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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

Bodhinatha has recently been putting in many, many hours of work on the Shum language, picking up where Gurudeva left off years ago, to make that this powerful legacy of inner teachings are codified and brought into use again as Gurudeva intended. Gurudeva made many major changes and decisions for the language during his last years, and now it is Bodhinatha’s task to take all those instructions and bring the language forward.

At the Sun One Homa we had Gurudeva’s stone padukas as the presiding deity.

In remembrance of our beloved Gurudeva, Paramacharya Palaniswami prepared this slide show of a wonderful birthday party we had for Gurudeva for his 72nd birthday.


Today Bodhinatha read an introduction to the Shum language as his Sun One discourse on this Gurudeva Jayanthi day.

Our new Sadhaka Satyanatha who entered the monastic order officially on Ardra Puja day on the retreat (more about that tomorrow) received his earrings at the homa this morning.

A close up of the earring of the Sadhaka…

Sadhaka Satyanatha is our current visitor tour guide and today’s tour was documented by our resident guest Ahilan Arulanandan who followed the tour with camera from beginning to end and later wrote the captions. See the slideshow that follows.


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