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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha is continuing his work in shum, daily editing the definitions for the “Mamsane” which are 12 meditations that are performed each month throughout the year.

Today the Pillaiyar Kulam gave their news. Talaivar Shanmuganathaswami has been very busy with preparations for the arrival of copies of “What is Hinduism”. Sadhaka Jothinatha shared news of interest in the coming Innersearch. Three more applications have arrived. Muruganathaswami gave news on his continuing efforts to contact reviewers about the new book “What Is Hinduism,” and said that sales were already “brisk” on the web store.. Get your copy today!
Yogi Jivanandanatha has been working as usual on accounting matters, Dharmaraj has been active shipping books here and there, answering phone calls and working on Hinduism Today Subscriptions. Task forcer Tandava is helping also prepare our ware house storage area for the coming arrival of a huge stock of books.

It was tour day today…

The weather changes so rapidly in Hawaii. One day can be balmy, humid and still. But during winter, the next day it can be cold and windy.

Here is Chellaiya, one of our very creative Shilpis, showing how he feels about Hawaii winter – “its cold!”

Temperature dropped below 60 degree Fahrenheit last night. It rarely drops below 55 here on Kauai. But if you are used to the tropics and have no central heating and no socks, that’s cold!

A group of visitors attentively watching the shilpis at work.

Rajendran patiently demonstrates the ancient art of stone-carving.

“Now what was I supposed to do?” . . .

. . . .”oh yes, now I remember, hit it at an angle!”

The early morning visitors pose with Chellaiya
and in the foreground is the Tara pillar he is about to place on its base.

This fluted pillar is handcarved out of black granite which is very difficult to carve since it shards off and can cut the Shilpi as he chips away at it.

It also has a metallic sound when it is struck which is totally different from the white granite.

In front of Dakshinamurthy…

The amazing stone chain handcarved out of blue/black granite, (on the left, photos show the process it took to do so).

Second morning group of visitors in front of the Yallis.
we have nearly 150 visitors today!

Keya Keita (right) with her mother Elizabeth Gill Lui beside an exquisitely handcarved image of Lord Ganesha made from one piece of wood.

Keya is the Lifestyle Editor and Film-maker for the local Garden Island Newspaper. She is here celebrating her mother’s birthday and enjoying the sacredness of the Kadavul Siva Temple. She would like to do an article on our silpis.

Meanwhile the ever busy crab spider awaits you:

Our Spiritual Park and Monastery on the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean

The February 2007 Ganesha Homa held on the 4th was attended by some 2000 devotees from all parts of the island of Mauritius….a very important meeting with Lord Pancha Mukha Ganapati looked forward to by devotees on the first Sunday of every month.

Devotees calmly seated inside the Mandapam while preparations are going on for the ceremony….

…..Usually devotees bring home made garlands and sweets for Ganesha…

Singers lead devotional songs that are repeated in chorus by all those present…

A special guest from the other side of the African continent is here to preside
over the ceremony. Kulapati Deva Seyon from the island of Kauai, a long time
disciple of Gurudeva, is honoring everyone by his presence. He will be taking
care to send the hundreds of written prayers into the Homa fire to be received
by beings of the inner worlds…

Kulamata Seyon is not far away….

When prayers are being burnt everyone joins in to chant the sacred mantra while
bells are being rung…

All through the ceremony devotees keep coming with offerings… Everything
lovingly offered is placed at the Feet of the deity…

Testimony time! Kulapati Deva Seyon talked about how once the Hawaiians burnt
prayers during a long hard drought that severely hit the island. There was a
monthly homa at Kauai Aadheenam and prayers were burnt asking for help from the
inner worlds. He said how Gurudeva carried an umbrella during the ceremony when
there was no rain! But later that evening their prayers were answered. There
was a sudden downpour and it lasted for three months… the crops were saved!

This is a Kovila, a young lady from the north who won an important prize at a
national Tamil song competition in Mauritius. He gave a testimony about how she
prayed Lord Ganesha for help to make her a good singer. Kovila attends all the
Ganesha Homas at the Park.

After the testimonies, Kulapati Manon Mardemootoo gave a talk based on one of
Satguru Bodhinatha’s Upadesha in Hinduism Today. The talk emphasized on the
basics of Hinduism.

After the Talk, with everyone inspired everyone stands up for he final arati.

Paramasiven handling archanas at the small Pancha Mukha Ganapati shrine.

From the right, Siven , Kavinian and Valaytan….. always there to help when
ever needed.

Devotees worshipping at the other shrines on the property. Here they are at the
Siva Dakshinamurthi…

Devotees queueing up at one of he food stations….

Some of our Church sishyas having a walk in the property….

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