed by a small joyful group of visitors from all over the world touring the Iraivan Temple and grounds.

The current status of Iraivan…

Views of Mount Waialeale’s evening pre-sunset light show.

We received some more koi fish. Read about it in our slide show below.


Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

Enrolled students of the Himalayan Academy studying the Master Course by correspondence meet every month for what is called Bodhinatha’s MC Students Gathering to review their studies, study further lessons from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s Talks and learn the basics of meditation. This month our group met at Port Louis at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sailesh Jaddoo.

The Lesson was on Part Six of Bodhinatha’s Talk: Yamas and Niyamas In-depth. Here is an introduction:
“Have you ever tried to explain to another what the purpose of our Hindu practices was? Perhaps as a parent your child asked you why are Hindus vegetarian, or what is the purpose of going to the temple, or why do we meditate?

Of course we can choose to give a philosophical answer such as to resolve our karma, realize God and be liberated from reincarnation. This, of course, is a technically perfect answer however it is so abstract it doesn’t give the child a clue as to how in Hinduism we are expected to behave. Therefore, a simpler answer would be a more useful one…….”

” Now and then we speak to groups of non-Hindus at our monastery in Hawaii and introduce them to Hinduism. I have found the following to be an effective approach for explaining the essence of Hinduism in a uncomplicated way without using any technical terms.

It is a simple answer that focuses on behavior

Hinduism teaches us how to:

Become a better person

Improve our behavior

Live as spiritual beings on this Earth.

“My guru wrote at length on each of the twenty yamas and niyamas as he felt their practice and mastery was essential to deeper spiritual progress. We collected his writings on this topic and published it as a separate book entitled Yoga’s Forgotten Foundation: Twenty Keys to Your Divine Destiny to provide broader distribution of these concepts. The book can be purchased in Canada from Canada and also from Banyen Books in Vancouver.

I found the following review of the book on their website and thought you would enjoy hearing it:

A strong read for serious yoga practitioners, meditators and anyone deeply involved with transformative spiritual life, Yoga’s Forgotten Foundation delves into the integrated approach to yoga as taught by the great masters of India. It is a cogent reminder to those who want to start at the end of the spiritual path that there is an essential beginning, the neglect of which portends failure and disappointment. With full-color Indian art, it explores the traditional foundation of yoga, twenty little-known guidelines on personal ethics, self-control and religious practice, called the yamas and niyamas.”

Time for a tea break. The Seminar is to last three to four hours. Everyone gathers on the terrace…

From left, Vandana, Roshan, Ramsamy, Poobarlene….

From left, Sailesh, Nuckiren, Ananda and Kirtideva

Saminaden and Mahadeven.

At the end of the seminar lunch was served by the Jaddoo family…

Students come forward to give a helping

In view of the visit of Kulapati Deva Seyon and his family, Mauritius kulapaties and kulamatas were invited at a dinner at Cap Malheureux.

Kulapati Sivakumaren and Kulamata Kavita hosted the event….

The ladies having some nice talk… a lot to share about Kauai and Mauritius….

Our kulapatis having some talked in a relaxed festive mood…

The children Saivite Hindu Religion class at the Spiritual Park this week was on Lesson 2 Book V “What is Hinduism?”

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