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What Happened Today at the Monastery?

We begin a new phase today… with a wonderful Sun One Homa. Bodhinatha read a discourse he had written on the four philosophic perspectives of the Shum language and then gave marvelous spontaneous “bhashya” on his own talk… watch for it in the days ahead.

It was the first feeding for, Adiyan, the new boy in the Sendan family.

His grand father Aran and brother Chidambaram are present for the ceremony. His father Nathan had to stay on the mainland to take care of business.

His mother Miravadi said that he just developed his first two teeth a few days ago–just in time for his first feeding.

The pledge for the ceremony is signed by grandpa and mom.

Bodhinatha signs the certificate.

Lakshmi Kanthareddy praying before the homa….

Bodhinatha gave a marvelous take about how to look at solutions to problems from the four different Shum perspectives.

He used the example of someone who is emotionally depressed. One way is to go to the temple and let God and Gods take care of the problem from with inner space.

Our monastic pilgrims in India send us this update…

Mr and Mrs. Shekar, long-time friend and supporters are here with their daughter and son. A short visit in the publications building with Paramacharya Palaniswami.

Sivakatirswami invites the kids in one afternoon to assist with the daily TAKA. Here he asks them to help him with the daily photo selection process, which photos we should use and which ones we should throw away.

Aarti, seven-years old was delighted to help saying “No, that’s one is no good, it’s crooked… yes, use that one!”

Swami was quite surprised how discriminating they were. Every time he deleted one that Aarti thought was no good, she would jump up and down and laugh with delight. Later she wrote some captions.

Chidambaram is more interested in that monk behind the camera taking his picture. Meanwhile 5-year old Mayuresh is very engaged in the picture selection process. A precious energetic and very articulate little boy, he would suddenly make these authoritative pronouncements: “Everyone should agree if we are having an agreement!”

We had another tour day today and Iraivan was looking great.

Guest try their hand at chipping…

“Well, I’ll give a try anyway.”

“It looks so easy, here let me try.”

Two little helpers sorting the shilpi’s tools.

almost done. . .

Another inspired little helper.

We had 60 people in the first group at 9 am… The rain did not deter them at all…

Eighty more braved the elements to visit the Aadheenam at 11 am and see the wonderful creation and architecture of this truly great Chola style Agamic Hindu temple, Lord Siva’s Iraivan temple.

Another record day of visitors.

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